Utah 2024 primary election thread.

Denying election, claiming your opponent is controlling the internet, claiming they’re a liberal because they don’t embrace your MAGAism. That is what is becoming more important now in the GOP than policy. One man, and his lies and antics are all that matter. It’s even come to Utah, the one red state that resisted it the longest. America is falling, and people will always convince themselves it wasn’t because of them, but yes if you’re supporting the people who deny elections and question the basic bedrock and social fabric of the nation. You did do it.

In fact, with his time left in office Joe Biden due to Supreme Court ruling, should anoint himself king, and name his predecessor within his official business as President of the United States.

Idk…the current President “No one is above the law, not even the President”

The former President “I have full and total immunity if elected”

Y’all see it yet?

Joe Biden is currently President saying “I don’t have immunity”

Donald Trump the wanna-be dictator “I have full immunity”

You see it yet or?

If you are going to quote Keith Oberman, cite it, don't be a Biden.

Remember when Joe Biden disastrously pulled us out of Afghanistan getting 13 soldiers killed(I know, Biden lied and said no soldiers killed on his watch)? Then to try and save face he droned a "terrorist". Only to find out that dude, and his family they torched weren'?

Joe Biden now doesn't need to worry about that "mistake". He was granted immunity. Same as Obama got for droning citizens.
The most troubling, and frankly unacceptable part of the debate is that we ARE NOT being lead by Joe Biden. We thought it, we suspected it, but with all the CYA by media hoping we won't notice tye gas lighting of the last 3 years we have learned:

1. Biden works 10-4. That after 4 he becomes confused easily, jumbled words, etc.

2. Our allies, especially at G7 this year reported his inability to follow discussions. His absence from important meetings.

3. He has a very serious cognitive decline. Forget complex thought, he was simply unable to even challenge Trump with "nu uh".

4. He is physically unable to do the job. Jill leading home off stage at the debate as was seen on worldwide TV, showed just how feeble he is. A fall, could easily kill the leader of the free world.

This us where we are. As the left screams about our "precious democracy", the country, as hoss says, is being run by unelected "experts", and the Presidents wife. What's worse, people like Oneeye are so blinded with TDS, or rage, or whatever, that they would prefer those unelected people run the country, using Biden as some Weekend at Bernies characeteur.

What's worse. In 5 days the entire narrative is how this damages the Dem party. The media, who are just leftist propagandists now, and the dem party, haven't given a single thought to the Country. Sure they scream about some fictional tale of Trump ending democracy(as we are lead by the unelected), or the danger of Trump to America, but as our enemies are rapidly getting g more hostile, they remain silent, focused only on if it's the makeup artists fault that their candidate, needs an old folks home.

Love or hate Trump, we never had to wonder where hecwas, or what he thought, or even if he was capable of thought. We are in dangerous times, the childish "mean tweets" crowd needs to either grow up, or go away. You/they brought us to this perilous place.
Glad to see Colby Jenkins joining the election denial crowd. Showing who we already knew he was. They both lost either way. Colby and Phil can cry as long as they want, but the clowns lost their elections. Good.

Will be interesting to see Lyman run against Cox until November and see how many votes he takes away from him in his nonsense. Who knows maybe we can luck out and Lyman will cause King to be elected.
Glad to see Colby Jenkins joining the election denial crowd. Showing who we already knew he was. They both lost either way. Colby and Phil can cry as long as they want, but the clowns lost their elections. Good.

Will be interesting to see Lyman run against Cox until November and see how many votes he takes away from him in his nonsense. Who knows maybe we can luck out and Lyman will cause King to be elected.

Remember when you tried to convince folks you were a R?
Remember when you tried to convince folks you were a R?
Convince folks I’m an R? I guess a requirement of being a MAGAt R these days is to be insane and deny election results when you lose, so in that case no I’m not a MAGAt R and never will be. I live in reality.

