Deer Unit 2-2024- Colorado- Current Prospects For Trophy Bucks


Active Member
I’ve got Resident 14 Points for Colorado mule deer & considering a try for a 2 nd season tag this season- likely not enough but who knows what can happen ? Have you or anyone you know recently hunted Unit 2 for a trophy mule deer ? Any help/advice / knowledge about Unit 2 deer would be most appreciated & helpful !!
Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado
Cell phone number: 307-772-1623 - old Wyoming number but it works 😁
735 Camberly Drive
Windsor, Colorado 80550
Unit 2 got crushed by the 2022/2023 winter. Cool country to hunt but not a great destination if you’re looking for a trophy mule deer. It will take a few years for the herds to recover in that part of the state.
Unit 2 got crushed by the 2022/2023 winter. Cool country to hunt but not a great destination if you’re looking for a trophy mule deer. It will take a few years for the herds to recover in that part of the state.
Thanks so much for that great current information on the deer situation in Unit 2 Colorado- Wow that sounds really grim, like the antelope disaster in Wyoming overall ! Very appreciated- cancel the thoughts there for ‘24. 🥵
Best Wishes, Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado
He will because every tag he draws he returns for one reason or the other 🤣
It’s got to be the right time & place to drop those points- otherwise it’s a waste & you’ll never get them back- I’m going to be 77 in Aug this year & times closing in to get it done ! What part of that don’t you understand ? Does that clarify the situation just a bit ? If I croak 🐸 before that, so be it ! Part of the territory. 👏🤞
Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado
Unit 2 got crushed by the 2022/2023 winter. Cool country to hunt but not a great destination if you’re looking for a trophy mule deer. It will take a few years for the herds to recover in that part of the state.
More than a few I’m afraid…
It’s got to be the right time & place to drop those points- otherwise it’s a waste & you’ll never get them back- I’m going to be 77 in Aug this year & times closing in to get it done ! What part of that don’t you understand ? Does that clarify the situation just a bit ? If I croak 🐸 before that, so be it ! Part of the territory. 👏🤞
Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado
You tell em Jerry! I have been chasing critters all over units 2, 201 and 10 for 15 years. 25 years hunting in Colorado. You can only drag animals up hills and over mountains so long before it's not possible. I've accumulated 22 deer points as of now. Had a deer tag for 201 in 23 and turned it in due to heavy snow. Snow killed many deer. So now where do I spend my 22 points. Not as old as you but thanks to the China virus I have a lot of ailments all of a sudden. Some RFW ranches have some good deer and will help you with access and heavy lifting. Funny, the first year I began accumulating points, 2000, I shot a 19 point, 210 score buck on a square mile of public land surrounded by private near Craig. The tag was a leftover!! Another hunter at the time told me, "you might as well quit deer hunting now. You'll never beat that one. My expiration date is looming large, and I think he was right. Find a place with high success rates and some history of good bucks and go hunt! Too many preference points confuse the issue. Dave in Estes Park.
I’ve got Resident 14 Points for Colorado mule deer & considering a try for a 2 nd season tag this season- likely not enough but who knows what can happen ? Have you or anyone you know recently hunted Unit 2 for a trophy mule deer ? Any help/advice / knowledge about Unit 2 deer would be most appreciated & helpful !!
Jerry Gold In Windsor, Colorado
Cell phone number: 307-772-1623 - old Wyoming number but it works 😁
735 Camberly Drive
Windsor, Colorado 80550
Jerry, I sent in initial response to this with no advice. I have hunted 2 for cow elk and antelope and many trips just fooling around on an atv. Here's my deer knowledge of unit 2.
