Trump was shot

Oneye ??


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Oneye. Let's start some fact questioning.
No more or less. Just yes or no's.

1. Do you agree that with all the physical evidence provided that the left stole the last election with fraud?
There is no substantial physical evidence, and no the last election was clearly a free and fair election and also one of the most litigated and investigated elections of all time. With all those cases and litigation you know how many of those claims of the election results were found to be valid? None. 2020 was quite literally one of the most heavily looked in and scrutinized elections of all time and there was not evidence of any major issues.
2. Do you think good policies, making America first. Boosting the economy etc ought weighs mean words?
Yes, but see that’s where we disagree, is what is the good policies you’re talking about. The economy again today literally just broke record in all the major markets, the DOW is approaching 10,000 points higher than it was during the last Administration. As for “America First” if you’re specifically pointing to that term, I can both see that there’s some historical context of the phrasing and also think we can all think critically and am fine with the phrase yes.
3. What do you think should happen to these radical democrats that are on air caught saying trump should die, etc???
Who? Give me examples and I’ll respond to them specifically, but you’re going to have to show me them.
Don't you think they should be arrested for inciting an assassination??? Just like apparently trump incited a riot????? Or does only his **** stink?
Show me what you’re referring to.
There is no substantial physical evidence, and no the last election was clearly a free and fair election and also one of the most litigated and investigated elections of all time. With all those cases and litigation you know how many of those claims of the election results were found to be valid? None. 2020 was quite literally one of the most heavily looked in and scrutinized elections of all time and there was not evidence of any major issues.

Yes, but see that’s where we disagree, is what is the good policies you’re talking about. The economy again today literally just broke record in all the major markets, the DOW is approaching 10,000 points higher than it was during the last Administration. As for “America First” if you’re specifically pointing to that term, I can both see that there’s some historical context of the phrasing and also think we can all think critically and am fine with the phrase yes.

Who? Give me examples and I’ll respond to them specifically, but you’re going to have to show me them.

Show me what you’re referring to.
Post that pic👍👍
Nah. Direct messages are for that, direct messaging.
Sweety. Words aren't violence. Burning down cities is violence. Bullets flying is violence.
Hitting Paul Pelosi in the head is violence. Also, then stop blaming the left or anyone else, and certainly media for things. If words mean nothing, then stop trying to blame other people. I agree, the individual here who grew up in a Trump household is to blame for his atrocious and disgusting act. Friends of the dude have said he was bullied, his dad was an avid Trump supporter, he was, registered Republican, and friends from his high school have said they would have pegged him as very conservative.
You reading words isn't violence.
True, but you wanted to physically fight on more than one occasion.
What's the matter, you kicked enough Mormons, Conservatives, Lyman voters, etc and now your crying to the principal?
I’m not crying at all. Lyman did run a disgusting campaign based of gross rhetoric and horrendous lies. The Mormon church also has a horrible history with racism. I’m not backing up on any of that. It’s true.
Could you not be such a stereotype?

No safe spaces in here. You run your mouth, then don't cry
Saying I can be more respectful in my approach, doesn’t seem to me like a stereotype.
I legit don't have the energy to argue with this level of sstupidity. Look at jack blacks dumb friend who on stage said "I wish trumps shooter wouldn't miss". Google, "people saying trump needs killed" and fking tell me what you find.
I legit don't have the energy to argue with this level of sstupidity. Look at jack blacks dumb friend who on stage said "I wish trumps shooter wouldn't miss". Google, "people saying trump needs killed" and fking tell me what you find.
I think I acknowledged there are unhinged people, now search the same phrase with Biden in it. Oh wait a Utah County man was raided by the FBI in the last year for the exact same thing right?

