Could you shoot an on-demand 1 moa group?

The majority of the time I shoot with colleagues they “don’t know what’s going on”
I don't keep a rifle that won't shoot under 1 MOA. and I used to shoot them under 1 MOA 90% of the time. probably 50% now that I'm getting older and my eyes aren't what they were. but as far as all being in the 1" bullseye that's probably more like 10%.
There are very few hunters that could pull that off consistently. I know I could do it with several of my guns but I wouldn't be able to do it every time.
This was surprising to me but I really only shoot with my gunsmith 😂. I don’t own a rifle that wouldn’t do that.
It would be fun to try it. I think I’m good, but I would probably fall on my face when it matters most. I’m not around enough enthusiastic shooters to even try that out. I have one or two friends that would dig that type of challenge but I’m mostly alone when I’m in rifle mode.
His kid shot a gun that was shot just before and the guy didn't do it. Cold bore and 5 shots is a bit different. ce61

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