Shots at Trump rally????

You're not sharp on sarcasm...obviously.......and yes......since you've been shot you know....
Homer, no worries I'm not calling anyone out on the MMuleys forums I've had a rough day dealing with trolls and talking about shootings with family and friends. I'm going scouting for mule deer in the morning, so won't post for awhile. God Bless America and God Bless Trump!!
I’ve gotta say, I’ve watched the part of video where Trump gets up, shakes his fist, and says FIGHT a bunch of times. I get a bit emotional and a touch choked up.

That is EXACTLY the type of leader this country needs. If you don’t get who Trump is and what he’s about, well, that video tells you.
Hair and shirt matches
I’ve gotta say, I’ve watched the part of video where Trump gets up, shakes his fist, and says FIGHT a bunch of times. I get a bit emotional and a touch choked up.

That is EXACTLY the type of leader this country needs. If you don’t get who Trump is and what he’s about, well, that video tells you.
Defiantly courage to say wait wait wait and damn near expose himself again and raise the fist. A moment in history for sure.
I’ve gotta say, I’ve watched the part of video where Trump gets up, shakes his fist, and says FIGHT a bunch of times. I get a bit emotional and a touch choked up.

That is EXACTLY the type of leader this country needs. If you don’t get who Trump is and what he’s about, well, that video tells you.
And that's EXACTLY why they want Trump gone, and they don't care how.
As of right now it sure seems like that could be a possibility. Seems weird that a building only 130 yards away was out of the “ring” of protection and didn’t have somebody on there.

When people in the crowd see the guy crawling through the field and get up on the building with a gun in his hands but nobody in LE does anything about it???

Was this a setup?
This is the profile of the shooters father's full name. His father was a mental health professional. This is a real link.

Things are only going to get weirder. Kind of like we got the full scoop on the Vegas massacre from the FBI. We're getting the BS going good in the media in the first 6 -8 hours

Hard to believe anything when the words do not match the lip movement. So much fake news from both sides from people making money off of likes. To easy to chop up someone’s speech to make it sound like something else and to take it out of context.
With that said, I am amazed at how the left blames the right for violence yet they supported riots. Take about the kettle calling the pot black!!
Hard to believe anything when the words do not match the lip movement. So much fake news from both sides from people making money off of likes. To easy to chop up someone’s speech to make it sound like something else and to take it out of context.
With that said, I am amazed at how the left blames the right for violence yet they supported riots. Take about the kettle calling the pot black!!
I listened to the audio from the podium area, in many of the videos you can faintly hear the audio. There’s some transcription out there if you look around.

Anyway it’s wild how quickly it happened and how much more calm Trump was than the agents. Not to discredit the agents, they had good communication and executed, Extraction time line of 90 seconds. Also there was an audible “ shooter down” so I can see why Trump stood strong.
So, can someone please explain how a rooftop only 130 yards away isn’t covered by a team of shooters? Can someone explain how there are people in the crowd yelling that there is a guy with a gun crawling up a building and nobody from LE sees him? Can someone explain why secret service snipers let the shooter get off the first shots while there is video evidence of them watching the shooter on the roof? They let him pop off multiple shots and then take him out?

Many will say that’s tinfoil hat talk but this is either gross incompetence or ?

Even a fking rookie would look at that rooftop and say that would be a logical place for a would be assassin.

Something stinks!
I See Where Some Of The FAKE.PHONY F'N News Reporters Are Saying This JOKER Didn't Have Any Prior History Of Violence!

I Call BS!

But They Keep PREACHING He Used An AR-15!
Anyone else notice how in EVERY msm story about the shooter the first paragraph says he was a registered Republican?

As no one is allowed any info on the Nashville shooter after all this time, yet, for an "unknown" reason this is in the opening paragraph of EVERY story.

Good day for Biden. He was on his way out, now, no one would have the balls to push him now.(As a dad with draft age son, everyday that corpse is our President is bad for America).

I'm thinking about Tuesday Dems strategy will be to "call on DJT to join us in seeking to ban assault rifles now that he understands their evil"
I know snipers are a special breed.

But do the logistics with the audio.

Sniper "didn't know" a dude with an AR is 140yrds from Trump, hears "shots fired" or a gun go off. Sniper "unaware" of the shooter, finds target, neutralizes it in a timeframe that quick?

I originally thought that as well but the snipers were trained on the shooter before the shots and decided to let the shooter pull the trigger first.

At least that is what I’m now hearing.

Either way, there’s a fishy smell in the air.
Why not?

Military ain't allowed to pull a trigger. Cops ain't.

As a side note.

Our wonderful leader, has consistently denied any SS protection to RFK Jr.

More of our "democracy at risk" leadership.

With Garland and the FBI on the case, the sniper will most likely face murder charges.

The county Sheriff should be in charge of there is anything to be done or discovered

I'm Not up On All The Current Info!

Did They Wait For That JOKER To Fire Shots Before They Shot Him?

2024 TRUMP 7-13-24.jpg

Police snipers return fire after shots were fired while Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump was speaking at a campaign event in Butler, Pa., on Saturday.
We can blow smoke up the Secret Service's asss all we want.....but the ONLY reason Trump is alive is because the dipshitt missed.....SS has questions to matter what a "conspiracy theory" browneye thinks it is.....
Pennsylvania State Police Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens conveyed that authorities "do not believe it was a lone wolf attack." These words signal that the 20-year-old attacker most likely had accomplices.

