CNN poll on black voters


Long Time Member
The infro. listed below comes from a CNN poll.

In late May, Enten said Trump’s gains with Black voters represent a "huge alarm" for Biden’s re-election campaign. He said that not accounting for other voting shifts from 2020, the increase in Black support would put Trump over the top in 2024 with 291 Electoral College votes.

I guess black Americans are waking up to the fact the Democrats have been danging a carrot in front of them and never letting them have the promised carrot.

They might even need to get BLM involved as they've been pretty quiet lately.
That’s the plan. Maybe not under the BLM moniker but it will be the same actors involved.

If Trump gets the black vote as it’s reported, there is no way Biden will win. Of course, there could be a way for a certain 10,000,000 new voters to swing things, or another 2am vote swing, etc. All the stops will be pulled out again.

BTW, did you see the ACLU is saying the will use the insurrection issue with Trump to keep him from being able to deploy the National Guard if needed. Why would they be concerned about that???

If Trump wins we will see riots that we haven’t seen in quite a while. Of course they will be described as peaceful.

Vince Ellison is the kind of man that instills fear in the Democrat Party in my opinion. IMO that black voters who consistently vote Democrat and adopt a victim mentality can be exhausting. Check out the excellent interview link above, featuring Vince Ellison and Tucker Carlson. My belief, and IMO is that Donald Trump will gain the black vote and emerge as the president in 2024.
Trump may well improve his black vote, but no chance in heck he will move it dramatically. He got 12% in 2020, and is polling around 17-18% now. So that's good for him- but since black voters are only about 14% of the electorate, a 5% jump in 14% of voters equals about a 0.7% swing in total. Of course, it will all be about swing states- so 1% in the right state or two could make a huge difference.
According to Pew Research Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2020 and Biden got 92%. I remember being gaslit by some in the media that Trump was going to get 20%. Seems we may be seeing a bit of similar gaslighting this year?

I doubt whatever current gains he's making in the black community will amount to much. People will just stay home or not vote.

Good for him for trying to reach out in that community but he needs to reach independents & moderates that Biden easily won in '20. Independents/Moderates are the largest voting block in the country. Concentrate in the places where there's fish to catch & your odds improve.
In my opinion, it’s fascinating how much support Trump is receiving from the black community. Even a 20 percent outcome would have a major impact. I think blacks are identifying with the outlaw image (as many of us do). The question is how many are there who will turn up to vote? On a more optimistic note, Biden is so bad that even blacks who are not voting for Trump will hate to turn out for a demented senile good-ole-boy politician a**wipe IMO. So there’s support that way too. I despise almost every single one of O’Biden’s policies. He’s death to America, worse than the Iranians IMO. Some polls showing neck and neck when earlier ones were showing Trump leading. IMO I‘m kind of thinking we’ll have a repeat of 2020 and a f**king civil war. In my opinion, Biden is so bad that even I could defeat him. If the GOP supported DeSantis, I would be fully confident he would win by a wide margin. Pessimistic though I am (mainly about turnout) I still think Trump will win. We can’t deal with another 4 years of the Biden s**tshow.
CNN showed a poll showing black voters under the age of 50 dropped from a high of 80% for Biden to now at 38% fir Biden. Not all 42% percent committed to Trump, but if they don't vote for Biden that is at least a half a vote for Trump.

Please check out Chad O. Jackson’s youtube channel and watch this video titled: “UTII, An American Odyssey.” date of video 7/20/24. The video exposes the lies of Marxism, BLM, NAACP and Antifa.” While some people may disagree with this video it is the truth. It would be nice to get this DVD “Uncle Tom 2” in all of our schools and libraries across the United States. People need to know the truth about Black history and American history. Our nation’s middle schools, high schools and colleges are quickly becoming indoctrinated by these false marxist ideas. This is the best video I’ve seen on the subject of lies in regards to BLM, Antifa, and the NAACP.​

Please share this video with your family and friends, thank you.


Please check out Chad O. Jackson’s youtube channel and watch this video titled: “UTII, An American Odyssey.” date of video 7/20/24. The video exposes the lies of Marxism, BLM, NAACP and Antifa.” While some people may disagree with this video it is the truth. It would be nice to get this DVD “Uncle Tom 2” in all of our schools and libraries across the United States. People need to know the truth about Black history and American history. Our nation’s middle schools, high schools and colleges are quickly becoming indoctrinated by these false marxist ideas. This is the best video I’ve seen on the subject of lies in regards to BLM, Antifa, and the NAACP.​

Please share this video with your family and friends, thank you.

I’ll check this out, thanks for posting.

Please check out Chad O. Jackson’s youtube channel and watch this video titled: “UTII, An American Odyssey.” date of video 7/20/24. The video exposes the lies of Marxism, BLM, NAACP and Antifa.” While some people may disagree with this video it is the truth. It would be nice to get this DVD “Uncle Tom 2” in all of our schools and libraries across the United States. People need to know the truth about Black history and American history. Our nation’s middle schools, high schools and colleges are quickly becoming indoctrinated by these false marxist ideas. This is the best video I’ve seen on the subject of lies in regards to BLM, Antifa, and the NAACP.​

Please share this video with your family and friends, thank you.

I would take a bullet for Chad O Jackson, the video’s leading actor and co-director. I stand by my belief in freedom and would even sacrifice my life for Donald Trump, although I hope it never becomes necessary. UTII is a great video, check it out.

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