Utah 2024 primary election thread.

So Oneye?

You Can't handle The F'N Truth I Posted On Post # 98?


Your unhinged elkass. You’re gullible, clearly very swayed by garbage political rhetoric, and are an unreasonable person that no one should entertain trying to have a conversation with. You act like a full on idiot.
Once again we call on the Biden administration and Congress to solve the crisis."

Good F'N Luck With That Cox & Nilly!

Well, we do live in a land of laws. And we have this pesky thing called a constitution. I’m one that thinks that document and what it says is pretty damn important. In fact, I’ve sworn an oath to preserve and defend that important document.

And whether we like it or not, that document says Congress controls immigration, not the states. So you can piss on the constitution of this great land all you want. Hell, I know you’ve never read it outside of your 5th grade civics class, if you even did then.

So I ask again, what would YOU do if you were the governor of Utah, Bess?

Other than act like a baby and whine on the internet?
Well, we do live in a land of laws. And we have this pesky thing called a constitution. I’m one that thinks that document and what it says is pretty damn important. In fact, I’ve sworn an oath to preserve and defend that important document.

And whether we like it or not, that document says Congress controls immigration, not the states. So you can piss on the constitution of this great land all you want. Hell, I know you’ve never read it outside of your 5th grade civics class, if you even did then.

So I ask again, what would YOU do if you were the governor of Utah, Bess?

Other than act like a baby and whine on the internet?
Well....it would help if the Federal government stuck to thier Constitutional duties.....then we wouldn't have States in the pickle they are in.....
Right On Homer My Friend!

But you're Talking To Somebody That Has A F'N Phony Excuse For Everything!

Hey Niller?

I'd Get Somebodies F'N Attention Rather Than Putting On A Show!

Cox Is Gonna Condemn Colorado?


I Sure The Hell Wouldn't Just Sit Back Like You & Not Do A GAWD-DAMNED Thing,That's For Sure!

Well....it would help if the Federal government stuck to thier Constitutional duties.....then we wouldn't have States in the pickle they are in.....
I know plenty of people here illegally. They work harder than 90% of the people I know. We need to address the border, but even more importantly if you want the people vetted coming here we need the LEGAL route to be fixed and become easier. It is just as if not more broken than the illegal route. Why exactly do you people think folks risk their lives to cross the border? Because the legal route is not an actual option, it is severely broken.

And PS America needs the labor force of immigrants. Period.

Um. No.

Not easier.

Immigration should be tied solely to need.

We don't need more orange salesmen, flower salesmen, etc.

We do need migrant farm work.

We don't need 80 more "cousins" I every trade to further undercut the wages of those here now.

As to Denver. I feel like we ought to be able to find some folks, probably in downtown SLC that would love to move to Denver for its drug policies.

Free bus ride ride, few hundred in spending money.?

Utah just called a special session, how about a suspension of Utah's agreement on wolves with Colorado. Shot on site.

I'm guessing there are thousands of agreements on land, water, commerce, etc that could use "reviews".

Unfortunately Bess is partially right. A harshly worded letter isn't anything. And there are, things that can be done.
Here's Another Deal That Cox Doesn't Mention:

He's Acting Like The Importee's From Denver Is The Only Problem!

There Are Plane Loads Of These Types Landing At The SLC Airport!

And Nobody With Enough GUTS To Even Mention It!

Right After They Get Off The Planes They Are Headed To Places To Get Signed Up For All Their Free Sshitt & Voting Registrations!
Um. No.

Not easier.

Immigration should be tied solely to need.

We don't need more orange salesmen, flower salesmen, etc.

We do need migrant farm work.

We don't need 80 more "cousins" I every trade to further undercut the wages of those here now.

As to Denver. I feel like we ought to be able to find some folks, probably in downtown SLC that would love to move to Denver for its drug policies.

Free bus ride ride, few hundred in spending money.?

Utah just called a special session, how about a suspension of Utah's agreement on wolves with Colorado. Shot on site.

I'm guessing there are thousands of agreements on land, water, commerce, etc that could use "reviews".

Unfortunately Bess is partially right. A harshly worded letter isn't anything. And there are, things that can be done.
America’s birth rate is down quite substantially, and immigration is in fact a need. It needs to be easier so we can vet the people coming, and fill the need of employment our country depends on. If you took all the illegal immigrants out of America tomorrow there’d be a fair bit of vital work not getting done.

PS, you know this.
This is how serious Lyman’s campaign is lol. Saying Cox is Gavin Newsom….what a clown lol.


Also running on being against the Olympics coming to Utah. Which like, I’m not the biggest Olympics person but has he seen every poll showing 70-80% of Utahn’s want the Olympics to come lol.
Our Employment Doesn't Need Implants & Illegals To Fix It!

Teach Them Younger Americans They Need To Work!

Good Luck With That Oneye!

You're gonna Have To Come Up With A Better Excuse Than The PHONY BS You're SPEWIN!

America’s birth rate is down quite substantially, and immigration is in fact a need. It needs to be easier so we can vet the people coming, and fill the need of employment our country depends on. If you took all the illegal immigrants out of America tomorrow there’d be a fair bit of vital work not getting done.

PS, you know this.
America’s birth rate is down quite substantially, and immigration is in fact a need. It needs to be easier so we can vet the people coming, and fill the need of employment our country depends on. If you took all the illegal immigrants out of America tomorrow there’d be a fair bit of vital work not getting done.

PS, you know this.
Our Employment Doesn't Need Implants & Illegals To Fix It!

Teach Them Younger Americans They Need To Work!

Good Luck With That Oneye!

You're gonna Have To Come Up With A Better Excuse Than The PHONY BS You're SPEWIN!
Actually our labor force quite literally depends on it. Again, remove every illegal immigrant tomorrow, there will be a lot of work not getting done.

And PS I’m all for vetting the people who come here and making the legal route reasonable. We absolutely do need immigrants for our labor force.
How Blind You Really Are!

They're Swarming In Here Like No Other!

Your Buddy BIDEN Has Made It Easy!

And You SUCK This BS In!

Actually our labor force quite literally depends on it. Again, remove every illegal immigrant tomorrow, there will be a lot of work not getting done.

And PS I’m all for vetting the people who come here and making the legal route reasonable. We absolutely do need immigrants for our labor force.
Like I said!

Teach Our Own Not Only They Need To Work,They're Gonna Work!

But In Today's PUSSIFIED World You Can't Tell Them Anything!
Like I said!

Teach Our Own Not Only They Need To Work,They're Gonna Work!

But In Today's PUSSIFIED World You Can't Tell Them Anything!
The unemployment rate is at a record low. Americans are working. Our birth rate is slowing, it doesn’t have to do with Americans not working. It is not having the workers. Hell plenty of Americans work TWO jobs and do side work. Theres still a shortage of labor in some fields, and it would be giant if all illegal immigrants were gone.