Cox is fine, but he doesn’t have enough of a spine to actually negotiate with the legislature, he generally gets railroaded by people who are getting more and more extreme every day in the state. I voted for Huntsman in 2020, because Huntsman had the spine Cox does not to stand up to the legislature and nut jobs. Cox on policy is very conservative, and I voted for him this primary, I’m simply pointing out that Lyman is STILL running against and will keep running against Cox until November like a total unhinged moron damaging a guy who’s policy looks the same, his rhetoric just isn’t. Sorry, but I’d like a Governor who did not simply appease the legislature at every turn. You use the bully pulpit that is the Govern. He does not.

Cox has, and continues to let Lyman tell egregious lies about him and slander him. If Huntsman were governor, I can assure you he would have behind closed doors been very firm in his approach that if you cross him, he will do all he can to come back twice as hard. How do we know? Huntsman ruled the legislature during his time as Governor, the legislature didn’t rule him.
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Convince folks I’m an R? I guess a requirement of being a MAGAt R these days is to be insane and deny election results when you lose, so in that case no I’m not a MAGAt R and never will be. I live in reality.

Cox is fine, but he doesn’t have enough of a spine to actually negotiate with the legislature, he generally gets railroaded by people who are getting more and more extreme every day in the state. I voted for Huntsman in 2020, because Huntsman had the spine Cox does not to stand up to the legislature and nut jobs. Cox on policy is very conservative, and I voted for him this primary, I’m simply pointing out that Lyman is STILL running against and will keep running against Cox until November like a total unhinged moron damaging a guy who’s policy looks the same, his rhetoric just isn’t. Sorry, but I’d like a Governor who did not simply appease the legislature at every turn. You use the bully pulpit that is the Govern. He does not.

Cox has, and continues to let Lyman tell egregious lies about him and slander him. If Huntsman were governor, I can assure you he would have behind closed doors been very firm in his approach that if you cross him, he will do all he can to come back twice as hard. How do we know? Huntsman ruled the legislature during his time as Governor, the legislature didn’t rule him.

Like I said.

"Hopefully", someone other than the R primary winner, was your statement.

Showing as usual your not a R.

As to "ruling".

The legislature is a co equal branch.

And finally. Did Lyman touch you as a child? He lost. He has no viable way to do anything, yet you're wildly obsessed with him.
Like I said.

"Hopefully", someone other than the R primary winner, was your statement.

Showing as usual your not a R.

As to "ruling".

The legislature is a co equal branch.

And finally. Did Lyman touch you as a child? He lost. He has no viable way to do anything, yet you're wildly obsessed with him.
I ZEROED Oneyes Vote Out When I Voted For Lyman!
Convince folks I’m an R? I guess a requirement of being a MAGAt R these days is to be insane and deny election results when you lose, so in that case no I’m not a MAGAt R and never will be. I live in reality.

Cox is fine, but he doesn’t have enough of a spine to actually negotiate with the legislature, he generally gets railroaded by people who are getting more and more extreme every day in the state. I voted for Huntsman in 2020, because Huntsman had the spine Cox does not to stand up to the legislature and nut jobs. Cox on policy is very conservative, and I voted for him this primary, I’m simply pointing out that Lyman is STILL running against and will keep running against Cox until November like a total unhinged moron damaging a guy who’s policy looks the same, his rhetoric just isn’t. Sorry, but I’d like a Governor who did not simply appease the legislature at every turn. You use the bully pulpit that is the Govern. He does not.

Cox has, and continues to let Lyman tell egregious lies about him and slander him. If Huntsman were governor, I can assure you he would have behind closed doors been very firm in his approach that if you cross him, he will do all he can to come back twice as hard. How do we know? Huntsman ruled the legislature during his time as Governor, the legislature didn’t rule him.

Do really see a problem with him asking for a recount?
It's So F'N CROOKED Anymore It's Beyond Belief!

Yes,I've Known It's Been CROOKED Forever But This BS Of Today Is Something-Else!

I’m not sure anything Jenkins is saying is suggesting it’s crooked. I think he’s saying that in a recount, they ensure every vote has been counted and the race is close enough to justify that. We should all want open, free, accurate, and legal elections.