Also, do words mean something or don’t they? I mean yes, what whoever Jack Blacks friend said is disgusting assuming it’s true, and terrible. I’m not sure you have the high ground you think you do here because there’s certainly right wing nut jobs out there with the same thoughts about Biden and others. Again, I recall one going to Pelosi’s home.
Can we add weirdo to the explanation of you?
When we add coward and loser to yours. Am I wierd because I care about my country? Believe in free speak and right to bare arms? No killing of your political rivals? Apple pie and fried chicken?
That all men are created equal? When your born a man you can't change to a woman and have a baby. Men should not play women's sports? Legal emigration? Closed borders? Get a job and pay your own way? Hilary Clinton kills people?
Michelle Obama was born a man and was named big Mike?
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I think I acknowledged there are unhinged people, now search the same phrase with Biden in it. Oh wait a Utah County man was raided by the FBI in the last year for the exact same thing right?

Also, do words mean something or don’t they? I mean yes, what whoever Jack Blacks friend said is disgusting assuming it’s true, and terrible. I’m not sure you have the high ground you think you do here because there’s certainly right wing nut jobs out there with the same thoughts about Biden and others. Again, I recall one going to Pelosi’s home.
Biden himself said trump needs put in the cross hairs, next ya know he's almost getting assassinated. Trumps never said "go and kill so and so". He said take action and go Storm your capital and tell them what you think, and get got charged with inciting a riot. So shouldn't Biden comment be inciting assassination? This is your hiccup. You won't hold the left accountable for inciting but you will hold trump for ever single word he says
I think I acknowledged there are unhinged people, now search the same phrase with Biden in it. Oh wait a Utah County man was raided by the FBI in the last year for the exact same thing right?

Also, do words mean something or don’t they? I mean yes, what whoever Jack Blacks friend said is disgusting assuming it’s true, and terrible. I’m not sure you have the high ground you think you do here because there’s certainly right wing nut jobs out there with the same thoughts about Biden and others. Again, I recall one going to Pelosi’s home.

First "raided" means shot in his chair now I guess.


There is no one calling Biden Hitler. No one saying he's a Russian agent. No one saying he's the greatest threat to "our democracy"

And that's just mainstream news, and Dem politicians.

You don't get to whatabout it.

Pointing out Bidens obvious decline, or his obvious corruption isnt anywhere near the same
Try being a man for once? why are you on a hunting website and only talk politics? . Take your **** elsewhere.
My God, grow up you PATHETIC loser.

When we add coward and loser to yours. Am I wierd because I care about my country?
You don't. You hate everything your country stands for and call it love.
Believe in free speak and right to bare arms? No killing of your political rivals? Apple pie and fried chicken?
Free speak?
That all men are created equal? When your born a man you can't change to a woman and have a baby. Men should not play women's sports? Legal emigration? Closed borders? Get a job and pay your own way? Hilary Clinton kills people?
Michelle Obama was born a man and was named big Mike?
Yawn child.
Biden himself said trump needs put in the cross hairs,
And also said that was a bad choice of words. And it 100% was.
next ya know he's almost getting assassinated. Trumps never said "go and kill so and so". He said take action and go Storm your capital and tell them what you think, and get got charged with inciting a riot. So shouldn't Biden comment be inciting assassination? This is your hiccup. You won't hold the left accountable for inciting but you will hold trump for ever single word he says
Trump has literally told rally goers to beat the hell out of protestors at his rallies.
First "raided" means shot in his chair now I guess.


There is no one calling Biden Hitler. No one saying he's a Russian agent. No one saying he's the greatest threat to "our democracy"
Actually Trump just tweeted that he was a threat to democracy just yesterday and has said it several times.
And that's just mainstream news, and Dem politicians.

You don't get to whatabout it.

Pointing out Bidens obvious decline, or his obvious corruption isnt anywhere near the same
Well, Biden's decline became a problem, and Harris will be the candidate. I guess Joe did what was right for his country and stepped aside, something Trump would never do.
Actually Trump just tweeted that he was a threat to democracy just yesterday and has said it several times.

