Best Bear Hunt I ever had

I was not able to get out this year to bear hunt, but this particular hunt was the best evening sit I've ever had. I had multiple bears in and out all night long, and was able to witness a lot of bear behavior that was fun to just sit and watch.

There had been a big boar coming into that bait, and towards the end of the evening he decided to make an appearance. Hope you enjoy the video.

Congrats to those of you tagged out, and best of luck to those still hunting!!!

Nice video--glad you didn't waste any time and lit him up as soon as he gave you a good shot.

P.S. Anyone ever tell you that you look like Tony Romo? Cuz you do. ;)
I think I’ve heard Tony Romo, but I appreciate it! Wish I had his money! Lol!!

And 100% agree… Once you have your target, no sense messing around. Time to go into kill mode, end of story. I think that’s the difference between killers and folks who struggle getting it done. Once a killer has made a decision it’s straight to business! But man oh man, trying to get that mindset ingrained into my kids is a whole different story!
Nice job. Is that a gear head bow?
Yes it is! I bought it originally thinking it would be a sweet spot and stalk bow out here in the open plains of Montana, but I could not get the darn thing to shoot well or tune. That slingshot style grip was just so torquey. I ended up selling it, But not before I killed a bear with it;)
Yes it is! I bought it originally thinking it would be a sweet spot and stalk bow out here in the open plains of Montana, but I could not get the darn thing to shoot well or tune. That slingshot style grip was just so torquey. I ended up selling it, But not before I killed a bear with it;)
I know a guy that had one. He got rid of it quickly as well.

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