In Your BLIND Eyes It's OK For All The Immigrants To Run illegal But All Legal Citizens Need To Be Legal?


The unemployment rate is at a record low. Americans are working. Our birth rate is slowing, it doesn’t have to do with Americans not working. It is not having the workers. Hell plenty of Americans work TWO jobs and do side work. Theres still a shortage of labor in some fields, and it would be giant if all illegal immigrants were gone.

And I Quote:

Hell plenty of Americans work TWO jobs and do side work.

Thanks To Your F'N Buddy BIDENS BS They Don't Have Alot Of Choice Due To The F'N Inflation On Everything!

You Ever Think Of That?




And I Quote:

Hell plenty of Americans work TWO jobs and do side work.

Thanks To Your F'N Buddy BIDENS BS They Don't Have Alot Of Choice Due To The F'N Inflation On Everything!

You Ever Think Of That?



Trump spent over $7 trillion dollars and it’s only been 3 years buddy. Inflation is subsiding, interest rates are expected to be cut, fuel prices are expected to continue their decline, unemployment is at record lows, and the stocks are at record highs. The economy is thriving quite frankly. I know some of you want to fight it and deny it to the extent you can, but reality and actual numbers say things are going quite well.

Americans blame the President they’re broke as they eat out every night, drive $50,000 vehicles, live in $500,000 homes, and travel every week. When people I know whine about Biden who have bought a new house, new vehicles, new $5,000 lawn mowers, went on several trips this calendar year, and eat out every single day of the week, sorry but the “struggling” stuff falls pretty hollow on me. Most people are doing fine and spend their money quite frivolously in America.
Un-Believable How Blind You Are!

A Democrat & As Far LEFT As You Can Be!


And Some Of This You Preach Doesn't Have Anything To Do With Election Time Coming Up,RIGHT?

We Need Somebody Smart Enough To Do The Job & Do It Right!

I Don't Know Anybody That Smart That'd Be DUMB Enough To Step In To It So Here We Are Voting For Lesser Of Evils Again But This BIDEN JOKER Is A Real Disgrace To PROUD Americans!

He's Done More Damage To This Country In Less Time Than Any Previous President!

And Yes I Realize It Started Before Him But He's Really Put The Icing On The Cake!

This Country Is F'ED Up Beyond A Repair!

Trump spent over $7 trillion dollars and it’s only been 3 years buddy. Inflation is subsiding, interest rates are expected to be cut, fuel prices are expected to continue their decline, unemployment is at record lows, and the stocks are at record highs. The economy is thriving quite frankly. I know some of you want to fight it and deny it to the extent you can, but reality and actual numbers say things are going quite well.

Americans blame the President they’re broke as they eat out every night, drive $50,000 vehicles, live in $500,000 homes, and travel every week. When people I know whine about Biden who have bought a new house, new vehicles, new $5,000 lawn mowers, went on several trips this calendar year, and eat out every single day of the week, sorry but the “struggling” stuff falls pretty hollow on me. Most people are doing fine and spend their money quite frivolously in America.
Un-Believable How Blind You Are!

A Democrat & As Far LEFT As You Can Be!


And Some Of This You Preach Doesn't Have Anything To Do With Election Time Coming Up,RIGHT?

We Need Somebody Smart Enough To Do The Job & Do It Right!

I Don't Know Anybody That Smart That'd Be DUMB Enough To Step In To It So Here We Are Voting For Lesser Of Evils Again But This BIDEN JOKER Is A Real Disgrace To PROUD Americans!

He's Done More Damage To This Country In Less Time Than Any Previous President!

And Yes I Realize It Started Before Him But He's Really Put The Icing On The Cake!

This Country Is F'ED Up Beyond A Repair!
Uh oh, MAGA Mikey really put himself on an island. Can’t even get the endorsement of the guy he worships at the feet of. That’s gotta sting lol.
Bessy, I dislike your continued use of “F’ED Up Beyond Repair.”

Here is why: if that is true, it is so broken, no matter what, it can’t be fixed. If that is true, there is no use even trying anymore.

So if you’re right, it makes zero sense to try and help our deer herds or this country. I disagree with both. I think both are broken, but efforts to improve each are worth it. If you are correct, we ought to kill all the deer and sell off this country to China piece by piece.

I’m sticking on my side on this one.
Alright SMART Guy!

Why TF Would We wanna Sell To China When China Is Already Buying Us Up?

As Far As Fixing The Deer Herd I've Told You For Years Now To GIT-R-F'N-DONE!

You Don't Like Any Of My Recomendations!

You Didn't Like My PROPOSAL That Had Something For Everyone In It!

And We Are Still Waiting For Your PROPOSAL?

You've Surely Had Time To Dream One Up?

What's The Hold-Up?

If You Don't Think China Is Buying Alot Of Things Up In This Country Already I Suggest You Check In To It!

Bessy, I dislike your continued use of “F’ED Up Beyond Repair.”

Here is why: if that is true, it is so broken, no matter what, it can’t be fixed. If that is true, there is no use even trying anymore.

So if you’re right, it makes zero sense to try and help our deer herds or this country. I disagree with both. I think both are broken, but efforts to improve each are worth it. If you are correct, we ought to kill all the deer and sell off this country to China piece by piece.

I’m sticking on my side on this one.
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Not surprised that went directly over your head. Not surprised at all.

Others will read it and understand, so it was worth the 30 seconds it took to type it out.
Not Over My Head At All!

Still Waitin For Your Deer PROPOSAL But All I Hear Is CRICKETS!

Givin You The Chance To UN-FK It Up!

Not surprised that went directly over your head. Not surprised at all.

Others will read it and understand, so it was worth the 30 seconds it took to type it out.
The unemployment rate is at a record low. Americans are working. Our birth rate is slowing, it doesn’t have to do with Americans not working. It is not having the workers. Hell plenty of Americans work TWO jobs and do side work. Theres still a shortage of labor in some fields, and it would be giant if all illegal immigrants were gone.

In the age of AI, the "we need cheap labor" line no longer makes sense, and makes less sense daily
In the age of AI, the "we need cheap labor" line no longer makes sense, and makes less sense daily
Mmm, I mean that’s not the line I’m using, how many people do you know looking for a job that can’t find one? I literally don’t know anyone.

As for cheap labor, okay, but the device you’re typing this from is going to cost you 10X more made by American labor. You wanna see inflation? Let’s see what your iPhone costs made by American labor. Americans love cheap labor, just not like you’re implying.
Mmm, I mean that’s not the line I’m using, how many people do you know looking for a job that can’t find one? I literally don’t know anyone.

