

Im curious about peoples experiences with the Anderson flat archery hunt. There is a possible chance i draw it this year. im hoping not because im highly under prepared and thought i would most likely just get an A1. From the e-scouting ive done it looks like its super thick country. i know people say its a weather dependent hunt. For those that have had success in a not good weather year what lead to your success. The country doesnt looks like the best glassing country at a glance from the aerial views but then again ive never been there. Just curious to hear peoples experiences on the hunt.
Drive the road to the west entrance of Yosemite and stop by the actual Anderson flat and you’ll get a good idea of the area. Pretty rugged area, how are you with poison oak?
I live in Tuolumne County and have spent a tremendous amount of time looking over the deer there...even hunted that exact hunt the first year it was offered as a choice (pre-preference points). You NEED weather to get the migratory deer out of Yosemite National Park and into the hunt area. There are some "local" deer in the western portion of the zone....but unless you are really familiar with the country I wouldnt count on that. Last year 2 friends had the G-37 tag (Anderson Flat Late Rifle)...it was terrible. No real migration....most deer stayed in the park until the snow storms finally hit after the season closed. Tag soup for both of them.

As far as the terrain, there is some country that is glassable over on the south side (Mott Canyon and the Merced River Canyon) but most everywhere else is pretty brushed up other than a few scattered pockets. Most hunters I've observed just road hunt until they spot something...then they try to put a sneak on it.

If you draw the tag, and you get the weather needed, I would suggest hunting out of a tree stand along the migratory cooridors along the park boundary. (I can help you privately with some info on where to locate these well traveled paths). The individuals I know that have been successful on this hunt all took their bucks out of tree stands during big storms.
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I've hunted it three times during the late rifle hunt, twice with no weather whatsoever and once with a light snow. All three hunts were very tough but t did mange to tag out with a couple nice bucks. It is a grind without weather as you are pretty much hunting resident bucks.
I live in Tuolumne County and have spent a tremendous amount of time looking over the deer there...even hunted that exact hunt the first year it was offered as a choice (pre-preference points). You NEED weather to get the migratory deer out of Yosemite National Park and into the hunt area. There are some "local" deer in the western portion of the zone....but unless you are really familiar with the country I wouldnt count on that. Last year 2 friends had the G-37 tag (Anderson Flat Late Rifle)...it was terrible. No real migration....most deer stayed in the park until the snow storms finally hit after the season closed. Tag soup for both of them.

As far as the terrain, there is some country that is glassable over on the south side (Mott Canyon and the Merced River Canyon) but most everywhere else is pretty brushed up other than a few scattered pockets. Most hunters I've observed just road hunt until they spot something...then they try to put a sneak on it.

If you draw the tag, and you get the weather needed, I would suggest hunting out of a tree stand along the migratory cooridors along the park boundary. (I can help you privately with some info on where to locate these well traveled paths). The individuals I know that have been successful on this hunt all took their bucks out of tree stands during big storms.
Thanks i planned to tree saddle it. Yea i knew weather is a big issue with the tag. Im some what hoping i dont draw it simply due to the fact that i prepared for an A1 tag lol. But i would love to pick your brain in private just so i have a few ideas. Thanks for the reply ill be in touch if i draw

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