Well, Biden's decline became a problem, and Harris will be the candidate. I guess Joe did what was right for his country and stepped aside, Ya, He FUKKED It Up So Bad Nobody Can Fix It & You Claim He Did The Right Things?
Actually Trump just tweeted that he was a threat to democracy just yesterday and has said it several times.

Well, Biden's decline became a problem, and Harris will be the candidate. I guess Joe did what was right for his country and stepped aside, something Trump would never do.

Why would Trump step aside. He won his parties primary.

So did Joe. How is Pelosi forcing him out "good for the country"? Or even good for the libs? 14 million voters just got shafted.

Makes a guy wonder doesn't it.

When they shafted Sanders, Bernie became one of the millionaires he'd raged about.

Joe already was one. What did it cost?

I guess we will see when hunters tax trial starts in Nancies neighborhood.
Actually Trump just tweeted that he was a threat to democracy just yesterday and has said it several times.

Well, Biden's decline became a problem, and Harris will be the candidate. I guess Joe did what was right for his country and stepped aside, something Trump would never do.
Now that is some stupid shizz. He stepped aside because he was told aggressively to do it. He didn't do it for his country. FFS...
Sleepy Joe stepped aside due to enough Democrats in Congress threaten to Chapter 25 him and remove him from office. He choose the lessor evil that will allow him to serve out the few months of his term. Any bets he outright lied about not pardoning his crack head son? Just another lie on his part.
Totally organic coup and $81 million Kamala dollars just magically appeared in a few hours
Yeah, and she has another 96 million from Biden it seems:

By the numbers: Over 888,000 grassroots donors contributed in those 24 hours, her campaign said.

  • 60% of those donors made their first contribution of the 2024 cycle.
  • 43,000 people committed as new recurring donors — over half of whom will be making weekly donations.
What they're saying: "Already, we are seeing a broad and diverse coalition come together to support our critical work of talking to the voters that will decide this election," said Kevin Munoz, a campaign spokesperson.

  • "There is a groundswell behind Kamala Harris."
The big picture: Biden's nearly $96 million campaign fund was transferred to Harris on Sunday
Proves you aren't the only commie moron out there buzz....
You worried about something? You sound worried lashing out like that.

I'm not. Hoping for 4 years of big stock market gains under trump. He'll cut interest rates and the bulls will be out in force for 4 years. Only reason he has my vote.

Perfect timing for my retirement window.

If Harris wins, it will be less bullish, but I'll still do very well.

They took out the duly elected Potus because they knew he couldn't win... that's a coup no matter how you slice it. But you're all for democracy right Bzzz? Gotta get another dumb puppet installed they can control... for democracy of course. You should read this article, it ain't from faux.
View attachment 151915
No, I'm all in for the $$$, just like trump, Harris, Pelosi, Vance, etc. etc. etc.

Democracy died with the current Supreme court ruling on Presidential immunity. This latest move isn't even coming close to testing the "outer limits" of Presidential immunity.

Frankly, I couldn't give a chit unless it costs me money. If it makes me more money, I say go for it.
You worried about something? You sound worried lashing out like that.

I'm not. Hoping for 4 years of big stock market gains under trump. He'll cut interest rates and the bulls will be out in force for 4 years. Only reason he has my vote.

Perfect timing for my retirement window.

If Harris wins, it will be less bullish, but I'll still do very well.

Win-win. are the guy that has no Idea the definition of capitalist.....

You embed yourself in a well paying government job that over pays you if you perform or not...or even show are certainly smart enough to figure out how to exploit the profits of the stock market actually generated by capitalists that actually take risks......

You take no risk, you are just smart enough to ride the coat tails of successful risk takers....

You are the definition of a have produced nothing in your life......
Yeah, and she has another 96 million from Biden it seems:

By the numbers: Over 888,000 grassroots donors contributed in those 24 hours, her campaign said.

