Utah 2024 primary election thread.

Wow. Tell us how you really feel, cat!

For a thread about the Utah primary elections, you all have spent an awful lot of time debating and discussing things that don’t pertain to the Utah primary elections.

You can have all the D.C. debates. Nothing good is happening there. They’re all idiots. Utah, on the other hand, seems to have things figured out 85% of the time…which is good enough to make things good here.

Unless you live outside Utah, then this state is terribly managed and sucks beyond belief. I suggest California to everyone else. It’s way better!
Exactly.......that's why browneye thinks the world is great....he is surrounded by Utardia that is pretty well run......
Exactly.......that's why browneye thinks the world is great....he is surrounded by Utardia that is pretty well run......
And somehow Homer from California shows up here everyday, from his state who has an economy larger than most countries. You live in a wasteland bro, how do you find the internet every day?
Wow. Tell us how you really feel, cat!

I Tell it How It Is!

For a thread about the Utah primary elections, you all have spent an awful lot of time debating and discussing things that don’t pertain to the Utah primary elections.

You can have all the D.C. debates. Nothing good is happening there. They’re all idiots. Utah, on the other hand, seems to have things figured out 85% of the time…which is good enough to make things good here.

Unless you live outside Utah, then this state is terribly managed and sucks beyond belief. I suggest California to everyone else. It’s way better!
I thought it was Godly to care about all Gods children? I suppose lines on a map change that.

And if supply and demand drive wages and prices, there must be some real high demand right now.

Learn to read.

The employment stats included huge swath of part time/ multiple job employment.
I mean @elkassassin listen, you can have your gripes with government or things you see as wrong and still somewhere find some reality.

Phil Lyman voted in favor of all the things he’s attacking INCLUDING the signature gathering rules that he is griping about now. He also voted in favor of about every bill and issue that he is now saying he’s against.

Phil Lyman is a grifter, a liar, and a scam artist. He has ran the most disgusting smear campaign I’ve ever seen in the state. Trent Staggs being just behind him. This election cycle has been dirty. Luckily, Cox and Curtis will beat them both soundly.

Lyman has literally claimed all these things:

-Cox controlled users internets to stop campaign donations to him
-Elon Musk shadow banned him on Twitter
-The Baltimore bridge collapsed because of DEI. If you want to see how far he buried the stupid meter on that one he blamed that tweet on his staff, but then refused to take it down as well.
-He nominated a Lt. Governor (purposely IMO so he could complain about it later) who did not live in the state and was not legally eligible to be Lt. Governor. Btw this was totally a purposeful move so he could use it post-election.
-Claimed Utah has raised taxes under Cox, when in reality the state has cut taxes heavily.
-Had claimed Cox wants to sell Utah land to China when Cox literally signed a bill HE VOTED FOR that bans selling land in Utah to China. He is purposely lying.
-Literally claiming Cox is paying people to vote for him.

Lyman’s campaign is the most unhinged wild thing in Utah politics ever if you follow what his team posts on social media and does campaigning. Cox isn’t perfect, nor is he my ideal Governor, but my goodness he’s sane, and hasn’t participated in the nuttiness. For the most part he’s let Lyman smear the hell out of him, and just ignored the idiocy. (Oh and PS if you take a look at Mike Lee’s personal Twitter account he’s 100% siding with the nut jobs Lyman and Staggs). Staggs has ran a very similar online campaign to Lyman, Staggs just isn’t serious about his campaign and hasn’t done any actual on the ground stuff so he’s less notable as Lyman’s nonsense.

At the end of the day though, Phil Lyman is just running the local campaign of Donald Trumps national campaign. The lunacy isn’t real. It isn’t true. Elections aren’t rigged locally or nationally. People aren’t getting paid to vote for Cox in Utah, or Biden nationally. We have to get back to policy, and away from this absolute nut job rabbit hole nonsense.

It’s why my primary ballot got filled out and turned in for folks I don’t agree with at all on many policies, but agree with them not being totally unhinged nut jobs.

I voted for Cox, Curtis, Maloy, Brown, Hatch.

I can disagree on policy, but the rhetoric is getting out of hand and sanity has to be kept in place at the minimum.


Good freaking God
Hey Hossy!

He Needs to learn How To Comprehend!

Instead Of Twisting Everything His Own Way!

He Admits Alot Of People Have Side Jobs & 2nd Jobs!

And Why?

Because Of His Buddy BIDEN!

Learn to read.

The employment stats included huge swath of part time/ multiple job employment.
I’m not a big fan of President Biden’s policies, and even less of a fan of his lucidity.

That said, I’ve often been quoted as saying a president gets too much credit when things are good and too much blame when things are bad. Not complaining about it, it comes with the territory. But the largest thing driving the need for multiple jobs is wild inflation that happened the last few years. And if we think inflation turns around if we elect Trump in November I question if we really understand how all this works.

The current administration certainly hasn’t helped our issues at all, but if you think the prior one didn’t contribute to this with wild spending of their own and executive orders cutting oil production (yes, those are facts and did happen) then I have this bag of magic beans to sell you!

There is a lot we need to clean up fellers, and unfortunately, I see our current options in the immediate future as doing nothing for that.

But things should remain good in my home town, even if it requires 3 side gigs to maintain a standard of living one job handled just fine 6-8 years ago.

Biden couldn't survive a .5 mph tumble and Trump is nearly a circle.

How is the greatest country ever on earth faced with 2 geriatrics?
I’m not a big fan of President Biden’s policies, and even less of a fan of his lucidity.

