Shots at Trump rally????

Ms. Cheatle please tell this agent it's too dangerous to walk on the sloped roof of the Whitehouse, he obviously didn't get your memo.

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The roof her snipers were on had more slope then the roof used by the suspect shooter. The Dems will protect her and keep her on even though she is not qualified to do the job except for the part of hiring 30 per cent females as agents.
So The Cop That Climbed Up & Took A Close Look At The Shooter?

He PUSS-Out Or What?

Did He Think It Was The SS?

Leaks regrading security?

Mayorkas is a spineless turd.

Did anybody photograph the kid along with the empty brass that had to be there? Surely, they have that.

There is a two story building behind the building the kid was on and it has windows on the 2nd floor overlooking the podium.

I'm just thinking out loud. Who shot JFK? Here we go?
Did anybody photograph the kid along with the empty brass that had to be there? Surely, they have that.

There is a two story building behind the building the kid was on and it has windows on the 2nd floor overlooking the podium.

I'm just thinking out loud. Who shot JFK? Here we go?
Secret Service forked up, no doubt about it, but f**kups don’t mean conspiracy. And just because we don’t know something doesn’t mean we can invent it. I live with theories all the time: Malcom X, MLK, RFK, Lee Harvey Oswald. Jack Ruby.. You got to stick with known facts. Known facts are the ones verified in three ways minimum, often more. According to my theory, it would mean that someone paid the SS sniper, his spotter, and other individuals. Even if there were some nefarious plot to kill Trump (and many people want him dead), there are plenty of assassins who would do it for free -- as in the Iranian plot. I’m going to kick back, wait, and not drive myself crazy. I’m always open to the possibility of a plot against anything and anyone, it’s a possibility but until proved that’s all it is. The last paragraph was quoted from a police officer friend from Eastern Pennsylvania. An interesting take ...
Listen to the guys in this video, they bring up a good point. Start at like 16:00. The entire video is interesting but at 16:00 they start talking about the sounds of the shots….distinctly different, and all of us who shoot guns can easily hear it. The last shot, sniper, different because he was using a suppressor and that makes a softer, but distinct sound. Definitely worth a watch just for that audio and the open window.

Listen to the guys in this video, they bring up a good point. Start at like 16:00. The entire video is interesting but at 16:00 they start talking about the sounds of the shots….distinctly different, and all of us who shoot guns can easily hear it. The last shot, sniper, different because he was using a suppressor and that makes a softer, but distinct sound. Definitely worth a watch just for that audio and the open window.

And the plot thickens.
I can't wait for the "official report", if there ever is one. I want to know which sniper team fired the shot that hit the kid.
“Official Report” will look a lot like JFK’s official report 😀.

The simple fact that the FBI or SS hasn’t come out with an official press conference says a lot.

I was skeptical of any second shooter talk but after hearing the different rifle sounds….no question.
“Official Report” will look a lot like JFK’s official report 😀.

The simple fact that the FBI or SS hasn’t come out with an official press conference says a lot.

I was skeptical of any second shooter talk but after hearing the different rifle sounds….no question.
The FBI or fill in the blank 3 letter agency... that's where investigations go to die.
Unless congress empowers an outside independent counsel with subpoena power, that's what will happen here. Congressional show hearings and strongly worded letters are a laughing stock. The SS director no doubt deserves to be axed but she is a political appointee who is there at the behest of Jill. She's dumb as a fence post. The deputy director and those involved in the planning & operations is where the answers will be found.
The FBI or fill in the blank 3 letter agency... that's where investigations go to die.
Unless congress empowers an outside independent counsel with subpoena power, that's what will happen here. Congressional show hearings and strongly worded letters are a laughing stock. The SS director no doubt deserves to be axed but she is a political appointee who is there at the behest of Jill. She's dumb as a fence post. The deputy director and those involved in the planning & operations is where the answers will be found.
I always laugh to myself when I hear the GOP say they’re going to hold hearings. Like you said….just a show
I wonder if the kid shot 7-8 rounds and then took his own life?

I've decided not to worry about it. The FBI is leading the investigation. We're good.
I don’t know if any of you know who Tim Kennedy is but he did a great podcast with Chris Williamson (modern wisdom). Tim is a former green beret and special forces sniper. Just a month ago he was part of Biden’s protection detail in Europe.

Listen carefully to Tim’s explanation of what happened last Saturday. I’ll leave it to you what he is saying by not saying.