1. Water is key. Ever deer I saw was near a spring, cow tank, shell creek or little snake river. Look on topo maps or google earth for water sources. 2. Spend time there. Scout the water sources. Atvs are good for this. BLM Canyon of Lodore or Hunt Data Unit 201 maps from Cabelas or Scheels are essential. BLM map from BLM. Shell Creek cuts the northwest corner of the unit. A couple of roads cross that creek. At the top of the Canyon of Lodore map you'll see a small patch of private land with shell creek in the middle of it. I watched a true trophy (200ish) buck walk off that property heading south at dawn one year. Colorado road 4 runs thru that property as well. I'd scout along the creek near there (on BLM land of course). And anywhere else along shell creak or near water. There are deer between the nipple rim and the little snake also. 3. Deer are scattered in unit 2. Best choice is scout the water and hunt where you see deer. South end near Douglas Mountain is good. But tough. Hard on truck, hard on me. Water holes on the north side of Douglas Mountain are scattered. Id look for deer there as well. Hope this helps.
You tell em Jerry! I have been chasing critters all over units 2, 201 and 10 for 15 years. 25 years hunting in Colorado. You can only drag animals up hills and over mountains so long before it's not possible. I've accumulated 22 deer points as of now. Had a deer tag for 201 in 23 and turned it in due to heavy snow. Snow killed many deer. So now where do I spend my 22 points. Not as old as you but thanks to the China virus I have a lot of ailments all of a sudden. Some RFW ranches have some good deer and will help you with access and heavy lifting. Funny, the first year I began accumulating points, 2000, I shot a 19 point, 210 score buck on a square mile of public land surrounded by private near Craig. The tag was a leftover!! Another hunter at the time told me, "you might as well quit deer hunting now. You'll never beat that one. My expiration date is looming large, and I think he was right. Find a place with high success rates and some history of good bucks and go hunt! Too many preference points confuse the issue. Dave in Estes Park.
Thanks Dave ! Your thoughts are very appreciated! Yes- too many points can muddy up the water for sure- paralysis by over analysis- can’t see the forest the darn trees 🌲!
I’m sure I’ve been quality of this before !
Just trying to be sure to pull the trigger on the right situation at the right time ! Ugh.
Best Wishes,
Jerry Gold - Windsor, Colorado 😁🍀
Thanks Dave ! Your thoughts are very appreciated! Yes- too many points can muddy up the water for sure- paralysis by over analysis- can’t see the forest the darn trees 🌲!
I’m sure I’ve been quality of this before !
Just trying to be sure to pull the trigger on the right situation at the right time ! Ugh.
Best Wishes,
Jerry Gold - Windsor, Colorado 😁🍀
Woo Hoo! Just got my 2024 Season 4 Unit 201 Buck Tag! Hoping for enough snow to push deer off the peaks. Season 2 and three take less points than the 22 that I had. Also, saw a video on Youtube of a Unit 201 Muzzy Hunt (early) They were chasing a bunch of 190 bucks in fall of 2023. The winter of 2022/23 didn't seem to be as bad as stated. Units 2 (east side), 3, 301, 4, 441, got the worst of it.
You tell em Jerry! I have been chasing critters all over units 2, 201 and 10 for 15 years. 25 years hunting in Colorado. You can only drag animals up hills and over mountains so long before it's not possible. I've accumulated 22 deer points as of now. Had a deer tag for 201 in 23 and turned it in due to heavy snow. Snow killed many deer. So now where do I spend my 22 points. Not as old as you but thanks to the China virus I have a lot of ailments all of a sudden. Some RFW ranches have some good deer and will help you with access and heavy lifting. Funny, the first year I began accumulating points, 2000, I shot a 19 point, 210 score buck on a square mile of public land surrounded by private near Craig. The tag was a leftover!! Another hunter at the time told me, "you might as well quit deer hunting now. You'll never beat that one. My expiration date is looming large, and I think he was right. Find a place with high success rates and some history of good bucks and go hunt! Too many preference points confuse the issue. Dave in Estes Park.
Thanks Dave ! Very appreciated & so true !! I’ll keep trying to hit the right units at the right time.
I think I’ve got a good chance this Fall, only time will tell. Should be fun- if the great weather Gods don’t mess it up. My mule deer trophy hunting has been bombed by bad weather & bad luck in Az., Co., NM, Wy. - like many other hunters !
Good luck this fall Dave ! I’m still hoping to pull a Az Strip tag someday, got 22 Pref Points, chances are it’ll hit - got to keep trying !
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado 😁🍀
Congrats on your 201 4th season deer tag TineyBuck2000! !

