
I don't know what channel it will be on, but I guarantee the number of that channel is higher than the collective IQ of the two people on the stage. What a disaster we've created for ourselves.
"I hear you're free on Wednesdays" is a damn funny line no matter where you stand....
I don't know what channel it will be on, but I guarantee the number of that channel is higher than the collective IQ of the two people on the stage. What a disaster we've created for ourselves.
I get that you don't like Trump......but you equating them as equals is comical....
Sleepy Joe has demanded conditions for the debate and I will not be surprised if it is a CNN moderator used and they will slip the questions to sleepy Joe ahead of the debate.
Sleepy Joe has demanded conditions for the debate and I will not be surprised if it is a CNN moderator used and they will slip the questions to sleepy Joe ahead of the debate.
RELH is ON CNN.......did you expect a Fox moderator??
I get that you don't like Trump......but you equating them as equals is comical....
Pretending that Biden's ineptitude has any bearing on Trump's ineptitude is comical. How about this gem from last week about "the late, great Hannibal Lecter, a wonderful man"?

You're telling me that was a cogent thought by an elderly insurrectionist again pursuing the Oval Office and a self-declared presidency of retribution? 🤔


Are outtakes signs of mental decline because we could go all day?

They're both buffoons. There are just a bunch of people in this country that were convinced long ago to only watch news that told them what they wanted to hear, so they don't know about the endless gaffes by Trump. They think the choice is clear and that there is one sound mind running for President. There isn't.
Pretending that Biden's ineptitude has any bearing on Trump's ineptitude is comical. How about this gem from last week about "the late, great Hannibal Lecter, a wonderful man"?

You're telling me that was a cogent thought by an elderly insurrectionist again pursuing the Oval Office and a self-declared presidency of retribution? 🤔


Are outtakes signs of mental decline because we could go all day?

They're both buffoons. There are just a bunch of people in this country that were convinced long ago to only watch news that told them what they wanted to hear, so they don't know about the endless gaffes by Trump. They think the choice is clear and that there is one sound mind running for President. There isn't.
They may both be baffoons but one wasn’t intentionally running the country in the ground.

I rather liked my life when Trump was president and seems other business owners agree.

I guess mean tweets didn’t bother me as much as some.
Pretending that Biden's ineptitude has any bearing on Trump's ineptitude is comical. How about this gem from last week about "the late, great Hannibal Lecter, a wonderful man"?

You're telling me that was a cogent thought by an elderly insurrectionist again pursuing the Oval Office and a self-declared presidency of retribution? 🤔


Are outtakes signs of mental decline because we could go all day?

They're both buffoons. There are just a bunch of people in this country that were convinced long ago to only watch news that told them what they wanted to hear, so they don't know about the endless gaffes by Trump. They think the choice is clear and that there is one sound mind running for President. There isn't.
You share a clip with no audible and a clip that has President Trump arguing about what he is going to day when he addresses the nation, and you put that on the same level of President Biden shitting in his pants in public.
Yes we deserve better but this is what we are stuck with and it is clearly one is much more cognitive than the other.
You share a clip with no audible and a clip that has President Trump arguing about what he is going to day when he addresses the nation, and you put that on the same level of President Biden shitting in his pants in public.
Yes we deserve better but this is what we are stuck with and it is clearly one is much more cognitive than the other.
No audible [sic]?

Click unmute 🤦
Total clown show. We essentially have 3 democrats of varying degrees on the ballot. Trump should be wiping the floor over the corrupt drooling vegetable and have a double digit lead. Extremely maga friendly Rasmussen says it don't look good for R's. Nikki Haley is still getting 15%-20% + of the R vote in primaries and she's been gone since March. Anyone see another "RedWave" coming?

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It won’t be a debate, debates get judged and the debaters have to use facts. That rules out both Biden and Trump.
It won’t be a debate, debates get judged and the debaters have to use facts. That rules out both Biden and Trump.
It's a fact that Biden DOJ is persecuting Trump.....and it is a fact that Biden is a senile fool and not in charge.....

THAT will be part of the debate.....
Did the Trump folks know that Tapper was a biased shitlib before agreeing to the debate? Not sure I'd blame Tapper if you agree to the terms
I am very sure that the Dems and CNN told the Trump people to either accept their terms or you can bow out of the debate. Then the Dems would yell to high heaven that Trump is scared to debate sleepy Joe and refused their offer of a debate.
The Dems will never agree to a debate with FOX news as moderators. They fear the hard questions that would be asked of sleepy Joe.
Trump has an opportunity to win big if he keeps his cool and sticks to Biden's record, but the mods won't allow that.

"Mr. Trump, how does it feel to be a convicted felon running for President?"

"Mr. President, can you explain to the people how you rescued the economy during the pandemic and how terrible the economy was when Trump left office? As a follow up question can you remind the folks how Trump tried to destroy Democracy? Thank you, sir."
What are the chances that the questions were leaked to Biden? 99%?

