When has he ever not been very open about his dislike for Donald Trump?

You post this “true colors” thing like he has hid his disdain and finally showing something. His thoughts on this topic have been clear since before he was governor.

Like Trump or Cox or both or neither, Gov Cox has always been open about not being supportive of Trump being president. Which you have also said he shouldn’t be, so sounds like you and Cox are lock step together on this, accept one of you has the balls to act on those words.
I Never Said I Didn't Vote For Trump!

I Said This Is America Where Choices Should Be Better Than What We've Had In How Many Years Now?

I Said I Was Tired Of Voting For Lesser Of Evils!

Who's The Write-In Niller?

When has he ever not been very open about his dislike for Donald Trump?

You post this “true colors” thing like he has hid his disdain and finally showing something. His thoughts on this topic have been clear since before he was governor.

Like Trump or Cox or both or neither, Gov Cox has always been open about not being supportive of Trump being president. Which you have also said he shouldn’t be, so sounds like you and Cox are lock step together on this, accept one of you has the balls to act on those words.
I'm ok with private citizen Cox doing what he wants.

Republican Gov Cox, who takes, I'm sure national money, and, who, will need to ask for fed money/ support from an R President, needs to STFU.

As Utah is taking fed money for forest fires today, it's Cox job, to play nice.

Funny he will make that known, in the same day Polis, who shoved homeless down his throat, comes to hang out
I'm ok with private citizen Cox doing what he wants.
When he casts his ballot, it's as an individual.

Republican Gov Cox, who takes, I'm sure national money, and, who, will need to ask for fed money/ support from an R President, needs to STFU.
Country over Party, @hoss. He has every right to support whomever he wants. Being an elected official doesn't mean one has to vote the way the "Party" tells him to vote. In fact, it means the exact opposite of that.
As Utah is taking fed money for forest fires today, it's Cox job, to play nice.
Now you sound like Trump, who famously based federal emergency tax dollars on who was "nice" to him. What a horrible and un-American way to govern all the citizens.
I think y'alls boy Cox is running a tactical game. Comes out against Trump, which is fine, but with that announcement he is guaranteeing fed funding from whomever wins.

Cox wanted Your Vote!

A Write In Is Like Staying Home & Not Voting!

He Didn't Want That When People Were Voting For His Election Now Did He?

But Now He Does It!

Not Sayin It's Illegal!

Just F'N Sayin......................!

Won't Be Long & That's What Certain MM'ERS Will Want: DISAGREE BETTER!

You Can Bet it's Some Kinda WOKE BS Or Maybe AI Or Maybe Both!
Yeah, being respectful to people is such a “woke” principle!

I remember when conservatives had the moral high ground. What are we ceding here, bessy?

If anyone wants to see what Gov Cox is talking about, go back to Reagan’s debates. There is one that sticks out in my mind in the GOP primary when Bush was running against him. I was dumbfounded how respectful they were to each other after getting conditioned to the absolute garbage we see today.

My grandpa was a colonel in the Air Force, 70+ missions flown in WWII. He was far from woke, but I’ll be damned if that man was going to tolerate any of us acting a fool and being disrespectful like we see these candidates do regularly today. Respect isn’t woke. That’s how real men act.
There's No Respect In Most Of The Political BS That Goes On Today!

It Ain't If They Are CROOKED!

It's How CROOKED Are They!

REAGAN Was The Last President We Had You Could Trust!

He Took A Bullet & Stayed Strong!

Somebody Will Jump Me On The Bush's!

I Didn't Mind Them But Neither One Of Them Were As Good As Reagan!

To This Day I Think Little George Thought He Was Gonna Stomp In To Baghdad & They Were Gonna Throw Their Hands Up & Surrender!

I Said That Would Not Happen & It Didn't!

Yeah, being respectful to people is such a “woke” principle!

I remember when conservatives had the moral high ground. What are we ceding here, bessy?

If anyone wants to see what Gov Cox is talking about, go back to Reagan’s debates. There is one that sticks out in my mind in the GOP primary when Bush was running against him. I was dumbfounded how respectful they were to each other after getting conditioned to the absolute garbage we see today.

My grandpa was a colonel in the Air Force, 70+ missions flown in WWII. He was far from woke, but I’ll be damned if that man was going to tolerate any of us acting a fool and being disrespectful like we see these candidates do regularly today. Respect isn’t woke. That’s how real men act.
When he casts his ballot, it's as an individual.

Country over Party, @hoss. He has every right to support whomever he wants. Being an elected official doesn't mean one has to vote the way the "Party" tells him to vote. In fact, it means the exact opposite of that.

Now you sound like Trump, who famously based federal emergency tax dollars on who was "nice" to him. What a horrible and un-American way to govern all the citizens.

I didn't elect(vote) for Cox to discuss in public his personal voting history.

No one gives a ****. His JOB is to represent Utah, which like it or not, voted majority Trump. I need to know who he voted for as much as his I need know his fav love making position. It's not part of his job description.

The only credit he gets, is at least he isn't Romney, kissing the ring until he doesn't get Sec of State then suddenly being anti Trump.

Cox job is to secure the best deals for this state. What positive comes from running his mouth?
It’s amazing what you all argue about and seem to be blissfully ignorant of what’s actually going on. Here’s a tip for you, it’s a presidential selection, not an election. They let both sides play and let the plebes on both sides think they’re winning sometimes. When someone accidentally sneaks in that isn’t chosen by them all hell breaks loose. All hands on deck to stop him. voter fraud, DOJ,porn stars, try to bankrupt him, non stop media propaganda, and ultimately assassination. But by all means wish for your polished politician establishment pick candidate that will do zero for you. Bush,McCain ,Romney . That’s what you’ll get.

