Paunsaugunt multi-season

Well, after 27 years I finally drew my limited entry deer tag: pauns multi-season. Just bonus points for the last few years waiting for my boys to be available to join me on my hunt. We are so pumped! There are too few things in life that get you too excited to sleep…but this is one of them: being able to spend time with my family hoping to find a great buck is my definition of heaven. I know that this hunt isn’t a guarantee, and I’ll likely be battling guides, loads of UTVs, and a huge unit that we don’t know well…but couldn’t be more excited for the chance! I’ve loved the advice this forum has given in the past…if you have any tips or info that might help as we begin to scout - it would be appreciated! Thanks a bunch and good luck to everyone this year!
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Congrats on a great best advice for now is to start learning the unit from top to bottom asap.. Spend as much time there as you can..every day off every weekend as much as you can before the season to the biologist try to figure out the deers migration routes.. These two things could be the major keys to your success...
Congrats on a great best advice for now is to start learning the unit from top to bottom asap.. Spend as much time there as you can..every day off every weekend as much as you can before the season to the biologist try to figure out the deers migration routes.. These two things could be the major keys to your success...
Yoteduster - thanks for the advice. One trip down…many to go. It is a huge unit and lots to learn.
I'm going to have to disagree with one thing. This is a guaranteed hunt unless you screw it up. lol
I drew the muzzleloader hunt in 21'. I was very lucky to draw a random tag with only 7 points, but unlucky as it was the worst drought year in a long time. The antler growth was not there but I still had a ball and ended up shooting an 8-year-old 170's buck on the next to last day. I was seeing 50+ bucks a day and some pretty nice ones that I think on a good water year would have been dandies. Look over all the elevations and hunt where you see the most deer. I hunted exclusively on the Middle bench and know a guy that hunted the top only. There are deer all over.
You're in for a real treat. That's for sure.
I'm going to have to disagree with one thing. This is a guaranteed hunt unless you screw it up. lol
I drew the muzzleloader hunt in 21'. I was very lucky to draw a random tag with only 7 points, but unlucky as it was the worst drought year in a long time. The antler growth was not there but I still had a ball and ended up shooting an 8-year-old 170's buck on the next to last day. I was seeing 50+ bucks a day and some pretty nice ones that I think on a good water year would have been dandies. Look over all the elevations and hunt where you see the most deer. I hunted exclusively on the Middle bench and know a guy that hunted the top only. There are deer all over.
You're in for a real treat. That's for sure.
Thanks elkantlers - if we mess it up it won’t be from lack of effort! I know we will be competing with guides and hunters that basically live down there…but we will get to it! Only one quick trip so far…

While we are on the topic of the Paunsaugunt, I want to put out a quick notice that the BLM will be doing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) on that hunting unit to close a bunch of roads because they got sued and entered into a settlement agreement with the special interest environmental groups.

They are going through the same process on the Henry Mountains, San Rafael Swell, and Dolores River right now. I try to keep up to date on the current TMP happenings. If we don’t stand up and push back on these closures I guarantee everyone that hundreds of miles of roads will be closed in every one of the 11 travel management areas under review. We lost access to 317 miles in Gemini Bridges and Labyrinth Rims, over 500 miles in the San Rafael Desert, and we stand to lose up to 949 miles of roads in the San Rafael Swell.

Get informed. Get involved. Access for all.
They Can't & Won't Enforce Any Of It Much!

They Blaze New Trails Every Year On The South Slope & Every Time There's A New ATV Map issued By The USFS Them Blazed Trails Are On The Map & Marked & Numbered!

Stand A Road Closed Sign Up & The Next DRAT By Will Either Tear The Sign Down,Go Around The Sign & Extend The Closed Trail!

Maybe There Will Be Enough DRATS In Them Areas They Can POLICE Themselves?

What Amazes Me With This, Is After It's Too Late They're Gonna Try & Fix It!

They'll Go in & Spend Millions & Billions & Now That It's Too Late It Fixes Nothing!
And One More Question I Have!

When They Close A Road/Trail!

Are They Gonna Bring A CAT In & Make a 6" Dirt Berm?

Are They Gonna Stack 3 or 4 Twigs In The Trail/Road?

Are They Gonna Stack 2-3 Little Rocks Up?

I've Seen Very Few Roads CLOSED Properly!

Most DRATS Are Running SIDE X SIDES With Clearances Up To Be 18"-24" That Will Go Through,Over & Around Any Of The TINKER TOY Closures I've Seen!
I would try to forget this idea that you are competing with guides and outfitters. Yes they are there, but this is a premium hunt and I would not let others bother me. I refuse to let hunting become a competition with other hunters. I compete with myself. That’s it. I don’t know about the OPer, but it wouldn’t be hard to beat my best buck if I had this multi season hunt so I would just soak in it.
If you spend the archery season up on top you'll likely not be competing with a ton of guides/outfitters. The top is a huge dense area and it's easy to get away from people. If you wait until the muzzy or rifle hunts and hunt lower you'll be in a cluster fug of trucks, SxS, helpers, guides, outfitters, and lookie-loos all in the same chained areas looking for the same 170 inch buck. If you hunt the archery season up on top be prepared for thunderstorms that are downright scary! PM me if you want some spots on top to check out.
If you spend the archery season up on top you'll likely not be competing with a ton of guides/outfitters. The top is a huge dense area and it's easy to get away from people. If you wait until the muzzy or rifle hunts and hunt lower you'll be in a cluster fug of trucks, SxS, helpers, guides, outfitters, and lookie-loos all in the same chained areas looking for the same 170 inch buck. If you hunt the archery season up on top be prepared for thunderstorms that are downright scary! PM me if you want some spots on top to check out.
Know any good areas on top between bedding & burns? I’ll be tree stand hunting. Have bow hunted the Kaibab 3 times and am comfortable hunting this way. I use Lone Wolf climbers.
I wouldn’t even know how to go about utilizing a multi-season tag on the Pauns. The seasons are so different on such a huge unit. Best of luck to you!

