Our enemies are shaking

An ex-navy friend sent me the Facebook post by the Navy. The best comment on there:

You guys stop for a minute and think that maybe the navy is honoring the LGTBQ seals that have served or are serving this country despite your homophobic table pounding? 3% or not they have the same rights as you wieners. Just cause some are gaining right doesn’t mean you are loosing any, it’s not pie….
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You guys stop for a minute and think that maybe the navy is honoring the LGTBQ seals that have served or are serving this country despite your homophobic table pounding? 3% or not they have the same rights as you wieners. Just cause some are gaining right doesn’t mean you are loosing any, it’s not pie….
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Nice try…..but this bs is hurting recruiting and that is the BIG issue.
You guys stop for a minute and think that maybe the navy is honoring the LGTBQ seals that have served or are serving this country despite your homophobic table pounding? 3% or not they have the same rights as you wieners. Just cause some are gaining right doesn’t mean you are loosing any, it’s not pie….
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You guys stop for a minute and think that maybe the navy is honoring the LGTBQ seals that have served or are serving this country despite your homophobic table pounding? 3% or not they have the same rights as you wieners. Just cause some are gaining right doesn’t mean you are loosing any, it’s not pie….
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I am not in the least homophobic. Honoring the LGBTQ seals? They were “honored” when they made the cut to be a Navy Seal.
I’m sick of the crap being shoved in my face as I’m guessing the straight seals are as well.
Justice Alito's wife fly's the Appeal to Heaven flag and he's supposed to recuse himself. The same flag that has flown at the city hall in leftist San Francisco for 60 years.

Guy does a burnout on a street pride flag and gets charged with a felony.

Military can't figure out why they can't meet their recruiting goals.
It's a total mystery :unsure:

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There's been a few. The guy that did the Delray Beach burnout back in Feb. was caught & charged with a felony.
Not sure about the most recent one doing donuts in St. Pete... probably be charged with terrorism if they catch him.
Amazing the pride flag means more and actually draws a crime while filthy %^#^*+* can burn the American flag with no repercussions. Makes me want to puke
I would be in favor of spending my tax dollars to buy a one way ticket to the country of choice for every single America hating douche bag in this country. If they hate it so much…..don’t let the door hit ya
I would be in favor of spending my tax dollars to buy a one way ticket to the country of choice for every single America hating douche bag in this country. If they hate it so much…..don’t let the door hit ya

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