True Election interference??


Active Member
Anyone else see the testimony that the FBI admitted on the stand that they knew the laptop was real months before the media push that it was Russian disinformation? So, the entire time the media was running the disinformation campaign the FBI and DOJ were allowing it to interfere with the election.

Shouldn’t this be prosecuted? Once again, another check mark in the column of what the left claims the right is doing..they themselves are actually doing.

There is no more cut and dry case of election interference than that. Those 51 “intelligence” officers should be prosecuted, along with Blinken.
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This is all for show…….. nobody is going anywhere from here.……. If you think so, I’ve got some great property 50,000 acres to be exact, with water rights, in Arizona I’ll sell you dirt cheap. Twelve minutes from down town Phoenix.😉
I’m not saying anything will come of it because our leaders are too weak and they’re all the same.

What I’m saying is the hypocrisy is so thick and just shows how corrupt this current administration is and every dem has no room to bring up election interference or corruption again.

I know that if Hunter gets off they will longer have any credibility in the 2A/gun issue again.
credibility……. is that an actual word….. or a mythical term from a mythical time?

Asking for Mythologist friend?
Was the FBI obligated by law to reveal what they knew about the laptop? Or are they just anti America low life sleazy bast#%&s.?
Was the FBI obligated by law to reveal what they knew about the laptop? Or are they just anti America low life sleazy bast#%&s.?
Not sure, but does it really matter? The 51 intel officials which included 2 former cia directors, whom I’m sure knew, should have their heads on a stake.
Was the FBI obligated by law to reveal what they knew about the laptop? Or are they just anti America low life sleazy bast#%&s.?
Good question eel. It definitely seems apparent the leadership of many federal bureaucracies are loyal to the Democrat Party platform.

I am perfectly capable of misreading anything and everything but that’s the way I see it.
Not sure, but does it really matter? The 51 intel officials which included 2 former cia directors, whom I’m sure knew, should have their heads on a stake.
Ha, ha. I’m sure all 51 of them would have bet the equity in their house that Biden was going to win and they were getting on the right side of the boss before the fact….. not taking a chance of appearing to be part of the right wing marlarkey.

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