That said, I’ve often been quoted as saying a president gets too much credit when things are good and too much blame when things are bad. Not complaining about it, it comes with the territory. But the largest thing driving the need for multiple jobs is wild inflation that happened the last few years. And if we think inflation turns around if we elect Trump in November I question if we really understand how all this works.
You've heard Me Bittching About The Inflation For Quite Some Time But This BIDEN JOKER Has Done Us No F'N Favors!

And Once It Started EVERY-F'N-BODY Got In On The GOUGING!

The Working Man Pays Once Again!

I'll Be Waitin For Oneye To Tell Me I'm Wrong Again!

The current administration certainly hasn’t helped our issues at all, but if you think the prior one didn’t contribute to this with wild spending of their own and executive orders cutting oil production (yes, those are facts and did happen) then I have this bag of magic beans to sell you!

There is a lot we need to clean up fellers, and unfortunately, I see our current options in the immediate future as doing nothing for that.

But things should remain good in my home town, even if it requires 3 side gigs to maintain a standard of living one job handled just fine 6-8 years ago.

Brent Orrin Hatch for U.S. Senate | Utah

elect hatch

Brent Orrin Hatch is running for Utah Senate to combat inflation, stop government overreach and to secure our border. ELECT HATCH 2024.

So Oneye?

You're Gonna Vote For A Guy That wants Shhit Stopped That Your F'N Buddy BIDEN Approved?



I voted for Curtis in the Senate primary moron, Hatch is the option for Utah Auditor, it’s not Brent Hatch I voted for you idiot, it’s RICKY HATCH who is running for state auditor. Is that the Hatch you thought I referred to too @hossblur do you people even have a primary ballot or know what the races even consist of? Brent Orrin Hatch isn’t even on your ballots morons. He didn’t collect signatures and went with the nut job convention route chances. He’s out Elkass. You don’t even know who you can vote for.
And One More F'N Thing Oneye!

You Oughta run For Some Sort Of Office Under The BIDEN FusterCluck!

You'd Fit Right F'N In!
Here. Let me show you all a ballot and who it consists of.
You've heard Me Say For Years:

Who Could We Get That's Smart Enough To Do The Job That'd Be Dumb Enough To Step In To The Fuster-Cluck?
I voted for Curtis in the Senate primary moron, Hatch is the option for Utah Auditor, it’s not Brent Hatch I voted for you idiot, it’s RICKY HATCH who is running for state auditor. Is that the Hatch you thought I referred to too @hossblur do you people even have a primary ballot or know what the races even consist of? Brent Orrin Hatch isn’t even on your ballots morons. He didn’t collect signatures and went with the nut job convention route chances. He’s out Elkass. You don’t even know who you can vote for.

Here's a geography lesson for you.

Weber county, where Ricky Hatch is, shares a border with Davis county.

Further, his "work" with Farr West on the planning committee was less than stellar.

But as usual, you somehow think sitting 3 hours away, you "know" more than folks on the ground.

Thanks genius. I was very confused as I filled out my ballot last week.🙄

What a tool
Here's a geography lesson for you.

Weber county, where Ricky Hatch is, shares a border with Davis county.

Further, his "work" with Farr West on the planning committee was less than stellar.

But as usual, you somehow think sitting 3 hours away, you "know" more than folks on the ground.

Thanks genius. I was very confused as I filled out my ballot last week.🙄

What a tool
I know who his opponent is, and that was good enough for me.
I know who his opponent is, and that was good enough for me.

Am I the only one who just read @Oneye try to make some point, have it shoved down his throat by @hossblur, then after hossblur obviously knows more about Hatch than Oneye, he comes back with "I know who his opponent is".

My man. You got crushed. Don't dig the hole deeper. Cannon is from ANOTHER county that share a border with Davis. You wouldn't know her, if she kissed your lips. Someone told you something so you jumped on board.

Stop after the first smackdown and save some dignity.

Carry on.
Am I the only one who just read @Oneye try to make some point, have it shoved down his throat by @hossblur, then after hossblur obviously knows more about Hatch than Oneye, he comes back with "I know who his opponent is".

My man. You got crushed. Don't dig the hole deeper. Cannon is from ANOTHER county that share a border with Davis. You wouldn't know her, if she kissed your lips. Someone told you something so you jumped on board.

Stop after the first smackdown and save some dignity.

Carry on.
I feel perfectly fine with how I voted buddy. Election denying liars like his opponent? Well, that’s a bare minimum for me. If you can’t accept election results, I’ll always vote for your opponent.
Btw. I’ll just leave this here and await the denial of facts form MM.
View attachment 149573
For those like Oneye who DIDNT READ.

Seventy-seven percent of the Trump administration’s additions to the national debt were attributable to bipartisan legislation, while 23 percent came from bills and actions with little to no bipartisan support.

For the Biden administration, 29 percent of additional debt has come from bipartisan laws, while 71 percent came from unilateral decisions.
For those like Oneye who DIDNT READ.

Seventy-seven percent of the Trump administration’s additions to the national debt were attributable to bipartisan legislation, while 23 percent came from bills and actions with little to no bipartisan support.

For the Biden administration, 29 percent of additional debt has come from bipartisan laws, while 71 percent came from unilateral decisions.
And? Did he sign them? You could simply admit that Trump added twice as much to the debt as Biden. You’re trying to twist and turn and deny that fact, but the fact of the matter is, the orange dude added more to the debt while in office than the Skelton dude.