Contrast what Jenkins is doing to what your boy Lyman is spewing. These are not the same things. I’m not in the 2nd District, so don’t have a vote or a voice, other than Jenkins is well within his legal right to request the recount, and it appears to be so close it’s probably a good idea to do one. If he was acting a fool like Lyman, then I’d probably have a different take on it.
I’m not sure anything Jenkins is saying is suggesting it’s crooked. I think he’s saying that in a recount, they ensure every vote has been counted and the race is close enough to justify that. We should all want open, free, accurate, and legal elections.

Contrast what Jenkins is doing to what your boy Lyman is spewing. These are not the same things. I’m not in the 2nd District, so don’t have a vote or a voice, other than Jenkins is well within his legal right to request the recount, and it appears to be so close it’s probably a good idea to do one. If he was acting a fool like Lyman, then I’d probably have a different take on it.
I would not change a word of what you stated.

I do believe there is corruption in the voting system, but Lyman has no leg to stand on.
Like I said.

"Hopefully", someone other than the R primary winner, was your statement.

Showing as usual your not a R.
No I'm an independent who will vote for R's or D's. I'm not a partisan hack, true, you caught me. I will vote for King as Governor in November and still vote for Curtis as Senator. These people don't just get my vote because they are a party nominee or have a letter next to their name.
As to "ruling".

The legislature is a co equal branch.

And finally. Did Lyman touch you as a child? He lost. He has no viable way to do anything, yet you're wildly obsessed with him.
Have you checked Lyman's social feeds lately? He's spending way more time attacking Republican election officials, Cox, the Lt. Governor and others who just aren't extremist clowns in his own party than anyone outside of it. Denying results and being just a genuine idiot. And no Hoss, he didn't legitimately lose this election, just ask him.
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Wasn't it Governor Cox that said we need to support the candidate that wins the Republican Primary?

Maybe he just meant "him" when he made that statement.
Curtis said he will support whoever ends up President too. Curtis said he will work with and support Biden or Trump, whoever the President ends up being and would not court but would accept an endorsement from Trump or Biden. Spoiler alert for you, Curtis's wife helped organize Nikki Haley's event here in Utah and Curtis will also not be voting for Donald Trump this November. They'll all be writing in her name. Supporting the nominee does not mean you have to sell your soul and morality and vote for the orange clown who is a rapist who also paid off a porn star he had sex with while married to keep quiet.

But you rationalize it.

Btw, anyone notice that even after Biden's horrid debate he has actually improved in the polls? Simple reasoning, when you put the orange idiot in front of American's they remember that Biden is old and senile, but at least he's not that.
I’m not sure anything Jenkins is saying is suggesting it’s crooked. I think he’s saying that in a recount, they ensure every vote has been counted and the race is close enough to justify that. We should all want open, free, accurate, and legal elections.

Contrast what Jenkins is doing to what your boy Lyman is spewing. These are not the same things. I’m not in the 2nd District, so don’t have a vote or a voice, other than Jenkins is well within his legal right to request the recount, and it appears to be so close it’s probably a good idea to do one. If he was acting a fool like Lyman, then I’d probably have a different take on it.
Jenkins has every right to a recount (which we will all pay $100,000 to confirm he lost for that recount), but he is a crying sore loser like all the other MAGAts.
I would not change a word of what you stated.

I do believe there is corruption in the voting system, but Lyman has no leg to stand on.
But he didn't legitimately lose this election? Just ask him.

You know Phil doesn't have a leg to stand on because its right in front of your face and you know it's insane to say he won when he clearly lost. He's just running the orange clowns playbook locally and its just as absurd to say someone didn't lose the 2020 election.
Great to see we are a step closer to accurate and true representation in political maps in the state instead of the gerrymandered garbage the legislature passed. Good on the Utah Supreme Court for ruling against the dictator branch of the state of Utah who chooses their voters, not their voters choosing them. They think they are kings, the courts finally told them, they are not.

