Helping yourself

Tri said:
The attorney is real and he specializes in civil rights cases I believe in the state of west Virginia. If cops do their job well he would be out of a job. If you don't like him or his channel that's how you put him out of business.

Tri you need to learn just because a attorney has a opinion, it does not always make it right when compared to the written law on the subject.
I had to call a out of county attorney and advised him that he had engaged with his landlord client to commit a conspiracy that could lead to his and his client's arrest for violation of a civil code and a "CRIMINAL PENAL CODE'
The stupid attorney advised his landlord client to turn off his renter's water supply and electric service to force the tenet to move.
This was in direct violation of civil code laws and penal code laws that make that violation a criminal offense. Needless to say after talking to the attorney, he called his client ASAP and told him to turn the water and electric back or they both would be going to jail after the attorney read the sections of law that i gave him out of the penal code.
Attorneys are human also and make mistakes and blunders just like everyone else and their opinion can be very wrong at times.
Now I have a question, have you been arrested for an offense that has made you a cop hater because you may think you are above the law?
Tri said:
The attorney is real and he specializes in civil rights cases I believe in the state of west Virginia. If cops do their job well he would be out of a job. If you don't like him or his channel that's how you put him out of business.

Tri you need to learn just because a attorney has a opinion, it does not always make it right when compared to the written law on the subject.
I had to call a out of county attorney and advised him that he had engaged with his landlord client to commit a conspiracy that could lead to his and his client's arrest for violation of a civil code and a "CRIMINAL PENAL CODE'
The stupid attorney advised his landlord client to turn off his renter's water supply and electric service to force the tenet to move.
This was in direct violation of civil code laws and penal code laws that make that violation a criminal offense. Needless to say after talking to the attorney, he called his client ASAP and told him to turn the water and electric back or they both would be going to jail after the attorney read the sections of law that i gave him out of the penal code.
Attorneys are human also and make mistakes and blunders just like everyone else and their opinion can be very wrong at times.
Now I have a question, have you been arrested for an offense that has made you a cop hater because you may think you are above the law?
I totally agree with you. I have seen Vanilla spew stupid stuff on here for years so I know attorneys can be wrong.

The attorney in this video wins cases and is has a good reputation in his field.

As for your last question it is childish because I am not a cop hater.
Tri you avoided the question. Have you been arrested for any crime or traffic violation that makes you having unsavory attitude towards law enforcement? It has been my experience that most persons who do not like law enforcement have been arrested or given tickets in the past.
Tri you avoided the question. Have you been arrested for any crime or traffic violation that makes you having unsavory attitude towards law enforcement? It has been my experience that most persons who do not like law enforcement have been arrested or given tickets in the past.
I do like law enforcement. Until you quit making ignorant assumptions about my feelings which I have never ever stated here, You don't get answers.
I am not getting a answer because you do not want to admit you have been arrested in the past or was investigated as a possible suspect in a criminal violation.
I hope you were not like that taxi in Wyoming who hid my father-in-laws antelope mount, it made honorable mention with Boone & Crockett, and told my father-in-law it had been stolen.
A search of the business by Fish & Game found the mount in a back room and the taxi was planning to sell it to the highest bidder and fish & game had suspected him of doing that with other previous customers.
Maybe we should judge you by that criminal taxi since you seem to judge all law enforcement by a few bad apples.
I am not getting a answer because you do not want to admit you have been arrested in the past or was investigated as a possible suspect in a criminal violation.
I hope you were not like that taxi in Wyoming who hid my father-in-laws antelope mount, it made honorable mention with Boone & Crockett, and told my father-in-law it had been stolen.
A search of the business by Fish & Game found the mount in a back room and the taxi was planning to sell it to the highest bidder and fish & game had suspected him of doing that with other previous customers.
Maybe we should judge you by that criminal taxi since you seem to judge all law enforcement by a few bad apples.
And now you go full teenage girl.