  • 60% of those donors made their first contribution of the 2024 cycle.
  • 43,000 people committed as new recurring donors — over half of whom will be making weekly donations.
What they're saying: "Already, we are seeing a broad and diverse coalition come together to support our critical work of talking to the voters that will decide this election," said Kevin Munoz, a campaign spokesperson.

  • "There is a groundswell behind Kamala Harris."
The big picture: Biden's nearly $96 million campaign fund was transferred to Harris on Sunday

Not the first time there's been a swell behind Harris are the guy that has no Idea the definition of capitalist.....

You embed yourself in a well paying government job that over pays you if you perform or not...or even show are certainly smart enough to figure out how to exploit the profits of the stock market actually generated by capitalists that actually take risks......

You take no risk, you are just smart enough to ride the coat tails of successful risk takers....

You are the definition of a have produced nothing in your life......
Without guys like me investing in their "capitalism" they wouldn't make chit, or have chit to "risk". I get my slice of the pie for funding them, that's the way investing works, clown.

The only thing you're even half correct about is that I really don't take any risk. The politicians on both sides of the aisle are heavily invested in the same things I am, hell even the same defined contribution plan as me. You know, the top 500 companies in the worlds largest economy. Please explain to the group how that's a risky investment or how the R's or D's don't do things, everything they can, to favor those 500 companies?

Laffin'...all the way to the bank. What's really sad is that a vast majority of Americans still haven't figured out something so simple.

Oh well, more for me I guess.
No, I'm all in for the $$$, just like trump, Harris, Pelosi, Vance, etc. etc. etc.

Democracy died with the current Supreme court ruling on Presidential immunity. This latest move isn't even coming close to testing the "outer limits" of Presidential immunity.

Frankly, I couldn't give a chit unless it costs me money. If it makes me more money, I say go for it.
So you admit you're morally bankrupt... thanks for clearing that up for anyone that's never read one of your posts.

Nancy got the easy way. What do you think Nancy's "hard way" was going to be?
So you admit you're morally bankrupt... thanks for clearing that up for anyone that's never read one of your posts.

Nancy got the easy way. What do you think Nancy's "hard way" was going to be?
I admit to being a capitalist that likes to make money.

Was Nancy's "hard way" going to cost me anything financially? If not, why should I care?
I admit to being a capitalist that likes to make money.

Was Nancy's "hard way" going to cost me anything financially? If not, why should I care?
Nancy "et al" just put a bloody horse head in Joe's bed & got him to drop out via the "easy way"

Not even a little curiosity as to what they had in store for him via the... "hard way"?
Oneye Will Be In Kamala's Pants From Here On Out!

If she chooses Shapiro or Kelly, she'll get my vote yes.

unfortunately there's a ton of people that think the way this one eye thinks..unfortunately that's one of the major problems we have in this country and one of it's downfalls...
The problem is people like Donald Trump. I saw economic numbers surpassed expectations yet again under Biden, did you? Or will you just ignore it? Ignore it and yell some gibberish I'm sure.


Why would Trump step aside. He won his parties primary.
He's 78 himself. And I really don't want JD Vance as President idk about you folks.
So did Joe. How is Pelosi forcing him out "good for the country"? Or even good for the libs? 14 million voters just got shafted.
I think Joe's speech last night was the best of his Presidency. He stepped aside, in large part because donors saw the debate and cut off funds. Yes Pelosi and others were the final straw, but Biden couldn't serve 4 more years. That's the biggest reason he wasn't getting my vote this time, he should not have ran in the first place. And PS, the whole "14 million voters just got shafted" thing is the weakest argument I've ever seen. Democratic voters are going to even more enthusiastically (you're already seeing it in polling) vote for Harris. Harris is performing quite a bit better in state and national polls than Joe had been. Democratic voters feelings are not hurt. In the words of Bob Costas back in February "If Biden stepped aside tomorrow their wouldn't be a bunch of Democratic voters yelling "please please stop". The Democratic party is not a cult of one man, it's a party of policy, not a king. Who cares if it's Joe Biden, Democrats are interested in winning, not riding with one dude they've anointed God and winning or losing with him rather than winning big without him.
Makes a guy wonder doesn't it.
Not at all, Democratic voters DO NOT CARE Biden stepped aside. Find me the outrage? The only ones outraged are Republican's because they know she's a better candidate.
I pray Eric Prince is soaking up some of Elon's $45 mill a month as security for Trump......
Oh yeah.....did no one tell you Elon said he wasn't doing that? What's most wild about this is Trump was bragging about the $45 million on his campaign trail....turns out Elon won't be doing that lol.

