Honest political question #2


Active Member
I asked this in the past but I’m still trying to figure it out.

The left claims the democracy will be lost if Trump wins. How can the left claim that will happen when they are the ones who have done the most to hurt it.

What are their examples/thinking?
Because democracy is a moving target to liberals. Typically if something they don’t like happens it’s because democracy has failed. Liberals are short sighted in my opinion.
I know a guys who bitched to all hell about trumps tariffs on China. I asked him what he thought about Biden’s tariffs on China, and suddenly it’s because geo politics are tricky. I have more less given up trying to get my point across. I will listen and be respectful to any views. But the liberals I know rarely afford me the same respect. It’s just the fact of life.
The Democrats have long practiced the idea of telling a lie enough times and people will end up believing it as the truth. Hitler and his propaganda minister were masters of the big lie.

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