Trump story…..

I sent this to my homies yesterday--that's why they didn't fizzuck with USA during Trumpy years.

A couple years ago, Kash Patel (one of Trumpy's National Security Officers) told a story on Sebastian Gorka's show that Trump saw a panel of pics/names etc., and asked Trump who they were and the like. Basically, Patel said these are the top terror baddies. Trump told him, "Kill them all."

Love that about my past and future president.

P.S. Apparently Joe says he's still running, no ifs, ands or buts.
I like it! That said, I think the best thing to happen for the Mad Cackler would be for Biden to stay in the game, win by hook or by crook, resign after a couple of months and voila! The first female prez. Oh the liberals would be finishing themselves off en masse and enjoying post masturbatory tobacco tubes!

There is no low that the DNC will go, even if they believe she is more objectionable than Bidum. Of course the world will continue to laugh and the leaders of our friends and enemies will laugh and laugh.
Oh yeah, well Biden said he wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan as well and he would not only NOT do anything if they harmed an American but he would also leave $$$ billions in equipment and also give the Taliban on average $50 million a week….so, yeah, take that
That’s the side of Biden that old Oneye really is proud of… And he really needs 4 mores of such a dominant figure in this world…

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