Alaska "DIY" Moose


New Member
Any one care to share experiences with the following planners/air taxis in the last few years
Papa Bear
Pristine Adventures
Willow Air
60 inch club
Or any other suggestions for that matter. Looking to book a DIY moose hunt for 2 in 2023 or 2024. Thank you in advance.
I would first recommend what type of hunt you would like to do more geared towards your style of hunting. Sit on a lake calling? Float? Ridge hunt where you can walk around?

I can’t think of but a couple “bad air taxi/transporters”.

I wouldn’t use 60” club if he was the only outfit up here.
Think of it was 3 types on moose hunts.

1. Float a river
2. Fly into a lake
3. Ridgetop

Generally speaking ridge top hunts are not down in river bottoms, marshy area, or immediately next to a lake. Most moose hunters prefer lake hunts because they can use a boat to travel and move a moose to where pilot lands easily.

Ridge top hunts have less demand so better quality, especially if you pay for a top dollar transporter. Top dollar means $13k and up.

You may not be walking ridgetops but you might be. You will not be boating.

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