Oregon splitting off and joining Idaho


Long Time Member
Know this has been going on for a while. But this morning I read something about Oregon voting on it this week to get it on the ballot. They want to move the Idaho boarder 200 miles to the west. Like I said I have heard about this going on for a while (like northern California creating the state of Jefferson). What I have never heard was any talk from Idaho. What are Idaho's views on this? Do you really want Bend (becoming the new Portland) part of Idaho?

see if this works
Sounds like all the pot shops on the boarder would have to close their doors.

Moving the border west would certainly get those drugs away from us!:ROFLMAO:

Reps. Barbara Ehardt, R-Idaho Falls, and Judy Boyle, R-Midvale, brought forward a joint resolution to begin official discussion with Oregon’s Legislature.
Ehardt said she’s in favor of the idea of moving the border to include some of eastern Oregon’s counties, in part because it would add to the state’s land mass and available resources. Boyle said that as a representative of a border district, she has seen a problem in Oregon’s move to decriminalize most drugs. She would like to move the border to “get those drugs away from us,” she said.
I watched a very interesting interview with a gentleman who had studied the increase in population from 2010 to 2020. The Boise area increased almost 600,000 people in those ten years, and over two thirds of them were from out of state. Predominately CA, OR, and WA. The 30% of Idaho residents who moved here were lower income workers and students. I'd love to think all of the out of staters were conservative and they were Red voters, fed up with the local politics of their former state, but know it isn't so. With only 3 electoral votes here, we are screwed for presidential campaigns, but we should fight like hell for our local elections and even state level stuff. Pretty soon, we will be living in Boi..Angeles!!
I am born and raised San Jose. I have worked my whole life in construction and live in the foothills so I am not in the actual city. Not proud of it but have made a very good life for myself. I hunt many states, fish and enjoy the great outdoors.
It completely cracks me up when people make a fuss over this kind of thing. Vote for it yes, but let those born and raised in Idaho do the voting. 75% of Idaho are transplants. 90% of those transplants are from California.
Mind you those people are what turn Idaho into Los Angeles, San Diego ect…. They retire from state jobs, high powered jobs and then move to Idaho and act like California did something wrong to them. Some buy new homes close to shopping, some live in RVs or condos/apartments ( you can tell the apartment folks. They come to Idaho with 150 pound dog that doesn’t know how to **** without a leash on, but those dogs don’t know the difference) play it off like they lived there forever.
Sorry to say, but transplants are just as bad as moving the boarder. California has already moved in so whats the difference?
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I watched a very interesting interview with a gentleman who had studied the increase in population from 2010 to 2020. The Boise area increased almost 600,000 people in those ten years, and over two thirds of them were from out of state. Predominately CA, OR, and WA. The 30% of Idaho residents who moved here were lower income workers and students. I'd love to think all of the out of staters were conservative and they were Red voters, fed up with the local politics of their former state, but know it isn't so. With only 3 electoral votes here, we are screwed for presidential campaigns, but we should fight like hell for our local elections and even state level stuff. Pretty soon, we will be living in Boi..Angeles!!
Boise did NOT increase by 600,000 people..not sure where the interview was but homeboy was sampling that Ontario weed..

From Wikipedia but I looked at the actual census numbers and they are the same. It was just a better image to post than the census.

This is Boise metro area. Which I think includes Nampa and a couple of other cities melted into Boise.
I am born and raised San Jose. I have worked my whole life in construction and live in the foothills so I am not in the actual city. Not proud of it but have made a very good life for myself. I hunt many states, fish and enjoy the great outdoors.
It completely cracks me up when people make a fuss over this kind of thing. Vote for it yes, but let those born and raised in Idaho do the voting. 75% of Idaho are transplants. 90% of those transplants are from California.
Mind you those people are what turn Idaho into Los Angeles, San Diego ect…. They retire from state jobs, high powered jobs and then move to Idaho and act like California did something wrong to them. Some buy new homes close to shopping, some live in RVs or condos/apartments ( you can tell the apartment folks. They come to Idaho with 150 pound dog that doesn’t know how to **** without a leash on, but those dogs don’t know the difference) play it off like they lived there forever.
Sorry to say, but transplants are just as bad as moving the boarder. California has already moved in so whats the difference?

75% and 90% eh?

That would mean 67% of Idahos population are CA transplants..no.

I understand EVERYONE wants to blame CA for Idahos demise (apparently even a happy CA resident) but the numbers just don't support that.

75% and 90% eh?

That would mean 67% of Idahos population are CA transplants..no.