Now that is some stupid shizz. He stepped aside because he was told aggressively to do it. He didn't do it for his country. FFS...
Totally organic coup and $81 million Kamala dollars just magically appeared in a few hours
It's pretty interesting how the only ones upset with Biden stepping aside seem to be conservatives. Mad your guy picked the worst VP of all time yet? Cause yeah, this race just got real close.

Sleepy Joe stepped aside due to enough Democrats in Congress threaten to Chapter 25 him and remove him from office. He choose the lessor evil that will allow him to serve out the few months of his term. Any bets he outright lied about not pardoning his crack head son? Just another lie on his part.
Another upset conservative Joe is stepping aside. Makes me feel some of you are a bit concerned about how Harris may do better in the race. No Democrats are crying about Joe stepping aside, just Republicans.
You worried about something? You sound worried lashing out like that.

I'm not. Hoping for 4 years of big stock market gains under trump. He'll cut interest rates and the bulls will be out in force for 4 years. Only reason he has my vote.

Perfect timing for my retirement window.

If Harris wins, it will be less bullish, but I'll still do very well.

Oh conservatives are worried lol. Listening to Ben Shapiro the last few days:
"If you keep talking about Joe Biden from here until the election you will lose"

"There's a lot of buyers remorse in picking Vance as the VP. If you're running against Biden you can have a legacy pick, if you're running against a competent candidate, you should have picked someone more moderate."

"This is a whole new race and campaign and Trumps team better quickly figure out how they're going to handle it"

"I think some are underestimating Harris in debates, other than her last debate she had some solid debates when she was running for the nomination 4 years ago. If you set the bar at the bottom and blows through that, it could become problematic for you."

Or lets look here:
House GOP:


(The party that totally doesn't have a racism problem I much so they have to urge their members not to be racist publicly against Harris.)

Oh yeah, this race has changed.
Harris is now doing:
-16 points better with black voters than Biden
-6 points better with Hispanic voters than Biden
-1 point better with white voters than Biden
-11 points better than Biden with young voters

She is now dead even nationally with a 61% chance at winning the popular vote, and gaining in swing states. Georgia is back within 2, it was hovering around 5 or 6 down for Joe. If she picks Shapiro or Kelly she will flip Arizona or Pennsylvania.

Enthusiasm is a hell of a drug for campaigns.
This is the perfect encapsulation of where things were with Biden, don’t be mad at Democrats because you’re sticking with your idiot and his even bigger idiot of a VP

PS Biden’s speech last night was as good of a transition as it ever could have been, he nailed it.
Harris is now doing:
-16 points better with black voters than Biden
-6 points better with Hispanic voters than Biden
-1 point better with white voters than Biden
-11 points better than Biden with young voters

She is now dead even nationally with a 61% chance at winning the popular vote, and gaining in swing states. Georgia is back within 2, it was hovering around 5 or 6 down for Joe. If she picks Shapiro or Kelly she will flip Arizona or Pennsylvania.

Enthusiasm is a hell of a drug for campaigns.

If she picks Shapiro🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The Dems have a major antisemitism issue, did you miss the riots last night.
Hell even CNNs John King is pointing that out. There ACTUAL "stars", Newsome and Witmer ran for the hills ASAP.

The same party that ran Kamala out of the race in 2020, now gaslight her as the next Obama.

Good luck. Get that Harris sign on the lawn.

