Bar fights


Long Time Member
What's your story?

Ive seen a few, mostly to the tune of some of the songs on Elkassss' song list.

Best one, and it was over quickly...In the very early 80s a bunch of USC football players had a dorm football party. Beer + rowdy dudes, well, things happen.

Some town dudes decided to bust in, or at least try to.

Russ was out front, sorta acting as bouncer when a townie decided he was gonna attend. Russ said no. The dude took a tequila bottle and swung it towards Russ' head. Russ, blocked it, grabbed the dudes right hand with his left and then kicked the dude twice in the head, then let him drop.

None of us knew until then that Russ was a 4th degree black belt and a former PKA fighter.
I have only personally been involved in one bar fight & it wasn’t much of a fight from my end.
A buddy & I were bow hunting near Meridian MS & decided to hit a bar near the Naval Air base. A few drinks in I was talking to gal that I had not realized was there with a group from the base. I got a tap on the shoulder & got sucker punched when I turned my head. I went straight to the floor. lol
I remember trying to gather my drunken, rattled senses & saw my buddy Todd putting a country style a$$ whoopin’ on 5 or 6 Navy boys. To say he cleaned house was an understatement. He saved my rear end. I remember him dragging me by the arm trying to pick me up off of the floor to get the hell out of there. We ran to the truck & drove like hell to get away. He was fired up driving away & laughing his tail off while spitting blood out the truck window.
Todd was a farm boy & strong as an ox. He was maybe 6 foot tall, but country as hell & loved to fight. I’m sure those Navy guys thought twice about starting crap after that.
We've had issues with some wind farm guys here in town. They get wasted, can't handle their alcohol at altitude, and start trouble.
The trouble makers have been fired from their jobs. Several went to jail. Supervisors come in to apologize to the owners.

Why do fat guys take off their shirts first thing in a fight, we don't want to see your huge belly.
It's all about your environment. if you grow up in a rural cowtown made up predominantly of Irish Catholics you're going to spend a lot of time in the bar and there will be lots of fights.

Times and demographics have changed a lot so there's seldom a fight these days. and if you're involved you're 86'ed for life so it's not worth it. which is all good because I'm too old for it anymore.
Long ago, early 90's when I enjoyed paying double for shitty booze and listening to idiots, I witnessed my only true fight(not a shoving match with a break up).

Seemed a little bit hefty gal was tired of her friend f****** her boyfriend. No one hurried to break it up as the friends pierced nipple(first I'd ever seen one) made a very early appearance.

Lots of hair pulling, "*****" yelling and ripped tops. But hefty did clock the friend hard enough to bloody her up.

I agree with previous, if hefty gal could of kept her top on it would of been appreciated.

Never got in one myself, nor really ever got close
Growing up I was known to partake in a quite a few adventures like this. Being a big guy always put a target on my back. Early on it was kind of enjoyable but as I matured it became irritating and I was more willing to ignore them. I had better things to do, like the ladies and simply partying. Got called a lot of names for doing so too but then those were just words. Think it pissed them off even more ignoring them. Just not worth my time and effort. Those pretty young gals were a hole lot more fun and soft than busting knuckles with some punk.

A couple of the fights were only one punch each with both of us standing there looking at each other after the swing recognizing "that friggin hurt"! Ended up becoming friends and partied together. All the friends we each had all settled their azzes down too seeing that we were cool with each other. Which before they would have there own side scuffles. Oh the good old days.
my mom used to get so mad when she had to go get me from school because i was suspended for three days for fighting. as long as i didnt start it, my dad wouldn't say too much because he always taught my brother and i to defend ourselves. as i got older and hung around with some wild buddies we had quite a few scraps in bars. even though i was pretty tuff i l finally figured out that i wasn't near big enough. the last fight i was in i got drug out the of bar by the neck by a bouncer who was about three times as big as me. figured it was time to hang up the gloves lol. now adays you'll get shot.
How many have been in a fist fight where there is no one to stop it or step in?