As for cheap labor, okay, but the device you’re typing this from is going to cost you 10X more made by American labor. You wanna see inflation? Let’s see what your iPhone costs made by American labor. Americans love cheap labor, just not like you’re implying.

My wife is an accounting supervisor for a multinational tech company that just did it's 3rd round of layoffs. That's true all over the Bay area, and is now coming for Utah's tech sector.

AI is moving way faster than anyone thought.

Importing the 3rd into a first world country that is just begining a massive restructuring in employment and day to day life, is simply suicide.

Entire career fields will disappear in a decade, in every sector of the economy.

Americans do live cheap labor, nothing cheaper than AI
Hey Hossy!

You're Talkin Way Above Oneyes Comprehension!

They'll FRICK This State Up Before Long With The BS That's Going On!

My wife is an accounting supervisor for a multinational tech company that just did it's 3rd round of layoffs. That's true all over the Bay area, and is now coming for Utah's tech sector.

AI is moving way faster than anyone thought.

Importing the 3rd into a first world country that is just begining a massive restructuring in employment and day to day life, is simply suicide.

Entire career fields will disappear in a decade, in every sector of the economy.

Americans do live cheap labor, nothing cheaper than AI
My wife is an accounting supervisor for a multinational tech company that just did it's 3rd round of layoffs. That's true all over the Bay area, and is now coming for Utah's tech sector.

AI is moving way faster than anyone thought.

Importing the 3rd into a first world country that is just begining a massive restructuring in employment and day to day life, is simply suicide.

Entire career fields will disappear in a decade, in every sector of the economy.

Americans do live cheap labor, nothing cheaper than AI
Okay, I see more what you're saying now. It's true AI is going to change the economy is drastic ways. Lot's of things have changed the economy, assembly line machines changed it as well. It's true the economy is always changing, and it's true that we always adapt. But certainly AI is going to change things in major ways. The Tech sector's success was highly inflated due to covid as well. Now that, that funding and lifestyle has subsided layoffs in tech are not a surprise. They were overly saturated with employees to meet the demand of the time.
Okay, I see more what you're saying now. It's true AI is going to change the economy is drastic ways. Lot's of things have changed the economy, assembly line machines changed it as well. It's true the economy is always changing, and it's true that we always adapt. But certainly AI is going to change things in major ways. The Tech sector's success was highly inflated due to covid as well. Now that, that funding and lifestyle has subsided layoffs in tech are not a surprise. They were overly saturated with employees to meet the demand of the time.

That bubble you live in is going to pop so damn hard one day.

Comparing AI combined with quantum computing to assembly lines is assinine.

This isnt a high tech issue.

There are companies 3d printing houses, today. Within 5 years farm implements will be autonomous. Trucking will be as well.

Fast food is already way down that line.

I watch a drywall robot the other day

Hollywood struck on AI.

This Mitt Romney, "we need cheap labor" bull, is just that.

There's a MASSIVE social upheaval coming in the next decade.

Who is going to pay for all the social net, when we are all on it?

Where the water coming from? Power?

The chamber of commerce crew you regurgitate will be dead by the time their policies take effect.

It's not 1980 any more, the future is t cheap 3rd world labor
Hey Hossy?

Why The Hell Didn't They Invent The Dry-Wall Robot About 40 Years Ago?

They Got A Robot For Crawl Spaces?

Why Didn't They Get Them About 47 Years Ago?

You Gotta Admit!

They're Gonna Have To Come Up With Something!

The New Generations Are Gonna Say:


I Ain't Doing It!

That bubble you live in is going to pop so damn hard one day.

Comparing AI combined with quantum computing to assembly lines is assinine.

This isnt a high tech issue.

There are companies 3d printing houses, today. Within 5 years farm implements will be autonomous. Trucking will be as well.

Fast food is already way down that line.

I watch a drywall robot the other day

Hollywood struck on AI.

This Mitt Romney, "we need cheap labor" bull, is just that.

There's a MASSIVE social upheaval coming in the next decade.

Who is going to pay for all the social net, when we are all on it?

Where the water coming from? Power?

The chamber of commerce crew you regurgitate will be dead by the time their policies take effect.

It's not 1980 any more, the future is t cheap 3rd world labor
To use Oneyes comparison.

We are importing 10's of millions of buggy builders as the world transitions to cars.
Uh oh, MAGA Mikey really put himself on an island. Can’t even get the endorsement of the guy he worships at the feet of. That’s gotta sting lol. View attachment 149060
Why is it a "stab in the back" on Representative Maloy if Mike Lee supports Jenkins for congress?
This is a quote from Representative Maloy
"What we disagree on are tactics. Sen. Lee would rather go for big major changes, and if we don’t get the big major changes, then he’d rather let the bill die and start over,” she said. “I’m willing to take steps in the right direction.”
Maloy supported FISA Reform Act. The house had majority of Republican's, but instead of holding together Republican's gave in to the Democrat's. This was a lost not just for Republican's but for American citizens but mostly for the Consitution 4th Amendment that clearly states "citizens can not be spied on without a warrant"
Maloy supported the Democrats spending bills.
When is these supposed FISCAL RESPONSIBAL CONSERVATIVES going to actually stand on actually being fiscal responsibal.
Mike Lee beat out a incumbent Bob Bennett. What makes Representative Maloy believe he is required to support her because she is the incumbent?
Mike Lee feels Colby Jenkins shares more of what Lee supports than Maloy. Why would he not support the person he believes he can work with?
This whole "back stabbing" is a campaign stance to help minimize Senator Lee's support for Colby Jenkins and the local media, especially the Desert News is willing to carry the water for Representative Maloy. The Desert News has never supported Senator Lee since he beat Senator Bennet. The Deseret News was a big supporter of Senator Bennet.
I am sorry Representative Maloy feelings are hurt because Senator Lee decided not to support her, but maybe if you can not handle the politics in politics you should get out.
That bubble you live in is going to pop so damn hard one day.

Comparing AI combined with quantum computing to assembly lines is assinine.

This isnt a high tech issue.

There are companies 3d printing houses, today. Within 5 years farm implements will be autonomous. Trucking will be as well.

Fast food is already way down that line.

I watch a drywall robot the other day

Hollywood struck on AI.

This Mitt Romney, "we need cheap labor" bull, is just that.

There's a MASSIVE social upheaval coming in the next decade.

Who is going to pay for all the social net, when we are all on it?

Where the water coming from? Power?

The chamber of commerce crew you regurgitate will be dead by the time their policies take effect.

It's not 1980 any more, the future is t cheap 3rd world labor
Okay? It sounds like the free market and technological advances. Yes. The economy is going to change with AI, and people will have to adapt with it. I don't know what exactly you want out of this conversation? To argue? AI is coming, and it is what it is.
To use Oneyes comparison.

