Repub Convention.....

Night 2, incredible! Some great speakers… Laura Trump wow, and I mean in her speech… Great people!
THIS is what I believe.....

Yeah if there were dark inside forces conspiring to take him out... he'd be out. They wouldn't contract a 20 yo call of duty gamer kid. Inept keystone cop leadership is at the head of every agency.
THIS is what I believe.....

Makes perfect sense, there are certainly ample events prior to the Trump shooting that support the author’s position on this. It seems to be a common problem with the Democratic leadership, for the last 50 years. For whatever reason, whether it’s ideology, concern for how it will “look politically”, it’s individual leaders calculated approach to crisis management, or out right intentionally, they are indecisive, slow to recognize an approaching crisis, confused and hesitant during a crisis. It has been evident long before Biden became President but due to his diminished health and cognitive abilities……… it’s has become more acute and more troubling, but it’s seems like the Democrats have had this problem for decades.

To me it seems to be part of the DNA of the Democrat Party. They’re clever and cunning but they are far from perfect when it comes to the execution of their elected responsiblities……… or so it seems.
If Biden steps down now, the Democrats have Harris to manage from now until next January. If Biden doesn’t step down and wins the election, they all know Biden can’t present a competent face to the country for another four years. He doesn’t do that right now. So, if Biden steps down after Jan 2025, there is a high likelyhood Harris will have to be managed for 4 full years.


If that makes sense….. which choice do tou think the King Makers (not his staff or the base voters) will make?

Those are their only two options, it seems to me.

It’s the consequences they are dealing with since they decided to elect Biden in the South Carolina primaries in 2020. They knew he was physically and cognitive weak then, there’s doubt they didn’t. They fought that all the way through that image all through his Campaign in 2020. They knew it then.

Sanders was kicking the old Democrat platforms butt every day. Sanders was drawing huge crowds to his rally’s. Biden was not, Harrisxhad no support from anyone, until they appointed her to be Biden’s VP. Sanders was kicking everyone’s butt, especially Harris and Biden’s

Sander isn’t a Democrat, he’s an independent socialist, allowed to caucus with the Democrats because they need his votes…… but when it came down to being their Presidential candidate, they could not tolerate that nonsense ………so they tossed him out, they took Sander’s political ideology/platform and made it Biden’s campaign talking points, because Sanders’s Socialist beliefs are well like by 40% of the country. Biden has had to deal with constant pressure from the elected socialists, like AOC her band of comrades for the last 4 years and he’s traded away the previous Party’s ideals for the ideals of the Berny Sander’s Socialism.

So there they set, between a rock and a hard place……… thanks to their own scheming and short sighted incompetence.

Wasn’t it a Democrat that said, “America’s chickens have come home to roust?

And so they have.

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