Shots at Trump rally????

Unfriken real!

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Can’t believe this bs news media.
How many other people were shot and what are their conditions? Hopefully all ok.
Pretty good seeing Trump get up and pump his fist. Like a good Timex watch, takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Now he will march all the way to the White House. And hopefully straighten this country out, if it’s not already to far in the toilet.
Not a peep from our liberal democrat MM’ers here.
You were expecting they would comment?

They’re all the same….blame and criticize the others all the while your the ones doing it.

Right wing extremism is the biggest threat…read as left wingers

Right wing threat to democracy….ah, that’s the left.
I'm Wondering If Trump Was hit With Some SHRAPNEL?

Maybe Just Real Lucky, A Bullet Piercing His Ear?
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Another witness heard from. Saw the guy crawling across the roof. They were about 50 feet away. Tried to alert the authorities.

Check out the google image of that fairground and surrounding area. The shooter picked the only damn spot to do it from. It is impossible to understand how they didn't have protection on that roof top, much less nobody even watching it. I'm not into conspiracy theories- but it is beyond comprehension how they did not have a building 130 yards away, practically the only one, uncovered.


I suppose there is this: thank god liberals can't hit the broad side of a barn. (with condolences to those who lost lives and were injured)
Couple things.

First. Not one of us not named Oneye or Bullskin bought the "trumps words caused Jan 6th.,so, this isn't on Biden. Words are words.

Next. I f-ing dare the first lib to talk about "threats to our democracy" as they are on their 3rd attempted assassination(Scalise, Kavanaugh, and now Trump).


Is anyone really surprised? Violence is the lefts bread and butter.

And finally.

On a personal note. I said I wouldn't vote either, they are too old.

I'm a proper redneck though, raised by construction trash, and rednecks.

Trump just got my vote as a **** YOU, because that's what we do in this country.
He'll Be Covered Like You Ain't Never F'N Seen!

That Or Hiding!

I can hear it now..."Due to threats of violence from MAGA, Biden will cancel his public appearances prior to the election. He regrets it has to be this way."
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Looks real to me. Everything looks good from location and other pictures from afar. 20 y/o Thomas Democrats Crooks from Pennsylvania. See picture of Mr. Hole-in-the-head in this story.

I just have to say that this is a very sad day for our country.

The political climate in our country today is the worse it has ever been in my personal opinion. This entire situation saddens & pisses me off.

God bless Trump & thankfully he wasn’t injured worse than he was.

God bless our country!!!
the photo isn't fake, I survived a mass shooting and I was shot. I can relate to what Trump is going through. I don't post nonsense. God Bless Trump and he will be the next President in 2024
I’m Just stirin’ ****, sorry about that.
Hard to believe things like this happens.
Also I’m 2A up, Stay vigilant who know what’s going down
the photo isn't fake, I survived a mass shooting and I was shot. I can relate to what Trump is going through. I don't post nonsense. God Bless Trump and he will be the next President in 2024
You're not sharp on sarcasm...obviously.......and yes......since you've been shot you know....

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