That unit is magical. Have a great time.
I'd put all my eggs in the archery basket 💯. It's been a minute since I drew the archery tag on the unit but the Paunsaugunt is a phenomenal
place to have a tag in your pocket! Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Congrats on the tag 👊
Hey Ken---->

If you are coming out scouting this summer and want to stage anything, you are welcome to leave it here @ my home.

I'm a pinch North but ~`` just in case.

Thx Robb, I’ve been entering data 24/7 trying to get ahead at work so I can maximize my time out there. This was actually supposed to be my scouting year, until I got the heart problem. So instead I will be driving out August 1st, take wife to visit the ditch, then scout a full week before my opener. I’ve not had time to plan much anything else yet. Am doing repairs on my ebike.

I’ll have some time next week so I’ll start by familiarizing myself with the burns. Plan on locating game trails to/from those and finding good ambush trees. Never had much luck on mature bucks at water tanks, but will try those as well.
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Just a heads-up; they/DWR change the dates to use Trail Cams.

So be careful putting any up.

I stumbled on that article yesterday. I have a few cams but don’t use them much. I think they alert game more than anything. Plus just the scent left going in to check photos. None were used for any of my top end critters. I won’t even bring mine.
I Was watching Some DRAT Hunters At A Distance Setting Up A Couple Of Trail-Cams At A Distance Through My Spotter On A High Spot Looking Down On Them!

Right Before They Left The One DRAT Takes A Whizz About 15 Feet From The One Cam!

Get it done with your bow day 1. It will get progressively harder each day that goes by. Multi season sounds cool, but can be an absolute curse.
Amen to that!! It was a curse for me. The difference was during my year of hunting, the ML hunt was in November. Passed up some really nice buck waiting for the monster. I just knew the biggest one would come during that November hunt. It didn't.
Amen to that!! It was a curse for me. The difference was during my year of hunting, the ML hunt was in November. Passed up some really nice buck waiting for the monster. I just knew the biggest one would come during that November hunt. It didn't.
Exactly my experience, I passed bucks during the rifle hunt that would have been my best ever. I just didn’t want to miss the late muzz. Late muzz was the most fun though. They say don’t pass on the first day what you would be happy with on the last.
Ya, but fin we have a lot funnier stories to tell having gone thru many days of hunting than those first day shooters. I remember one time on the Pauns ML hunt when my boy had a tag. Opening morning we ran across a 3 X 4 massive horns, long forks 33 inches wide. I was to side of my son and the buck was less than 100 yards. Didn't even know we were there. I whispered, "Shoot the buck". He put the binoculars up again. (What is he doing?). He doesn't need the bio's. "Shoot the buck" is whispered. Nothing! After the third whisper of which a lot of time had expired, I yelled, "SHOOT THE DAM BUCK!". The buck ran off and we got to measure the horns on one really massive, wide deer, after the guy on the next hill shot it. My son said hey, my hunt and I didn't want a 3 x4. WHAT EVER! :) That was one of just many stories down there.

That got me started and I really have to tell this one on us. Last day of the ML hunt. I beat Doyle Moss up the road, before light and he was dogging me. Finally I told my wife, that I was going to let him pass. He pulled up to the side of me and ask which way I was going. "Going to sit the waterhole. Is that your empty blind there?" His reply was to use it. So off we went and no sooner got to the water and heard some shots on the other fork in road. We watched bucks come in and go out from the water. Quite a spectacle we watched that last day. I shot one, but nothing to brag about. Well, the gal he was guiding shot a 220ish B&C buck right by a wood cutter not 100 yards on the other fork of the road.

I, like most of you, could write a book on hunting experiences. Especially on the Pauns. None of this, "I shot this 200" B&C buck on opening morning". What a bore. Fun ain't it.
Ya, but fin we have a lot funnier stories to tell having gone thru many days of hunting than those first day shooters. I remember one time on the Pauns ML hunt when my boy had a tag. Opening morning we ran across a 3 X 4 massive horns, long forks 33 inches wide. I was to side of my son and the buck was less than 100 yards. Didn't even know we were there. I whispered, "Shoot the buck". He put the binoculars up again. (What is he doing?). He doesn't need the bio's. "Shoot the buck" is whispered. Nothing! After the third whisper of which a lot of time had expired, I yelled, "SHOOT THE DAM BUCK!". The buck ran off and we got to measure the horns on one really massive, wide deer, after the guy on the next hill shot it. My son said hey, my hunt and I didn't want a 3 x4. WHAT EVER! :) That was one of just many stories down there.

That got me started and I really have to tell this one on us. Last day of the ML hunt. I beat Doyle Moss up the road, before light and he was dogging me. Finally I told my wife, that I was going to let him pass. He pulled up to the side of me and ask which way I was going. "Going to sit the waterhole. Is that your empty blind there?" His reply was to use it. So off we went and no sooner got to the water and heard some shots on the other fork in road. We watched bucks come in and go out from the water. Quite a spectacle we watched that last day. I shot one, but nothing to brag about. Well, the gal he was guiding shot a 220ish B&C buck right by a wood cutter not 100 yards on the other fork of the road.

I, like most of you, could write a book on hunting experiences. Especially on the Pauns. None of this, "I shot this 200" B&C buck on opening morning". What a bore. Fun ain't it.
Lots of truth you speak here. Don't you know inches and likes are what matters now days???? Memories and time spent with loved ones aren't what it's about! Fun stories, thanks for sharing!
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Got my tag in the mail today. Trying to hammer down my work responsibilities early to depart August 8th.
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