
Btw, wtf is up with Biden’s eyes? I swear he has only blinked 2 times this entire debate….seriously, watch his eyes

Biden has some clear cognitive deficits, they show when he stares into space, talks, easily agitated, mumbles, loses his train of thought, flat affect, etc. As someone who rehabs people with CVA's and head injuries for 35 years, I have a little experience. I would not trust him to drive my family in a car or run a personal business, yet he it trying to run and protect our country. Sad and scary.
Biden has some clear cognitive deficits, they show when he stares into space, talks, easily agitated, mumbles, loses his train of thought, flat affect, etc. As someone who rehabs people with CVA's and head injuries for 35 years, I have a little experience. I would not trust him to drive my family in a car or run a personal business, yet he it trying to run and protect our country. Sad and scary.
Most anyone with half a brain already knew this but the rest of America who blindly believes whatever the msm/govt says got a dose of reality last night.

How anyone can think this fool has been running the country is beyond me.
Will you please make an original post once? Ever? I've been waiting for years and all you do is take cheap shots at others from the bleachers.

Not one single worthwhile, thoughtful, or intelligent post here. Not one.

View attachment 149808
Maybe I should post a picture of two commies shaking hands and drool over how times were great with their leadership
Notwithstanding politics and policy, we've fallen a long way...

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Grizz- I agree things have changed dramatically for the worse.

I assume, based on your politics, you won't see this- but that election cycle your pining for is the EXACT reason Trump became president, and the reason he very likely will be president again.

When Romney ran, he did it as a gentleman. When the press eviscerated him as they did- as they had done to Rs for decades prior, he stood by without a fight. Just took it. Rs finally said enough is enough. Trump later took advantage of that deep seated sentiment that the establishment (the fourth estate, the entire education system, and the lifers in government) was completely lopsided against conservatism- and voila, we have Trump.
Grizz- I agree things have changed dramatically for the worse.

I assume, based on your politics, you won't see this- but that election cycle your pining for is the EXACT reason Trump became president, and the reason he very likely will be president again.

When Romney ran, he did it as a gentleman. When the press eviscerated him as they did- as they had done to Rs for decades prior, he stood by without a fight. Just took it. Rs finally said enough is enough. Trump later took advantage of that deep seated sentiment that the establishment (the fourth estate, the entire education system, and the lifers in government) was completely lopsided against conservatism- and voila, we have Trump.
Yep, the pendulum tends to swing back and forth. And for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I fully believe Romney would destroy Biden today, and Obama would destroy Trump.

Those were two intelligent and articulate men who were respectful and respectable. They differed largely on policy, but I believe America would take either of them in a heartbeat right now.

PS. (I think, and Romney has conceded, that two things cost him the election; 1) his (accurate) 47% quote, 2) Romney thinking he had the election won and packing it in while Obama got to look Presidential after Hurricane Sandy hit a week before the election. Americans tend to rally around Presidents during tough times, and Obama got the benefit of that with Sandy.)
PS. (I think, and Romney has conceded, that two things cost him the election; 1) his (accurate) 47% quote, 2) Romney thinking he had the election won and packing it in while Obama got to look Presidential after Hurricane Sandy hit a week before the election. Americans tend to rally around Presidents during tough times, and Obama got the benefit of that with Sandy.)
I believe that is what Romney believed.

But the point is different- it wasn't about whether he won or not. It was about the aftereffects of rolling over to the establishment. Trump went 100X on "hitting back". I wish it hadn't gone quite that far, but I'm 100% confident that conservatives feel Trump turned the tide against the establishment. That is HUGE for those who constantly felt/feel that the "deep state" and others are stacked against them. I laughed when folks were shocked that Trump hadn't tumbled after his felony conviction. Every time the establishment hits him, those who feel he beat the establishment only feel stronger about him.

Sometimes I think the elitest/intellectual arm of the Ds are completely out of touch with the whole phenomenon.
Yep, the pendulum tends to swing back and forth. And for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I fully believe Romney would destroy Biden today, and Obama would destroy Trump.

Those were two intelligent and articulate men who were respectful and respectable. They differed largely on policy, but I believe America would take either of them in a heartbeat right now.

PS. (I think, and Romney has conceded, that two things cost him the election; 1) his (accurate) 47% quote, 2) Romney thinking he had the election won and packing it in while Obama got to look Presidential after Hurricane Sandy hit a week before the election. Americans tend to rally around Presidents during tough times, and Obama got the benefit of that with Sandy.)


Agree or not, notice grizz is here today knowing full well how it would go, so he deserves respect.

I disagree with Obama. Had it not been for Obama in 20', Biden would be in an old folks home. Obama was just at a Hollywood fundraiser, literally leading Biden off stage.

I detest Romney, but he did go against party.

Obama people occupy the Whitehouse. Obama knew full well how bad he has gotten, yet, he stayed in line
Yep, the pendulum tends to swing back and forth. And for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I fully believe Romney would destroy Biden today, and Obama would destroy Trump.

