Any Nevada Sheep tags 2024?

Last year I posted this same question and I was pleasantly surprised to hear how many MMer's drew NV Sheep tags.
My 21 years of applying as a NR were unsuccessful again (no surprise), but if you or someone you know drew a tag, it would be fun to hear about it.
Post em up, to ease my pain.
Dang LBH I was hoping you would draw a tag here. It was a great year for MMers for sure. I still daydream about my hunt and I’ve probably read the MMers stories a couple of times apiece . I lucked out and drew a primo antelope tag right by my house that I’ve been trying to get the last 9 yrs. Had it 14yrs ago and got a good one. Lots of feed and moisture and already seeing good growth on the critters. I bet it will be a great year to have a sheep tag
Well bless you MD! It's not a sheep hunt, but a darn good hunt to look forward to. For sure keep us posted like you did with your sheep hunt. Congratulations.
My nephew drew a California tag in 035 I think. I haven’t talked to him yet. Think he had less than 10 points. My sister in law drew a Desert tag in the same unit my Dad had 2 years ago over by Fallon. She had 15 points.
It sounds like you have good sheep karma in your family. I hope you will share those hunts with us, if you can. Congrats to the lucky tag winners!
My 23 year donation for Nelson and California still hasn't paid off. I had max points for Rocky's until they eliminated the hunt for non res. I've guided a couple sheep hunts in Nevada and it sure gets in your blood. There's alway the hope for next year.
That's awesome Fairchasen. Please keep us informed about the whole hunt if you can. That's one of the units I've applied for and been in. Congratulations to your son.

thanks, his older brother had the tag 2 years ago and got this old ram
I received a letter letting me know I was the third alternate for a sheep tag in California one year. I don't normally wish ill will for folks , but when there's sheep tag on the line..... Lets just say I had some repentin to do
Ha, my brother was 1st alt one year for a sheep tag, we had the same conversation!
Ha, my brother was 1st alt one year for a sheep tag, we had the same conversation!
I almost turned my CA Marble/Clippers sheep tag after I drew in 2017 and then broke my ankle mid-November with 8 weeks of full non-weight bearing after surgery but decided to keep it anyway. I would have retained my max points but the hunt draw computers have an adverse bias to my apps for some reason so I kept it as I figured I would never be able to draw it again given my usual luck in the draws😂😂.


I almost turned my CA Marble/Clippers sheep tag after I drew in 2017 and then broke my ankle mid-November with 8 weeks of full non-weight bearing after surgery but decided to keep it anyway. I would have retained my max points but the hunt draw computers have an adverse bias to my apps for some reason so I kept it as I figured I would never be able to draw it again given my usual luck in the draws😂😂. View attachment 146987View attachment 146988
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Looks like they fixed you up pretty well! your scrap metal value went up for sure
Great move Horniac! No doubt you'd still be waiting for that tag.
You obviously have a Dall and a Desert. Any others?
I'm starved for sheep talk so I'd love to hear about your 2017 hunt.
Great move Horniac! No doubt you'd still be waiting for that tag.
You obviously have a Dall and a Desert. Any others?
I'm starved for sheep talk so I'd love to hear about your 2017 hunt.
Had a ewe tag on Mt. Jefferson NV last year. Fun solo backpack hunt. Lots of sheep.


Was also able to draw a NR WY bighorn ram preference point tag in 2016 and kill a ram on a wilderness horse/backpack guided hunt with Muleshoe.



That's awesome. Jefferson is high country sheep hunting!. Thanks for sharing.
So that begs the question, have you taken a Stone? That would obviously complete a slam!
Horniac is a legend among fellow hunters. Keen of eye and wit. They even made a movie about him teaching basic English - "Great hunter, yes? Fine figure of a man, yes? Yes?"
Sometimes when you meet a legend, you are suitably reminded of your failings... a good measure for self growth!
Horniac is a legend among fellow hunters. Keen of eye and wit. They even made a movie about him teaching basic English - "Great hunter, yes? Fine figure of a man, yes? Yes?"
Sometimes when you meet a legend, you are suitably reminded of your failings... a good measure for self growth!
Oh Syncerus1 is laying it on thick! Been lucky drawing/obtaining some good to great tags over the last 2+ decades. Hopefully a few more before I am too old to get around. Pales in comparison to what Syncerus1 has accomplished. If you guys only knew!