We are importing 10's of millions of buggy builders as the world transitions to cars.
You'd literally have millions of jobs unfilled if every illegal immigrant were gone tomorrow from the US. It's you doing the nonsense thing here. What I'm saying is simply true.
Why is it a "stab in the back" on Representative Maloy if Mike Lee supports Jenkins for congress?
He literally did it because she didn't vote the way he asked one time. And directly from a Republican Utah Senator "He absolutely stabbed her in the back".
This is a quote from Representative Maloy
"What we disagree on are tactics. Sen. Lee would rather go for big major changes, and if we don’t get the big major changes, then he’d rather let the bill die and start over,” she said. “I’m willing to take steps in the right direction.”
Maloy is not a clown in public I agree, but if you don't think there are a lot of bad feelings with the nonsense, you simply aren't paying attention. Mike Lee absolutely stabbed her in the back, and that is the feeling among a lot of Republican strategists and lawmakers in the state as well.
Maloy supported FISA Reform Act. The house had majority of Republican's, but instead of holding together Republican's gave in to the Democrat's. This was a lost not just for Republican's but for American citizens but mostly for the Consitution 4th Amendment that clearly states "citizens can not be spied on without a warrant"
There is a Democratic Senate and President. You don't get everything you want, to do beneficial things for your district. That's how that works.
Maloy supported the Democrats spending bills.
When is these supposed FISCAL RESPONSIBAL CONSERVATIVES going to actually stand on actually being fiscal responsibal.
Mike Lee beat out a incumbent Bob Bennett. What makes Representative Maloy believe he is required to support her because she is the incumbent?
They cut $2 trillion from the budget. Again, you don't get everything you want, but sometimes it serves your constituents well to vote "yes" and get most of what you want.
Mike Lee feels Colby Jenkins shares more of what Lee supports than Maloy. Why would he not support the person he believes he can work with?
Mike Lee is a petty moron who got mad because she didn't vote the way he wanted one time. Subsequently every single congressional member, the Governor, and Trump himself have endorsed Maloy.
This whole "back stabbing" is a campaign stance to help minimize Senator Lee's support for Colby Jenkins and the local media, especially the Desert News is willing to carry the water for Representative Maloy. The Desert News has never supported Senator Lee since he beat Senator Bennet. The Deseret News was a big supporter of Senator Bennet.
I am sorry Representative Maloy feelings are hurt because Senator Lee decided not to support her, but maybe if you can not handle the politics in politics you should get out.
Nope. Literally the words of a sitting Republican Utah state Senator "He absolutely stabbed her in the back". What he did, and the way he did it, is dirty, petty garbage, but hey that's Mike Lee.
He literally did it because she didn't vote the way he asked one time. And directly from a Republican Utah Senator, "He absolutely stabbed her in the back."

Maloy is not a clown in public, I agree, but if you don't think there are a lot of bad feelings with the nonsense, you simply aren't paying attention. Mike Lee absolutely stabbed her in the back, and that is the feeling among a lot of Republican strategists and lawmakers in the state as well.

There is a Democratic Senate and President. You don't get everything you want to do beneficial things for your district. That's how that works.

They cut $2 trillion from the budget. Again, you don't get everything you want, but sometimes it serves your constituents well to vote "yes" and get most of what you want.

Mike Lee is a petty moron who got mad because she didn't vote the way he wanted one time. Subsequently every single congressional member, the Governor, and Trump himself have endorsed Maloy.

Nope. Literally the words of a sitting Republican Utah state Senator "He absolutely stabbed her in the back". What he did, and the way he did it, is dirty, petty garbage, but hey that's Mike Lee.
I didn't know you was so tight with the Utah Republican party, sense you think we are all racist, homophobic piles of crap, "your words not mine".
Yes, I am sure there is other Republican members who agree with Maloy, but does that mean there is a lot of Republican members? i don't see them speaking out.
If you got such inside knowledge of "Republican Senators," then share who they are.
And yes, the FISA vote is enough of a reason for someone like Mike Lee to not support. I know if I lived in the 2nd district I would not be voting for Maloy, and the reason is FISA.
Okay? It sounds like the free market and technological advances. Yes. The economy is going to change with AI, and people will have to adapt with it. I don't know what exactly you want out of this conversation? To argue? AI is coming, and it is what it is.

We are going to have tens of millions, of our own people who will end up unemployed.

We don't need to import more
You'd literally have millions of jobs unfilled if every illegal immigrant were gone tomorrow from the US. It's you doing the nonsense thing here. What I'm saying is simply true.

Would we?

That's the chamber of commerce line to justify their artificial wage suppression.

But really?

The biggest employer of illegals is construction. I'm old enough to remember when that wasn't true. But then I'm old enough to remember when construction was on the higher end of the pay scale.

Then, a mass migration. Building went to ****(shocking that 3rd world shack builders didn't have skills). The burden got shifted to the inspector to do quality control. Developers made bank, trades guys watched wage suppression and migrated out.

Its not coincidence that "living wages" aren't paid, nor that min wage hasn't risen. Wages only rise when there's less supply of employees. Every week shipping in more just keeps the wages down.

Agriculture hasn't modernized very rapidly because 3rd worlders are cheap and plentiful.

But further.

What skills do these 10million since Biden bring? None. You work in a school district. How many languages, how much tax money has to go to kids that are illegals and don't speak English? Who pays for that? Not the "migrant", schools are paid for from property tax.

Who pays for that as AI eliminates entire sectors of the economy?

Your stuck in 1980, spewing Republican talking points.
When WW III Hits!

We'll See How Many Of these GUTLESS BASTARDS Are Headed Back Home Versus How Many Stay To Get Drafted To Help Us!
Trump spent over $7 trillion dollars and it’s only been 3 years buddy. Inflation is subsiding, interest rates are expected to be cut, fuel prices are expected to continue their decline, unemployment is at record lows, and the stocks are at record highs. The economy is thriving quite frankly. I know some of you want to fight it and deny it to the extent you can, but reality and actual numbers say things are going quite well.

Americans blame the President they’re broke as they eat out every night, drive $50,000 vehicles, live in $500,000 homes, and travel every week. When people I know whine about Biden who have bought a new house, new vehicles, new $5,000 lawn mowers, went on several trips this calendar year, and eat out every single day of the week, sorry but the “struggling” stuff falls pretty hollow on me. Most people are doing fine and spend their money quite frivolously in America.
You're full of it.
Americans are not eating out every night. The price of homes has almost doubled and is up 47% since 2020. Mortgages have doubled. The average price of a car is over $48K and is up $6k just in the last 2 years & $10k since late 2020.