This was before many of the latest details have come out. BUT, he did say one thing that I noticed yesterday. I was looking for some photos and video from that day and they have disappeared from the web….Tim said the same thing. Things are being scrubbed from the internet.

First, the info the director is providing during the hearing is a complete joke, but we all knew it would be this way.

One thing I’d like to know from all you is does anyone remember a video or commentary about anyone seeing the shooter before he got to the roof with a gun. Reason I ask is because one of the committee members asked if the gun was already on the roof before he climbed up there.
Explain to me oh great one Buzz..if nobody saw him going across the grass, in those videos, with a gun, then where did the gun come from. I was asking if anyone heard or remembers a video showing it? Did I imply anything? Get your reading comprehension up to 3rd grade level.

Would you like to go over the “conspiracy” theories that were propagated by your side over the last 8 years that have been proven true. I can list some for you…some that, on this very site, you called conspiracies but have become fact.

You have to be one of the biggest dem taint lickers I’ve ever run across. Go back to hunttalk, they’re waiting for you to start the circle jerk.
First, the info the director is providing during the hearing is a complete joke, but we all knew it would be this way.

One thing I’d like to know from all you is does anyone remember a video or commentary about anyone seeing the shooter before he got to the roof with a gun. Reason I ask is because one of the committee members asked if the gun was already on the roof before he climbed up there.
I never heard about that specific question being addressed in any video I've watched. It's a good question though.

I watched the first 45 minutes of the hearing this morning then I realized it was a waste of electricity. I wonder how much time Cheatle spent being coached by Dr. Fauci prior to the hearing?
Explain to me oh great one Buzz..if nobody saw him going across the grass, in those videos, with a gun, then where did the gun come from. I was asking if anyone heard or remembers a video showing it? Did I imply anything? Get your reading comprehension up to 3rd grade level.

Would you like to go over the “conspiracy” theories that were propagated by your side over the last 8 years that have been proven true. I can list some for you…some that, on this very site, you called conspiracies but have become fact.

You have to be one of the biggest dem taint lickers I’ve ever run across. Go back to hunttalk, they’re waiting for you to start the circle jerk.
I never heard about that specific question being addressed in any video I've watched. It's a good question though.

I watched the first 45 minutes of the hearing this morning then I realized it was a waste of electricity. I wonder how much time Cheatle spent being coached by Dr. Fauci prior to the hearing?
Despite Buzz being an idiot, the committee member was inferring that if the gun wasn’t already on the roof, how could a guy with a gun walk through a crowd without being noticed.
I would have not guessed that AOC said this:

“The individual used an AR-15 in order to act out his assassination attempt. An AR-15 has a range of about 400 to 600 yards. My question is, why is the Secret Service protective perimeter shorter than one of the most popular semi-automatic weapons in the United States?”“And so, what I'm hearing is that a perimeter was not established outdoors in an outdoor venue that would prevent an AR-15, which is one of the most common weapons used in mass shootings, from being able to be within the range of Secret Service protection.”

Despite Buzz being an idiot, the committee member was inferring that if the gun wasn’t already on the roof, how could a guy with a gun walk through a crowd without being noticed.
Look how unobservant you are...any other questions?

The Black lady Senator with an obvious agenda asked Cheatle if her job would be easier if AR-15's didn't exist. Cheatle dropped the ball on that. She should have said they plan for every scenario and a single shot rife in the right hands is way more dangerous when trying to protect one individual, with a far greater range than a punk with an AR-15. Instead she said something about the 2nd Amendment.
The Black lady Senator with an obvious agenda asked Cheatle if her job would be easier if AR-15's didn't exist. Cheatle dropped the ball on that. She should have said they plan for every scenario and a single shot rife in the right hands is way more dangerous when trying to protect one individual, with a far greater range than a punk with an AR-15. Instead she said something about the 2nd Amendment.
And our leaders, especially on the left, wonder why conspiracy theories run rampant. When simple questions can't/won't be answered, what do you expect?

