2 for this years list


Very Active Member
I have 2 bucks so far that I hope stick around & hope to put eyes on this fall. Pretty cool knowing they still have time to add a few more inches. Both are solid deer for the area I hunt in MS. The 1st deer definitely has the same bloodline of the deer I got last year. The 2nd buck managed to avoid me last year. I probably have 20 other pictures of him from last year. It’s cool to see he’s alive & well
Punch some holes in 'em 3Toe!
We’ll see… I will miss the rut action this year. I won’t get to hunt until the week of Christmas. That isn’t all bad though, historically I start seeing new bucks trolling the area later in the season.
One of my target deer managed to avoid 6 cameras on a 40 acre lot for almost a month.
While visiting last week, I went down there to clean up shooting lanes & check on my stands. Just minutes before I got there, he walked by a camera. I wish the pics were better, but he’s looking good.

Kool! When does your season open? Mine opens Sept 28th. For some reason, I thought you were in Mississippi, but your profile says Las Vegas. Those pics look more MS than LV to me. :)

Not getting pics of my #1 on the small farm I hunt. But, I'm occasionally getting his amigos.

Gonna check my cameras on the big block of public land Thursday. 🤞
I live in Las Vegas, but I’m from Mississippi. I go back every year for Thanksgiving or Christmas. This year it will be Christmas week, so I will only get 4 or 5 days to hunt.

Good luck with your hunting & hopefully your #1 will show himself soon on camera.

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