Btw, as I’ve said, I don’t care about the debt, but you folks do, or at least pretend to. If you’re truly conservative you’ll vote for the guy who added half of what the other guy did to the debt.
Cox/Herbert team chiming in and taking shots at Mike Lee. Y’all don’t think he played with fire stabbing Maloy in the back? There are some very not warm feelings.

And? Did he sign them? You could simply admit that Trump added twice as much to the debt as Biden. You’re trying to twist and turn and deny that fact, but the fact of the matter is, the orange dude added more to the debt while in office than the Skelton dude.

Btw, as I’ve said, I don’t care about the debt, but you folks do, or at least pretend to. If you’re truly conservative you’ll vote for the guy who added half of what the other guy did to the debt.

In your list of stupid statements, this is in the top 3.

So, according to your usually simple mindedness.

Conservatives should vote Biden because despite his massive expansion of government. His support of in demand abortion. His numerous attempts to control ACTUAL GUNS(not a stock), his slow walking us into WW3, his dismantling of our border,etc, etc, "true" conservatives would have to vote for him because "debt".

What a true conservative WOULD DO, is not vote for congressmen who sign into bloated spending bills. Like Celeste Maloy? Isn't that what Mike Lee said in not supporting her?

Swear to God we should do a split screen and let you argue with yourself.
There's A Few That Will Argue With Their selves!

Oneye Is At The Top Of That List!

In your list of stupid statements, this is in the top 3.

So, according to your usually simple mindedness.

Conservatives should vote Biden because despite his massive expansion of government. His support of in demand abortion. His numerous attempts to control ACTUAL GUNS(not a stock), his slow walking us into WW3, his dismantling of our border,etc, etc, "true" conservatives would have to vote for him because "debt".

What a true conservative WOULD DO, is not vote for congressmen who sign into bloated spending bills. Like Celeste Maloy? Isn't that what Mike Lee said in not supporting her?

Swear to God we should do a split screen and let you argue with yourself.
In your list of stupid statements, this is in the top 3.

So, according to your usually simple mindedness.

Conservatives should vote Biden because despite his massive expansion of government. His support of in demand abortion. His numerous attempts to control ACTUAL GUNS(not a stock), his slow walking us into WW3, his dismantling of our border,etc, etc, "true" conservatives would have to vote for him because "debt".

What a true conservative WOULD DO, is not vote for congressmen who sign into bloated spending bills. Like Celeste Maloy? Isn't that what Mike Lee said in not supporting her?

Swear to God we should do a split screen and let you argue with yourself.
I think you’re taking my trolling statement a little serious aren’t you Hoss?

Also, people who like bloated spending? You mean like Donald Trump?

The GOP is not the party of fiscal responsibility, they are the party of one orange idiot that they will defend and turn a blind eye at anything he does.
I think you’re taking my trolling statement a little serious aren’t you Hoss?

Also, people who like bloated spending? You mean like Donald Trump?

The GOP is not the party of fiscal responsibility, they are the party of one orange idiot that they will defend and turn a blind eye at anything he does.

You mean the candidate who won his primary and earned the right to move on?

But again.

You're not sliding away.

You've spent weeks bashing Mike Lee for not subscribing to the incumbent protection narrative and endorsing Maloy.

Lee was very straight forward as to why. She voted for massive spending increases.

Then, you want to come in and bash R for debt increase, yet you are pro Maloy.

So what EXACTLY should all the dumb conservatives do? I thought the primary process was to be used to correct issues in the party, and address poor reps.

But when conservatives primary a less conservative rep, then you spin 180 and suddenly are incensed they'd dare.

I know you'll try to spin away and change the subject, but I dare you to try and explain you holding both ends of the topic at the same time
You mean the candidate who won his primary and earned the right to move on?

But again.

You're not sliding away.

You've spent weeks bashing Mike Lee for not subscribing to the incumbent protection narrative and endorsing Maloy.
I've been bashing Mike Lee because he's trying to influence extremism in the state, has a side twitter account he says exponentially stupid things from, and threw someone under the bus because she wouldn't bow down and be his minion in the House. Mike Lee is a pile of s*** and plenty local GOP people are taking note of it.
Lee was very straight forward as to why. She voted for massive spending increases.
Lee was straightforward in that he didn't vote the way he wanted her to vote. He wants a minion, nope.
Then, you want to come in and bash R for debt increase, yet you are pro Maloy.
As Maloy mentioned, they trimmed $2 trillion worth of spending from the proposed budgets, and delivered money for their constituents. Mike Lee has never accomplished one single thing for the people of Utah.
So what EXACTLY should all the dumb conservatives do? I thought the primary process was to be used to correct issues in the party, and address poor reps.
Vote for reasonable people who don't say their opponents are controlling the internet, that Trump is God, and can't accept results of elections. Take someone like John Dougall in CD3. He has ran a SUPER conservative platform from a policy standpoint, but has been straightforward that Donald Trump is a seditious embarrassment. The problem for you is that a larger part of the GOP cares about appeasing the orange election denying clown than policy. All Maloy's opponent during the debate could do was say "Did you vote for Trump, did you vote for Trump? Trump Trump Trump!!". Saying Trump 3 times doesn't make me vote for you, and it's hardly something to base a campaign off of, especially when the guy endorsed your opponent.

