Gavin Newsome just signed AB1955 which bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender


Founder please keep this thread here. Not enough people read the political forum and this is important.

California and Newsome have gone completely woke IMO. Please see the above video link. "Gavin Newsome just signed AB1955 on July 16th 2024 which bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender. Get your kids out of public schools. That means if a 3rd grader lets say 7 or 8 year old, says to a teacher I’ve been a boy, but now I’m a girl and I want you to call me Allison. That the teacher would not only do it, but now legally has the right to hide it from the parents." quouted from Dave Rubin. This is totally deranged and wicked. Can you imagine that? Remove your children from public schools in California. IMHO
The bill disallows rules requiring parental notification. That is not the same as "legally has the right to hide it from the parents". A teacher could still talk about this in a parent teacher conference. But there could not be a law requiring a letter go out (e.g.) when a teacher identifies a transgender.

Your misunderstanding of how to spell Newsom (not Newsome) is only the tip of your misunderstanding.
The bill disallows rules requiring parental notification. That is not the same as "legally has the right to hide it from the parents". A teacher could still talk about this in a parent teacher conference. But there could not be a law requiring a letter go out (e.g.) when a teacher identifies a transgender.

Your misunderstanding of how to spell Newsom (not Newsome) is only the tip of your misunderstanding.
Great Crappy…..defend away
Could be losing funding with a different administration. How will that benefit the kids in theses schools? It's a stupid law but apparently that's all CA produces. It will end up challenged in court as unconstitutional... needlessly costing CA taxpayers more $$. All while Gavin sends his kids to private schools. It's the reason Musk is divesting all his CA business interests.
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The fact that they spend the time to write, vote on and pass laws like this tells you everything. For most folks, this is meaningless. Just a woke law for woke folks I suppose.
Yup, how does this law help better educate kids in public schools? The left is fairly open about it, they believe they should be the parents of your kids & should be free to educate them how they see fit...not you. Commies
I Can't help But Think Home Schooling Is Gonna Be On A BIG Rise!

For Alot Of Years I Kinda Wondered About Alot Of The Home Schooled Kids Being Thrown Out In To Society At About 18 Years Of Age & Wondering How They'd Handle It?

Now I'm Sitting Here Wondering If I Wouldn't Home School My Own Kids If They Had Grown Up In These F'ED Up Times We Have Currently!

UN-F'N-BELIEVABLE The BS We Are Seeing And At An Alarming Rate Of Speed It's Happening!
What justifies the need for this law? It’s ridiculous. And at some point, good people just dismissing these types of crazy laws as being “meaningless” because they won’t be directly impacted just contributes to the further erosion of our society. I wish Newsome would just disappear into the sunset and retire from politics IMO
NOT AT ALL the reason.....They are LGBTQ..... recruiters. Misery loves company...power in numbers....etc etc etc
Recruiters, indoctrinators - tomatoes, toe-matos. They recruit them thru their drag time story hours, educators & other means. The commies that teach them in the schools both recruit & indoctrinate them. Administrators & the unions enable it. Commie legislators are attempting to lock-in their commie ideology via law fare over the actual values of normal parents. Story as old as time, get them while they're young, you have them for life.
Studies have shown this is a mental disorder on par with anorexia which occurs at the marginal rate of 0.6%. Why the radical increase of trans culture in such a short time... they get a bunch of money from China I know that.

This article in the above link is a testament to the extensive research and expertise of the author, who also wrote a book on the subject.
I’m a speech-language pathologist in a middle school in north Texas. As a professional, I am required to demonstrate participation in 30 hours of continuing education every three years. Beginning January 1, 2023 my professional certification organization -- the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) -- instituted a new two-hour requirement per certification period in “cultural competency, cultural humility, culturally responsive practice, or diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).”
To that end I participated in a two-hour webinar entitled “Supporting Transgender and Nonbinary Students: A Guide for School-Based Audiologists and SLPs.” The webinar was presented by a Ph.D. Associate Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders at a neighboring state university, one of whose pronouns is apparently “they.” In the course of this webinar “they” urged the professional participants to consult with adolescent students prior to any meeting with the students’ parents to determine whether or not the students’ preferred pronouns should be used during meetings with parents... or should be concealed from them. In other words, I and my fellow professionals were encouraged, as adults, to encourage children to share secrets with us that we would then keep from their parents.
I’m old enough to remember when this sort of relationship between adults and children was called “grooming.” Now it’s apparently required -- or at least encouraged -- professional conduct.
For shame. This was quoted from a gal in the comments section in the above article. This comment is accurate, IMO. Governor Pritzker of Illinois is just as sick and evil as Governor Newsome of California in regards to passing these transgender laws. Martine Aliana Rothblatt is a sicko transgender lawyer and she wants to indoctrinate young American kids and turn them transgender without their parents approval.
The above seminar in my last post was funded by Illinois Governor Pritzker and Rothblatt’s transhumanist money. In reality, the money is being spent to legitimize individuals who are pedophiles and sadists IMO.

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