Jobs numbers are continually being revised down, overestimated & double counted via gimmickry. Almost 800K jobs they said were created in 2023... never existed. Wages are not keeping up with inflation and I highly doubt we'll see any rate cuts anytime soon.

Interest on the debt is now over a trillion $$ a year and going higher. Interest on the debt now sucks up 1/3 of all taxes collected. Washington spends 2X what it collects in taxes.

Stock market: The top 10 companies account for almost 1/2 of the market cap. Ever heard of the magnificent 7? The broader market ain't doing so well. 60% of the earnings from the S&P 500 have come from 5 stocks. 5 out of 500.

New York city alone will spend $6 Billion dollars this year housing & caring for illegal immigrants with no skills. Every city in the U.S. will spend a large portion of their tax revenue doing the same.

We were doing just fine on the labor front before Biden added 10 Million 3rd world refugees to add to his voter base.

None of what's happening is sustainable, it's only going to get worse. It's all unicorns & gum drops reading your Big Rock Candy Mountain nonsense.
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I didn't know you was so tight with the Utah Republican party, sense you think we are all racist, homophobic piles of crap, "your words not mine".
Yes, I am sure there is other Republican members who agree with Maloy, but does that mean there is a lot of Republican members? i don't see them speaking out.
If you got such inside knowledge of "Republican Senators," then share who they are.
And yes, the FISA vote is enough of a reason for someone like Mike Lee to not support. I know if I lived in the 2nd district I would not be voting for Maloy, and the reason is FISA.
I mean, there are others, you can see by endorsements as literally everyone else has bucked Lee on this but there’s other lawmakers. This one is publicly on Twitter so I’ll share it, but not private conversations. I'll share with you this one. I'll share with you what is public. I'll share with you Candice Pierucci's(Republican House Representative) husband who also served in the legislature, said it was wrong, and has been campaigning hard with Maloy since. The Pierucci's are pretty hard right btw. There are plenty of people who did not like Lee doing this at all.

We are going to have tens of millions, of our own people who will end up unemployed.

We don't need to import more

Would we?
That's the chamber of commerce line to justify their artificial wage suppression.
Inflation though right?
But really?

The biggest employer of illegals is construction. I'm old enough to remember when that wasn't true. But then I'm old enough to remember when construction was on the higher end of the pay scale.
It still is pretty high on the end of the pay scale. Also, there's plenty of construction jobs out there open and many desperately looking for employees. They'd hire you Hoss. It would not be hard to find a job right now in construction, promise.
Then, a mass migration. Building went to ****(shocking that 3rd world shack builders didn't have skills). The burden got shifted to the inspector to do quality control. Developers made bank, trades guys watched wage suppression and migrated out.

Its not coincidence that "living wages" aren't paid, nor that min wage hasn't risen. Wages only rise when there's less supply of employees. Every week shipping in more just keeps the wages down.

Agriculture hasn't modernized very rapidly because 3rd worlders are cheap and plentiful.

But further.

What skills do these 10million since Biden bring? None. You work in a school district. How many languages, how much tax money has to go to kids that are illegals and don't speak English? Who pays for that? Not the "migrant", schools are paid for from property tax.

Who pays for that as AI eliminates entire sectors of the economy?

Your stuck in 1980, spewing Republican talking points.
Your spewing things that haven't happened. We will see where things go. McDonalds just got rid of AI after implementing it. We don't know what things look like right now.
You're full of it.
Americans are not eating out every night. The price of homes has almost doubled and is up 47% since 2020. Mortgages have doubled. The average price of a car is over $48K and is up $6k just in the last 2 years & $10k since late 2020.
And yet people just keep buying them. Housing is an issue, but for a variety of reasons. Wages have also risen.
Jobs numbers are continually being revised down, overestimated & double counted via gimmickry. Almost 800K jobs they said were created in 2023... never existed. Wages are not keeping up with inflation and I highly doubt we'll see any rate cuts anytime soon.

Interest on the debt is now over a trillion $$ a year and going higher. Interest on the debt now sucks up 1/3 of all taxes collected. Washington spends 2X what it collects in taxes.
Correct. I don't care about the debt, the debt is never going down and never getting paid off. Inflation I care about, the debt? Nah. It's never going away.
Stock market: The top 10 companies account for almost 1/2 of the market cap. Ever heard of the magnificent 7? The broader market ain't doing so well. 60% of the earnings from the S&P 500 have come from 5 stocks. 5 out of 500.

New York city alone will spend $6 Billion dollars this year housing & caring for illegal immigrants with no skills. Every city in the U.S. will spend a large portion of their tax revenue doing the same.
No we won't.
We were doing just fine on the labor front before Biden added 10 Million 3rd world refugees to add to his voter base.
None of what's happening is sustainable, it's only going to get worse. It's all unicorns & gum drops reading your Big Rock Candy Mountain nonsense.
Yes yes, the world has been ending for a decade and a half now according to conservatives, but the crashes seem to come under Republicans, and the country just some how seems to keep going. American's live THE most luxurious lifestyles in the history of mankind right now.
And yet people just keep buying them. Housing is an issue, but for a variety of reasons. Wages have also risen.


Correct. I don't care about the debt, the debt is never going down and never getting paid off. Inflation I care about, the debt? Nah. It's never going away.Your F'N BUDDY BIDEN Has Really Screwed Us Over On This Inflation!

No we won't.


Yes yes, the world has been ending for a decade and a half now according to conservatives, but the crashes seem to come under Republicans, and the country just some how seems to keep going. American's live THE most luxurious lifestyles in the history of mankind right now.
Correct. I don't care about the debt.
That's obvious... I'm sure your kids and grandkids will appreciate your sentiments when they have a fraction of the quality of life you had.

The Treasury issued 2 trillion in new debt last year. Are foreigners still beating down the door to buy our debt or are they walking away? Ever hear about Japan's lost decade? Think it's a good idea to buy our own debt? That's what Japan did, that's where we are headed.


Inflation though right?

It still is pretty high on the end of the pay scale. Also, there's plenty of construction jobs out there open and many desperately looking for employees. They'd hire you Hoss. It would not be hard to find a job right now in construction, promise.

Your spewing things that haven't happened. We will see where things go. McDonalds just got rid of AI after implementing it. We don't know what things look like right now.


Seeing as how I am a licensed contractor who's been in this game since 1990, let's just assume perhaps I might know something you don't.

There's a reason folks on both the left and right are talking universal income.
That's obvious... I'm sure your kids and grandkids will appreciate your sentiments when they have a fraction of the quality of life you had.

The Treasury issued 2 trillion in new debt last year. Are foreigners still beating down the door to buy our debt or are they walking away? Ever hear about Japan's lost decade? Think it's a good idea to buy our own debt? That's what Japan did, that's where we are headed.
The debt is never getting paid off. It’s never getting paid down even. It’s just a reality.