I understand EVERYONE wants to blame CA for Idahos demise (apparently even a happy CA resident) but the numbers just don't support that.
The numbers may not be correct, but i was just saying all the bad mouthing of Oregon when the majority of Idaho are transplants.
No dog in this fight but if I was from Idaho I’d be voting a loud and persistent……. NO THANK YOU.
Come on lumpy...

Stay out of it! I wanna move to Idaho but don't wanna move so far from my parents. Don't have much time left with them.

I would just move to Oregon since it's only 10 miles as the crow flies from my house but the cost and hassle to make the change isn't gonna gain me much in policy and politics. I feel their only a few years behind Kali in BS. I think I could live the rest of my life in ID and they wouldn't catch up to our stupidity...
I understand the revenue gain, as mentioned by the legislature but it will take every penny that comes to the Idaho tax coffer from the merger to service area that is being added to the State.

So…… exactly how will the individual Idaho citizens benefit from this union? There must be some……. what are they?
While they are at it, just run the border up the Cascade crest all the way to Canada, the folks in eastern WA would love to jump in on this. Not as much now as 20 years ago, there has been a lot of spillover from Seattle increased recently by remote working.
While they are at it, just run the border up the Cascade crest all the way to Canada, the folks in eastern WA would love to jump in on this. Not as much now as 20 years ago, there has been a lot of spillover from Seattle increased recently by remote working.
There was talk about that for a while now too. My reason for this post was because I have heard about this from Oregon (and Washington) but never heard about anything from the Idaho side
I understand the revenue gain, as mentioned by the legislature but exactly what will individual citizens get out of a merger?
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There was talk about that for a while now too. My reason for this post was because I have heard about this from Oregon (and Washington) but never heard about anything from the Idaho side
My personal opinion, being a transplant from Washington, is that the citizens of eastern Oregon and eastern Washington need to work together to get themselves separated. Essentially combine Oregon and Washington and split the 2 states down the cascade crest, call 1 half Oregon and make its capitol Portland, and 1 half Washington, Kennewick would make a great capitol, or flip the state names, whichever you like. Idaho doesn’t need the eastern part of Oregon, we already have our own issues to deal with.
I understand the revenue gain, as mentioned by the legislature but exactly what will individual citizens get out of a merger?
Yes, we need to hear more from the constitutional scholars here. I would like to know exactly how this would work even though it’s probably more symbolic than anything.

Us nuts here on the west slope of CO have been threatening to secede for years. But we would have to join Utah or WY and NOBODY wants that. :ROFLMAO:
Yes, we need to hear more from the constitutional scholars here. I would like to know exactly how this would work even though it’s probably more symbolic than anything.

Us nuts here on the west slope of CO have been threatening to secede for years. But we would have to join Utah or WY and NOBODY wants that. :ROFLMAO:
Come on! Join Utah they have the same chitty low percentage beer and "soaking"...
This is not a new idea/concept, Western Kansas (and the State of Jefferson) wanted to do this a while ago. There isn't the legal/legislative tools to do this (that I'm aware of) thus the reason it hasn't been done. there can be a popular vote for this, but that doesn't mean it will happen.
This is not a new idea/concept, Western Kansas (and the State of Jefferson) wanted to do this a while ago. There isn't the legal/legislative tools to do this (that I'm aware of) thus the reason it hasn't been done. there can be a popular vote for this, but that doesn't mean it will happen.
Think the difference here is they want to split and join another state. State of Jefferson wants to make its own state. Same for past Oregon and Washington splitting ideas. Making their own state ran into many legislative issues. Maybe joining is easier. If this works maybe Northern California can join too. 😎😎😎
one day everyone will stop talking about this idiotic idea. never happen, never should happen, net loss for Idaho so why would our state want it.

"sure let's take the most fiscally burdensome area of your state oregon that will produce no revenue and deplete our own state resources and revenue" yeah no.

i do think they should have representation beyond the coast in both Washington and oregon. completely different state with zero say in what goes on in the state they live.

like i've said before, how it could be beneficial. create a new state, get the senate and congressional seats of a new red state and actually make a difference on the national scene. shouldn't that be what these people want? work towards that

plus they'd instantly have the benefit of being the poorest state in the nation and could then get immediately on the federal tit for subsidies! really is hopeless....
I understand the revenue gain, as mentioned by the legislature but it will take every penny that comes to the Idaho tax coffer from the merger to service area that is being added to the State.

