Stone Sheep Dreams


New Member
Great photos of members harvesting Rams. \ive attached a wonderful link to my friends Greg and Shane Pallister who ventured on a epic 39 day stone sheep hunt. Heres the link

if for some reason it does not open it can be seen on youtube
"epic 39 day stone sheep hunt."

I've hunted with Shane and Greg a number of times over the years and shane is a fantastic hunter and guides in Alaska for dalls , states for big horn and has a territory in Mexico for deserts.
I viewed this video when it first came available on youtube. I count as one of the best father/son adventures I've seen, and the results are as good as they get.
Well worth watching...again.
That’s what hunting is really about, great video and a lot of respect for his father and a great Ram
Littlebighorn that is a beautiful ram in your profile pic. is there a story behind it?
Your bio suggests we are kindred sheep hunting spirits.
I've been blessed, over my long lifetime, to take all four NA sheep and every sheep hunt that I've experienced has a pretty incredible least to me.
I'd also love to hear about your many years of Stone Sheep adventures.
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