FOR SALE: NL Pure 12x42, 8x42 and 15x56 SLC HD


Active Member
I’ve got three sets up for sale:

NL Pure 12x42 with outdoorsman stud. Just got back from Swaro, still sealed in plastic so they are as new, all lenses replaced and new rubber armor. $3200 TYD. Brand new glass and save $500 after tax.

NL Pure 8x42 with outdoorsman stud. These have only been used in my house to look at birds since new. Never been in the field. $2850 TYD

SLC HD 15x56 with outdoorsman stud. Just came back from Swaro as well with brand new glass and new rubber armor. As new. $1950 TYD








Ah. Yeah that makes sense then. Seems like I e seen several for sale lately. I bet those will be pretty awesome but I think I’d prefer the 12’s. I may just have to be in the market here 🤨
I’m kind of on the fence on what to do honestly. I think the 14’s will replace my 15’s, but I can always use an extra pair. The 12’s are their own little niche since they’re so light and great hand and tripod bino. I’m thinking the 14’s won’t be able to compete with that. The 8’s I really never used since I’ve got 8x ranging binos that took precedence. Figured I’d throw all of them up just to see if anyone needed anything. I’ve got more Swaro stuff then I’ve got pairs of shoes so I don’t mind having em around if not.
Hey Yotebuster just curious as to what happened to those NL 12’s and the SLC 15’s to warrant returning them to Swarovski to get the glass and armor replaced? NL’s at least had to be fairly new. Did Swarovski charge anything for that work?

Hey Yotebuster just curious as to what happened to those NL 12’s and the SLC 15’s to warrant returning them to Swarovski to get the glass and armor replaced? NL’s at least had to be fairly new. Did Swarovski charge anything for that work?

The 12’s were sitting on my knee when I had my BTX on the tripod and took a 6” fall but landed right on a rock and cracked one of the objective lenses. They replaced all of them and redid the armor and of course checked everything else out. They charged me $350 for that. The 15’s had a scratch in the obj lense so I figured since I was sending them a box I’d put em both in. They replaced the lenses and armor on them too. That was $250. I’ve only ever had Swaro do something for free once and it was a rangefinder that leaked water and was not supposed to. Otherwise they always charge me. I’m fine with that, if I break something I expect to pay to fix it. If a company is selling stuff they can give you 3-4 pairs of for free after you run em over with a truck, you gotta wonder how much they’ve got into them from the factory.

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