UFO sightings while hunting/camping


Active Member
Was curious if anyone else has seen strange or unexplained lights in the sky while out in the Mtns hunting or camping ? I always wrote that kind of talk off until I had one strange encounter that I still think about often.
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I Remember Alot Of years Ago While We Were Waiting For Light To Show Up It Was Like A Meteor Show With More Action Than I've Ever Seen!

Some Of The Places We Use To Like To Hunt Now Have HeadLamps Galore Spooking Game Out 2 Hours Before Light!

Some Real BRAINSTORMS Out There Anymore!
Me and another guy were camped on the Trinity River back in the mid 60's. We were in our sleeping bags just talking and looking at the stars. One "star" was moving slowly across the sky. We thought it must be one of those new satellites we had heard about. We watched it for a while and then it stopped. Then it went backwards for a minute and then stop again, then go forward. It did that until we got bored watching it and we went to sleep.
My parents and I saw some unexplainable lights in the sky north of Jarbidge Nevada a few years ago. There was some strange sh!t going on.
Yes, there is an area in Wyoming I will not camp in now ever again.

Out doing spotlight counts on black footed ferrets. Saw a strange light low in the sky , looked like a flame going up and down above a ridge then down to the ground. Guy nearest to it, about 1/4 mile away couldn't tell what it was. Head guy on the project could see it too and us about 5 miles away.
Boss called an end to the spotlighting that night.
Got back to town and my good friend was hiking in the Snowies and she and a friend saw the strangest lights coming up from behind a ridge miles away then it would go down and come back up.
The area is known for sightings.
Quite a few years ago during deer season in south west Utah.

My Dad and myself are setting in the truck looking at a sky lined Buck about a half mile to the west of us.

The sun had already gone down behind the knoll the Buck was standing on.

We were both looking through our binoculars when a round metallic object flew across the horizon north to south at an
unbelievable speed.

That left us both scratching our heads.
Yes, there is an area in Wyoming I will not camp in now ever again.

Out doing spotlight counts on black footed ferrets. Saw a strange light low in the sky , looked like a flame going up and down above a ridge then down to the ground. Guy nearest to it, about 1/4 mile away couldn't tell what it was. Head guy on the project could see it too and us about 5 miles away.
Boss called an end to the spotlighting that night.
Got back to town and my good friend was hiking in the Snowies and she and a friend saw the strangest lights coming up from behind a ridge miles away then it would go down and come back up.
The area is known for sightings.
Sounds similar to my experience. Was in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains of Colorado. Early October around 2 AM few years back, actually got cell phone video for a couple minutes. I thought maybe military training at first but it was just way to different for that. I’m not sure ???
Saw a green orb/round green light move from west to east through the Levan valley and then head straight down at about 1ish in the morning 2005. I first thought it was a helicopter, but flew in a way that I can't explain. My wife saw it as well, we both watched it till it disappeared. Neither said a word to each other for a minute or so. I asked her if she saw that and she said she was afraid that she was seeing things and didn't want to say anything. Weirdest experience of my life.
No. I’ve seen things in the sky I couldn’t figure out at the time but later I found out what they were.

No ground bound creatures either. Heard some weird sounds at night but later determined they were wild animal sounds…… I think.

I believe we’re along on the earth……. beyond that………. maybe.
Saw a glowing orb weaving through the trees on a hog back I was packed in and camped on. Don’t know what it was, can’t explain it but it was odd. UFO? I don’t know. I also don’t believe “ufo’s” are from other world either though, but that’s probably a different discussion
I guided a hunter in Elk Mountain Wyoming one year, he was sitting in a blind taking pictures of cows and the mountains and when he got home there was a flying saucer or space ship in one of the pictures . He sent the picture into the milatary and they kept it for a year and said no comment. I’m going out to the shop and find the picture.
I found the photo
Up in the hills one cold morning well before daylight.
Nature called, I'm squatted down looking up at the stars.
I glimpse a shooting star. But just that quick, it stopped.
Then started moving all over the sky at RIGHT ANGLES,
very, very fast. Finally just shot off into nowhere and
At the fireworks there was a green light object flying in the night sky. It would stop and set for a moment, then shot off, make right angle turns, faster and sharper turns than any aircraft I’ve ever seen, then it just disappeared

It was a small drone.

Then things look far away but they are close, their movements seem longer and much faster. If the public has drones that can give optical illusions, the government/military are far ahead of public technology and there are things in nature we have yet to see and understand. Couple with that with our own imaginations and our lying eyes……… UFO don’t seem to alien to me.

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