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Uhhhh, who invited this flaming liberal into Utah?
When you're as extreme as the people on this board, it's no surprise you call me a "flaming liberal". No....you're just extremists of your own political brand and anyone near the middle looks like that to you. I've voted for plenty of Republicans in the last 5 years, how many Democrats have you voted for? I think one of us is far from the flaming one.
When you're as extreme as the people on this board, it's no surprise you call me a "flaming liberal". No....you're just extremists of your own political brand and anyone near the middle looks like that to you. I've voted for plenty of Republicans in the last 5 years, how many Democrats have you voted for? I think one of us is far from the flaming one.
Seeing what the D's have done to this country since 2008, there's not a chance I'd vote for a D!!!!!
Jenkins has every right to a recount (which we will all pay $100,000 to confirm he lost for that recount), but he is a crying sore loser like all the other MAGAts.

That simply is the cost of doing business. It’s a very close race, so nothing wrong with making sure they got it right. I think that’s a very good use of $100k.

We waste exponentially more than that on exponentially less noble causes than ensuring an election result is accurate.
No I'm an independent who will vote for R's or D's. I'm not a partisan hack, true, you caught me. I will vote for King as Governor in November and still vote for Curtis as Senator. These people don't just get my vote because they are a party nominee or have a letter next to their name.

Have you checked Lyman's social feeds lately? He's spending way more time attacking Republican election officials, Cox, the Lt. Governor and others who just aren't extremist clowns in his own party than anyone outside of it. Denying results and being just a genuine idiot. And no Hoss, he didn't legitimately lose this election, just ask him.

That's the difference in YOU and everyone else...

No, I'm not so obsessed that I check people social media feeds.
Jenkins has every right to a recount (which we will all pay $100,000 to confirm he lost for that recount), but he is a crying sore loser like all the other MAGAts.

“Win, lose or draw, we’ll accept whatever the result is, but we just want to make sure all the votes are counted.”

This doesn’t sound like a sore loser to me. This sounds like a candidate in a close race trying to make sure all votes are counted. Why are you against that? Your position on this is so unbelievably extreme and anti-democratic. What about a fair and legal election where all votes are counted bothers you so badly?

Full disclosure, I’m hoping Malloy wins. I just don’t think her winning is more important than all votes being counted accurately. You’re out of whack with what you’re claiming, one eye. The only person I see advocating for vote suppression is you. You need to figure your crap out.

I Guess Nobody Can Count Or Do Anything Right/Legal In This State/Country Anymore!

Remember When They Said Biden Won?

How's That Playing Out For The F'N Idiots That Voted For Him Just About Now?

“Win, lose or draw, we’ll accept whatever the result is, but we just want to make sure all the votes are counted.”

This doesn’t sound like a sore loser to me. This sounds like a candidate in a close race trying to make sure all votes are counted. Why are you against that? Your position on this is so unbelievably extreme and anti-democratic. What about a fair and legal election where all votes are counted bothers you so badly?

Full disclosure, I’m hoping Malloy wins. I just don’t think her winning is more important than all votes being counted accurately. You’re out of whack with what you’re claiming, one eye. The only person I see advocating for vote suppression is you. You need to figure your crap out.
Curtis said he will support whoever ends up President too. Curtis said he will work with and support Biden or Trump, whoever the President ends up being and would not court but would accept an endorsement from Trump or Biden. Spoiler alert for you, Curtis's wife helped organize Nikki Haley's event here in Utah and Curtis will also not be voting for Donald Trump this November. They'll all be writing in her name. Supporting the nominee does not mean you have to sell your soul and morality and vote for the orange clown who is a rapist who also paid off a porn star he had sex with while married to keep quiet.

But you rationalize it.

Btw, anyone notice that even after Biden's horrid debate he has actually improved in the polls? Simple reasoning, when you put the orange idiot in front of American's they remember that Biden is old and senile, but at least he's not that.
I will stand by "You Are An Idiot"
That simply is the cost of doing business. It’s a very close race, so nothing wrong with making sure they got it right. I think that’s a very good use of $100k.

We waste exponentially more than that on exponentially less noble causes than ensuring an election result is accurate.
I do agree he’s fully entitled to a recount. I have no issue with him getting a recount just some of the crying he and Mike Lee’s team have been doing online.
That's the difference in YOU and everyone else...