Those were two intelligent and articulate men who were respectful and respectable. They differed largely on policy, but I believe America would take either of them in a heartbeat right now.

PS. (I think, and Romney has conceded, that two things cost him the election; 1) his (accurate) 47% quote, 2) Romney thinking he had the election won and packing it in while Obama got to look Presidential after Hurricane Sandy hit a week before the election. Americans tend to rally around Presidents during tough times, and Obama got the benefit of that with Sandy.)
The problem is Obama is not quite so saintly!
The problem is Obama is not quite so saintly!
I never said he was saintly, nor that I agreed with his policies. In fact, I said "notwithstanding" his policies or politics.

(PS. If Biden is replaced, Obama will be out campaigning for the replacement too. It's what politicians do.)

Bottom line is that I believe Obama or Romney would win in a landslide.

I think the most unbeatable person in politics today is probably Bill Clinton. People remember those year's fondly as largely peaceful and prosperous. It was also the last time we had a balanced budget. I think he could beat anybody alive if he could run.
I never said he was saintly, nor that I agreed with his policies. In fact, I said "notwithstanding" his policies or politics.

(PS. If Biden is replaced, Obama will be out campaigning for the replacement too. It's what politicians do.)

Bottom line is that I believe Obama or Romney would win in a landslide.

I think the most unbeatable person in politics today is probably Bill Clinton. People remember those year's fondly as largely peaceful and prosperous. It was also the last time we had a balanced budget. I think he could beat anybody alive if he could run.
I strongly disagree about Clinton. He has a lot of skeletons in his closet.
I never said he was saintly, nor that I agreed with his policies. In fact, I said "notwithstanding" his policies or politics.

(PS. If Biden is replaced, Obama will be out campaigning for the replacement too. It's what politicians do.)

Bottom line is that I believe Obama or Romney would win in a landslide.

I think the most unbeatable person in politics today is probably Bill Clinton. People remember those year's fondly as largely peaceful and prosperous. It was also the last time we had a balanced budget. I think he could beat anybody alive if he could run.
Sorry I should have used your own words, dare I quote "Respectful and Respectable"
Obama, nothing respectful about a man that refers to his opposition as "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Obama, nothing Respectable about a man that gave over 600 guns to the cartels, knowingly that they would be used against American citizens.
Can you say "Fast and Furious"
And all the time trying to make them illegal for you and I to own.
Romney, nothing Respectful about a man that votes to impeach a seating President even after he admits "there was really nothing there to warrant impeachment but I personally don't like what he did"
Romney, nothing Respectable about a man that changes his position on multiple major political platforms for the main purpose to get elected.
When you only poll around 50% favorbility in a Republican state like Utah and you are a strong member of the Religion of choice (by a wide margin), I wouldn't call that too respectable.
We seam to like to remember the past a little better than the true reality of the past ie; Hillary, and Obama.
I personally blame Obama for everything that is going on in this massive culture revolution of America dare I quote, "I want to fundamentally change America".
Obama is Biden's puppet master....HE is on his third term doing all the things he was too politically savvy not to do when he was President.....fundamentally changing America....
Where Is Oneye On This SSHHiitt?

I Thought For Sure He'd Tell Us How F'N Smart & Well His BUDDY BIDEN Done With The Debate?

What A F'N DISGRACE To Americans!
Grizzly said:

I think the most unbeatable person in politics today is probably Bill Clinton. People remember those year's fondly as largely peaceful and prosperous. It was also the last time we had a balanced budget. I think he could beat anybody alive if he could run.

It was Clinton by his lack of action that led up to 9/11 and many Americans being killed at the trade center.
I would not call that peaceful and prosperous.
Grizzly said:

I think the most unbeatable person in politics today is probably Bill Clinton. People remember those year's fondly as largely peaceful and prosperous. It was also the last time we had a balanced budget. I think he could beat anybody alive if he could run.

It was Clinton by his lack of action that led up to 9/11 and many Americans being killed at the trade center.
I would not call that peaceful and prosperous.

You may want to google 60 minutes. Seems there's lots of "new" info on 9/11 including the who and why
Does Grizzly have his own blue dress in the closet?

How long before Trump is charged with Elder Abuse?

Romney is and was a complete joke. Gentleman? Respectful? RINO
Is that what the 60 minutes story says?…
In a nutshell it showed the Saudi government did 9/11, complete with video and audio footage of their intelligence doing scouting.

Top secret stuff, seems the Bush's and military complex didn't want that out
Just curious if the right can put another so called “conspiracy theory” in the proven true column….add it to the 40 other ones?

As time goes on sure seems the dems and their controlled media are completely fake.
Just curious if the right can put another so called “conspiracy theory” in the proven true column….add it to the 40 other ones?

As time goes on sure seems the dems and their controlled media are completely fake.

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