There isn't a shred of democracy in the D. Their candidate has NEVER tallied any of her own votes. She was installed.

"Finest speeches".

You're not a great historical figure when you've lied to the country for years gotten your ass kicked in both polls and on stage, and then forced out by Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney.

Getting "Bidened" will now be the warning for all candidates facing a debate.

History will show, much like Wilson, that Jill Biden hid her husband's massive decline, sided by the lapdog media.

Eventually Kamala will be forced to answer for her part.
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"Hi, I'm Joe Biden.

In my hubris I ran my mouth about debating Trump. I assumed if I wildly stacked the deck, he wouldn't show. He did. The years of my wife, the VP, and Hunter hiding me, not allowing me in public, or in media came to an abrupt end.

In the days that followed, despite 14 million D voters voting for me, George Clooney, Nancy Pelosi, and the Soros Foundation shoved me out the door.

They replaced me with Kamala Harris, who as a senator was the most liberal senator in DC, left of even Bernie Sanders.

Now look Jack. Her doing nothing on immigration don't pay attention to. Don't pay attention to her race, despite that being the only way she was made VP. Pay no attention to her hours spent in her office playing solitaire daily, or that cackle second only to Hillary.

Listen here. I defeated medicare.

Goodnight, see you at Bingo.
When you grow out of your teenage brain and fit throwing, then we'll have a civil discourse you pathetic douche.
Do you hunt? Or just Troll? Do yourself a favor and jump off a bridge.
Pathetic little *****. Go f#ck yourself. I say this from a place of sympathy for your stupidity and stunted mental growth.
"Hi, I'm Joe Biden.

In my hubris I ran my mouth about debating Trump. I assumed if I wildly stacked the deck, he wouldn't show. He did. The years of my wife, the VP, and Hunter hiding me, not allowing me in public, or in media came to an abrupt end.

In the days that followed, despite 14 million D voters voting for me, George Clooney, Nancy Pelosi, and the Soros Foundation shoved me out the door.

They replaced me with Kamala Harris, who as a senator was the most liberal senator in DC, left of even Bernie Sanders.

Now look Jack. Her doing nothing on immigration don't pay attention to. Don't pay attention to her race, despite that being the only way she was made VP. Pay no attention to her hours spent in her office playing solitaire daily, or that cackle second only to Hillary.

Listen here. I defeated medicare.

Goodnight, see you at Bingo.
It's pretty interesting how the only ones upset with Biden stepping aside seem to be conservatives. Mad your guy picked the worst VP of all time yet? Cause yeah, this race just got real close.
Not upset. Stepping aside ain't what happened & you know it. They threw gramps off a cliff subverting democracy & 14+ million voters because they feared he couldn't win. The elites in your party, in concert with their pravda media, hid his painfully obvious demented crusty state. Now he's magically a patriotic hero. He's always been a total scumbag & so is Kameltoe. Enjoy the honeymoon.
Not upset. Stepping aside ain't what happened & you know it. They threw gramps off a cliff subverting democracy & 14+ million voters because they feared he couldn't win. The elites in your party, in concert with their pravda media, hid his painfully obvious demented crusty state. Now he's magically a patriotic hero. He's always been a total scumbag & so is Kameltoe. Enjoy the honeymoon.
Right, and trump isn't and hasn't always been a scumbag?

Guy is out porking an ugly porn star while his wife is home with a newborn. He's been married how many times now?

Cheats on business deals left and right. Incites an insurrection. Calls everyone that doesn't kiss his ass names of all kinds. Calls his opponents wives names. There is no low the guy won't stoop to.

He has all the personality qualities of a wet fart.

But the truth is I'm going to vote for the guy because he'll lower interest rates and favor the top 2%.
Right, and trump isn't and hasn't always been a scumbag?

Guy is out porking an ugly porn star while his wife is home with a newborn. He's been married how many times now?