So…… exactly how will the individual Idaho citizens benefit from this union? There must be some……. what are they?
we won't. and we don't want it
I am born and raised San Jose. I have worked my whole life in construction and live in the foothills so I am not in the actual city. Not proud of it but have made a very good life for myself. I hunt many states, fish and enjoy the great outdoors.
It completely cracks me up when people make a fuss over this kind of thing. Vote for it yes, but let those born and raised in Idaho do the voting. 75% of Idaho are transplants. 90% of those transplants are from California.
Mind you those people are what turn Idaho into Los Angeles, San Diego ect…. They retire from state jobs, high powered jobs and then move to Idaho and act like California did something wrong to them. Some buy new homes close to shopping, some live in RVs or condos/apartments ( you can tell the apartment folks. They come to Idaho with 150 pound dog that doesn’t know how to **** without a leash on, but those dogs don’t know the difference) play it off like they lived there forever.
Sorry to say, but transplants are just as bad as moving the boarder. California has already moved in so whats the difference?
If you look at presidential election results over the past 30 years there is no increase in votes for Dem candidates, 33.65% for Bill Clinton in 1996 to 33.07% for Joe Biden in 2020. I know people say Republicans from other states are like Dems from ID, not sure if that is true, but I know there are definite differences. Also population has almost doubled since 1988, from 985,669 to 1.96M not doubled in the past 5 years like some people say
It's a stupid idea and it's going nowhere . I was born and raised in eastern OR and have lived here my entire life, if I want to live in ID I can move there I don't need it coming to me.

5% of the population wants to run away with 60% of the state, not happening. and even if that wasn't a problem it'd be rejected by congress and the lawsuits will still be holding it up in the next century.

And what about my water rights? will OR transfer them to ID or will I have dryland now? who buys out the state land? schools? roads? 86% of the residents live on the west side so rough math says we'll owe them 86% of appraised value. ID will need to raise a few trillion so get your credit apps in.

Only stupid people think it could be done, but it's fun to watch them waste their time and money to see their disappointment
How many electoral votes would this strip from Oregon and add to Idaho?

That is the question Congress will be asking if they ever are asked to actually vote on this. (And I anticipate they will not be asked that.)

This will be a way that the party in control at the time will look to unofficially gerrymander to try and help future election results. Nothing else will matter to them.
The only people who MIGHT win would be the new Idaho residents in the converted counties of Oregon.

It's just unfortunate that the west, being built the way it is, with large areas of low population and then small areas of huge population, is turning blue. Lots of good folks stuck in a bad location. Then when they try to move to a good one, they are not very welcome. Somewhat understandably.

The go to is "vote to fix it", well, most who don't like where it's at have been doing that all along.

Gonna get worse before it gets better.
Eastern Oregon is pretty much a Goldilocks zone in my opinion.

It's sparsely populated, has a ton of public land, has a culture as red as anywhere in the nation, super low crime rates and no more bums on the street than 25 years ago. You can buy as many of whatever gun you want and anyone that wants a job can get one.

Yes we have a lot of our decisions made for us on the west side where 86% of the population lives and half of them are as liberal as CA, because that's where they came from. I don't like half of it, but I'm not entitled to always get everything I want like the malcontent whiners are.

But the trade off is , I can live my redneck lifestyle surrounded by people with a like mindset, but the state isn't going to be taken over by vanilla ISIS and turned into a church state. our public land won't be sold to the highest bidder. and all the tax whining victimhood is BS too. the largest independent tire dealer in the world was founded right in my home town by a rancher and boomed up until the owners death. then sold for billions and it's still here. I've done very very well in business myself no sniveling from me. if you can't make it here it's your fault not the state's , go cry somewhere else and leave my borders alone.
And that's fine. move where you want, but you can't change my residency against my will. America has problems, but we're not that screwed up yet.
Eastern Oregon is pretty much a Goldilocks zone in my opinion.

It's sparsely populated, has a ton of public land, has a culture as red as anywhere in the nation, super low crime rates and no more bums on the street than 25 years ago. You can buy as many of whatever gun you want and anyone that wants a job can get one.

Yes we have a lot of our decisions made for us on the west side where 86% of the population lives and half of them are as liberal as CA, because that's where they came from. I don't like half of it, but I'm not entitled to always get everything I want like the malcontent whiners are.

But the trade off is , I can live my redneck lifestyle surrounded by people with a like mindset, but the state isn't going to be taken over by vanilla ISIS and turned into a church state. our public land won't be sold to the highest bidder. and all the tax whining victimhood is BS too. the largest independent tire dealer in the world was founded right in my home town by a rancher and boomed up until the owners death. then sold for billions and it's still here. I've done very very well in business myself no sniveling from me. if you can't make it here it's your fault not the state's , go cry somewhere else and leave my borders alone.
I’m with you, I can not image any circumstance where the border will be moved…… but it’s a topsy turvy world right now……….