As for cox, he’s a feminine little creep
Mitt Romney He's a Rino that endorsed Trump then turned on him. I even saw Mitt Romney march with Black Lives Matter, what a fraud. he might even be aligned with the beliefs of Antifa. In my opinion. I've called out Mitt and his staff many times here in Utah. It’s important to address certain political issues involving the Mormons. Many Republicans are great, but they tend to be passive in their political views and a lot of them are afraid to speak out against the evils and flaws of Democrat Party IMO.

I made a phone call to Governor Cox and left him a nice message. I also sent a pleasant message to Mike McKell, my brother-in-law, expressing their disinterest in voting for Trump in November. I’m certain my phone messages won’t make it to the top of McKell’s and Cox’s Christmas wish list. My family and friends in Utah will withdraw their support from both politicians, I informed them. In my opinion, Cox should support Trump and discuss the Trump assassination attempt positively to avoid being seen as a weak RINO.
This whole notion of "RINO" has become so absurd. Trump is the biggest RINO around!

What were his thoughts on abortion before becoming a GOP candidate in 2015? It's documented, you don't have to look hard. What is he saying about abortion today now that public sentiment is unfortunately shifting on the topic?

When it comes to spending, Trump is no conservative. He instituted record spending, including advocating for the largest handout in the history of our country. The deficit is larger under Trump than it is even under the current administration.

Trump signed more executive orders in one term than any president since Jimmy Carter. Small government, you say? Ruling by executive fiat is not small government, folks.

Oh, you want to talk about the second amendment, do you? Which president has done the most to restrict firearms than any president since the Clinton AR ban? You guessed it, Donald Trump! The bumpstock ban is the single most stringent firearm restriction we've had since Clinton in the 90s, and all done by executive action, not by congress. 100% on Donald Trump. (And the SCOTUS overturned it recently.)

Oh but we have to secure the border. We had a deal to secure the border. It wasn't perfect. There were likely going to be things in there I didn't like, but when Trump called Speaker Johnson and said don't give this administration the win, is that being concerned about the border? No, it is not.

I could go on, but I'll stop there. I like Donald Trump's policies overall much more than I do the current administrations, but let's not pretend this guy is a conservative. What conservative principle has he shown to possess? Because on the main ones you hear everyone shouting about back and forth, his history is certianly not supurb. Could we say "RINO," perhaps?

Oh well, no chance any of that makes it through partisan walls that have been built as strongholds, but those are facts. Facts don't care about our feelings. Donald Trump is a RINO, just as much as Mitt Romney is, but for different reasons.
Hey Niller?

Where's All The BIDEN Inflation Money Going!

This BIDEN Clan Has Bent Americans Over Worse Than Anybody Ever Has!

Then He's Got The F'N Nerve To Whine About His Ice-Cream Prices!

REPRESENT. Not read polls and parrot them. We're a republic, not a democracy.

If you don't like it. Tune out.

The state he REPRESENTS voted for Trump.

If you don't like it, don't take the job.

I need to know who he voted for like I need to know his favorite color, or sexual position.
Hoss, to be fair, he got asked the question. It’s not like he called a presser to make the announcement on his own.

At least he had the stones and honesty to answer it, whether we like it or not how he answered it. A lot of folks would have copped out.

I don’t care who people vote for. Vote your conscience. Be involved in trying to make your community a better place. I may not agree with someone, but I respect people that try. Outside of that, you do you. (That is a general “you, not you directly Hossy)
Hoss, to be fair, he got asked the question. It’s not like he called a presser to make the announcement on his own.

At least he had the stones and honesty to answer it, whether we like it or not how he answered it. A lot of folks would have copped out.

I don’t care who people vote for. Vote your conscience. Be involved in trying to make your community a better place. I may not agree with someone, but I respect people that try. Outside of that, you do you. (That is a general “you, not you directly Hossy)

"I vote as an individual and not the governor, who that is for is my business alone"

I'd be irritated as a member of the Jazz if my teammate voted a laker for all star.

You take the money from the R, you owe the R a vote. Same as D would D.

This is the useless crap Cox does just to irritate folks who otherwise voted for him, begrudgingly.

Now we can look forward to 4 years of Cox sought out for comment if Trump is elected.

Let sleeping dogs lie. Great advice
I'd be irritated as a member of the Jazz if my teammate voted a laker for all star.
Bad analogy. Just because he didn't vote for one Jazz player doesn't mean he didn't vote for another. You're starting to look like a really big "Party First" guy, hoss
Trump is the only person who will take on the deep state. It will probably get him killed. Until that happens it gives real Americans some hope of what this country used to be. No one else is willing to take a bullet for what we believe in IMO. Cox is just so lame and weak.
Bad analogy. Just because he didn't vote for one Jazz player doesn't mean he didn't vote for another. You're starting to look like a really big "Party First" guy, hoss

Did you miss that big ass R in front of Coxs name? Or his position as the R on the governor's group?

Think he cashed any R checks?
Bad analogy. Just because he didn't vote for one Jazz player doesn't mean he didn't vote for another. You're starting to look like a really big "Party First" guy, hoss
The analogy was fine, you not understanding all star voting confused you
His: We Gotta Disagree Better BS Is A F'N Joke!

Trump is the only person who will take on the deep state. It will probably get him killed. Until that happens it gives real Americans some hope of what this country used to be. No one else is willing to take a bullet for what we believe in IMO. Cox is just so lame and weak.

When I Was A Kid!

If You Were Lucky You Had A TV With 3 Channels!

We Also Had The Transistor Radio's!

When The President Came On You Were Listening/Watching Him & Believing The Words Coming Out Of His Mouth!

Now How Longs It Been Since You Could Do That?

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