Cheats on business deals left and right. Incites an insurrection. Calls everyone that doesn't kiss his ass names of all kinds. Calls his opponents wives names. There is no low the guy won't stoop to.

He has all the personality qualities of a wet fart.

But the truth is I'm going to vote for the guy because he'll lower interest rates and favor the top 2%.
I bet his 401k is doing better than yours and his net worth is 1000's times more than yours. He has incredibly smart and talented kids and will leave a tremendous legacy. 100 years from now he will still be viewed as one of the best presidents and you? The ground above your rotting corpse will still not grow weeds.
By your own measurements you lose and are not even worth the lint in Donald J Trump's belly button.
Mic drop
I bet his 401k is doing better than yours and his net worth is 1000's times more than yours. He has incredibly smart and talented kids and will leave a tremendous legacy. 100 years from now he will still be viewed as one of the best presidents and you? The ground above your rotting corpse will still not grow weeds.
By your own measurements you lose and are not even worth the lint in Donald J Trump's belly button.
Mic drop
Like I said, I'm voting for him even though he's a total waste of clothes and oxygen. Morally and ethically bankrupt and totally self serving turd.

Worthless shred of human debris, but I can use him to make the money I don't even have to work for, to afford some really awesome hunts I have planned.

He gets my vote...and I'll drop that mic now.

Oh, and BTW, my rotting body is not going to be in the ground.
Like I said, I'm voting for him even though he's a total waste of clothes and oxygen. Morally and ethically bankrupt and totally self serving turd.

Worthless shred of human debris, but I can use him to make the money I don't even have to work for, to afford some really awesome hunts I have planned.

He gets my vote...and I'll drop that mic now.

Oh, and BTW, my rotting body is not going to be in the ground.
Laffin. Glad you won't pollute the earth with your bloated blue corpse.
Like I said by your measurements he is the winner of all winners. Wealth.....$$$$ beyond your wildest dreams. Along with a legacy that will live on and on. You and your pathetic life was already forgotten before you were even potty trained. But I am sure you still piss the bed.
Not upset. Stepping aside ain't what happened & you know it. They threw gramps off a cliff subverting democracy & 14+ million voters because they feared he couldn't win. The elites in your party, in concert with their pravda media, hid his painfully obvious demented crusty state. Now he's magically a patriotic hero. He's always been a total scumbag & so is Kameltoe. Enjoy the honeymoon.
Yes, they will try anything to get rid of Trump. Would have did it to sleepy Joe dirt if he hadn't stepped aside. And Kamala is a nightmare. I don't know what their grand sleaze scheme is. It isn't over yet.
Laffin. Glad you won't pollute the earth with your bloated blue corpse.
Like I said by your measurements he is the winner of all winners. Wealth.....$$$$ beyond your wildest dreams. Along with a legacy that will live on and on. You and your pathetic life was already forgotten before you were even potty trained. But I am sure you still piss the bed.
Well, I mean, except for the fact trump isn't a hunter, fisherman, and doesn't know chit from low grade peanut butter about anything outdoors.

He probably cares less about his kids than I do about them. Only one with a half a firing brain cell is the daughter he wants to sleep with. She is smart enough to distance herself from him.

I still can't figure out why you're such an angry and confused little man?

I'm voting trump all the way, are you voting for Kamala?
Right, and trump isn't and hasn't always been a scumbag?

Guy is out porking an ugly porn star while his wife is home with a newborn. He's been married how many times now?

Cheats on business deals left and right. Incites an insurrection. Calls everyone that doesn't kiss his ass names of all kinds. Calls his opponents wives names. There is no low the guy won't stoop to.

He has all the personality qualities of a wet fart.

