Is he big enough to shoot?


Active Member
If you had the tag in he a shooter?

How about this one ? South Dakota Badlands last summer.

View attachment 151253
Pretty hard to judge from that photo. Evaluating any animal from behind is always a bad idea. (I know from sad experience) I'd want other angle looks to tell for sure.
He looks like a good ram but he's tipped. Sometimes that's a sign of youth in Bighorns, but no way to tell from that view.
Beautiful ram.
Tight curl, makes mass look bigger.
Space between horns. No pro, but bases do not look great to me.
Would I shot it? In a heartbeat in a lot of areas unless I knew the area held better.
Would like to see a side view.
Pretty hard to judge from that photo. Evaluating any animal from behind is always a bad idea. (I know from sad experience) I'd want other angle looks to tell for sure.
He looks like a good ram but he's tipped. Sometimes that's a sign of youth in Bighorns, but no way to tell from that view.
I agree especially Sheep, you need all the views, so you don’t make a mistake. I’d rather let it go , then walk up and be disappointed

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