Swavorski 20-60x65 Angled and objective difference


Active Member
Can someone explain the difference in the Swavorski 20-60x65 angled spotting scope as opposed to buying the objective lense and eye piece separate of each other. Quite the price difference and I do realize you can change the eye piece from lense to lense but is there a quality difference from buying the one that is one piece?
They both have removable eye piece.....The atx objective half is straight and can be attached to an stx, atx, or btx eye piece.....the ats has only a fixed 30, 25-50 or 20-60 eye piece but only angled......
They both have removable eye piece.....The atx objective half is straight and can be attached to an stx, atx, or btx eye piece.....the ats has only a fixed 30, 25-50 or 20-60 eye piece but only angled......
Are the qualities of the glass the same? Or is there a big difference between the quality of the atx, ats, and btx?
I was looking at getting a ats 20-60 and then went into the hunting store today and then was blown away by price difference of the atx combo eye piece plus objective lense.
Get the ATX. It’s not even a comparison to the older ATS and ATM scopes. The X series is the first spotter I’ve ever owned where I consistently find myself zoomed in to max and still have a great picture. My STS used to got to hell above about 40x so it never went above that.
Get the ATX. It’s not even a comparison to the older ATS and ATM scopes. The X series is the first spotter I’ve ever owned where I consistently find myself zoomed in to max and still have a great picture. My STS used to got to hell above about 40x so it never went above that.
I went from an ATS 65 HD to a ATX 65 and back to an ATS 65 HD.

The adjustability and being able to use the btx or change objectives are unmatched. But for me I never switched them out so I went back to the ATS. I don’t see a difference with my eyes between the ATX with a 65 and my ATS 65 hd. Now with the bigger objectives and the BTX there are definitely benefits.

Just depends on how you are going to use your spotter!
S&S Archery has done a few comparison reviews in the last couple years. For no apparent reason, the newer models of the ATS they have been looking through are better than the ATX.
If you put a 65 ATX and ATS side by side and looked through them, what are the trade offs between them aside from the price?

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