Cwd article


Long Time Member
Well this really grinds my gears. I have a lot of arguments with the biologist. They claim the deer will die within 18 to 24 months when they get cwd. I have asked for the proof how do you know when the deer got cwd, what form of testing do you have to prove this? The answers are comical.

Just so tired of them playing the cwd card. They're going to use the cwd card on the low deer numbers that the article states. As i told the biologist freakin numbers were on the decline before cwd came so nice try. Increased housing equals more traffic and record numbers of people going to yellowstone means more traffic thus more road kill. Also have a lot of lions and the 2016-2017 winter. Deer were on decline before cwd hit the area

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Ha. Good call.

“We’ve never known an animal to survive CWD. They all succumb to it,” he told a crowd at the department’s season setting meeting

“It is often difficult to diagnose a deer, elk or moose with CWD based on these symptoms alone because many of CWD symptoms also occur with other diseases and malnutrition. CWD is always fatal,” the agency states in its official report.

In other words: We can't diagnose in a live animal but all of the animals we find dead, died.

Great work Mr. Scientist. Life is always fatal.
What? Come on guys. It is a scientific fact that breathing air is deadly. Every animal that ever died breathed air- sometimes for decades!
Well this really grinds my gears. I have a lot of arguments with the biologist. They claim the deer will die within 18 to 24 months when they get cwd. I have asked for the proof how do you know when the deer got cwd, what form of testing do you have to prove this? The answers are comical.

Just so tired of them playing the cwd card. They're going to use the cwd card on the low deer numbers that the article states. As i told the biologist freakin numbers were on the decline before cwd came so nice try. Increased housing equals more traffic and record numbers of people going to yellowstone means more traffic thus more road kill. Also have a lot of lions and the 2016-2017 winter. Deer were on decline before cwd hit the area

It’s because there has not been a single scientific entity that has been dedicated to researching mule deer like there has been done for whitetail deer like the research center at Mississippi State University and Auburn University and possibly others I’m not aware of. The University of Alberta in Canada did some stuff years ago but I haven’t seen a thing come out of there in decades.


For 40 years I’ve pushed for a University mule deer research department…… for somewhere, anywhere in the Western US. All I’ve every gotten from the Universities and the Legislators is a mule deer in the head-lights look, and a change of subject, like……… where are we going for lunch!
I can not understand why you guys disagree with the below written statement.

“It is often difficult to diagnose a deer, elk or moose with CWD based on these symptoms alone because many of CWD symptoms also occur with other diseases and malnutrition. CWD is always fatal,” the agency states in its official report.”

It’s a know fact that EVERY deer that has or doesn’t have CWD will die. No one or thing makes it out of this life alive. ????
I was told that if a guy goes up the north fork and south fork one can find all these sick deer with CWD. They have my phone number and I wanted to see the sick deer that they find. still waiting on that phone call by the way.

I was told cwd kills more deer than traffic and lions combined in this area.

My gut tells me its all about money. Game and fish gets federal grant money for cwd, money goes to field research near lander/bates hole and improving RT Quic technique and among other studies.
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I was told that if a guy goes up the north fork and south fork one can find all these sick deer with CWD. They have my phone number and I wanted to see the sick deer that they find. still waiting on that phone call by the way.

I was told cwd kills more deer than traffic and lions combined in this area.

My gut tells me its all about money. Game and fish gets federal grant money for cwd, money goes to field research near lander/bates hole and improving RT Quic technique and among other studies.
CWD is the best excuse to never severly cut tags or revenue. They can't totally control predation or roadkill they can only control hunter harvest and they should
The fact is every living deer could be killed in an area and cwd prions will still exist in the soil for years and years.

Also, no one knows whether there are resistant alleles to cwd and that 100% of all deer that contract cwd die within 18 months or even years afterwards! Who ever mentioned deaths 18 to 24 month after contracting cwd needs their head examined!
I had a similar conversation with a biologist that told me CWD was 100% fatal and proceeded to tell me every deer they tested was dead...
I can’t recal, don’t we know that some alleles are allowing CWD to live for 5 years after infection?
Here's an interesting article about elk and CWD:

"Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that can cause declines in deer and elk populations. Theoretical work suggests elk will adapt to the disease by favoring a naturally occurring but underrepresented prion protein variant (leucine allele) that enables individuals to live and reproduce for several years after infection with CWD. Using genetic and disease samples from different populations, we found that elk herds infected with CWD for 30–50 y exhibited leucine allele frequencies that were twice as great as those in unexposed populations."

There are still a lot of unknowns! One thing for sure there has never been a catastrophic die-off mule deer even where CWD prions have been in existence and continue to accumulate in soils for over 40 years.
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Here's an interesting article about elk and CWD:

"Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that can cause declines in deer and elk populations. Theoretical work suggests elk will adapt to the disease by favoring a naturally occurring but underrepresented prion protein variant (leucine allele) that enables individuals to live and reproduce for several years after infection with CWD. Using genetic and disease samples from different populations, we found that elk herds infected with CWD for 30–50 y exhibited leucine allele frequencies that were twice as great as those in unexposed populations."

