ELD-X or Berger Elite


Long Time Member
I'm going to work up an all around hunting load for my new 28 Nosler and I'm struggling with a bullet choice. I want the ability to reach out to 750 yards but it's not my dedicated long range gun .

I know the Partition is best for under 500 yards, and the Berger is hard to beat at long range. I've tried the Long Range Accubond in several accurate rifles and I'm not impressed at all. I'm open to suggestions but I'm mainly concerned with on game performance at all practical ranges. all I'm asking for is the perfect bullet for all ranges , that shouldn't be a problem.
I’d hate to see the results of hitting something with a Berger or ELD at close range out of a 28 nosler. LRAB’s do indeed suck heavy ass. But the regular 160 grain accubond is a winner. I’ve killed stuff with them from distances ranging from real close, to way out there. They hold up as designed in both applications.
I shot a bull elk at 46 yards with a 162 ELD-X out of my 28 Nosler and it went all the way through causing plenty of damage and killing the bull instantly. I've shot game with this load at all ranges out to 600 or so and have had a few messy situations but never insufficient penetration. .5-.75 MOA at all practical ranges, all the time. 175's would be even better in theory but I'm not messing with a good thing. I've cleanly killed 4 elk, 9 deer, and 2 antelope in 11 years with this gun and load.-----SS
Berger 180 target hybrids worked great out of my 28. Closest elk kill was around 100 yards, farthest around 550.
Currently shooting the 143 Hammers at 3500 MV, they also do a great job.
I was wanting to stick with at least a 175, I don't think I can handle 195's with my 1-9 twist.

If the 162 ELD-x works the 175 should be better. but you sure do hear a lot of different opinions on them for closer shots.

Target Berger's on game? seems like they's blow up even worse. they do make a 180 VLD hunting bullet. I've shot elk to 730 with those in my 300 and they exited. don't think they would at closer range though.
I’ve been running the 195’s in a couple 28 Noslers and my 7mm Max for about 10-12 years. They’ve killed 15-20 elk, 40-50 deer, a couple moose, and a couple dozen antelope in that time and I’ve been nothing but satisfied. Anywhere from 15-1200 yards and they pretty much do the same thing, just a little more aggressively at closer range. They cut about a 18” cone into whatever you shoot them into, so if it’s a big moose quartering at you and your gonna go through the front shoulder on the way you’re probably gonna only get the close lung and maybe the top of the heart. If it’s an antelope it’s gonna go clear through. Never lost an animal with them and honestly never really had a bad outcome. The thing that in my experience Berger can’t be beat with is long range consistency. I’ve tried eldx and hammers and they’ll honestly shoot better at 100 yards then my Berger loads, but when I get to 800-1000 with them they seem to open up, especially the hammers (Accubonds are REALLY bad for this). I think it has to do with the consistency of the jacket with the lead bullets and I’m not sure what with the hammers, but they just seem to wobble their way out of the same MOA size they were at 100 yards. Berger’s honestly seem to tighten up the further you get out there. My 7 max sits around 7/8 moa at 100 but it’ll shoot 6” groups at 1000 just as easily if I do my part. Not sure how that even makes sense but that’s how they seem to fly.
I switched to Weatherby Select 163 gr Hammer Custom from 175 gr Nosler LR Accubonds. Hated the performance of the Nosler. Talked to Steve at Hammer and he said it will work well in the 1-9 twist of my CA Mesa. Have yet to shoot an animal with it yet
I was wanting to stick with at least a 175, I don't think I can handle 195's with my 1-9 twist.

If the 162 ELD-x works the 175 should be better. but you sure do hear a lot of different opinions on them for closer shots.

Target Berger's on game? seems like they's blow up even worse. they do make a 180 VLD hunting bullet. I've shot elk to 730 with those in my 300 and they exited. don't think they would at closer range though.
Bergers target line have heavier jackets than the Hunting line. The 180 Hybrid is THE Berger to use in the 28, IMO of course.
As near as I can tell the difference between the Elite and the VLD is just the ogive, so game performance would be the same. at long range I'm impressed by the VLD and how it held together.

The boys at MOA rifles say the Elite is the best all-around bullet with long range capability as well. unless the ELD-X is better at closer range maybe they're right.
I run the 175 eldx and the 195 Berger out of my 28 nosler. I got better accuracy results with the 175 and they are devastating on elk
I’d hate to see the results of hitting something with a Berger or ELD at close range out of a 28 nosler. LRAB’s do indeed suck heavy ass. But the regular 160 grain accubond is a winner. I’ve killed stuff with them from distances ranging from real close, to way out there. They hold up as designed in both applications.
I wish that Nosler would come out with the original AB in 180 grains for the 7mm.
I think that would be an all around winner.
810 yds with 195 bergers offside shoulder. Shooting the 195 at 3110.

175 EH is a great all-around bullet for what you’re asking. I’ve killed a lot a game with them close and far with no issues the 175 EDX or the 180 EDLM‘s are also solid choices. Just shoot the one most available and shoots best in your rifle. All will do just fine.
You guys are bringing me down. What would be the problem with a 150 grain ABLR out of a 270 at around 500? Accuracy or expansion? I haven’t used them on game yet
You guys are bringing me down. What would be the problem with a 150 grain ABLR out of a 270 at around 500? Accuracy or expansion? I haven’t used them on game yet
It will work great if you can get it to shoot. I wanted to the love the ABLRs and loaded way too many of them trying to find a load and seating depth that any of my rifles would like with no dice. There will be others that say they are super accurate in their rifles but the general consensus I've seen on several forums and my own experience is that they are difficult to tune.
I've never made the LRAB shoot in anything.

My twist rate is a tad slow for the ELD-x it seems the 180 Berger is more accurate, so I guess I'll go with those.
I was able to get the 210 LRAB to shoot really well in a .300 RUM. One close range impact and I was done with them. Hey Betterluckythangood, load some 140 Accubonds in that .270. And if you like monos, the 117 Hammer is a killer. mtmuley
LRAB seem to be very finicky to get them to shoot. They seem to like jump more than being close to the lands. I’ve used them on elk just fine, they’re a good bullet if you can get them to shoot get out of your rifle.
Like I said, close range high velocity impacts are to be avoided. I wanted to like these bullets, but the one with a white tip is a better option in my opinion. mtmuley

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