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Long Time Member
Bone-in Ribeye for 5.99/lb today. They averaged around 25 oz. I ended up with 12 for 112.95. Can't pass that up even though I probably have another 40 of them in the freezer.
Deermadness Where you do live where you found bone in ribeyes for $5.99 a pound. Around here in CA. it is 12-13 dollars a pound.
Deermadness Where you do live where you found bone in ribeyes for $5.99 a pound. Around here in CA. it is 12-13 dollars a pound.
Everything in cali. Is twice as much, you should know that. Thanks to them libtards.
I live in Idaho Falls. Albertsons has digital deals and about every month or two I get steaks at this price. You can get two packages once a day for a week. Tge wife goes with me so we got 12 steaks.
Eel a little infro. from our drive to Texas last month. One way to tell you have left CA. and entered Arizona is that gas went from $5.39 a gallon to $3.13 a gallon at the border. My wife would kill for those bone in rib eyes at $5.99 a pound. That is her favorite steak.

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