The GOP is more enamored with a king they've anointed, saying elections are rigged, and Biden's on drugs than doing anything for the American people. The GOP is the party of appeasing one clown.
But when conservatives primary a less conservative rep, then you spin 180 and suddenly are incensed they'd dare.

I know you'll try to spin away and change the subject, but I dare you to try and explain you holding both ends of the topic at the same time
If conservatives cared about policy, John Dougall would win in CD3 tonight, instead of Mike Kennedy. Dougall has ran as conservative of a campaign as there has been, while simultaneously saying yeah Trump sucks and he'll never vote for him.
More from the Phil Lyman campaign, unfortunately Cox has been flying in votes from Colorado all day. F****** clown party and YES the orange idiot is the cause of stupid s*** like this. BTW the original tweet is Trevor Lee's burner who currently represents House District 16 in Utah. A party full of f******* clowns.

It's A Crooked MF'ER & If You Don't Believe The BS Goes On You'd Best Open Your Blind Eyes!

More from the Phil Lyman campaign, unfortunately Cox has been flying in votes from Colorado all day. F****** clown party and YES the orange idiot is the cause of stupid s*** like this. BTW the original tweet is Trevor Lee's burner who currently represents House District 16 in Utah. A party full of f******* clowns.

View attachment 149620
I've been bashing Mike Lee because he's trying to influence extremism in the state, has a side twitter account he says exponentially stupid things from, and threw someone under the bus because she wouldn't bow down and be his minion in the House. Mike Lee is a pile of s*** and plenty local GOP people are taking note of it.

Lee was straightforward in that he didn't vote the way he wanted her to vote. He wants a minion, nope.

As Maloy mentioned, they trimmed $2 trillion worth of spending from the proposed budgets, and delivered money for their constituents. Mike Lee has never accomplished one single thing for the people of Utah.

Vote for reasonable people who don't say their opponents are controlling the internet, that Trump is God, and can't accept results of elections. Take someone like John Dougall in CD3. He has ran a SUPER conservative platform from a policy standpoint, but has been straightforward that Donald Trump is a seditious embarrassment. The problem for you is that a larger part of the GOP cares about appeasing the orange election denying clown than policy. All Maloy's opponent during the debate could do was say "Did you vote for Trump, did you vote for Trump? Trump Trump Trump!!". Saying Trump 3 times doesn't make me vote for you, and it's hardly something to base a campaign off of, especially when the guy endorsed your opponent.

The GOP is more enamored with a king they've anointed, saying elections are rigged, and Biden's on drugs than doing anything for the American people. The GOP is the party of appeasing one clown.

If conservatives cared about policy, John Dougall would win in CD3 tonight, instead of Mike Kennedy. Dougall has ran as conservative of a campaign as there has been, while simultaneously saying yeah Trump sucks and he'll never vote for hi.

Did Pierre Dilecto tell you about Lees account?

Did you miss the Twitter files where it was PROVEN the Biden DOJ was controlling Twitter, google, FBI and IG?


Lee was just on the radio, and AGAIN he pointed out, Maloy claimed to be a conservative, THEN she sided with the Dems on spending.

Proving, you like smoke blown up your azz, proven by your boot licking on Romney.

Your TDS has eaten your brain like CWD.

You admitted yesterday you voted for an auditor, not knowing a dn thing about them, or their policies or experience because "Trump".

Now here you are, the guy that has wanted Lee primaried, crying that Maloy is getting one.

Maloy. The Bundy cousin. Yet, Lee is some extremist and against public land.
You simply flap your gums, and hope if you write enough, and post enough stupid click bait, no one will notice your wild hypocrisy.

Your wetting yourself to support Curtis as he's TODAY running commercials about "returning more federal land to Utah than anyone", then one breath later, Mike Lee sucks on public land. According to Curtis, he is worse than Lee.

So which is it? Do you know? Or have you simply lost your damn mind, "cuz orange"

Did Pierre Dilecto tell you about Lees account?
Pierre Dilecto was not claiming votes were being flown in from Colorado.
Did you miss the Twitter files where it was PROVEN the Biden DOJ was controlling Twitter, google, FBI and IG?
What does this have to do with literally any part of this?

Lee was just on the radio, and AGAIN he pointed out, Maloy claimed to be a conservative, THEN she sided with the Dems on spending.
Of course he did. He’s campaigning against her. There is a Democratic Senate and President moron, you don’t get everything you want. Oh and PS, she could have voted no, and it still would have passed.
Proving, you like smoke blown up your azz, proven by your boot licking on Romney.
Mitt Romney has delivered more money, projects, infrastructure improvements and jobs to Utah than any other legislator ever.
Your TDS has eaten your brain like CWD.
Cool bro.
You admitted yesterday you voted for an auditor, not knowing a dn thing about them, or their policies or experience because "Trump".
No. Election denial. Read.
Now here you are, the guy that has wanted Lee primaried, crying that Maloy is getting one.
Maloy is not a clown. Mike Lee is an anti-public land, lying, clown.
Maloy. The Bundy cousin. Yet, Lee is some extremist and against public land.
Yes he absolutely is. Even implying he’s not shows what a dishonest clown you are. If there’s one thing Mike Lee hates, it’s our public lands.
You simply flap your gums, and hope if you write enough, and post enough stupid click bait, no one will notice your wild hypocrisy.
You buddy. I’m just showing what morons taking over your favorite party care about. Lying about elections, retweeting things about Cox controlling the internet, and going down a f***** nut job hole.
Your wetting yourself to support Curtis as he's TODAY running commercials about "returning more federal land to Utah than anyone", then one breath later, Mike Lee sucks on public land. According to Curtis, he is worse than Lee.
Curtis’s commercials are commercials, Curtis’s commercials are a campaign buddy. Curtis is far better than Mike Lee.
So which is it? Do you know? Or have you simply lost your damn mind, "cuz orange"
Keep willfully denying your party is full of nut jobs who deny elections and call America a sh**hole daily. The brains that have been rotted from orange man, are those saying Cox is flying in thousands of votes to win a primary. Hell if we can rig elections as easy as Lyman and Staggs claim let’s ensure Democrats get a full sweep here in the state!
I’ve got to say, if your best argument for voting for or against someone comes down to calling him/her or their supporters names, you need a better argument.