No, I'm not so obsessed that I check people social media feeds.
Then you you are not the informed voter you claim to be because Lyman’s socials are WAY more unhinged than he is on a debate stage. It’s their campaign pages, idk I like to know who the candidates are and how they run their campaigns when I’m voting.

Luckily Hoss, he’s completed the grift and created a non-profit to steal stupid people’s money. No better grift these days in the GOP than denying election results. He learned from the orange leader.

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“Win, lose or draw, we’ll accept whatever the result is, but we just want to make sure all the votes are counted.”

This doesn’t sound like a sore loser to me. This sounds like a candidate in a close race trying to make sure all votes are counted. Why are you against that? Your position on this is so unbelievably extreme and anti-democratic. What about a fair and legal election where all votes are counted bothers you so badly?
Again, some of you don’t follow their campaigns on social media, specifically Twitter.
Full disclosure, I’m hoping Malloy wins. I just don’t think her winning is more important than all votes being counted accurately. You’re out of whack with what you’re claiming, one eye. The only person I see advocating for vote suppression is you. You need to figure your crap out.
I agree that legal, on time votes should count. But the law is clear on post marks, and if they are late, they are not legal votes. People had 3 weeks to vote, in a variety of forms. They didn’t get it in on time? Their problem. Maloy won the county in dispute as well. A recount has never changed a race in the state. Maloy won, and it will be confirmed. Good for her taking on and winning against Mike Lee who has never tried to stab someone in the back so hard in his political career and she won most counties still.

Jenkins is entitled to a recount. He is not entitled to counting late(fraudulent) votes. I love how the folks who whine most about mail voting are now the ones begging for late/fraudulent votes to be counted.
Then you you are not the informed voter you claim to be because Lyman’s socials are WAY more unhinged than he is on a debate stage. It’s their campaign pages, idk I like to know who the candidates are and how they run their campaigns when I’m voting.

Luckily Hoss, he’s completed the grift and created a non-profit to steal stupid people’s money. No better grift these days in the GOP than denying election results. He learned from the orange leader.

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Are you their mother?

Should we let you decide how folks spend their money?
I am against your democrat party's war on the American people.
Again? Like all you’re doing is adding to the exact political nonsense that brings the political temperature up. 5 minutes my guy. I’m not your enemy, I’m an American who disagrees with you. Saying I’m at war with you? Truly. STOP. I AM NOT.
Again? Like all you’re doing is adding to the exact political nonsense that brings the political temperature up. 5 minutes my guy. I’m not your enemy, I’m an American who disagrees with you. Saying I’m at war with you? Truly. STOP. I AM NOT.

You're the dude calling R voters idiots, clowns, stupid. You're the guy who trashes Mormons. You are the guy deciding you know how people should spend their time or money, be ause you know best. You're the dude labeling wide swaths of people as rubes.

Now you're butt hurt, they/we all noticed.

You, and your threat to democracy, orange Hitler bullshit are EXACTLY what turns up the temp.

Save your finger waging, and sudden realization of where things are out for yourself.

Folks like you made Trump a fictional character devoid of humanity. Hitler, threat to democracy, etc, etc, etc created this level of vitriol.

We noticed Biden was suffering dementia. YOU made Trump a fictional evil.

No one cares for your lectures now.

Shut up, sit on the corner. You have zero standing to lecture anyone
You're the dude calling R voters idiots, clowns, stupid. You're the guy who trashes Mormons. You are the guy deciding you know how people should spend their time or money, be ause you know best. You're the dude labeling wide swaths of people as rubes.
Agreed. I should tone it down.
Now you're butt hurt, they/we all noticed.
No. I have, and I should tone it down.
You, and your threat to democracy, orange Hitler bullshit are EXACTLY what turns up the temp.

Save your finger waging, and sudden realization of where things are out for yourself.

Folks like you made Trump a fictional character devoid of humanity. Hitler, threat to democracy, etc, etc, etc created this level of vitriol.
He’s done plenty to threaten democracy with his actions since November of 2020.
We noticed Biden was suffering dementia. YOU made Trump a fictional evil.
Not fictional at all.
No one cares for your lectures now.

