More lies about 06 JAN???

Sure looks like it.

Bongino was talking about this a few weeks ago and went into detail about the fake bomb plot outside the DNC. The cctv video that surfaced of the bomb and the secret service just standing there, letting little kids walk right by the "bomb". That whole deal was a "plan B" like Homer said. Bongino spent 4 straight days talking about this and interviewed the guy who broke the story/video. The bomb sitting right outside the DNC for supposedly 17 hours, being missed by a secret service sweep, bomb sniffing dogs, etc while the bomb was fully visible to anyone walking by. GMAFB. An off duty police officer just happened to find the "bomb"? If you don't know the full details on this I'd highly suggest you listen to the Bongino podcasts where he covers this in extreme detail.

Why did it take a full year before the left admitted that Kamala wasn't even in the capitol building during the certification, the most important day of her life up to that point. Hmmm

It was such a sham, the whole thing will unravel eventually, and we will find out how it was all orchestrated by the Dems (most of us know this already). It will be no different than the Russian collusion narrative....all created by the left.
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You guys really think Garland is just going to open the jail cell and let them run his nose in it?

He'll figure out some new charge

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