On a side note, the FBI heading this investigation, the time it's taking even for simple answers (answers that are already out in the public) sheds serious doubt about the transparency and truthfulness of this investigation.
anyone see the video of the lawmakers who went to PA to walk around on the roof where the shooter was? Sure didn't seem to steep to me, they were walking around on that roof in dress shoes with no issues.
I watched parts of the hearing. Honestly some of the Democrats are doing a more than admirable job in their questioning of this Govt. robot. I expected a lot of gun control, high capacity mag, AR ban folks to hit their talking points... and several certainly did that. The mutual beat down was I think the most bipartisan hearing I've seen in a long time.

i'm skeptical that the kid got off 8 rounds. i bet the first three are his and the last four or five are SS. Tim Kennedys video suggests that there were more than one SS sniper teams. seems like if he really got 8 shots off that there would be more wounded people in the crowd since they were directly behind him. three people in the crowd were hit. the bullet that grazed trump was one of those three rounds.
i'm skeptical that the kid got off 8 rounds. i bet the first three are his and the last four or five are SS. Tim Kennedys video suggests that there were more than one SS sniper teams. seems like if he really got 8 shots off that there would be more wounded people in the crowd since they were directly behind him. three people in the crowd were hit. the bullet that grazed trump was one of those three rounds.
According to Bongino, according to his ss contacts here’s what happened if I remember correctly. Shooter shoots, local cs team shoots but misses, and then ss cs team kills the shooter with the last shot.

If that is true it still doesn’t line up with that animation everyone is using compared to the audio. 3 distinct types of guns can be heard but the number of runs from each gun doesn’t seem to match.

Also came out that, in reference to my above comments, the gun was hidden behind the air conditioner that he used to get on the roof. So, if that’s the case nobody saw it during the sweep? I mean it’s not like the kid put it there while the crowd was around. So he put it there earlier but isn’t ss there hours and hours before the rally starts?
According to Bongino, according to his ss contacts here’s what happened if I remember correctly. Shooter shoots, local cs team shoots but misses, and then ss cs team kills the shooter with the last shot.

If that is true it still doesn’t line up with that animation everyone is using compared to the audio. 3 distinct types of guns can be heard but the number of runs from each gun doesn’t seem to match.

Also came out that, in reference to my above comments, the gun was hidden behind the air conditioner that he used to get on the roof. So, if that’s the case nobody saw it during the sweep? I mean it’s not like the kid put it there while the crowd was around. So he put it there earlier but isn’t ss there hours and hours before the rally starts?
makes sense, i imagine the kid was hit more than once, by more than one person. everything that happened is a really bad F**k up by the SS.
makes sense, i imagine the kid was hit more than once, by more than one person. everything that happened is a really bad F**k up by the SS.
From Bongino’s sources he said the local cs team missed and the ss cs team are the ones that took him out.
The male who just took over as the Secret Service director was the official who removed agents from Trump's protection detail prior to the rally. In other words Trump's protection was considered low priority by those Biden officials. I wonder how many liberal Democrats in Biden's admin. cussed when Trump was only wounded and they really cussed to high heaven when they saw his fist in the air as his response to being shot.
The male who just took over as the Secret Service director was the official who removed agents from Trump's protection detail prior to the rally. In other words Trump's protection was considered low priority by those Biden officials. I wonder how many liberal Democrats in Biden's admin. cussed when Trump was only wounded and they really cussed to high heaven when they saw his fist in the air as his response to being shot.
Add to that the issue of SS knowing about the foreign plots to assassinate Trump since April, yet denied extra protection for the next 4 months.
Add to that the issue of SS knowing about the foreign plots to assassinate Trump since April, yet denied extra protection for the next 4 months.
It came out yesterday that the Iranian who plotted to shoot Trump was let into the US in April despite being flagged on the terrorist watchlist and he was here on “significant public benefit parole”! Btw, this is according to our own govt.

@Buzz and @azhunteraz…try getting your news somewhere besides Sesame Street. Fking 🤡 🤡

I guess when you can’t say anything the only thing you can do is hit the emoji.
Now I know where California learned how to fight forest fires. They learned it from the Secret Service. By the time they figure out who's job it is, and what to do, it's out of control.
A new little nugget of info about the day of the Trump assassination attempt:

Straight from firstnets’ website:

Representatives include the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget as permanent members. The remaining members are selected by the Secretary of Commerce and have public safety, technical, network, and/or financial expertise.

Yeah, nothing to see here, move along.
A new little nugget of info about the day of the Trump assassination attempt:

Straight from firstnets’ website:

Representatives include the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget as permanent members. The remaining members are selected by the Secretary of Commerce and have public safety, technical, network, and/or financial expertise.

Yeah, nothing to see here, move along.
You've never met a conspiracy theory you didn't believe.
FFS Buzz......are you pretending ignorance to all the "theories" that have played out as true?


Don't let Buzz get wind of this.....

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