Very few I believe.
those are the really good ones. in high school we would go meet up after school. bring a buddy just to make sure nobody jumps in. go until somebody's had enough.
Growing up I was known to partake in a quite a few adventures like this. Being a big guy always put a target on my back. Early on it was kind of enjoyable but as I matured it became irritating and I was more willing to ignore them. I had better things to do, like the ladies and simply partying. Got called a lot of names for doing so too but then those were just words. Think it pissed them off even more ignoring them. Just not worth my time and effort. Those pretty young gals were a hole lot more fun and soft than busting knuckles with some punk.

A couple of the fights were only one punch each with both of us standing there looking at each other after the swing recognizing "that friggin hurt"! Ended up becoming friends and partied together. All the friends we each had all settled their azzes down too seeing that we were cool with each other. Which before they would have there own side scuffles. Oh the good old days.

That's always the rub.

I was 6'5 240 as a senior. But I don't consider myself tough nor a fighter, but good lord it got so tiresome having midgets and dwarfs run their mouths.

Guys that couldn't reach your head, talking chit, knowing full well that if I did grab them, I'd hurt them, and then I'd get the "your picking on smaller guys" line, so they were safe as I was an athlete and fighting would have got me suspended.

It's pretty rare you see actually big dudes go at it.

I dislike bars, I prefer a porch, a shop, or a campfire with people I actually like for drinking.
That's always the rub.

I was 6'5 240 as a senior. But I don't consider myself tough nor a fighter, but good lord it got so tiresome having midgets and dwarfs run their mouths.

Guys that couldn't reach your head, talking chit, knowing full well that if I did grab them, I'd hurt them, and then I'd get the "your picking on smaller guys" line, so they were safe as I was an athlete and fighting would have got me suspended.

It's pretty rare you see actually big dudes go at it.

I dislike bars, I prefer a porch, a shop, or a campfire with people I actually like for drinking.
i have a buddy who's big like you. he told me that he's never been in a fight. i told him that nobody's stupid enough to pick a fight with him lol. i was a small guy in school and bullies seem to enjoy those types. i had a temper though.
As a younger punk growing up in rural ‘Merica bars my Moto was “ If you what some get some, if you’re bad enough come take some.”

Eventually I decided there is ALWAYS someone bigger and badder 🤣
Too Old To Receiveth?

Or Too Old to Giveth?

It's all about your environment. if you grow up in a rural cowtown made up predominantly of Irish Catholics you're going to spend a lot of time in the bar and there will be lots of fights.

Times and demographics have changed a lot so there's seldom a fight these days. and if you're involved you're 86'ed for life so it's not worth it. which is all good because I'm too old for it anymore.
Uh huh……… yep, the good ol occasional bar fight used to be quite a lot of fun ! Usually if there wasn’t enough women around to keep us occupied, something was gonna happen. Sometimes the women we chased started it, or caused it in other ways !!!! Lol, used to have to ask permission to walk in the door a few special places back in the day ! The answer changed on a weekly basis…… usually based on what happened the prior weekend ! Young and dumb !!!! Many years ago !
I love bars, anyone who doesn't just go to the right ones. people are friendly as long as you are, no screaming kids, drunk girls and good times.

At least half of all bar fights are between friends, it doesn't mean anything and in a few days it's forgotten. true rural western culture I hope it never changes.
I was suspended for a week in high school for fighting. I didn't start it but that didn't matter to the school. I only got in one fight while working in the woods and it would have ended with someone getting seriously hurt until big Keith Tally broke it up. Even at that I had to get stitched up and he had a broken rib. If you're going to fight you better stay on your feet because they fight for keeps. I've seen a few bar fights but never participated.
Been cold cocked with my dick in my hand while pissing in a urinal. A guy I’d never even seen or met before mistook me for someone else. The guy grabbed & pulled on my shoulder as I was doing my business. He swung on me with a big overhand right… it connected good. Suk’d for him that he didn’t knock me out on his first punch. Been in several bar fights back in the day & picked beer bottle glass out of my hair more than once. Most were all good clean testosterone fueled fun with rowdy dudes letting off steam… we shook hands after & went on our way. I’d be very afraid of similar situations in this day & age. Folks don’t appear to know how to settle dumb disputes without killing each other.
my wife is a middle school principal and she says its mostly girls fighting now. rarely boys. i don't ever remember girls fighting when i was in school.
some you need to go to some of the high schools GIRL wrestling matches.
Some will shock ya how mean and tough they are.
Never been in a bar fight. I am the one that would do my best to leave as soon as the posturing starts. I should have had my ass kicked a few times when I was younger and under the influence when I look back. I have seen plenty in my small town. Some of the old timers still have the scars, one is missing an eye.