Bivens, as reported by "The Washington Post," urged the public to provide video footage and photographic evidence. He also mentioned that after identifying the shooter, information is being gathered about him.
Now The NEWS Media's Are Saying He Was A Member Of A Gun Club!



Blame The Gun!

Thank God Trump is ok. Sad times we live in, with all the extreme dangerous rhetoric coming from politicians on both sides of the isle, all it takes is for one person with mental instability/illness to "snap" and carry out such an act of violence. Thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent person/s in the crowd who were injured or killed.
Jill Biden should be arrested for elder abuse.

What a c$nt
I'm so glad I pulled a sh*tload of money from some of investments, because they're DEI-lovin' Blackrock. Oh yeah, here's a Blackrock commercial with Trump's shooter-boy.

I'm so glad I pulled a sh*tload of money from some of investments, because they're DEI-lovin' Blackrock. Oh yeah, here's a Blackrock commercial with Trump's shooter-boy.

FFS……that kid did have an “association” with the CIA?…
So... according to the reporting from the two articles.

The building was used as a staging & lookout post for local police.

Local counter sniper team was inside the bldg. when Crooks started shooting. (Is this a good place for snipers to be?)

He was spotted on the roof 26 minutes before he opened fire.

A cop took a photo of the gunman before the shooting and the gate into the facility was secured with a zip tie.

There's more...

Nothing suspicious at all
All I have to do for those who think they have an intellectual high ground. If the person was reversed and Biden was the one who had been shot at. How would the media and those who support Biden react? Is there a conspiracy? Honestly probably stuff like this doesn’t just happen. How many shots have hit a president in the last decade? This was let to happen and it’s only a matter as to how high up it goes. I truly believe that, **** like this makes people more divided.
So... according to the reporting from the two articles.

The building was used as a staging & lookout post for local police.

Local counter sniper team was inside the bldg. when Crooks started shooting. (Is this a good place for snipers to be?)

He was spotted on the roof 26 minutes before he opened fire.

A cop took a photo of the gunman before the shooting and the gate into the facility was secured with a zip tie.

There's more...

Nothing suspicious at all

It is *possible* that the swat shooters did not know if the shooter was a part of the counter sniper team inside the building. That may be why they waited until he shot.

If so that is the worst case of pizz poor communication I have ever seen.

Don't forget that SS staff were pulled from Trumps event to be placed on Jill's event.
It is *possible* that the swat shooters did not know if the shooter was a part of the counter sniper team inside the building. That may be why they waited until he shot.

If so that is the worst case of pizz poor communication I have ever seen.

Don't forget that SS staff were pulled from Trumps event to be placed on Jill's event.
Possible, but I think that would be a stretch. It’s the secret service. Not just some a little better than average cops.
Comforting.....and self serving.....

Investigations of these agency failures are always transparent & always comforting 😉

I see pages & pages of blacked out redactions in the future where a select few get to go into the secure scif in the basement to see them.
It is *possible* that the swat shooters did not know if the shooter was a part of the counter sniper team inside the building. That may be why they waited until he shot.

If so that is the worst case of pizz poor communication I have ever seen.

Don't forget that SS staff were pulled from Trumps event to be placed on Jill's event.
I thought of that possibility at first but the kid was wearing street clothes so it's pretty hard to confuse that with the cops full combat gear.
I read one report where it said the SS sniper was told to hold his fire when he reported the rifleman on the roof. A superior agent may have thought the rifleman was a part of the police swat team and directed the SS sniper to hold his fire because it may be a local cop. I do not know if this is true about the SS sniper being told to hold his fire, but I am aware that military snipers sometimes have to get permission to fire on a possible enemy in a war zone in the middle East.
I read one report where it said the SS sniper was told to hold his fire when he reported the rifleman on the roof. A superior agent may have thought the rifleman was a part of the police swat team and directed the SS sniper to hold his fire because it may be a local cop. I do not know if this is true about the SS sniper being told to hold his fire, but I am aware that military snipers sometimes have to get permission to fire on a possible enemy in a war zone in the middle East.
Maybe so. It is a shame there wasn't better comms between all.
Total chitshow. Prediction... this will be just another Epstein didn't kill himself, Covenant trans shooter, Uvalde school shooting debacle coverup with little transparency. At least Uvalde eventually had some accountability. I hope my prediction is wrong.
Like I've Said For Many Years!

Americans Have Felt Safe For Too Many Years!

They/We Use To TRUST Our Government!

How Trusted Are They Now?

Like I've Said For Many Years!

Americans Have Felt Safe For Too Many Years!

They/We Use To TRUST Our Government!

How Trusted Are They Now?


"In God we trust. All others, we verify". This is, maybe was, on a sign at the entrance to a U2 training facility. USN was tasked with providing water survival training to some U2 pilots.
Thankfully they beefed up the security based on the Iranian threat. Imagine what could have happened if they didn't beef it up, he could have been shot 😵‍💫

thankfully the idiot shooter F****d it up worse because that was pretty much a chip shot for a decent shooter. sad that an innocent life was lost.
That statement she made about the roof being too dangerous made her look like a worse lying idiot than I first thought she was.
I don't think a person could have slipped on that roof if they would have tried!

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