Fire watch


Does anybody else watch the fire season in Nm like a hawk or is just me?? Idk why I follow it so much it’s out of my control and not a dang thing I can do about it. A little fire started up in my elk unit, not crazy worried about it because it’s in an old burn anyways but non the less I’m still watching it and monitoring the progress.

Any units out there that people are worried about?? I personally think 34 could be bad if something were to start in there, seems like there is a lot of fuel on that mountain but not sure how much moisture they got this winter.

Can you hunt a burn within the same year if we get good monsoons??
No harm in that fire, just cleaning up the previous burn. Depending on the Monsoons it could be great this fall as the elk will be in there with all the new growth. As far as getting in there this year after the burn, depends. The area may be closed for health and safety depending on the state of the burn and or snag hazard. Seems like New Mexico usually opens them back up in the fall.
I too watch fires with an odd curiosity while praying for no loss of people or property.

Fires are generally a good thing but if you look at the recent fires in 36 dating back some 12-15 years they were so large spread and intensely hot the permanently scarred the landscape where were looking at decades for recovery. The forestry service has just started to replant some of the areas in recent years. Some theorize these large burns have reduced the age structure in 36 due to the vast areas of open country. I don't know enough about the unit historically to say one way or the other. I know it seems to be the land of the large 5x5.

The fire from 2021 in 36 saw it closed for 2 seasons reopening this year.

There's a small burn happening now just north of the ski resort. It just went from .5 to 45 acres.
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Good food for thought, I’m sure the age class got hit hard with that much more land being glass-able/hunt able during the muzzle and rifle hunts. Man I hope it’s not the land of 5x5s I’ll be in there the first archery hunt. Yes that small fire is what I’m watching now, not too concerned because all that is burnt up anyways now it’s just overgrown.

I’m going to three rivers this coming weekend with the family, excited to head up the trail and check it out, haven’t been up there since the fire. Heard report that the trail was overgrown like crazy but we will see how true it is.
There's 6x6s in there no doubt but lots of 5s to work through.

I'd love to see 3 rivers and I too heard it was really grown up. I glassed some of that country from above last year.
Let’s hope for the best. This is in 34. In 36 the they are letting it just burn up in the wilderness. They said Mother Nature will take care of it. That’s what they said in 2012 when the Little Bear fire started then the wind picked up and the rest is history.

Ya I really hope that’s not the case for the blue fire but who knows. Ya that one in 34 is scary and pretty close to a lot of homes which isn’t good. My buddy sent me this picture near his cabin yesterday
Haha ya idk how well he is gonna fair out there, they are more of the sXs road hunting and big trailer kind of hunters. Not sure why he put in for the wilderness, I’m sure they will day hunt 1-3 miles. I definitely wanna go help and check out that unit I have never been in there before.
I know they are shutting down some trails in 36. The wind is picking up and I heard the Bonita lake road might close. Not sure about the lake road. They just keep saying the fire is in the burn scar area in the wilderness.
It sure is putting out a lot of smoke!
I know they are shutting down some trails in 36. The wind is picking up and I heard the Bonita lake road might close. Not sure about the lake road. They just keep saying the fire is in the burn scar area in the wilderness. View attachment 146621It sure is putting out a lot of smoke!
Ya I was reading this morning that they closed a bunch of trails as of yesterday and that they closed Bonita. Man I sure hope it doesn’t get out of control, it sure is hot and windy down here hope we get some moisture soon.

Here is one of the websites I like to use if anybody is interested
OnX shows double that, not sure where they get their info from.

I know it's a part of life but that area could use a brake.

Screenshot_20240524_141521_onX Hunt.jpg
Yes sir I noticed that onx was saying double what everyone else was reporting. They are saying it’s hard to get an accurate estimate with all the smoke. What a bummer, I’m heading up there right now with the kiddos.
Yes sir I noticed that onx was saying double what everyone else was reporting. They are saying it’s hard to get an accurate estimate with all the smoke. What a bummer, I’m heading up there right now with the kiddos.
3300 acres this morning. Correct me if I’m wrong but looks like it’s burning over the old burn?
God willing it steers clear of homes. That old burn could use a clean up as long as it doesn’t spread to neighborhoods.
Yup, it's purely in the old burn, hate to see it right up against the lake. They just refilled it last year after a multi year silt clean up project.

Scary part is it's now just west of some houses off of FS 107.

Praying for no harm to those folks and there will be some great grass growing in there come fall.
It’s looks like it growing from all the smoke. Just moved my stock from a pasture that’s in the fires potential path. Could see a CAT cutting lines on the east ridge of Philadelphia cyn. Not sure if it’s north of the Bonito rd yet but would surprise me if it did.
Evacuating Loma Grande, area. It’s got to be north of Bonito Canyon, gonna be a whole lot bigger when they survey it tonight. That map was from the night of the 24th and put out the 25th. They weren’t able to get a survey today with the wind. O% contained
Evacuating Loma Grande, area. It’s got to be north of Bonito Canyon, gonna be a whole lot bigger when they survey it tonight. That map was from the night of the 24th and put out the 25th. They weren’t able to get a survey today with the wind. O% contained
Yes that’s accurate, that’s how they do it. That was the map that the team and the firefighters used for the day shift today. Tonight itll be updated again
Showing 6200 acres today. That’s really not much growth considering how bad conditions were yesterday. Good thing it’s in The old burn, ought to clean that area up nicely. Hopefully they can keep it out of the houses in Nogal Cyn.
🙏 that it stays out of the houses

I watches fires all over the west …. I think it’s just something we do as big game hunters. It sure is fascinating tho to start looking at burn temps vs speed and how the area grows back.
Ya I guess I have never actually had one in a unit I have tags for in the fall. Kinda bummed they closed off half the access to the mountain until August, might only have two options to get back in there for some scouting trips.
Ya I guess I have never actually had one in a unit I have tags for in the fall. Kinda bummed they closed off half the access to the mountain until August, might only have two options to get back in there for some scouting trips.
It’ll be hunky dory by then my friend! Take it from a guy who has had a fire in his unit every year . I just pray the peoples houses are not affected.
I've been busy and just catching up. Agreed, it does look good for the fire fighters as growth has been almost nonexistent.

Some summer rains will have the elk piling in on green grass come fall.

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