Biden replaced?

Big Mike has really gotten settled in on Martha's Vineyard. I doubt she'll want the scrutiny of how she came into such wealth by running.

Which would leave Newsome as the only other lib with national ID. But Cali is $60 million in the hole, and his hometown is a 4th world nightmare, so he's out, and bet your azz the Clintons know every Twink he's banging, every backroom buisness deal, etc.

So in reality, it really would leave Hildsbeast as their best option.

Biggest problem is the Jan 6 case just got gutted by SCOTUS yesterday, so it's up to Alvin to get Trump locked into Rikers
Big Mike has really gotten settled in on Martha's Vineyard. I doubt she'll want the scrutiny of how she came into such wealth by running.

Which would leave Newsome as the only other lib with national ID. But Cali is $60 million in the hole, and his hometown is a 4th world nightmare, so he's out, and bet your azz the Clintons know every Twink he's banging, every backroom buisness deal, etc.

So in reality, it really would leave Hildsbeast as their best option.

Biggest problem is the Jan 6 case just got gutted by SCOTUS yesterday, so it's up to Alvin to get Trump locked into Rikers
Hard to comprehend just how perilous of a situation the Dems have put our country in. They are playing Russian roulette with our country with an indisputably brain dead barely walking corpse as a figurehead. He's plainly totally clueless and is being shuffled around by his Obama handlers, with an equally or more clueless VP behind him. Diversity, equity... right on!

Our country should demand & we deserve to have a functioning coherent leader with two firing brain cells with sound judgement. Biden/Harris check zero of the boxes we need in a CIC. The American people deserve to know who the man behind the curtain is pulling the strings on the puppet.

The commander in chief has 7 minutes to decide what to do in the case of a nuclear launch, less if it's a hypersonic. Biden can't even find his dentures in 7 minutes. Robert Gates who served as Secretary of Defense in the Obama/Biden administration said Biden has been wrong on nearly every single foreign policy issue in Biden's then 40 years as a career politician. China, Russia & North Korea are forming alliances. Iran is on the warpath & Biden is funding them. BRICS is up to 10 countries. Israel/Hamas/Ukraine/Afghanistan is a total clusterphuk. 10 million+ and counting 3rd world refugees have entered our country facilitated by Biden and our tax dollars. Is this what we voted for?

Hard to see a good outcome in our future if this ain't stopped.
Hard to comprehend just how perilous of a situation the Dems have put our country in. They are playing Russian roulette with our country with an indisputably brain dead barely walking corpse as a figurehead. He's plainly totally clueless and is being shuffled around by his Obama handlers, with an equally or more clueless VP behind him. Diversity, equity... right on!

Our country should demand & we deserve to have a functioning coherent leader with two firing brain cells with sound judgement. Biden/Harris check zero of the boxes we need in a CIC. The American people deserve to know who the man behind the curtain is pulling the strings on the puppet.

The commander in chief has 7 minutes to decide what to do in the case of a nuclear launch, less if it's a hypersonic. Biden can't even find his dentures in 7 minutes. Robert Gates who served as Secretary of Defense in the Obama/Biden administration said Biden has been wrong on nearly every single foreign policy issue in Biden's then 40 years as a career politician. China, Russia & North Korea are forming alliances. Iran is on the warpath & Biden is funding them. BRICS is up to 10 countries. Israel/Hamas/Ukraine/Afghanistan is a total clusterphuk. 10 million+ and counting 3rd world refugees have entered our country facilitated by Biden and our tax dollars. Is this what we voted for?

Hard to see a good outcome in our future if this ain't stopped.
I hope and think more people are waking up and seeing reality. Especially after the debate.

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