My new hunting buddy


Very Active Member
My first grandchild! I’m so excited to have a new hunting buddy in the future. I can already tell that he’s a muley killer and that he hates Michigan. He is a huge motivation for me to stay in good shape.


Congrats on your first grandson...your going to have many years of fun and enjoyment with him..I know the last sixteen years with my oldest has been a blast
Hey Marley?

Have you Got A Picture Of His Grand-Mother?

I'm Perty Sure That's Where He Got His Good Looks!:D

(((RAZZIN Ya!:D!!!)))
Yep he is a keeper. Now you know he going to want go to So.Dakota for birds every November.
Congrats! Haven't quite got there yet, but looking forward to having some new hunting and fishing buddies in the near future!
Well I probably need a new rifle build to pass down to him when I die, of course
Congratulations! I can relate, just had my first grandson 2 1/2 months ago. Really looking forward to having a young hunting buddy tag along with me.
Oh, and I already have a rifle build in progress for me...I mean him. LOL!
Must be something in the water. I had my first grandson 6 months ago, they named him Finn. Good thing I like to fish also:) but he is still going hunting with grandpa. Congrats to you and his parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I raised both of my daughters hunting.
Now I am a grandpa also as of a month ago!
Excited to raise another girl in the hunting world if she wants to and I live long enough 🤣
Big Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊!! Enjoy the ride as you well know - never stay little very long- I’ve got 1 girl & 1 son- My daughter calls me almost every other day checking on her Dad to see what he’s been up to ! Enjoy these adventures !
Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado 😁🍀

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