I recently read (well, listened to…) a fascinating book. “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion”

I really enjoyed hearing theories about why people become so passionate about how they feel on politics, and this forum certainly offers a ton of support for the theories in this book. I recommend it to everyone.

Not A Little Bit WRONG!

WRONG All The Way!

But I Do Argue With Other HARD HEADS!

If I Was SMART I'd Stay Clear The HELL Away From Politics!


I Do Call them As I See them!

And I Judge Nobody On Religion!

With The Exception Of Some Of The Religions In Some Of The Other Countries!

And I Don't Even Judge Them!

Just Don't Agree With Some Of Them!

No Matter What Happens In This Up-Coming Election There Is Nothing Good To Come Of It!

I'm SICK & F'N Tired Of Voting For Lesser Of EVILS!

Yes. Very often!
Pierre Dilecto was not claiming votes were being flown in from Colorado.

What does this have to do with literally any part of this?

Of course he did. He’s campaigning against her. There is a Democratic Senate and President moron, you don’t get everything you want. Oh and PS, she could have voted no, and it still would have passed.

Mitt Romney has delivered more money, projects, infrastructure improvements and jobs to Utah than any other legislator ever.

Cool bro.

No. Election denial. Read.

Maloy is not a clown. Mike Lee is an anti-public land, lying, clown.

Yes he absolutely is. Even implying he’s not shows what a dishonest clown you are. If there’s one thing Mike Lee hates, it’s our public lands.

You buddy. I’m just showing what morons taking over your favorite party care about. Lying about elections, retweeting things about Cox controlling the internet, and going down a f***** nut job hole.

Curtis’s commercials are commercials, Curtis’s commercials are a campaign buddy. Curtis is far better than Mike Lee.

Keep willfully denying your party is full of nut jobs who deny elections and call America a sh**hole daily. The brains that have been rotted from orange man, are those saying Cox is flying in thousands of votes to win a primary. Hell if we can rig elections as easy as Lyman and Staggs claim let’s ensure Democrats get a full sweep here in the state!

My party?

You spent most of the last year telling us how your a Republican. Now it's my party?

You were lying? Shocked I say, shocked.

So we understand. Maloy voting AGAINST her stated beliefs "because it would pass anyway" shows zero spine. It's going to pass, she didn't have the spine to vote no knowing that?

So John Curtis is lying? He hasn't returned more "federal land" to Utahns? Quite the pickle. He's either a bold faced liar, or he's the most successful anti public land politician in Utah. Which is it? Your ok voting for the most successful anti public land Utah politician, while slamming the president who signed LWCF?

Get a whiteboard. Write down your "facts and beliefs", then, you won't get in a circular firing squad with yourself
I’m also very curious why you vote elkass, it doesn’t matter, everything’s rigged anyway right?

Words have meanings.

Is it rigged when Biden, all of the media, the tech industry and 51 "intelligence" agents all lie about both the existence of Hunters laptop, and it's contents that, 14% of voters said would have swayed their vote?

Is it rigged when Pennsylvania violated their own constitution to allow mail in votes?

Is it rigged when tech companies, under pressure from FBI throttle and censor R content?

Is that a rig job?

Yes. A 14% swing could carry easily of changed an election. So was it rigged?
Words have meanings.

Is it rigged when Biden, all of the media, the tech industry and 51 "intelligence" agents all lie about both the existence of Hunters laptop, and it's contents that, 14% of voters said would have swayed their vote?
No. No. It’s not any more rigged nationally than locally. People can vote however the hell they want. Grow up.
Is it rigged when Pennsylvania violated their own constitution to allow mail in votes?
Nope. But you keep talking.
Is it rigged when tech companies, under pressure from FBI throttle and censor R content?
I’d prefer they censor that Spencer Cox flew in thousands of votes from Colorado today from Grandma who doesn’t understand current media. Fine with that.
Is that a rig job?

Yes. A 14% swing could carry easily of changed an election. So was it rigged?
No bud. Telling grandma and crazy people the election was stolen, they’re flying in voters, etc. impact plenty more people. Clearly as the MAGAots have proven with their brain rot.
My party?

You spent most of the last year telling us how your a Republican. Now it's my party?

You were lying? Shocked I say, shocked.

So we understand. Maloy voting AGAINST her stated beliefs "because it would pass anyway" shows zero spine. It's going to pass, she didn't have the spine to vote no knowing that?

So John Curtis is lying? He hasn't returned more "federal land" to Utahns? Quite the pickle. He's either a bold faced liar, or he's the most successful anti public land politician in Utah. Which is it? Your ok voting for the most successful anti public land Utah politician, while slamming the president who signed LWCF?
Mitt congratulated Curtis, Lee didn’t. Weird huh?
Get a whiteboard. Write down your "facts and beliefs", then, you won't get in a circular firing squad with yourself
Curtis is Mitt Romney Lite. Enjoy.
My party?

