Monroe Muzzy Deer


Very Active Member
I drew a Muzzy mule deer tag in the Monroe this year. I have hunted the Fishlake but never the Monroe. Any insight on what I can expect in the unit there in the first week of NOV. Will the deer be moving down any by then. Any insight would be appreciated.
The bucks will be near the does and the does should be close to or on the winter grounds by then. Of course, weather always plays a factor.
The few hunts I've seen on Youtube of these late season, rut hunts with a muzzy here in Utah have followed all the patterns you would expect. Hunt the "winter grounds", find the does, and you'll see bucks. Hope you report back to us on your hunt.! Good luck.!
The buck in my Avatar was from this hunt back on the first year it was open. I put in for the tag in hopes of killing this specific buck as we had watched him for a couple of years. I passed up a solid 185" typicalI would have been happy with had I not already seen mine. I've had 2 friends draw it sence that I have helped with including last year. To say it has gone down hill would be an understatement!. The hunt will get better as the hunt goes along so dont get trigger happy. Last year My son and I helped a friend and hunted hard for 6 days and he finally killed a 22" 4x4. We had another local friend with the tag last year also who is a good hunter and he had similar results.I live on the unit and do spend a lot of time glassing during the rut and on Winter range. I will say we saw a fair amount of mid size bucks make it through the Winter but no real brussers so I would be opptimistic but realistic. I dont mind giving you some ideas through a DM if you are interested.
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Fishnut. Thanks for the advice and starting points. It will give me some perspective of the unit as I look thru OnX and Google earth. I’ll be solo but will have all 9 days to hunt. Flight booked now just need to line up Airbnb and rental vehicle.
I will be there for the general muzzy. Not sure how much my intel would translate but I am willing to share what I see (I will likely be hunting entirely different areas than you would on the late hunt).

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