Sometimes life gives you Lemons


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Let’s not forget about the innocent victims in Wades poaching after math, the anguish must be unfathomable, hopefully their able to gather the pieces and move on with their lives.



Im glad he finally got more than just a slap. There should be more than just a one year ban on federal land, jerk his forest permits too. When will the state case start?
His prison sentence is a slap. Hatch isn’t allowed to be in a hunting camp for years. Why is Wade not treated the same. Is the Lacey act not the Lacey act both offenders are guilty of it. Hatch and Hamberlain didn’t surround the mule deer with dogs or temporary fencing so why is his Lacey act violation more severe. I think multiple years not in a hunting camp is harder on an outfitter than a tiny prison sentence and small piece of restitution. What it boils down to is at least Ryan Hatch had the balls to tell the DNR how piss poor they manage mule deer. While Wade played their game of let’s sell the kings deer, cats, bears, and elk at auction and I’ll bring the sniper, dogs and chopper.
Do you think the federal court judge looked up Ryan Hatch and his record and compared them and gave Lemon a lighter sentence? The two have nothing tangible between them and the judge has no idea who Hatch is.
Do you think the federal court judge looked up Ryan Hatch and his record and compared them and gave Lemon a lighter sentence? The two have nothing tangible between them and the judge has no idea who Hatch is.
Do you not think a federal judge looked at a deer killed with a strip tag on the pauns with a high profile client? I’ll bet the client lemon had is worth far more than Hamberlain. But in my opinion neither client should be hammered only the outfitter that pushes to commit the crime. I’ll bet Heaton get’s off with 2 months community service being on the inside. I’ll bet he’s got some skeletons in the DNR closet that they wouldn’t want to have light shined on. Bottom line; Hatch, Lemon and Heaton are all cheating bastards on their methods of take with clients. All 3 should never hunt again because they are repeat offenders of multiple hunting violations with paying clients. Heaton will lose his upland game privileges and no fishing license for 6 months at best.
If only there was a state agency that is in charge of professional licensing that did anything.

Having watched contractors never gave licensing challenges for decades despite their illegality, I'm not holding my breath.

Luckily though, Utah doesn't have a commercial hunting problem
That may be so, but doesn't this kinda stain him a little bit in your eyes? Not being a smart-ass or anything. Just want to know because of your response.

I find it very difficult to "stain" someone I know with a news article and some internet posts from people that at best I don't know and at worst I don't respect.

I find it very difficult to "stain" someone I know with a news article and some internet posts from people that at best I don't know and at worst I don't respect.
I tried asking you a legit question and you know damn well I didn't ask you to "stain" him. Dude got convicted.

Nonetheless, with that answer, I know where this is going. I'll just save my time and move on.
I tried asking you a legit question and you know damn well I didn't ask you to "stain" him. Dude got convicted.

Nonetheless, with that answer, I know where this is going. I'll just save my time and move on.

You asked a legit question. I gave you a very straight and legit answer. I am unsure why this upsets you.
My question is why people keep hunting with outfits who have bad reputations, or worse, convictions for wildlife violations..? Maybe something like this will finally get their operation blacklisted.??
My question is why people keep hunting with outfits who have bad reputations, or worse, convictions for wildlife violations..? Maybe something like this will finally get their operation blacklisted.??
Surprising number of people don't know. Even more surprising number do not care as long as the price is right, trophy is big enough and they can get it done as quickly as possible.

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