You spent most of the last year telling us how your a Republican. Now it's my party?

You were lying? Shocked I say, shocked.

So we understand. Maloy voting AGAINST her stated beliefs "because it would pass anyway" shows zero spine. It's going to pass, she didn't have the spine to vote no knowing that?

So John Curtis is lying? He hasn't returned more "federal land" to Utahns? Quite the pickle. He's either a bold faced liar, or he's the most successful anti public land politician in Utah. Which is it? Your ok voting for the most successful anti public land Utah politician, while slamming the president who signed LWCF?

Get a whiteboard. Write down your "facts and beliefs", then, you won't get in a circular firing squad with yourself
Maloy is about to win btw. Winning most rural counties included.
Also, if you can’t see Lyman is just copying Trumps national campaign of lies and conspiracies you’re a moron. If you support Donald Trump, Phil Lyman is how stupid you look.
I truly can’t believe some of you can’t see what saps you are for one orange billionaire idiot. Phil Lyman is running the exact same lie filled, conspiracy ridden campaign locally and you can’t look inward and see how stupid you are for buying it nationally? Believe in Americans. Believe in election officials. Believe in results. Stop being insane. Good God.
Have you Got Your Preliminary Filled Out For BIDEN Yet?


I truly can’t believe some of you can’t see what saps you are for one orange billionaire idiot. Phil Lyman is running the exact same lie filled, conspiracy ridden campaign locally and you can’t look inward and see how stupid you are for buying it nationally? Believe in Americans. Believe in election officials. Believe in results. Stop being insane. Good God.
No. No. It’s not any more rigged nationally than locally. People can vote however the hell they want. Grow up.

Nope. But you keep talking.

I’d prefer they censor that Spencer Cox flew in thousands of votes from Colorado today from Grandma who doesn’t understand current media. Fine with that.

No bud. Telling grandma and crazy people the election was stolen, they’re flying in voters, etc. impact plenty more people. Clearly as the MAGAots have proven with their brain rot.

See, there you go again.

Words have meanings. Stolen and rigged are 2 different things. And NO, when the institutions that are constitutionally protected, aka the media, act as a propaganda arm of one party, that's not fulfilling their duty to the country.

They rigged it. They negated their duty in pursuit of their politics.

The "intelligence" agents, rigged it. They violated their oath, to become partisans.

They rigged it.

The only brain rot is by you tds folks. You tell yourselves so Manny fairy tales you actually have convinced yourself.

You enthusiastically voted for an auditor you knew nothing about, and a senator that by his own admission is the states largest land grabber, solely because of Trump.

Last election cycle it was non stop how Lee was terrible for being a land grabber. Yet, here you are. Orange man bad, support a loss of public lands.

You're a phony, not shocking, we all read your drivel. But you're too dense to even truthfully look at what last year you claimed you believed in.
Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton said in an interview with her former communications director Jennifer Palmieri .
Abrams, in the wake of her 2018 loss to Kemp by 1.4 percentage points, acknowledged that Kemp, who then worked as Georgia secretary of state, would be the governor of Georgia. But she specifically said in her final speech that she was not concede due to persistent voter suppression allegations, adding that conceding would mean acknowledging "an action is right, true or proper" and "as a woman of conscience and faith, I cannot concede that."
See, there you go again.

Words have meanings. Stolen and rigged are 2 different things. And NO, when the institutions that are constitutionally protected, aka the media, act as a propaganda arm of one party, that's not fulfilling their duty to the country.

They rigged it. They negated their duty in pursuit of their politics.

The "intelligence" agents, rigged it. They violated their oath, to become partisans.

They rigged it.

The only brain rot is by you tds folks. You tell yourselves so Manny fairy tales you actually have convinced yourself.

You enthusiastically voted for an auditor you knew nothing about, and a senator that by his own admission is the states largest land grabber, solely because of Trump.

Last election cycle it was non stop how Lee was terrible for being a land grabber. Yet, here you are. Orange man bad, support a loss of public lands.

You're a phony, not shocking, we all read your drivel. But you're too dense to even truthfully look at what last year you claimed you believed in.
Cox had more money. Is it still rigged?

You people have lost your f******* minds because one orange billionaire convinced you to.

Joe Biden won the election.

Donald Trump lied.

Spencer Cox won re-election.

Philly Lyman lied…..about votes being flown in, Cox controlling the internet, not conceding…all of it.

Just see how f****** insane you are on a national level when you consider the local level. It’s a mirror image my God. Phil Lyman knows how stupid and gullible people are. The only brain rot is coming from those who voted for that conspiracy ridden nonsense.
I didn’t say Democrats don’t question elections. They don’t say their opponents are controlling the internet or flying in votes from Colorado you sap. Brian King, the Democrat running for Governor in Utah, will concede the race, and WILL NOT accuse Spencer Cox of controlling the internet. That’s just my wild prediction, but I know that’s hard to comprehend when MAGA brain rot has advanced to this stage.