Seeing as how I am a licensed contractor who's been in this game since 1990, let's just assume perhaps I might know something you don't.

There's a reason folks on both the left and right are talking universal income.
Certainly, universal income is likely going to be necessary as AI progresses. I don’t know what exactly you would like done about it.

But today. This day. There are a variety of construction jobs available, go search indeed. You’re a contractor? Then certainly you know how desperate many are for help at the moment? Or short handed plenty are.

Btw Hoss, most of the projected labor shortages over the next 50 years have to do with construction fields.

Also, I agree with him on something.
Certainly, universal income is likely going to be necessary as AI progresses. I don’t know what exactly you would like done about it.

But today. This day. There are a variety of construction jobs available, go search indeed. You’re a contractor? Then certainly you know how desperate many are for help at the moment? Or short handed plenty are.

Btw Hoss, most of the projected labor shortages over the next 50 years have to do with construction fields.

Also, I agree with him on something.
View attachment 149352

Only you could see the buildings in the 3rd world and think "hey, we need more of that"

Housing is being 3d printed now. That's the future. That doesn't require 4 vans of cousins.

Pull up indeed.

Notice how the jobs NOT HVAC, electric, plumbing, dont include wages.🤔

There's a reason the speaker of house in Utah was pushing for weakening the requirements for plumbers(he made tens of millions lowballing via illegals).

It's funny how wrong you can be.
Only you could see the buildings in the 3rd world and think "hey, we need more of that"

Housing is being 3d printed now. That's the future. That doesn't require 4 vans of cousins.
Agreed it’s the future, but that is not how the majority are being built in the present, and you know that.
Pull up indeed.

Notice how the jobs NOT HVAC, electric, plumbing, dont include wages.🤔
Wild how construction jobs are still expected to be the hardest to fill jobs and largest shortfalls in labor over the next 50 years huh.
There's a reason the speaker of house in Utah was pushing for weakening the requirements for plumbers(he made tens of millions lowballing via illegals).

It's funny how wrong you can be.
Yes, I agree Brad Wilson was a crony.

Again, I know the country and world is always ending in the opinion of conservatives but as usual, we will be okay.
Certainly, universal income is likely going to be necessary as AI progresses. I don’t know what exactly you would like done about it.

But today. This day. There are a variety of construction jobs available, go search indeed. You’re a contractor? Then certainly you know how desperate many are for help at the moment? Or short handed plenty are.

Btw Hoss, most of the projected labor shortages over the next 50 years have to do with construction fields.

Also, I agree with him on something.
View attachment 149352
So you're going to vote for Trump now? He's a NY democrat that has pulled the Republican party so far left, that in many areas it's indiscernible from the left. Much of Maga is freaking out about his left turn on almost every issue... especially recently. This is a former Hillary position & even her party rejected it.
So you're going to vote for Trump now? He's a NY democrat that has pulled the Republican party so far left, that in many areas it's indiscernible from the left. Much of Maga is freaking out about his left turn on almost every issue... especially recently. This is a former Hillary position & even her party rejected it.
No I won’t be voting for either of them for a variety of reasons, but I can agree and disagree on things with him still. I would actually agree some of his policy is not extremely right wing, it’s his rhetoric and tear down of civility and our countries culture that has been most damaging.
It's a terrible idea that would incentivize & turn universities into defacto immigration centers. It screws native U.S. students/workers and will deflate the wages of U.S. citizens. The tech bros. love it cause they get cheap labor that increases their bottom line. Even 2 year community college students? It's garbage.

It's a terrible idea that would incentivize & turn universities into defacto immigration centers. It screws native U.S. students/workers and will deflate the wages of U.S. citizens. The tech bros. love it cause they get cheap labor that increases their bottom line. Even 2 year community college students? It's garbage.

Why would that end in cheaper labor? These people would be citizens with degrees? Seems like some high level fear mongering garbage from you to me.

Sad that the Republican parties base cares more about MAGA and rhetoric than policies these days isn’t it? (That’s due to folks like Mike Lee cheerleading for MAGA btw).
You're Surely Not Voting For The Other JACK-ASS Again Are You?

Why would that end in cheaper labor? These people would be citizens with degrees? Seems like some high level fear mongering garbage from you to me.

Sad that the Republican parties base cares more about MAGA and rhetoric than policies these days isn’t it? (That’s due to folks like Mike Lee cheerleading for MAGA btw).
Why would that end in cheaper labor? These people would be citizens with degrees? Seems like some high level fear mongering garbage from you to me.

Sad that the Republican parties base cares more about MAGA and rhetoric than policies these days isn’t it? (That’s due to folks like Mike Lee cheerleading for MAGA btw).
Everyone on the planet knows our program for all the various Visas we dole out is corrupt as hell & rife with fraud/abuse and in dire need of reform. At this point it's probably a moot point by allowing 10 million 3rd world refugees (that will never assimilate) unabated across our southern border into our country. It's a recipe for disaster.

I don't think what Trump is throwing out there is America First by any stretch. Handing out green cards like candy to foreigners immediately upon graduation is dumb and will incentivize even more to come. You see all the foreign Israel/Hamas rioters/protesters on college campuses across the country recently? Yeah I wouldn't be promising them green cards. Our universities are cesspools for anti-Americanism & hate.

If Trumps proposal is ever adopted and I was the CCP or some other hostile foreign country I'd create an entity whose sole job was to enroll as many young Chinese agents in our universities, get their green cards, then send them to work for American tech & defense contractors. Hell they are probably already knee deep in it.
It’s kinda wild to watch the disarray in the Utah GOP lol. You’ve got Phil Lyman and his people trying to say Cox shouldn’t be on the ballot and it’s rigged, clearly coping and anticipating the fact he’s about to lose by 30+% on Tuesday. That’s what happens when you give into garbage lies and rhetoric of one orange idiot, eventually it comes home to roost. Lyman and Staggs have ran the most disgusting campaigns in state history and it will be great to watch them and their minions cry when Curtis blows out the Senate race and Cox blows out the Governors race.

I’m legitimately curious if Lyman actually concedes lol. Dude has ran a Trump carbon copy unhinged campaign.

In regards to what you said @wetmule you're right, the GOP chose its fighter and his policy isn’t what is so conservative or damaging to the country. He has destroyed the social fabric of the country, lied to Americans for 4 years, and caused the nonsense I’ve mentioned above to imbed itself even in our local politics. Cox stole the election, Mike Lee throwing Maloy under the bus over one vote he demanded she make.

The Utah GOP has been a **** show this election cycle. Luckily actual Utah voters will ensure the idiots that won at convention, all lose on Tuesday. BIGLY.