Where is the most pressure to change the border coming from………. people from Idaho or Oregon?
People in eastern OR, I know lots of them. like most people they haven't gotten as far in life as they hoped and they're looking for someone to blame it on. has to be the government's fault there's no other logical explanation .

When you point out the fact that on 2024 wealth ranking Oregon is the 20th wealthiest state in the union, and Idaho is 47th, they just have a blank look and change the subject.
The chances of this border change happening are equal to that of me winning a billion dollars on mega millions.

That is not absolute zero, but it sure isn’t much higher than that. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time worrying about this. It ain’t gonna happen.
The zoning in E. Oregon preserves it as a good place to live, leave it just like it is. But services are scarce and we do go to Nampa or Boise for most medical needs. It's always a nice day trip but I'm always glad to get back home. Too many people for me.
That's true, but it's one of the reasons the whiners want to move the border. if I could subdivide my land I'd make a fortune, but state law prohibits it. and that's ok, it doesn't always have to be about me like some people think it should be.
I grew up in Eastern Oregon, moved to Idaho and just recently moved back to eastern Oregon. It feels a lot better over here to be honest. Much more of a conservative feel and small town values. If I had a large business maybe I’d feel differently because of the taxes but with my small business and pretty simple life I think it’s better here than western Idaho. Also Idaho's hunting isn’t going to be any better than Oregon within 10 years. All that to say…moving the border isn’t necessarily to “save” eastern Oregon for the vast majority of regular conservative people. In my opinion haha
I grew up in Eastern Oregon, moved to Idaho and just recently moved back to eastern Oregon. It feels a lot better over here to be honest. Much more of a conservative feel and small town values. If I had a large business maybe I’d feel differently because of the taxes but with my small business and pretty simple life I think it’s better here than western Idaho. Also Idaho's hunting isn’t going to be any better than Oregon within 10 years. All that to say…moving the border isn’t necessarily to “save” eastern Oregon for the vast majority of regular conservative people. In my opinion haha
I feel that in all western states people need to stay and fight for what is right. Moving seems to just make things worse. There are reasons to move I understand, family, work, wanting a different lifestyle, live in an area with more room. But to move over politics seems to catch up with people everywhere and makes things worse in the area they left.
Thanks for catching the number difference. Looking at census numbers, and projections on growth, I think the guy was mistaking the growth from 600,000 to 800,00 people from 2010 until now. At the present 7-8% growth, the last numbers I saw projected was for the Treasure Valley to be above one million by 2050. I won't be here to see it, but I sure feel bad for my kids and grandkids.
What a whole bunch of fuss about nothing! Socialism and corrupt politicians aren't that bad. Born and raised in California... lived here going on 42 years. I love paying $200 to fill my truck up, $15k in state income tax last year between my wife and I, $17k/year for groceries... the benefits are endless! Bums and junkies are great to talk to... when they aren't mumbling from the heroin and fentanyl. I've only been stabbed once. Unless you count the needles I step on while launching @ the Berkeley Marina. Don't knock it till you try it! The government is great!

On a serious note, California is a great state for outdoor recreation... minus the deer herds! I love ocean fishing. That's a big reason I've stayed so long. As well as family and work.
I'm not sure why OR get's such a bad rap on taxes, we have a 9.9% income tax for most brackets but by the time you take the exemptions and deductions it cuts that way back. vehicle registrations are cheap and we have no sales tax . there's no free lunch I'd rather pay something than live in some 3rd world crap hole state.

California is something else, you guys have a mess there. it's proof somewhere in the middle is the sweet spot, extremes to the left or right suck.
I have been gone for a few years from MM. Doesn’t look like I missed much. I was raised in the Boise valley. My grandfather walked to Idaho from West Virginia when he was eight. And the other grandfather is half Indian so not sure how long my family has been in Idaho. But I live in La Grande. It is a great place to live. But the laws that are constantly coming out of our state legislature and how they spend our tax dollars are hard to swallow. I do know that we are logging about 10% of the available logs. The mining industry has been all but stopped. If the border was moved those could change revenue flow very fast. If we can get a few more R’s to close the gap on the next governor race, Oregon D’s might be more than willing to move the line. For years I didn’t think it was possible. But I do think it could happen. Lots of logistics for sure. Carry on. DZ
again, I have no dog in this fight and I understand your frustration but from your perspective in what way would the average citizen currently in Idaho gain by Annexing part of Oregon? Maybe one more Federal House Representative. I can see why some folks in Oregon would like to leave, but I’ve never heard why anyone from Idaho wants to, accept for the Legislature and Governor, and they just want your tax money.