You truly can’t see the unreason?
Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton said in an interview with her former communications director Jennifer Palmieri .
I’m just sad for y’all, you don’t think people have reason to think for themselves, and get, I guess you’re kinda proving your point while on this forum too. You believe what the conspiracy folks are telling you.
Abrams, in the wake of her 2018 loss to Kemp by 1.4 percentage points, acknowledged that Kemp, who then worked as Georgia secretary of state, would be the governor of Georgia. But she specifically said in her final speech that she was not concede due to persistent voter suppression allegations, adding that conceding would mean acknowledging "an action is right, true or proper" and "as a woman of conscience and faith, I cannot concede that."
She didn’t claim her opponent controlled the internet and WiFi and flew in votes form the state next to her.

YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW F******** UNHINGED LYMANS CAMPAIGN WAS? He ran the Trump strategy and approach up to and including NOT conceding. He did so much more. This is the Trump strategy locally and it’s absurd. And with 40% of the vote you’re losing sane people to absolute lunacy. Stop giving into this. Stop rationalizing it. SPENCER COX did not block WiFi for people to donate to Phil Lyman that’s literally what Lyman HIMSELF promoted. Stop. We can admit Trump AND Biden are not ideal but my God I’m not losing this amazing country to absolute lunacy.
Someone is certainly unhinged.

Dude, get on some meds and relax. It’s just the internet.
I think those voting for a guy claiming his opponent controls their WiFi, flew in votes for Colorado, and won’t concede the election(predictable) are the unhinged ones. But we live in MAGAt world these days.

Nothing I’ve said wasn’t true. Lyman ran the local Trump campaign. He ran the entire playbook, and Cox will get around 55%. You’re losing your reasonable people to the MAGAt virus slowly but surely.

For perspective, 6 short years ago Mitt Romney won the Republican primary with 71.3% of the vote, if you don’t think people are losing themselves to MAGA lunacy you’re kidding yourself, and the Cox’s of the work need to stop just conceding to the condense and playing nice with it. MAGA rhetoric and antics mean so much more at this point than actual policy. It’s disgusting.
Now With You Staying Up Till 1 Or 2 AM This Morning I'm Guessing That You're Really Close On That Cox Will Get About 55%!

You Eat & Breathe This Political BS & Alot Of It Is CROOKED To The MAXIMUS!

You Should Really Move To A State Where There Are More "D'S"!

Somewhere Where You Could Vote STRAIGHT 'D'!

I think those voting for a guy claiming his opponent controls their WiFi, flew in votes for Colorado, and won’t concede the election(predictable) are the unhinged ones. But we live in MAGAt world these days.

Nothing I’ve said wasn’t true. Lyman ran the local Trump campaign. He ran the entire playbook, and Cox will get around 55%. You’re losing your reasonable people to the MAGAt virus slowly but surely.

For perspective, 6 short years ago Mitt Romney won the Republican primary with 71.3% of the vote, if you don’t think people are losing themselves to MAGA lunacy you’re kidding yourself, and the Cox’s of the work need to stop just conceding to the condense and playing nice with it. MAGA rhetoric and antics mean so much more at this point than actual policy. It’s disgusting.
Cox had more money. Is it still rigged?

You people have lost your f******* minds because one orange billionaire convinced you to.

Joe Biden won the election.

Donald Trump lied.

Spencer Cox won re-election.

Philly Lyman lied…..about votes being flown in, Cox controlling the internet, not conceding…all of it.

Just see how f****** insane you are on a national level when you consider the local level. It’s a mirror image my God. Phil Lyman knows how stupid and gullible people are. The only brain rot is coming from those who voted for that conspiracy ridden nonsense.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Phil Lyman lose? And by a substantial margin? I actually voted for Cox, so just like with Trump, who I won't, I'm here defending folks from morons like yourself.

There are actually real reasons people opposed Cox. A few of them I agree with. But a moron like you can't look at the arguments because "orange man", and then you hilariously project your issues onto them.

This is EXACTLY what primaries are for. It's the whole point. It's not for anointing the incumbent.
I didn’t say Democrats don’t question elections. They don’t say their opponents are controlling the internet or flying in votes from Colorado you sap. Brian King, the Democrat running for Governor in Utah, will concede the race, and WILL NOT accuse Spencer Cox of controlling the internet. That’s just my wild prediction, but I know that’s hard to comprehend when MAGA brain rot has advanced to this stage.

You truly can’t see the unreason?

You said this not conceding was running the Trump plan.

Stacy Abrams literally called herself the Gov of Georgia, and Clinton as of yesterday was still talking how she was cheated

Your inability to see past your orange lenses is hilarious
She didn’t claim her opponent controlled the internet and WiFi and flew in votes form the state next to her.

YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW F******** UNHINGED LYMANS CAMPAIGN WAS? He ran the Trump strategy and approach up to and including NOT conceding. He did so much more. This is the Trump strategy locally and it’s absurd. And with 40% of the vote you’re losing sane people to absolute lunacy. Stop giving into this. Stop rationalizing it. SPENCER COX did not block WiFi for people to donate to Phil Lyman that’s literally what Lyman HIMSELF promoted. Stop. We can admit Trump AND Biden are not ideal but my God I’m not losing this amazing country to absolute lunacy.

You are about 3 posts away from a cardboard sign and standing in a street corner screaming.

Lyman lost. Seems his strategy didn't work. What the hell are you so unhinged about?
I’m just sad for y’all, you don’t think people have reason to think for themselves, and get, I guess you’re kinda proving your point while on this forum too. You believe what the conspiracy folks are telling you.

You're so dumb you didn't look.