It’s just interesting. The Lyman folks talk about Utah turning blue as a scare tactic. Nothing will make Utah’s red fade faster than candidates like Phil Lyman, Trent Staggs, and Donald Trump lol.
A thread of what MAGA moron Phil Lyman is setting up on a local level to claim a “rigged” and “stolen” election. This faction of the GOP (which is a direct result of Trumps rhetoric) is comically stupid and I’m sad there are people who buy the BS.


And this. This is the kinda nonsense MAGA breeds.
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Cox controls the internet, is getting Phil shadow banned on Twitter, and his paying people to vote for him. Let me be very clear, if you believe those things you’re a full on moron. If they sound as ridiculous to you as they are….maybe don’t buy them on a national level when you know they’re lunacy claims on a local level.

On top of a multitude of blatant lies and conspiracies support by Lyman, he voted for most the things he’s supposedly “against” while in the legislature.
Why would that end in cheaper labor? These people would be citizens with degrees? Seems like some high level fear mongering garbage from you to me.

Sad that the Republican parties base cares more about MAGA and rhetoric than policies these days isn’t it? (That’s due to folks like Mike Lee cheerleading for MAGA btw).

The Republican party base cares more about Americans than foreigners.

Hilarious that your "concerned" about living wages and home ownership yet push for undercutting both.

Supply and demand drives wages
It’s pretty wild to see Lyman’s proposed Lt Gov putting out smear videos suggesting they’re getting stonewalled and wondering why the signatures gathered are not being produced. Instead of asking the current Lt Gov that question, she ought to go ask Lyman himself. He voted for the law change that made those signatures protected and created the law that they will not be released! The law changed to make these signatures private and protected in 2020, and yep, you guessed it. Phil Lyman was a “yea” vote!

This dude is a tool beyond all description.

You want the receipts?

Talk about transparency. This is 100% dishonesty. They do it because it will work on some people, but man, I sure hope nobody is dumb enough to take this one hook, line, and sinker.
Hey Niller?

Since You're The SMART Guy On This Kinda Stuff!

I've Asked This Question Before But I Never Get An Answer!

Why Were Only 5 Or 6 People Singled Out On The Recapture ATV Ride?


The Bundy's Were Not Any Of Them!

Can You SPLAIN That As Well?

It’s pretty wild to see Lyman’s proposed Lt Gov putting out smear videos suggesting they’re getting stonewalled and wondering why the signatures gathered are not being produced. Instead of asking the current Lt Gov that question, she ought to go ask Lyman himself. He voted for the law change that made those signatures protected and created the law that they will not be released! The law changed to make these signatures private and protected in 2020, and yep, you guessed it. Phil Lyman was a “yea” vote!

This dude is a tool beyond all description.

You want the receipts?

Talk about transparency. This is 100% dishonesty. They do it because it will work on some people, but man, I sure hope nobody is dumb enough to take this one hook, line, and sinker.
Now we’re back to an ATV ride nobody but you cares about.

I actually did answer that one Bessy. I told you I didn’t follow it at the time and don’t know much about it other than the news headlines, which I generally don’t take as worth much. And I certainly don’t care enough to go back and research it. Lyman just needs to go away from public life.

I’m sure he’s got a lovely family and life down in San Juan County. He should go enjoy it and take his inability to count to 5 and now blatant dishonesty with this signature gathering gripe away from the rest of our views.

I can say this, though. The more he talks and misrepresents nearly every issue, I surely wouldn’t trust anything he said about “the ride” either. He’s not a trustworthy person, in my opinion. This campaign has shown that.
I'm going to venture a guess, he wanted to get singled out?

If I was to guess, I bet he called the media himself.

Tried to position himself as a anti government crusader?
Still Amazes Me A Chosen Few Were Singled Out But They Didn't #### With The Bundy's & Others!

Now we’re back to an ATV ride nobody but you cares about.

I actually did answer that one Bessy. I told you I didn’t follow it at the time and don’t know much about it other than the news headlines, which I generally don’t take as worth much. And I certainly don’t care enough to go back and research it. Lyman just needs to go away from public life.

I’m sure he’s got a lovely family and life down in San Juan County. He should go enjoy it and take his inability to count to 5 and now blatant dishonesty with this signature gathering gripe away from the rest of our views.

I can say this, though. The more he talks and misrepresents nearly every issue, I surely wouldn’t trust anything he said about “the ride” either. He’s not a trustworthy person, in my opinion. This campaign has shown that.
One More Thing Niller!

Study The Dr Redd Story & The STING In Blanding Several Years Ago When You Ain't Got Anything Better To Do!
One More Thing Niller!

Study The Dr Redd Story & The STING In Blanding Several Years Ago When You Ain't Got Anything Better To Do!
I followed it a little. They messed with the wrong alphabet organization.
A few years back, a couple of friends found a pit house and decided to do some excavation.
Not a good idea, I had no idea that the BLM had FBI agents.
Hey notdon?

You Hear What Happened In The End?

I followed it a little. They messed with the wrong alphabet organization.
A few years back, a couple of friends found a pit house and decided to do some excavation.
Not a good idea, I had no idea that the BLM had FBI agents.
The Republican party base cares more about Americans than foreigners.

Hilarious that your "concerned" about living wages and home ownership yet push for undercutting both.

Supply and demand drives wages
I thought it was Godly to care about all Gods children? I suppose lines on a map change that.

And if supply and demand drive wages and prices, there must be some real high demand right now.
I mean @elkassassin listen, you can have your gripes with government or things you see as wrong and still somewhere find some reality.

Phil Lyman voted in favor of all the things he’s attacking INCLUDING the signature gathering rules that he is griping about now. He also voted in favor of about every bill and issue that he is now saying he’s against.

Phil Lyman is a grifter, a liar, and a scam artist. He has ran the most disgusting smear campaign I’ve ever seen in the state. Trent Staggs being just behind him. This election cycle has been dirty. Luckily, Cox and Curtis will beat them both soundly.

Lyman has literally claimed all these things:

-Cox controlled users internets to stop campaign donations to him
-Elon Musk shadow banned him on Twitter
-The Baltimore bridge collapsed because of DEI. If you want to see how far he buried the stupid meter on that one he blamed that tweet on his staff, but then refused to take it down as well.
-He nominated a Lt. Governor (purposely IMO so he could complain about it later) who did not live in the state and was not legally eligible to be Lt. Governor. Btw this was totally a purposeful move so he could use it post-election.
-Claimed Utah has raised taxes under Cox, when in reality the state has cut taxes heavily.
-Had claimed Cox wants to sell Utah land to China when Cox literally signed a bill HE VOTED FOR that bans selling land in Utah to China. He is purposely lying.
-Literally claiming Cox is paying people to vote for him.