Personally, I think you’d get further if you asked to become the 51 State.

Just curious.
I’m not sure why the average Idaho person would want to move the line or not. There is counties that have coast line that want to join in. Seems like there would be more than a few folks that would like to have an Idaho port. Besides Lewiston. If for the most part we are likeminded who wouldn’t want a large state (play ground).
I’m not sure why the average Idaho person would want to move the line or not. There is counties that have coast line that want to join in. Seems like there would be more than a few folks that would like to have an Idaho port. Besides Lewiston. If for the most part we are likeminded who wouldn’t want a large state (play ground).
no thanks. keep your coastline while you're at it.

fix your own mess. don't try and make it mine
no thanks. keep your coastline while you're at it.

fix your own mess. don't try and make it mine
Your mess is made already. You may not see it in YOUR lifetime but it's coming. Unfortunately.

Although I don't agree with this from a workability perspective. Things like this can be lines drawn in the sand that stop pervasive growth of leftist agenda, IMO. It joins more like minded people into one group.

ANYONE who left a state that they wouldn't return to today for one more aligned with their lifestyle is part of the problem of not "fixing their own problem". But how can you blame them? Especially if you're one of them.

Blue hotbeds are islands in seas of red in EVERY state west of the Mississippi. Those islands (large metro areas) exist in every state. And they are growing in every state. They will outgrow the population of the red seas in EVERY state in time. The only way to slow it is to out grow population numbers of reds in those seas at a faster rate. These types of movements could do this... could. Maybe?

Boise metro rules the politics of Idaho just like metros in every western state. Soon Boise blue will overwhelm the sea of red.
Your mess is made already. You may not see it in YOUR lifetime but it's coming. Unfortunately.

Although I don't agree with this from a workability perspective. Things like this can be lines drawn in the sand that stop pervasive growth of leftist agenda, IMO. It joins more like minded people into one group.

ANYONE who left a state that they wouldn't return to today for one more aligned with their lifestyle is part of the problem of not "fixing their own problem". But how can you blame them? Especially if you're one of them.

Blue hotbeds are islands in seas of red in EVERY state west of the Mississippi. Those islands (large metro areas) exist in every state. And they are growing in every state. They will outgrow the population of the red seas in EVERY state in time. The only way to slow it is to out grow population numbers of reds in those seas at a faster rate. These types of movements could do this... could. Maybe?

Boise metro rules the politics of Idaho just like metros in every western state. Soon Boise blue will overwhelm the sea of red.
Like I said. Want to make an actual difference, push to be the 51st state, get those senate seats and electoral votes
Like I said. Want to make an actual difference, push to be the 51st state, get those senate seats and electoral votes
I agree.

I just think more red seas banding together makes it more powerful. In other words large areas of contiguous states that have similar lifestyle and ideals and politics joining together to make states is much more protection.
I agree.

I just think more red seas banding together makes it more powerful. In other words large areas of contiguous states that have similar lifestyle and ideals and politics joining together to make states is much more protection.
yes, but. by your own post accomplishes nothing as the blue metro areas of state dictate the state political stances.

if your talking about civil war and owning land volume as a defense strategy. great. but at that point i'm not sure state lines are going to matter.
Understood and I agree.
yes, but. by your own post accomplishes nothing as the blue metro areas of state dictate the state political stances.

if your talking about civil war and owning land volume as a defense strategy. great. but at that point i'm not sure state lines are going to matter.
It's a pipe dream. Just as futile as telling a Blue controlled state's Red residents/constituents to fix their own problem. Can't be done.

Which is (I believe) the only attraction to the states involved in the Greater Idaho scheme. Portland can become more Portlandy (Blue) and it's the only way Idaho effectively becomes more Red. The only possible gain for Idaho. Political ground.
I'm pretty sure I have read for something.like this to happen it would have to have the approval of congress...looking at the mess congress is you kind of doubt that would happen...
I'm pretty sure I have read for something.like this to happen it would have to have the approval of congress...looking at the mess congress is you kind of doubt that would happen...
Mmmmm, maybe not. Some folks get things done when everybodies heads are turned the other way.

What was it So and So said…… “Never waste a crisis” ?
All this has nothing to do with the declining numbers of mule deer in Idaho…you guys are fighting about total bullshit while the deer numbers decline.

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