Or did Biden’s team just give the questions to the moderators instead, that way they weren’t technically leaked to Biden?
I don’t think it’s going to be very entertaining to them go at each other like a couple horny teenagers. I don’t really see how this can go badly for Trump if he had any common sense to the matter. If cnn obviously shuts his voice down it’s a win for Trump. If Biden tries to piece together more then three sentences live without any audio doctoring it’s a win for Trump. If Trump make even a few good points without looking like he’s beating up grandpa he wins. To me the only way Trump loses is if he goes full bully mode on Biden. I may be wrong but it’s not Going to be a debate over facts and policy.
The Dems will never agree to a debate with FOX news as moderators. They fear the hard questions that would be asked of sleepy Joe.
Yeah, how did that work when Chrissy Wallace moderated the debate in 2020? He cattied water for Biden, Supported Biden's Laptop LIE.
You can’t tell me Biden doesn’t have an earpiece in….see him fiddling it.

That fking idiot can’t be left alone for a second
I think it was the biggest win possible for Biden. Ya know- he was still standing and breathing by the end of the 90 minutes- mumbles, freezes and all. Soooooo hard to watch.
So, Whitmer or Newsom? Or ?

Who will they run? If they do run someone else how can they flip it and say, sorry I know we have been telling you Biden is our man and he’s one of the best presidents ever but we were, well, lying. Now we will run someone else and they will be the best.

I swear, dems are the biggest fake liars ever. How anyone can claim to believe in that party is beyond me.

Btw, did you see what border patrol just tweeted about Biden saying they endorsed him….they tweeted just now, “ just to be clear, we never have or will endorse Biden”

I stand by what I said seven months ago, Biden won't be the candidate in November...

"My guess is the Democrats are baiting the Repubs to run Trump. The Democrats can't actually think Biden is the best they've got in the stable"...

"I think the Dems will get the Repubs to commit to likely-soon-to-be-felon Trump and then bring a younger moderate in as a breath of fresh air later in the game"...
I hope quickly

I doubt it's quite that easy. Black women are the core constituency of the Dems. How do you explain passing her for rich white women(Clinton or Witmer) or rich whit dude(Newsome).

On another note. As a dad with a draft age son, the country needs to be concerned. Russia, China, Iran saw that. If they are going to act, now is the time, weakness was on grand display
I doubt it's quite that easy. Black women are the core constituency of the Dems. How do you explain passing her for rich white women(Clinton or Witmer) or rich whit dude(Newsome).

On another note. As a dad with a draft age son, the country needs to be concerned. Russia, China, Iran saw that. If they are going to act, now is the time, weakness was on grand display
Are you saying diversity hires have come back to bite them???? Aaahasaa
I doubt it's quite that easy. Black women are the core constituency of the Dems. How do you explain passing her for rich white women(Clinton or Witmer) or rich whit dude(Newsome).
This is exactly right. What are they going to say if they snub Kamala, sorry to our black constituents, we were just kidding with you and keeping power is more important than everything we’ve preached to you.

I can just imagine the R’s campaign commercials if they went with anyone other than Biden/Kamala. The dems thought they were bleeding black votes now….it would be much, much worse.
I belive there is a few on MM that is feeling the CNN pain.🤣

Will you please make an original post once? Ever? I've been waiting for years and all you do is take cheap shots at others from the bleachers.

Not one single worthwhile, thoughtful, or intelligent post here. Not one.

View attachment 149808
I personally can not get enough of the Biden 💩 show. The night could not have been more perfect.
I don’t know folks, that closing statement from Biden saying he’s going to get rid of lead pipes. Wow! that really touched my heartstrings. That was beautiful!…. finally someone willing to take on the big lead pipe conglomerate. That’s almost as inspiring as Belichick saying “no days off”
I hope that Biden failing to win the election carries over to other Democrats in Congress. Trump will need a GOP majority in both houses of Congress otherwise the Dems will roadblock any bills that benefit the citizens and make Trump and the GOP look good to the voters. I also have felt for some time that the Dems will throw Biden to the wolves first chance they get. They have a record of doing it with members of Congress that goes against the party platform and maintaining power.
You've Heard Me Say It Before Hossy!

POOTIN Would Pay No Attention To BIDEN!

I doubt it's quite that easy. Black women are the core constituency of the Dems. How do you explain passing her for rich white women(Clinton or Witmer) or rich whit dude(Newsome).

On another note. As a dad with a draft age son, the country needs to be concerned. Russia, China, Iran saw that. If they are going to act, now is the time, weakness was on grand display
He Wouldn't Know A Lead Pipe From Poly Pipe!

I don’t know folks, that closing statement from Biden saying he’s going to get rid of lead pipes. Wow! that really touched my heartstrings. That was beautiful!…. finally someone willing to take on the big lead pipe conglomerate. That’s almost as inspiring as Belichick saying “no days off”
I don’t know folks, that closing statement from Biden saying he’s going to get rid of lead pipes. Wow! that really touched my heartstrings. That was beautiful!…. finally someone willing to take on the big lead pipe conglomerate. That’s almost as inspiring as Belichick saying “no days off”
Ironically a lead pipe might be the only thing that can save America at this point.

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