Man cave/trophy room






This is my Grandparents house.
It is quite the collection. Each of my grandparents kids have some mounts there. All bucks/bulls my family has killed or picked up their sheds.
Great looking trophy rooms.
I see some of you guys spend all your spare time dusting and cleaning your mounts and trophy rooms. 😎😎😎
Or have maids. 🤣🤣
How many Hundreds of thousands of dollars do you think you have in your trophy room? It looks absolutely beautiful for sure.
Everything is just prefect from the background colors to the lighting. Congratulations!
I don't think it's anywhere even near $100K. All the animals are tags I've drawn other than the dall sheep and the African stuff. I just calculated a quick estimate on the cost of the hunts, any guides, and taxidermy and I'm coming up with roughly $72K. I do get my taxidermy cheaper as my best friend does it and I help with a lot of it. I also paid for my taxidermist/friend to join me in Africa in trade for labor.
I don't think it's anywhere even near $100K. All the animals are tags I've drawn other than the dall sheep and the African stuff. I just calculated a quick estimate on the cost of the hunts, any guides, and taxidermy and I'm coming up with roughly $72K. I do get my taxidermy cheaper as my best friend does it and I help with a lot of it. I also paid for my taxidermist/friend to join me in Africa in trade for labor.
Ok…. If someone had to pay full pricing what would you think it costs? Anyway as I said what a beautiful room Mrs Sikora loves it as well
I’m a fan of Grand Marnier as well. I like it on its own, warmed, over a nice ball of ice, in a margarita and my new favorite way to make an Old Fashioned I use it for the simple syrup and orange peel, you can always add the bitters if you like. As a matter of fact it’s 11:10pm Mrs Sikora and I are just chatting so I’m going to make me an Old Fashioned before bedtime. Good Night All!
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Keep the pictures coming for sure
Joe, I was just kidding about those rocks. Those are rocks the natives used for making acorn flour. Quite valuable.

Joe, I was just kidding about those rocks. Those are rocks the natives used for making acorn flour. Quite valuable.

They are beautiful for sure. We have a place around here called the Cahokia Mounds. You can Google it A lot of people will walk through the creeks down around that area which is Sugar Creek to find arrowheads and spearheads after the heavy rains which they should be out and about after the 4 or 5” of rain we got over the last few days LOL! They can bring some high prices if you find the right kind

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There are 154 steps from the bottom to the top I would incorporate in my workout routine to get in shape for hunting out west. I could make 13 trips in an hour

Here is what I would think is the first IPhone on the charger. Lol!

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