I wish on the Stone. I can’t justify spending $80K+ on a hunt at this point in time so just playing the raffles…
I totally understand. I bit the bullet when they were half what they are now. It was a tough pill to swallow back then. I can't imagine doing it now. My son is also needing a Stone but the $$$$is crazy.
I had a good friend that passed away a couple years ago in his late 80's. He lived to hunt right up until the day he died. Did whatever it took to hunt. Sold a piece of property to hunt an African lion as his last hunt. He was a government trapper for the majority of his life. He told me one time that he'd never made more then $8.50 an hour. My wife and I took him and his wife out to dinner one evening. After dinner we went back to their place. He had 1 3/4 slams. Sitting in his trophy room reminiscing about our past hunts he was telling the story of his one and only stone sheep. His wife said tell em how you paid for it. He just smiled. She said, he pawned my car. He said "well you got it back didn't you". You gotta do what you gotta do.
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I had a good friend that passed away a couple years ago in his late 80's. He lived to hunt right up until the day he died. Did whatever it took to hunt. Sold a piece of property to hunt an African lion as his last hunt. He was a government trapper for the majority of his life. He told me one time that he'd never made more then $8.50 an hour. My wife and I took him and his wife out to dinner one evening. After dinner we went back to their place. He had 1 3/4 slams. Sitting in his trophy room reminiscing about our past hunts he was telling the story of his one and only stone sheep. His wife said tell em how you paid for it. He just smiled. She said, he pawned my car. He said "well you got it back didn't you". You gotta do what you gotta do.
That is such a classic sheep hunter story Wes. Im sure I would have loved to meet your friend. l could never mess with my wife's car but I did spend a year flipping a house to finance my
Stone hunt. I'd be way ahead financially if I would have kept and rented that house, but that would also mean I would have missed out on an amazing adventure.
I almost turned my CA Marble/Clippers sheep tag after I drew in 2017 and then broke my ankle mid-November with 8 weeks of full non-weight bearing after surgery but decided to keep it anyway. I would have retained my max points but the hunt draw computers have an adverse bias to my apps for some reason so I kept it as I figured I would never be able to draw it again given my usual luck in the draws😂😂. View attachment 146987View attachment 146988
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OMG Horniac! And I thought I had some screws and rods in my neck. Brother you beat me with your leg damage. How did you do that if you don’t mind sharing. If you said it before sorry I don’t like looking for very long. LOL!
Last year I posted this same question and I was pleasantly surprised to hear how many MMer's drew NV Sheep tags.
My 21 years of applying as a NR were unsuccessful again (no surprise), but if you or someone you know drew a tag, it would be fun to hear about it.
Post em up, to ease my pain.
How much does it cost to draw for a sheep tag in NV? And do you have to have a ton of points to draw a tag? I’m going into the buying Raffle Tickets for the extremely hard to draw for tags! I’ll be 63 come this hunting season and I running out of time for sure!

So if anyone knows of some raffles still open for this year hunts post them if you don’t mind. I am going to put in for the Tule Elk Hunt. I put in for the NM DU raffle for the Governors Tag and a couple more raffles but can’t remember which. LOL!
How much does it cost to draw for a sheep tag in NV? And do you have to have a ton of points to draw a tag? I’m going into the buying Raffle Tickets for the extremely hard to draw for tags! I’ll be 63 come this hunting season and I running out of time for sure!

So if anyone knows of some raffles still open for this year hunts post them if you don’t mind. I am going to put in for the Tule Elk Hunt. I put in for the NM DU raffle for the Governors Tag and a couple more raffles but can’t remember which. LOL!
Nevada is a squared points state for hunting tags, so theoretically you could draw a tag the first year you apply. (you can also win the lotto with one ticket!)
I know residents who've applied for 30 years and still not drawn, and mathematically drawing in your lifetime, after first applying at 63 is almost impossible.
The tag cost for sheep in Nevada is relatively cheap compared to most. Last I looked it was around $1200, but if I added up the application costs and required hunting licenses I have had to pay for over the last 22 years of applying as a NR, the $1200 tag fee is peanuts. I've easily donated 5K to Nevada just hoping to someday win a Tag, and I may donate another 5K and still never draw.
Nevada is a squared points state for hunting tags, so theoretically you could draw a tag the first year you apply. (you can also win the lotto with one ticket!)
I know residents who've applied for 30 years and still not drawn, and mathematically drawing in your lifetime, after first applying at 63 is almost impossible.
The tag cost for sheep in Nevada is relatively cheap compared to most. Last I looked it was around $1200, but if I added up the application costs and required hunting licenses I have had to pay for over the last 22 years of applying as a NR, the $1200 tag fee is peanuts. I've easily donated 5K to Nevada just hoping to someday win a Tag, and I may donate another 5K and still never draw.
Thanks for the info littlebighorn. I found a bunch of raffles still going on that I’m going to look at all of them and decide how much I want to spend and lock n load LOL
Joesikora, do yourself a big favor and join FNAWS. You will have a great learning experience. They always advertise the raffles! Good luck on drawing a tag! For perspective, I have applied in most sheep states for 40 years. Last year drew my only tag. Oh well, life is short, play hard!
Nevada is a squared points state for hunting tags, so theoretically you could draw a tag the first year you apply. (you can also win the lotto with one ticket!)
I know residents who've applied for 30 years and still not drawn, and mathematically drawing in your lifetime, after first applying at 63 is almost impossible.
The tag cost for sheep in Nevada is relatively cheap compared to most. Last I looked it was around $1200, but if I added up the application costs and required hunting licenses I have had to pay for over the last 22 years of applying as a NR, the $1200 tag fee is peanuts. I've easily donated 5K to Nevada just hoping to someday win a Tag, and I may donate another 5K and still never draw.
LBH I Hope you draw someday, it sure is a great hunt
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Joesikora, do yourself a big favor and join FNAWS. You will have a great learning experience. They always advertise the raffles! Good luck on drawing a tag! For perspective, I have applied in most sheep states for 40 years. Last year drew my only tag. Oh well, life is short, play hard!
Syncerus1: Thank you so much for the information I really appreciate it!
LOL! I won’t be around in 40 hell 30 years would make me 93. I think my hunting days will be quite over by then! LOL!
I would advise the tag holder to look very carefully @ ?UNIT #? PM for details. At least 4 rams over 170 last year... including one around 177, just sayin'... Enjoy the entire ride, it will likely never come again!
Sounds like there has been a fairly widespread pneumonia outbreak in central NV effecting units 212, 213, 161, 163 (maybe others). numbers are down, but there are still rams to be harvested, you might have to look a bit more.

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