
If the first 2+ hrs of this podcast hasn't pissed you off enough forward to about 2:07 (American Funding). We're sending plane loads, $40 million to $87 million U.S. taxpayer dollars to Afghanistan every single week.

Some of that U.S. taxpayer money is paying welfare to the families of dead Taliban fighters that fought and killed Americans in the GWOT.
I’ve been a huge fan of Shawn’s show since it started and I watched this episode last night. I was planning on falling asleep while watching but it pissed me off so much I was up until 1am before my blood pressure went down.

I’m seriously so disgusted with our govt it makes me want to puke. We are just helping to fund the next attack within our borders…by design, war is good for business
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It's hard to wrap your head around all that. Even harder to realize that it's actually happening even when you see it with your own eyes.

I guess we can take comfort in knowing that the money going to Ukraine is for a good cause and all accounted for.

The citizens of America are just along for the ride at this point because our goose is cooked.
Just thinking about world history, I wonder if a patriotic underground resistance will ever organize and fight back? It seems like a logical step to take. It happens all the time on the world stage.
Just thinking about world history, I wonder if a patriotic underground resistance will ever organize and fight back? It seems like a logical step to take. It happens all the time on the world stage.
You’re seeing some movement to the right in Europe and that is scaring our leaders.

Just thinking about world history, I wonder if a patriotic underground resistance will ever organize and fight back? It seems like a logical step to take. It happens all the time on the world stage.
Sleepy Joe already told you the answer. You will need F15s
imbedded terrorists in our government, harboring terrorists in the US, funding terrorists......... too bad this information isn't fed to the American public easier. our government, CIA, FBI....more corrupt than we ever realize.
Caught a few, but simple math says terrorists are here in big numbers and we have zero clue as to who or where they are... or what they have planned.
"Wray warned the subcommittee that if Congress cuts their budget, it will have "very significant" consequences as the FBI would not be able to fill nearly 1,000 positions, meaning efforts to protect Americans from terrorism would fall short."
The FBI is going to be caught with their heads up their rearend just like they were on 9/11. If we have a terror attack in the next few months, Sleepy Joe is toast along with several other Democrats at election time.
As much as I despise what the FBI has become……DHS has made their job impossible……
The FBI is going to be caught with their heads up their rearend just like they were on 9/11. If we have a terror attack in the next few months, Sleepy Joe is toast along with several other Democrats at election time.
That sounds right...in theory. In a normal country you'd be right, but this is a brand new swamp never before seen.

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