This was on NBC news. The heart of conspiracy

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Phil Lyman lose? And by a substantial margin? I actually voted for Cox, so just like with Trump, who I won't, I'm here defending folks from morons like yourself.
Cox winning by 8% is a sad day for the local state of the GOP. Again, Mitt Romney won his 2018 primary with 71% of the vote. You can think what you want of him personally but Cox is VERY conservative and simply lost ground to the MAGA virus.
There are actually real reasons people opposed Cox. A few of them I agree with. But a moron like you can't look at the arguments because "orange man", and then you hilariously project your issues onto them.
Yes. He’s not MAGA. Like I get you want to believe that, but if it were true certain candidates who are Uber conservative just not MAGA would have done better. Stop pretending that isn’t a major part of it.
This is EXACTLY what primaries are for. It's the whole point. It's not for anointing the incumbent.
I mean, when the incumbent is just the conservative guy without the lies, conspiracies, and garbage….and has the exact same policies….we are not in a good place. Because it makes it clear 45% care more about the lies, conspiracies, and nonsenses than policies. I see Phil Lyman hasn’t conceded still a week after the race was called. That’ll make him more GOP voters these days. What a sad place to be when DENYING election results helps you more than policy.
You said this not conceding was running the Trump plan.

Stacy Abrams literally called herself the Gov of Georgia, and Clinton as of yesterday was still talking how she was cheated
Yep, garbage by Abrhams too, however, Clinton did get on national television and tell the American people she lost the election. Something Donald Trump has not done. Not once. And every time he’s asked about it still says he won. Btw, at least Hillary Clinton got actual more Americans votes during that election and still told America on national TV she LOST the election. Donald Trump lost the electoral college and popular vote and claims to this f****** day he won California are you stupid? Did Hillary claim she won Kentucky and Idaho? Truly. Find some rationale here my God.
Your inability to see past your orange lenses is hilarious
Donald Trump in the year 2024 claims he WON California in 2020. Are you serious?
Last edited:
You are about 3 posts away from a cardboard sign and standing in a street corner screaming.

Lyman lost. Seems his strategy didn't work. What the hell are you so unhinged about?
Donald Trump stated he won the state of California in the year 2024.
You're so dumb you didn't look.


This was on NBC news. The heart of conspiracy

So she’s saying he should do what Trump did? He should claim he won Kentucky, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, and North Dakota too. If he wants to be like Trump he should claim he won all 50 states, and he won it BIGLY.
In fact, with his time left in office Joe Biden due to Supreme Court ruling, should anoint himself king, and name his predecessor within his official business as President of the United States.

Idk…the current President “No one is above the law, not even the President”

The former President “I have full and total immunity if elected”

Y’all see it yet?

Joe Biden is currently President saying “I don’t have immunity”

Donald Trump the wanna-be dictator “I have full immunity”

You see it yet or?
Denying election, claiming your opponent is controlling the internet, claiming they’re a liberal because they don’t embrace your MAGAism. That is what is becoming more important now in the GOP than policy. One man, and his lies and antics are all that matter. It’s even come to Utah, the one red state that resisted it the longest. America is falling, and people will always convince themselves it wasn’t because of them, but yes if you’re supporting the people who deny elections and question the basic bedrock and social fabric of the nation. You did do it.
Donald Trump claims he won NY, California, and Illinois, and you people want to compare things. It’s insane. HES A LYING PILE OF S***. HE LOST THOSE STATES AND LOST THE ELECTION. These are. It comparable items. Did Hillary Clinton have a mob chanting to hang her Vice President when she lost? MY GOD.
You May Have Missed It?

But F-JB!

Donald Trump claims he won NY, California, and Illinois, and you people want to compare things. It’s insane. HES A LYING PILE OF S***. HE LOST THOSE STATES AND LOST THE ELECTION. These are. It comparable items. Did Hillary Clinton have a mob chanting to hang her Vice President when she lost? MY GOD.
Yep, garbage by Abrhams too, however, Clinton did get on national television and tell the American people she lost the election. Something Donald Trump has not done. Not once. And every time he’s asked about it still says he won. Btw, at least Hillary Clinton got actual more Americans votes during that election and still told America on national TV she LOST the election. Donald Trump lost the electoral college and popular vote and claims to this f****** day he won California are you stupid? Did Hillary claim she won Kentucky and Idaho? Truly. Find some rationale here my God.

Donald Trump in the year 2024 claims he WON California in 2020. Are you serious?

Joe Biden claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals.

Mitt Romney claimed he was a hunter.
Denying election, claiming your opponent is controlling the internet, claiming they’re a liberal because they don’t embrace your MAGAism. That is what is becoming more important now in the GOP than policy. One man, and his lies and antics are all that matter. It’s even come to Utah, the one red state that resisted it the longest. America is falling, and people will always convince themselves it wasn’t because of them, but yes if you’re supporting the people who deny elections and question the basic bedrock and social fabric of the nation. You did do it

Donald Trump stated he won the state of California in the year 2024.

Jill Biden has been the President of the US for the majority of Joe's term.

Jill, Jake Sullivan, Anita Dunn.

Show me which ballot they were on as you chirp about "elections"
Donald Trump claims he won NY, California, and Illinois, and you people want to compare things. It’s insane. HES A LYING PILE OF S***. HE LOST THOSE STATES AND LOST THE ELECTION. These are. It comparable items. Did Hillary Clinton have a mob chanting to hang her Vice President when she lost? MY GOD.

No. She bought a narrative from FUZION GPS, via her lawyer, injected it into the public via Buzzfeed, then plunged the country into 3 years of Russiagate. Don't let actual history bite you in the ass

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