But the truth is I'm going to vote for the guy because he'll lower interest rates and favor the top 2%.
Yeah sorry you don't get to play the sexual deviant card... that ship sailed long ago when the oval office was a revolving door of Macanudo aficionado whores culminating in the defiling of a blue dress. Bill paid off Paula Jones how much to make her sexual assault case go away... wasn't it $850K? How many other rape charges did he get out of? Juanita Broderick was called Jane Doe #5 so there's more than a handful. How much more was paid out that we don't know about?
Everyone knows that Kamala blew/slept her way to the top of San Francisco power. Joe was credibly accused of sexual assault that ruined the life of TaraReid with the help of the same media that's been telling everyone ol' Joe is fit as a fiddle. Ever read any of Ashley Biden's diary? Pretty sick stuff that's pretty much ruined her life & made her a basket case. And Hunter... you know about Hunter right? At least Trumps kids are normal, successful & are raising solid kids of their own by all accounts.

I'm all for everyone playing by the same set of rules, but democrats want rules that only Republicans have to abide by. That ship sailed. Carry on.
Yeah sorry you don't get to play the sexual deviant card... that ship sailed long ago when the oval office was a revolving door of Macanudo aficionado whores culminating in the defiling of a blue dress. Bill paid off Paula Jones how much to make her sexual assault case go away... wasn't it $850K? How many other rape charges did he get out of? Juanita Broderick was called Jane Doe #5 so there's more than a handful. How much more was paid out that we don't know about?
Everyone knows that Kamala blew/slept her way to the top of San Francisco power. Joe was credibly accused of sexual assault that ruined the life of TaraReid with the help of the same media that's been telling everyone ol' Joe is fit as a fiddle. Ever read any of Ashley Biden's diary? Pretty sick stuff that's pretty much ruined her life & made her a basket case. And Hunter... you know about Hunter right? At least Trumps kids are normal, successful & are raising solid kids of their own by all accounts.

I'm all for everyone playing by the same set of rules, but democrats want rules that only Republicans have to abide by. That ship sailed. Carry on.
Jimmy crack corn....

You can stop carrying on, I'm voting trump even though he's a scumbag.
Well, I mean, except for the fact trump isn't a hunter, fisherman, and doesn't know chit from low grade peanut butter about anything outdoors.

He probably cares less about his kids than I do about them. Only one with a half a firing brain cell is the daughter he wants to sleep with. She is smart enough to distance herself from him.

I still can't figure out why you're such an angry and confused little man?

I'm voting trump all the way, are you voting for Kamala?
Angry blue dwarf
Most of Trumps family are or support hunting.
Are you that unhappy? See a therapist.
Trump's family photo would be filled with attractive, smart, and successful people...
Yours would be you and your 401k, both lacking anything worth looking at. Pathetic
Are there no tall bridges in Wyoming? Or cliff?
Angry blue dwarf
Most of Trumps family are or support hunting.
Are you that unhappy? See a therapist.
Trump's family photo would be filled with attractive, smart, and successful people...
Yours would be you and your 401k, both lacking anything worth looking at. Pathetic
Are there no tall bridges in Wyoming? Or cliff?
Have you looked in a mirror lately?

Keep those chin(s) up.


I'm the happiest person I know....tough not to be with a Montana ram permit in your pocket.

Carry on with your bitchfest.
Angry blue dwarf
Most of Trumps family are or support hunting.
Are you that unhappy? See a therapist.
Trump's family photo would be filled with attractive, smart, and successful people...
Yours would be you and your 401k, both lacking anything worth looking at. Pathetic
Are there no tall bridges in Wyoming? Or cliff?
I have Buzz on my ignore list so it’s just hilarious only being able (wanting) to see the replies
Have you looked in a mirror lately?

Keep those chin(s) up.


I'm the happiest person I know....tough not to be with a Montana ram permit in your pocket.

Carry on with your bitchfest.
It is OK for you to laugh at yourself. Just make sure to put on your helmet and mouth guard so if you laugh 2 hard and fall over you don't dent your big melon.

Seeing that you dont know anybody it's hard to not be the happiest.

Agreed the sheep tag is a bonus, I will give you that one.

But your still a little pudgy blue dwarf, but with a ram tag.

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