There are still a lot of unknowns! One thing for sure there has never been a catastrophic die-off mule deer even where CWD prions have been in existence and continue to accumulate in soils for over 40 years.
Awesome thanks for sharing.

This article shows a couple of maps from Colorado where deer and elk share the same ground that show twenty GMU or more where the deer have CWD and the elk don't.

There also a couple of units, 40 and 44 that are surrounded by CWD but they don't have any.

I don't have an explanation for it other than the elk may have some immunity or elk and deer are susceptible to different strains of CWD.

But it's interesting.

This article shows a couple of maps from Colorado where deer and elk share the same ground that show twenty GMU or more where the deer have CWD and the elk don't.

There also a couple of units, 40 and 44 that are surrounded by CWD but they don't have any.

I don't have an explanation for it other than the elk may have some immunity or elk and deer are susceptible to different strains of CWD.

But it's interesting.
That appears to be the case in many areas of Wyoming, deer with high prevalence and in the same areas, elk seem to have much lower prevalence.

In the Laramie Range elk prevalence has stayed around 3-5% for a long, long time while deer it's much higher.
I will try to collect myself and provide some thoughts soon. There's a WHOLE LOT of misinformation and biased information being presented by G&F agencies.

The genetic work (genome) has been done and there are mule deer that do show resistance to CWD. There's a good Nebraska study about that.

I have a lot of info on this but get too upset if I write too much about it. I will post more later.

Thanks to everyone for staying on top of this.
I will try to collect myself and provide some thoughts soon. There's a WHOLE LOT of misinformation and biased information being presented by G&F agencies.
No Sh!t, ICMTRUTH…. I can’t wait until you get your steam back. Sometimes sharing it is lethargic and sometimes it turns you into Jack The Ripper.

Three of the misinformation discussion that have caused me to write sentences without periods are Utah’s misinformation on corn and fish, antler restriction and deer management, bucks can’t have fawns and Texas’ spikes bucks are inferior deer, bullsh!t.

We’ll wait with patience and understanding.
It doesn’t look good in the high percentage CWD areas. A good read but casts doubt on the Game and Fish attempts to harvest older class bucks when they are getting such high infection rates on yearling bucks.
Like most articles from this journalist, much is left out. They didn't bother to even say if their project deer were tested with the new ear skin method or what were the exact causes of death. No one I know is opposing any seasons in the project area to reduce deer. This article is just an attempt to get statewide seasons to reduce mule deer numbers, more specifically buck numbers.

A recent podcast interviewing Darby Finley Colorado biologist and how Colorado is managing their deer herds for CWD. From their perspective, Colorado biologists are using Wyoming as the "Control" herd... i.e. when nothing is done to manage cwd. The cwd discussion starts about midway through. From removing 300 wild deer on a high fence operation to discussing the removal of more than 1500 deer in a Hotspot zone, to the current managment strategy, Darby talks about all of it. Perhaps some of the Colorado forum members already know Darby, and agree or disagree. All these State biologists are in contact and all are influenced by one another. Darby does state 2 yrs is the period between contracting cwd and death.

A recent podcast interviewing Darby Finley Colorado biologist and how Colorado is managing their deer herds for CWD. From their perspective, Colorado biologists are using Wyoming as the "Control" herd... i.e. when nothing is done to manage cwd. The cwd discussion starts about midway through. From removing 300 wild deer on a high fence operation to discussing the removal of more than 1500 deer in a Hotspot zone, to the current managment strategy, Darby talks about all of it. Perhaps some of the Colorado forum members already know Darby, and agree or disagree. All these State biologists are in contact and all are influenced by one another. Darby does state 2 yrs is the period between contracting cwd and death.
Kind of a waste of time listening to this podcast. First Robby talks too much and even though Darby can't say for sure where CWD started, Robby makes the conclusion it was in high fence.

Darby also says removing 1500 deer from a herd did not help and was a mistake. Prevalence in Colo went from 1% in early 2000s to 21% 20 years later. I admire Darby and think he wants to do the right thing, but another discussion that shows our biologists don't know what's really going to happen.
One thing is for certain. No one knows what the he’ll they are doing. The local Bios here in Fremont county, the article, the researchers, all have no freaking clue why? They have never known why? I remember years ago arguing with Darby. This was when Colorado decided the Mule deer Project needed to kill off mature bucks. He could not explain why certain drainages had high percents, and other drainages had very low. He could not explain why deer on one side of a river had rates 3-4 times higher than deer on the other. What we know is the infection rates are not getting better just because we killed a pile of deer. They are literally throwing crap at the wall and just hoping some will stick.

They can not say why deer in the research area have such high infection rates but deer less than 30 miles away have minimal infection rates.

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