Shut up, sit on the corner. You have zero standing to lecture anyone
No. I’ll still have my say. I’m not your enemy Hoss. You sent me a photo flipping me off. We can be Americans now, or keep the left and right extreme divide going where we are enemies.
Agreed. I should tone it down.

No. I have, and I should tone it down.

He’s done plenty to threaten democracy with his actions since November of 2020.

Not fictional at all.

No. I’ll still have my say. I’m not your enemy Hoss. You sent me a photo flipping me off. We can be Americans now, or keep the left and right extreme divide going where we are enemies.
Gladly it is still a free country, regardless of what the democratic party is trying to do. So feel free to spout whatever nonsense you want.
Millions of men and women have died protecting that right. And Donald J Trump almost paid the ultimate price to continue that tradition.
God willing be will get the chance to right the wrongs of the last 3.5 years.
Agreed. I should tone it down.

No. I have, and I should tone it down.

He’s done plenty to threaten democracy with his actions since November of 2020.

Not fictional at all.

No. I’ll still have my say. I’m not your enemy Hoss. You sent me a photo flipping me off. We can be Americans now, or keep the left and right extreme divide going where we are enemies.
You can hate Trump for his morales or you can hate Trump for his arrogance.
But Outside of questioning the integrity of the 2020 election, Name one thing that Trump has did that threatens democracy?
And I want proof, not just what you have heard from CNN, MSNBC.
I could show you proof of Biden and the Democratic party threatening democracy.
Can you say censoring pepole view points!
Gladly it is still a free country, regardless of what the democratic party is trying to do.
Again, just you adding to it.
So feel free to spout whatever nonsense you want.
Millions of men and women have died protecting that right. And Donald J Trump almost paid the ultimate price to continue that tradition.
God willing be will get the chance to right the wrongs of the last 3.5 years.
Donald Trump was attacked by a deranged lunatic. A guy in Utah county threatened Biden’s life multiple times on social media when he was going to visit. Again? Grow up dude. Be an AMERICAN.
Agreed. I should tone it down.

No. I have, and I should tone it down.

He’s done plenty to threaten democracy with his actions since November of 2020.

Not fictional at all.

No. I’ll still have my say. I’m not your enemy Hoss. You sent me a photo flipping me off. We can be Americans now, or keep the left and right extreme divide going where we are enemies.

We aren't friends.

That pic I sent was after days of you trashing folks challenging how I'd know something you didn't. That badge explained it(btw I didn't notice your big mouth when that diversity director dropped her lawsuit and scurried away).

I've been thinking n this site a long while. In all those years I've yet to see you post anything other than trashing folks. It's not Lyman who is an idiot, it's his supporters. The Mormons are all racists. Davis county dsd as well. You don't have have actual debates, you group people into a group, then smash them. You're not open to realistic opinions, it's they are stupid, racist, homophobes, etc.

And NOW bullets are flying, and NOW you somehow believe YOU have any real estate to say anything.

@grizzly and I disagree by a mile on politics, but not a single time in all these years have he ever attacked entire groups of people like you do on the regular. He attacks valid points, takes shots at single individuals. You LITERALLY bashed 7 million folks in a religion.

You cranked up the temp.
You can hate Trump for his morales or you can hate Trump for his arrogance.
I can hate his rhetoric too. Simply ignoring it is dishonest.
But Outside of questioning the integrity of the 2020 election, Name one thing that Trump has did that threatens democracy?
Did he attend Biden’s inauguration? Nope. But Obama and Biden attended his. Denying elections is kinda denying the entire idea of democracy.
And I want proof, not just what you have heard from CNN, MSNBC.
I could show you proof of Biden and the Democratic party threatening democracy.
Can you say censoring pepole view points!
Now do Fox News, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, and every other conservative outlet.
Again, just you adding to it.

Donald Trump was attacked by a deranged lunatic. A guy in Utah county threatened Biden’s life multiple times on social media when he was going to visit. Again? Grow up dude. Be an AMERICAN.
And the FBI killed him in his house.