I would go to the Mexican Dances 25 years ago when chasing women and there was a fight there every single time. Always at the end of the night for some reason.

Fights now are not worth it. People used to fight at school, the bar, on the bus or wherever and it wasn’t the end of the world. No one called parents or their lawyer afterwards either. The fights, even if dirty, weren’t anything that would put you in the hospital or morgue. Now people head stomp and field goal kick your head when you’re knocked out or use a few friends to put a real thumping on you. No thanks.
As someone being from Montana in a ranching and logging area fights happened a lot. Then I spent some time in the oilfields of Wyoming in the 80's. More gravel parking lot fun. As I look back at 58 years old it was all pretty stupid. Fighting was different then than now. My kid is into MMA. Messing with the wrong guy these days can be bad. Glad it's over for me. mtmuley
Every Which Way But Loose was a one of my favorites. Never did fight for money but I did for pleasure until I wised up. Dayum how dum we were when we were young. Young and dumb and full of cum.

I learned how to fight as a kid in the Navy, early 70s. I finished up at 25-1, then left the Navy to spend 8.5 years in college. The closest I came to a bar fight was not long after Star Wars or Star Trek came out as a movie. My hair was down to my shoulders. I grabbed a beer at a bar near the theater, and not far from Fort Carson.

Dropped a couple quarters on the pool table and turned around to see one of them gone.

I inquired about the other quarter to the guy filling the rack, and he said 'do what you gotta do'.

I eyeballed the exit on the other side of him and the 4 or 5 Army dudes, then finished my beer and left.
I've been 10 feet tall and bullet proof after a few myself. Good times, but I hope I hope I'm past that now at the age of 55.
2/4 in my bar time discretions... They're a lot of fun when you win!! I'm tougher than most think, but probably not as tough as I think. Ha!!

None in the last 12 or 15 years
I've seen some ugly.

One of the best involved a cocky wind farm dude who wore his pants tucked into his high cowboy boots.
He got in a little scuffle with a friend of ours and accidently spilt my wife's beer and knocked her cowboy hat off her head.
She didn't take kindly to the disrespect and in one quick kick put the heel of her right Lucchese squarely between the guys eyes.
When we left out the back door the medics were holding direct pressure on the dude's gash and a county cop stopped us outside.
He asked her if we had seen the gal inside who had her hat knocked off.
She simply replied that as he could easily see her hat was on her head.

NEVER judge a book by it's cover.
Back in the early 70's I was in a bar with some Yurok Indian friends I worked with. The bar was The Ebony Club. As the name suggests it was blacks who owned it and patronized it. One of the Indians was a faller who went by the name of Blacksnake. He got in a fight with a couple black guys and the owner kicked him out. My other Indian buddies didn't get involved and I couldn't figure out why?

Blacksnake came back in a few minutes later with his chainsaw. He fired it up and cut the bar in half. You should have seen the black guys scatter! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . He got thrown in jail that night.
I'd Of Liked To Have Seen That One!:D

Back in the early 70's I was in a bar with some Yurok Indian friends I worked with. The bar was The Ebony Club. As the name suggests it was blacks who owned it and patronized it. One of the Indians was a faller who went by the name of Blacksnake. He got in a fight with a couple black guys and the owner kicked him out. My other Indian buddies didn't get involved and I couldn't figure out why?

Blacksnake came back in a few minutes later with his chainsaw. He fired it up and cut the bar in half. You should have seen the black guys scatter! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . He got thrown in jail that night.
Alot Of Damn years Ago In A Bar!

