WSJ front page


Active Member
Anybody catch the front page of the WSJ on Wednesday. Of course no pro-FJB outlets are mentioning it but here it is


It’s behind a paywall but here are the cliff notes version.

Ben Hur and Garland were at a closed door meeting in Garlands conference room last summer. Hur pulled out transcripts of recordings they found at Biden’s house. These recordings were between Biden and his ghost writer from 2017. Biden said, “I just found all the classified stuff downstairs”, speaking to his ghostwriter. There were many other things in the tape but this is the absolute smoking gun. Biden was no longer vice president at that time and the only way for him to have those classified docs was for him to “steal” them. This is all on tape, irrefutable evidence.

I know most people knew this but to hear that Garland has known this for over a year and to ignore this while bringing charges against Trump for this very thing is just ridiculous. The entire Biden is too dumb to know what he was doing is absolutely out the window.

We know the justice system is two tiered but this just getting unbearable. There are many just run of the mill govt employees who are in jail for breaking these classified doc laws.

Where are the republicans and why isn’t this all over conservative news, on X, etc.
Anybody catch the front page of the WSJ on Wednesday. Of course no pro-FJB outlets are mentioning it but here it is


It’s behind a paywall but here are the cliff notes version.

Ben Hur and Garland were at a closed door meeting in Garlands conference room last summer. Hur pulled out transcripts of recordings they found at Biden’s house. These recordings were between Biden and his ghost writer from 2017. Biden said, “I just found all the classified stuff downstairs”, speaking to his ghostwriter. There were many other things in the tape but this is the absolute smoking gun. Biden was no longer vice president at that time and the only way for him to have those classified docs was for him to “steal” them. This is all on tape, irrefutable evidence.

I know most people knew this but to hear that Garland has known this for over a year and to ignore this while bringing charges against Trump for this very thing is just ridiculous. The entire Biden is too dumb to know what he was doing is absolutely out the window.

We know the justice system is two tiered but this just getting unbearable. There are many just run of the mill govt employees who are in jail for breaking these classified doc laws.

Where are the republicans and why isn’t this all over conservative news, on X, etc.
I'm trying to figure out where the cliffs notes begin and end in your post. You have quoted items from the article behind the pay wall. Can you just copy/paste the entire article?
The surprise, no shock, that as Garland faces contempt(which now means prison sentence) a puff piece is written.

As we watched yet another assault on DC where leftists clashed with police, and yet again, not a single charge will come from it, no one is surprised Garland is protecting those tapes.

Everyone, on both sides knows what they contain. And the horsechit reason they aren't released is just that.

I guess I'll go listen to Nixon's tapes to be reminded how recordings are "privileged"

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