It looks like ranchers may be able to ‘manage’ problem wolves


Long Time Member
The Wildlife Commission just voted to allow ranchers with predation problems to kill problem wolves. The headline in the denvergazette says hunting will be allowed which I think is a bad choice of a headline. It won’t be hunting and the public can’t tell the difference.

If it's like here the Fed's are going to have to inspect the kill and if there are any coyote tracks around they won't confirm a wolf killed it. I assume US fish and wildlife are in on this too?

we have a bit of an advantage because the state and the county would let you shoot all of them if it were up to them. the wolves came to us we didn't ask for them, CO did and I still can't believe that.

The timing on this nonsense couldn't be worse. 600 weights are bringing near $3 a pound and calves are being fed to wolves. even if that's compensated it doesn't cover the cost for lost weight due to the harassment.
If it's like here the Fed's are going to have to inspect the kill and if there are any coyote tracks around they won't confirm a wolf killed it. I assume US fish and wildlife are in on this too?

we have a bit of an advantage because the state and the county would let you shoot all of them if it were up to them. the wolves came to us we didn't ask for them, CO did and I still can't believe that.

The timing on this nonsense couldn't be worse. 600 weights are bringing near $3 a pound and calves are being fed to wolves. even if that's compensated it doesn't cover the cost for lost weight due to the harassment.
It’s pretty wild, wolves have been in Colorado for a minute. Why spend the federal and state money on it? If we got them naturally so be it, would I be happy no but oh well. Introducing them is crazy to me. I really don’t think they will get a good foot hold in the state. Maybe that’s hopeful (ignorant) or maybe not.

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