I Was The Designated Driver!

What They Didn't Know I Was Gonna Get Drunk On DEW!:D


I Don't Know How Or Why It Happened This Way?

But A Guy I Knew That Had A Wife And A Girlfriend On The Side And Somehow The Wife Must Of Got Word!

All Three Of Them Sitting At A Table & He Asks His Wife If He Can Dance With The Other Chick!


His Wife Said: Why HELL No You Can't Dance With Her!

He Replies:

Well I've Been Sleeping With Her For Three Months & Was Just Wondering If A Dance Would Be OK!

Got kinda Western There For A Bit!

After The Swinging,Slapping & Yelling Slowed Down!

Then His Wife Looks Over At Me & Says:

Your Really Not Still Friends With Him Are You?

He's Still With The Girlfriend Today!:D
Grew up outside of a town in west Texas. Mom made me take taekwando when when I was 6 and I didn't stop until late high school. I fought competitively from 12-17 full contact at tournaments all over the US. I even trained some with the toughest man in the world, Chuck Norris. I always kept this to myself and only a few close friends knew. In high school an All District wrestler tried taking my cowboy hat at a party. I didn't let him take it, he invited me outside and I did everything I could to back out of the fight even after he picked me up and slammed me down twice. The third time he decided to kick me in the chin as I was on my hands and knees getting up. That was enough to push me over the edge, one straight right to the cheekbone and a front kick to the chin ended his night. Ended up breaking his jaw in several places and ending his desire to fight. Had a few other close calls with most just wanting to test me, but I was almost always able to back down to get out of fighting. I have a scar from stitches on my forehead where a guy blindsided me with a pool cue and on my wrist from a knife cut, but that's the worst of it. I wasn't able to get out of those fights and both times was questioned by the police. By then most people knew that I would do everything I could to get out of fighting. If you can avoid it, if you can't avoid it make sure that you take the fight out of them.
These days you might get a gun on you instead of a fist. I'll just quietly carry and mind my own business. mtmuley
That’s a smart move right there. It used to be fun but you just don’t know anymore, what kind of lunatic you might be dealing with.
So mt?

Let's say You're Sittin In A Bar Minding Your Own Business!

And A Guy Drags A Half Dead BIG COYOTE In To The Bar With A Couple Wraps A Tape Around The Muzzle!

After He Shows It Off He's Gonna Take It Out Back & Finish Business!

You're Just Gonna Sit There & Mind Your Own Business,Right?

These days you might get a gun on you instead of a fist. I'll just quietly carry and mind my own business. mtmuley
Back in the early 70's I was in a bar with some Yurok Indian friends I worked with. The bar was The Ebony Club. As the name suggests it was blacks who owned it and patronized it. One of the Indians was a faller who went by the name of Blacksnake. He got in a fight with a couple black guys and the owner kicked him out. My other Indian buddies didn't get involved and I couldn't figure out why?

Blacksnake came back in a few minutes later with his chainsaw. He fired it up and cut the bar in half. You should have seen the black guys scatter! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . He got thrown in jail that night.
I heard Blacksnake turned his life around so I did a search.

It's common sense, it's all about demographics and how you behave. the right bar in the right place is a fun safe time, the wrong bar in the wrong place is a ticket to the hospital or worse. you don't have to be an Einstein to know where you don't fit in.

When we travel we try no never eat anyplace but a bar. and I've never had a bad experience in 40 years. but I'm not stupid about where I stop.
So mt?

Let's say You're Sittin In A Bar Minding Your Own Business!

And A Guy Drags A Half Dead BIG COYOTE In To The Bar With A Couple Wraps A Tape Around The Muzzle!

After He Shows It Off He's Gonna Take It Out Back & Finish Business!

You're Just Gonna Sit There & Mind Your Own Business,Right?
I'm not getting myself in trouble for someone making a dipshit move like that. And, an ass kicking wouldn't teach an idiot like that guy anything anyway. I'd pick up the phone. mtmuley

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