You really think I should care about an assumption you are making based on an assumption you made connected to another assumption. You literally haven't assumed a single thing correctly about me. Not one effing thing. And you think you deserve answers to your baseless crap????
I am not getting a answer because you do not want to admit you have been arrested in the past or was investigated as a possible suspect in a criminal violation.
I hope you were not like that taxi in Wyoming who hid my father-in-laws antelope mount, it made honorable mention with Boone & Crockett, and told my father-in-law it had been stolen.
A search of the business by Fish & Game found the mount in a back room and the taxi was planning to sell it to the highest bidder and fish & game had suspected him of doing that with other previous customers.
Maybe we should judge you by that criminal taxi since you seem to judge all law enforcement by a few bad apples.
Do you realize this is the same baseless logic that arrests innocent people for bloodshot eyes. YOU are the exact problem.
He's more than a blow hard. He wins cases. I know you hate it but he knows something about people's rights and he shares that info.

I know your job is easier when you screw people who don't know their rights. To bad.

*too, moron.
I totally agree with you. I have seen Vanilla spew stupid stuff on here for years so I know attorneys can be wrong.

I’m batting 1.000 in discussions on this topic with you Tri.

Remind me about the fake dinner you went on with attorneys that don’t exist in Texas that told you a prosecutor can’t get a conviction on the Hyde Park buck poacher. You lied then and were wrong then. You’re lying now and are wrong now.

You’re a lying, weak, clown of person. I will gladly stand on the opposite side of a debate from you, particularly one you don’t have a single clue what you’re talking about. Whining like a baby and lying like a politician. Tri being tri.
I’m batting 1.000 in discussions on this topic with you Tri.

Remind me about the fake dinner you went on with attorneys that don’t exist in Texas that told you a prosecutor can’t get a conviction on the Hyde Park buck poacher. You lied then and were wrong then. You’re lying now and are wrong now.

You’re a lying, weak, clown of person. I will gladly stand on the opposite side of a debate from you, particularly one you don’t have a single clue what you’re talking about. Whining like a baby and lying like a politician. Tri being tri.
Wow 2 posts in a row about your deep thoughts of me.

Are you still hoping people will pay attention to that instead of the original video. Let's watch it again.

Just in case anyone wanted to forget the scumbag you are defending.
I don’t remember posting a single thing in defense of the officer in this video.

Care to point that out? Or are you lying again?
Tri, you made your point with the video, and I agreed with you, but you also have to realize that life isn't always fair, but you can't let it eat you alive. It's called human interaction, which is always risky. In this case it was made right in the end and that is what matters. The kid did everything right and even made a song about it.
Tri, you made your point with the video, and I agreed with you, but you also have to realize that life isn't always fair, but you can't let it eat you alive. It's called human interaction, which is always risky. In this case it was made right in the end and that is what matters. The kid did everything right and even made a song about it.
Trust me, very few people understand the unfairness of life like I do.😅 Hell I haven't had power for 1 week now. I'm not worried about what was made right. I'm worried this cop will do it again and again and again. And police can't afford having a bad cop making enemies of people that would normally be their friends.
Have you all seen this post. I am wondering why this taxidermist didn’t take the time to treat everyone fairly to have more support for the taxidermist industry. This guy has ruined so many memories. Just when taxidermists need support from the anti hunters this guy ruins it for all other taxidermists. SMH

Have you all seen this post. I am wondering why this taxidermist didn’t take the time to treat everyone fairly to have more support for the taxidermist industry. This guy has ruined so many memories. Just when taxidermists need support from the anti hunters this guy ruins it for all other taxidermists. SMH

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If you think I care about this taxidermist or any of your problems with taxidermists you are sadly mistaken.

If you think a boy with qualified immunity and the capability to beat, arrest, or kill any speeder with bloodshot eyes on the side of a dark highway and some screwball business owner are anywhere close to a similar analogy, then you are an absolute failure in logic.

Keep digging. You don't look desperate at all.
It’s called being sarcastic. Taking it to the extreme little fella. Far from desperate. The desperate is saying that the “boys” is going to beat, arrest or kill any driver with bloodshot eyes. That’s desperate
It’s called being sarcastic. Taking it to the extreme little fella. Far from desperate. The desperate is saying that the “boys” is going to beat, arrest or kill any driver with bloodshot eyes. That’s desperate
Actually he did arrest someone for nothing but bloodshot eyes. Imagine what the thug would have done if the kid would have disrespected his athoritay! 🤣

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