Lyman’s campaign is the most unhinged wild thing in Utah politics ever if you follow what his team posts on social media and does campaigning. Cox isn’t perfect, nor is he my ideal Governor, but my goodness he’s sane, and hasn’t participated in the nuttiness. For the most part he’s let Lyman smear the hell out of him, and just ignored the idiocy. (Oh and PS if you take a look at Mike Lee’s personal Twitter account he’s 100% siding with the nut jobs Lyman and Staggs). Staggs has ran a very similar online campaign to Lyman, Staggs just isn’t serious about his campaign and hasn’t done any actual on the ground stuff so he’s less notable as Lyman’s nonsense.

At the end of the day though, Phil Lyman is just running the local campaign of Donald Trumps national campaign. The lunacy isn’t real. It isn’t true. Elections aren’t rigged locally or nationally. People aren’t getting paid to vote for Cox in Utah, or Biden nationally. We have to get back to policy, and away from this absolute nut job rabbit hole nonsense.

It’s why my primary ballot got filled out and turned in for folks I don’t agree with at all on many policies, but agree with them not being totally unhinged nut jobs.

I voted for Cox, Curtis, Maloy, Brown, Hatch.

I can disagree on policy, but the rhetoric is getting out of hand and sanity has to be kept in place at the minimum.
And While You're At It!

Tell Us You Voted For BIDEN!

This JOKER Has Done More Damage To This Country In A Shorter Time Than The Worst 5 You Can Stack In A Pile!

What A Disgrace To Any PROUD American!

Yes,You Can Always Say It Started With Obama & Other Presidents!

You Think This Deal With Lil Kim Holding Hands With Putin/Russia Is Funny?

Better Think Again!

PUTIN Is A Ticking Time Bomb & If You Think He's Afraid Of BIDEN,Think Again!

So Oneye?

In The Last Many Years Can You Tell Us Which Politician Wasn't/ Isn't CROOKED & FRAUDULENT?

It's So F'D Up I Don't See Anything But A CIVIL War That Might Help It!

DRATS Are Probably Better Armed With Small Arms Than Any State I Know Of!

They Say TEXAN'S Might Be Better Armed Than Us But I Don't Know?

But I Do Know This:

When All These Illegals/Immigrants Of Who Knows How Many Nationalities & Numbers Start Their BS & The Government Doesn't Do Anything About It,Americans Will Take It In To Their Own Arms & Start Fixing Some Of The Problems!

I mean @elkassassin listen, you can have your gripes with government or things you see as wrong and still somewhere find some reality.

Phil Lyman voted in favor of all the things he’s attacking INCLUDING the signature gathering rules that he is griping about now. He also voted in favor of about every bill and issue that he is now saying he’s against.

Phil Lyman is a grifter, a liar, and a scam artist. He has ran the most disgusting smear campaign I’ve ever seen in the state. Trent Staggs being just behind him. This election cycle has been dirty. Luckily, Cox and Curtis will beat them both soundly.

Lyman has literally claimed all these things:

-Cox controlled users internets to stop campaign donations to him
-Elon Musk shadow banned him on Twitter
-The Baltimore bridge collapsed because of DEI. If you want to see how far he buried the stupid meter on that one he blamed that tweet on his staff, but then refused to take it down as well.
-He nominated a Lt. Governor (purposely IMO so he could complain about it later) who did not live in the state and was not legally eligible to be Lt. Governor. Btw this was totally a purposeful move so he could use it post-election.
-Claimed Utah has raised taxes under Cox, when in reality the state has cut taxes heavily.
-Had claimed Cox wants to sell Utah land to China when Cox literally signed a bill HE VOTED FOR that bans selling land in Utah to China. He is purposely lying.
-Literally claiming Cox is paying people to vote for him.

Lyman’s campaign is the most unhinged wild thing in Utah politics ever if you follow what his team posts on social media and does campaigning. Cox isn’t perfect, nor is he my ideal Governor, but my goodness he’s sane, and hasn’t participated in the nuttiness. For the most part he’s let Lyman smear the hell out of him, and just ignored the idiocy. (Oh and PS if you take a look at Mike Lee’s personal Twitter account he’s 100% siding with the nut jobs Lyman and Staggs). Staggs has ran a very similar online campaign to Lyman, Staggs just isn’t serious about his campaign and hasn’t done any actual on the ground stuff so he’s less notable as Lyman’s nonsense.

At the end of the day though, Phil Lyman is just running the local campaign of Donald Trumps national campaign. The lunacy isn’t real. It isn’t true. Elections aren’t rigged locally or nationally. People aren’t getting paid to vote for Cox in Utah, or Biden nationally. We have to get back to policy, and away from this absolute nut job rabbit hole nonsense.

It’s why my primary ballot got filled out and turned in for folks I don’t agree with at all on many policies, but agree with them not being totally unhinged nut jobs.

I voted for Cox, Curtis, Maloy, Brown, Hatch.

I can disagree on policy, but the rhetoric is getting out of hand and sanity has to be kept in place at the minimum.
And While You're At It!

Tell Us You Voted For BIDEN!

This JOKER Has Done More Damage To This Country In A Shorter Time Than The Worst 5 You Can Stack In A Pile!

What A Disgrace To Any PROUD American!

Yes,You Can Always Say It Started With Obama & Other Presidents!

You Think This Deal With Lil Kim Holding Hands With Putin/Russia Is Funny?

Better Think Again!

PUTIN Is A Ticking Time Bomb & If You Think He's Afraid Of BIDEN,Think Again!

So Oneye?

In The Last Many Years Can You Tell Us Which Politician Wasn't/ Isn't CROOKED & FRAUDULENT?

It's So F'D Up I Don't See Anything But A CIVIL War That Might Help It!

DRATS Are Probably Better Armed With Small Arms Than Any State I Know Of!

They Say TEXAN'S Might Be Better Armed Than Us But I Don't Know?

But I Do Know This:

When All These Illegals/Immigrants Of Who Knows How Many Nationalities & Numbers Start Their BS & The Government Doesn't Do Anything About It,Americans Will Take It In To Their Own Arms & Start Fixing Some Of The Problems!
Cool incoherent ramblings bro. I don’t need to say right wing nut jobs are a problem, people like yourself speak and leave no doubt.
Gonna Ask You A Simple Question Oneye!

If You had Your Ass In A Nine Line Bind!

Would You Prefer The Limp Wristed Lefties To Not Show Up To Help You?

Or Would Want Somebody To Show Up That Would Help You?

Cool incoherent ramblings bro. I don’t need to say right wing nut jobs are a problem, people like yourself speak and leave no doubt.
Just For You Oneye:



Not Long After, This This Country Started Going To SSHHIITTT Quickly!


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