I know the NW corner of the state has been hammered but I rolled the dice and cashed in my 22 NR points on a muzzy antelope tag in 1,2, 201. I know it’s not worth 22 points but I have the time this year to hunt it and am not super hung up on scores and just want to have an enjoyable hunt and see some country…

Don’t do it. My buddy drew a muzzy buck deer tag there 3 years ago and I helped him try to find a buck. We found some bucks but none worth shooting. Several crab claw bucks. This unit used to have good bucks from what I’ve heard from other people but I wouldn’t even go on that hunt if someone gave me a tag for free. I wouldn’t waste the gas.
Don’t do it. My buddy drew a muzzy buck deer tag there 3 years ago and I helped him try to find a buck. We found some bucks but none worth shooting. Several crab claw bucks. This unit used to have good bucks from what I’ve heard from other people but I wouldn’t even go on that hunt if someone gave me a tag for free. I wouldn’t waste the gas.
Don’t do it. My buddy drew a muzzy buck deer tag there 3 years ago and I helped him try to find a buck. We found some bucks but none worth shooting. Several crab claw bucks. This unit used to have good bucks from what I’ve heard from other people but I wouldn’t even go on that hunt if someone gave me a tag for free. I wouldn’t waste the gas.
Same for antelope?
Horniac, if you go into your hunt looking to spend time in incredible country and looking for a fun experience you will enjoy your hunt. I am one of those guys that spends a lot of time in the NW corner and has been fortunate to have taken some great animals out there as well as go on a bunch of others' hunts. I had a third rifle deer tag and a rifle speedgoat tag in 2 last year. As usual, I spend a bunch of time in that country throughout every year and am fortunate to spend time with those who have it hunted it for much longer than myself.

The observations from myself and my group of NW junkies is that the deer faired much better than they did just to the east (as noted above). Deer numbers were definitely down last year overall, but I looked over a number of bucks before finally pulling the trigger on a quality mature buck. The vast majority of the bucks one will see will never amount to much, but as with any unit, the occasional big deer can be found. They are very rare in that country these days and I cringe when I hear of people unfamiliar with that country burning piles of points expecting to go in and kill slammer deer. Prepare to cover tons of country and not see large quantities of deer relative to other units. It is very difficult to find a buck legitimately breaking 170".

Similarly, this country is overrated in terms of its pronghorn hunting. 80" bucks are very rare in this country though they have been taken over the years. The pronghorn did not do well at all during and after the winter of 22/23. The number of pronghorn carcasses and scarcity of herds last year was frankly quite sad (the lowest herd numbers myself and several old timers have seen in our lives in 2). During the elk, deer and pronghorn seasons myself and my other buddies saw a fraction of the antelope we typically see from the top to the bottom of the unit. In fact, the herd numbers were so bad that a number of tag holders I know ended up burning their tags once the over-the-hill and elusive buck several of us had chased for a couple of years and were targeting was killed on opening day. I killed that buck and still don't feel quite right about it given how few pronghorn seem to be left in that country. I have seen a few speedgoats in there this year and am hoping we will see some good recruitment from the does that are on the landscape. The numbers here had been low for quite a while before the winterkill and I believe it will take a while for them to (hopefully) recover.

All of that said, you have the opportunity to spend time in incredible country where you can hunt free from the hunting pressure and sea of trucks and orange of other units. Enjoy the opportunity and hunt hard - you will find antelope.

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

Great Colorado elk hunting. Hunt the backcountry of unit 76. More than a hunt, it's an adventure!

CJ Outfitters

Hunt Colorado's premier trophy units, 2, 10 and 201 for trophy elk, deer and antelope.

Allout Guiding & Outfitting

Offering high quality mule deer, elk, bear and cougar hunts in Colorado units 40 and 61.

Ivory & Antler Outfitters

Hunt trophy elk, mule deer, moose, antelope, bear, cougar and turkey on both private land and BLM.

Urge 2 Hunt

We offer both DIY and guided hunts on large ranches all over Colorado for archery, muzzleloader and rifle hunts.

Hunters Domain

Colorado landowner tags for mule deer, elk and antelope. Tags for other states also available.

Flat Tops Elk Hunting

For the Do-It-Yourself hunters, an amazing cabin in GMU 12 for your groups elk or deer hunt.

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