Threaten and bullets down range ain't the same
We aren't friends.
We aren’t friends. We aren’t enemies either.
That pic I sent was after days of you trashing folks challenging how I'd know something you didn't. That badge explained it(btw I didn't notice your big mouth when that diversity director dropped her lawsuit and scurried away).
Excuses, I get it.
I've been thinking n this site a long while. In all those years I've yet to see you post anything other than trashing folks. It's not Lyman who is an idiot, it's his supporters.
No it’s Lyman.
The Mormons are all racists.
History has consequences.
Davis county dsd as well. You don't have have actual debates, you group people into a group, then smash them. You're not open to realistic opinions, it's they are stupid, racist, homophobes, etc.
You’re right Hoss, you’re entirely innocent of posting entirely partisan hateful rhetoric.
And NOW bullets are flying, and NOW you somehow believe YOU have any real estate to say anything.
Pelosi’s husband got bashed in the head with a hammer and I didn’t hear you say boo. I did say what happened to Trump is disgusting and anti-American.
@grizzly and I disagree by a mile on politics, but not a single time in all these years have he ever attacked entire groups of people like you do on the regular. He attacks valid points, takes shots at single individuals. You LITERALLY bashed 7 million folks in a religion.

You cranked up the temp.
Again? How many things do you want me to point to conservatives that you’ll just conveniently ignore. STOP. There are violent maniacs out there that exist who hold BOTH political ideologies.
And the FBI killed him in his house.

Threaten and bullets down range ain't the same
It’s all political violence. If you don’t think there are lunatics out there that would carry out horrible things on the current President, you’re delusional.

Entire plots to kidnap a Governor, going to Pelosi’s house. Pipe bombs sent to R’s and D’s….the issue isn’t one ideology is sick. The issue is AMERICA is sick.
We aren’t friends. We aren’t enemies either.

Excuses, I get it.

No it’s Lyman.

History has consequences.

You’re right Hoss, you’re entirely innocent of posting entirely partisan hateful rhetoric.

Pelosi’s husband got bashed in the head with a hammer and I didn’t hear you say boo. I did say what happened to Trump is disgusting and anti-American.

Again? How many things do you want me to point to conservatives that you’ll just conveniently ignore. STOP. There are violent maniacs out there that exist who hold BOTH political ideologies.

Whataboutism is a former president and current favorite to be once again with a hole in his ear and blood on his face vs. Paul Pelosi.

But try to be honest for one minute.

Search my name, and my comments on Jan 6.

Then post them. I freaking dare you.

Its amazing how me, a jack Mormon, and until bullets flew a non Trump voter, has spent time defending both, and NOW you want to sneak away and say "we are all friends guys".

No. We aren't.

You dug your own hole, live in it.
It’s all political violence. If you don’t think there are lunatics out there that would carry out horrible things on the current President, you’re delusional.

Entire plots to kidnap a Governor, going to Pelosi’s house. Pipe bombs sent to R’s and D’s….the issue isn’t one ideology is sick. The issue is AMERICA is sick.


20 dead, 2 billion in damage.

And we let your ilk finger wag about "preserving democracy"

We listened to the Cheney, Romneys, etc, berate folks. We ALL read you support them. We ALL read you trash them.

Mormons, DSD, "MAGA", Lyman supporters.

Grow some balls boy. You wrote it, you said it, don't wiggle and squirm now.

Bet your azz, Biden takes a bullet, you'd be on a 5 day run of trashing every Trump voter alive.

Don't backtrack now and hope no one has a memory.

Trump with a hole in his ear is still orange Hitler, right?
I can hate his rhetoric too. Simply ignoring it is dishonest.

Did he attend Biden’s inauguration? Nope. But Obama and Biden attended his. Denying elections is kinda denying the entire idea of democracy.

Now do Fox News, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, and every other conservative outlet.
You have nothing, nothing at all of what Trump has did against democracy.
You really need to shut the F up.

The guy in provo weighed 300 plus pounds and had a tough time walking out to his mail box.
You are an idiot.

The governor Whitmer hoax was paid for by democrats.
You are an idiot.
Bigotry ain’t gone, that’s for sure. One Eye isn’t the first person in this country to persecute people he hates simply because of the church they walk into on a Sunday.

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