Last one for the wall?


Long Time Member
This was the buck I took fall before the massive winter kill. It was a buck I had watched for 4 years. The first year I saw him he was a 19” basket 4x4. The last 2 he was identical each year.

I just got him home from the taxi and my 14 year old and I talk. Given the current deer issues, populations, predators, range and habitat issues etc. could this be the last mule deer for me? I am at a point where unless there is some amazing story/relationship with a buck. It has to be my biggest or bust.

How many people are at that point? At what stage do you suspect you will call it good? I love the mount. It turned out pretty good.

I actually hunt harder today than I did in the past. But I just feel like a diminishing resource is something that eventually we all will not overcome…

He is the bottom left. All 3 are wy general tags.



Since you asked some questions, I'll answer. I've already told my wife that I won't mount anything else unless it's bigger than what I already have. I think I might have ten years (at best) left to hunt big game before I give it up but that said, right now there's still plenty of big bucks for me to pursue in Utah. I very well could shoot a smaller buck to put venison in the freezer. I always have elk meat in the freezer, so I'm not all that concerned about getting a deer for the meat, although my daughter prefers deer over elk.
I’m pretty well there now. Last two years I haven’t killed a buck. Could have killed several. One almost made the cut last year but I just couldn’t pull the trigger. Watched him for like 4 hours trying to add inches but they weren’t there. Up until these last two years I’ve never not filled a deer tag, many years r multiple.

I kill a bull every year with my bow. Just me and the wife now so not hurting for meat. Wish there were more like us but the reality is so few wil pass a legal buck our sacrifice won’t make a dent. But I’m still not shooting a dink
Great trio! Love the mentality. I don’t think I am totally there yet, but not too far off. I have come to the point where I refuse to shoot a dink. I hunt elk for meat. Don’t get me wrong elk antlers are awesome too, but mule deer are amazing to watch. I have lucked out on some marginal tags, but unless his frame gets the blood pumping, I’m not shooting
I'm like that at the local deer lease which has made quit considering inches. Now it's about history, story or unique / cool factors that may trip my trigger.

Sounds much the same for you but the winter kill has certainly changed the near term Outlook for you.

Best of luck with your hunts and one way or another find a reason to get out there.

Heck I'm just trying to find a budget cow tag for NM as I can get a great deal of enjoyment from that as a diy hunt.
I'm not there. I hunt California and then travel out-of-state to hunt muleys. I passed on "lessers' for a couple of years and decided that tag soup tastes like sh*t, especially that high-priced out-of-state tag. I quit passin' and started slingin' and have killed my best buck to date in the last couple of years. It was in a less desirable unit too.
Great bucks! I’m curious, who did the taxidermy?
The bottom left is a guy that has since retired and no longer doing any animals. The top buck was big cat taxidermy in Craig CO. The Bottom right is Kim's Wildlife Art in Lander WY. I have been using Kim's a lot. She has done a couple deer and currently has a lope for me.
Nice bucks and a great attitude. I'm with you, only maybe I was there earlier. I haven't shot a mule deer buck in Wyoming for almost a decade. I don't hunt as much as I used to, but I look hard. Just not seeing a stud and there are so few deer, I can't bring myself to shoot one. I try to shoot a cow elk every year and I can always shoot a whitetail too if we need more meat.
I'm with you, I think I might have 5 or 6 more years to hunt before I hang it up, 9 deer and 2 elk on the wall so I have had a good run...
I'm on the I want the boys to pull the trigger side. I've always preferred hunting elk to hunting deer so its not as huge an issue.

I tell them the second shot that goes off will be me, so don't miss, but in reality, I have seen only 1 buck in the last 4 years that needed to be concerned, and he gave the boys a real nice lesson on escape routes.
I am not there yet. I have definitely got picky though. I won't shoot a buck on general season Utah unless I think it has a chance at 170, or has some very cool characteristics. On better tags that number is slightly higher.

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