Draw Odds Effect From Special Draw Price Increase


Long Time Member
Looking at the hunts I'm interested on the demand index the effects of the price increase is much less than I expected. on the high demand hunts special had 5% better odds. on the mid quality hunts special took about 1 less point to draw.

Maybe some hunts did change more dramatically but I expected a bigger change.
Looking at the hunts I'm interested on the demand index the effects of the price increase is much less than I expected. on the high demand hunts special had 5% better odds. on the mid quality hunts special took about 1 less point to draw.

Maybe some hunts did change more dramatically but I expected a bigger change.
Just goes to show that it must not be too expensive yet
Wyoming has a good elk product so people are willing to pay for it. Their deer is another story, probably see more of an impact there and maybe antelope just because numbers are down and 1200 is a lot for a goat,
A mid tier elk unit I was looking at went from 1 in 7 odds on the special random side to 1 in 4.

Definitely moved some of the numbers in the randoms

Cheers, Pete
It usually takes a few years for changes to stabilize in anything that you can actually measure when it comes to odds.

The first year or two of higher costs could be countered by people willing to just drop the money and get out of the game for good.

Of course, it could just be that it didn’t move the needle a ton as well, but you’ll need more time to be able to see that.
A mid tier elk unit I was looking at went from 1 in 7 odds on the special random side to 1 in 4.

Definitely moved some of the numbers in the randoms

Cheers, Pete
How did that same unit change in the regular draw?
The top tier unit I applied in regular odds to draw went up 2% and special went down 2%. This is with max points.
Marburg is probably right that nonres are willing to pay for a good product. With all the increases in elk tags and pressure put on elk the quality experience and quality of bulls is likely going to spiral. It takes a lot of years to grow quality bulls and doesn't take long to change the quality of the top bulls in any given unit. Utah is a prime example of this!

I'm also guessing that nonres are pretty fed up paying high pref pt fees and just want to draw a tag, go hunting, and get the heck out of the expensive pref pt racket.

This is a prime example of total failure by Wyo outfitters thinking they can price the average Joe out of applying for tags so they can secure tags for their clients. The real winner with the price increase (thanks to NONRESIDENT financial support) is the WG&F. The WG&F now has even more revenue to benefit managing Wyoming wildlife.
The real winner with the price increase (thanks to NONRESIDENT financial support) is the WG&F. The WG&F now has even more revenue to benefit managing Wyoming wildlife.
Not trying flame this up and add 200 posts I swear. But I wonder after deer/pronghorn revenues come in will they look and see if they can afford to do 90/10 with the increased special fees and issuing a few more 2k elk tags. I hope not I have 15 points now and when I stop drawing single digit random elk tags I will burn them. Good problem I know. I would think the drop in NR tags would not be far off with the extra special cost. I hope they do not do this unless I move to WY of course.
And I bet the $1200 Pronghorn random odds are good in the mid tier units for sure. That is a chunk for a pronghorn.
The thing that most fail to look at the is high number of point holders compared to the small amount of tags. Even if 25% of people at a point level drop out of the special draw that is not going to really change the point level to draw. At best it may slightly improve the random chances, but who is really putting in for the lottery of the random draw? There are just too many people with points at all levels for anything to change drastically based on cost.
who is really putting in for the lottery of the random draw
Me, I draw a random tag somewhere almost every year, sometimes two. All good tags single digit odds. This year 3 percent NM archery bull elk and yesterday the only NR archery bull tag in NV like 1/700 odds ( I did have 15 pts ). My hunting would have been terrible without single digit randoms, well lots of general tags I guess. I have filled the gaps helping with my cousins and my hunting partners tags. 12 single digit odds randoms in the last 8 years - when I started doing 9 states and not just points in a few of them. Gotta load the shotgun and get them out there. I will do random deer and pronghorn for WY. I only have 3 deer points because I drew unit 102 in 2020 with 8 pts in the random.
Me, I draw a random tag somewhere almost every year, sometimes two. All good tags single digit odds. This year 3 percent NM archery bull elk and yesterday the only NR archery bull tag in NV like 1/700 odds ( I did have 15 pts ). My hunting would have been terrible without single digit randoms, well lots of general tags I guess. I have filled the gaps helping with my cousins and my hunting partners tags. 12 single digit odds randoms in the last 8 years - when I started doing 9 states and not just points in a few of them. Gotta load the shotgun and get them out there. I will do random deer and pronghorn for WY. I only have 3 deer points because I drew unit 102 in 2020 with 8 pts in the random.
Did you kill a good buck in 102?
Me, I draw a random tag somewhere almost every year, sometimes two. All good tags single digit odds. This year 3 percent NM archery bull elk and yesterday the only NR archery bull tag in NV like 1/700 odds ( I did have 15 pts ). My hunting would have been terrible without single digit randoms, well lots of general tags I guess. I have filled the gaps helping with my cousins and my hunting partners tags. 12 single digit odds randoms in the last 8 years - when I started doing 9 states and not just points in a few of them. Gotta load the shotgun and get them out there. I will do random deer and pronghorn for WY. I only have 3 deer points because I drew unit 102 in 2020 with 8 pts in the random.
So, if I send you my lucky rock you will carry it around for a while and send it back to me before next years draws. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It looks like "Special" elk draw odds were not affected all that much with the $2k price. Do you think the $1200 "Special" price will affect deer and antelope odds more? I would think so, especially with the herds still recovering from the 22/23 winter.
It looks like "Special" elk draw odds were not affected all that much with the $2k price. Do you think the $1200 "Special" price will affect deer and antelope odds more? I would think so, especially with the herds still recovering from the 22/23 winter.
At this point I am unsure what is going to happen. Except me making be best plan I can figure for my children and myself. And keep my finger’s crossed. 🤞
With deer and antelope numbers so low and so few tags available to so many nonres I doubt if things will change much. Take a look at how many units only offer 0 to 2 nonres tags in limited units.

There is a fair chunk of units that offer 0 nonres tags after landowners take their chunk of tags off the top!

I think draw odds will be similar to elk with little change.
With deer and antelope numbers so low and so few tags available to so many nonres I doubt if things will change much. Take a look at how many units only offer 0 to 2 nonres tags in limited units.

There is a fair chunk of units that offer 0 nonres tags after landowners take their chunk of tags off the top!
Remember, those are NR landowners taking those tags from NR.
Me, I draw a random tag somewhere almost every year, sometimes two. All good tags single digit odds. This year 3 percent NM archery bull elk and yesterday the only NR archery bull tag in NV like 1/700 odds ( I did have 15 pts ). My hunting would have been terrible without single digit randoms, well lots of general tags I guess. I have filled the gaps helping with my cousins and my hunting partners tags. 12 single digit odds randoms in the last 8 years - when I started doing 9 states and not just points in a few of them. Gotta load the shotgun and get them out there. I will do random deer and pronghorn for WY. I only have 3 deer points because I drew unit 102 in 2020 with 8 pts in the random.
You missed the point. We all put in and of course we all draw one sometime. My son drew unit 1 in AZ when he was 18, next year 34 in NM. I drew both Elk and a 231 deer tag in Nevada with less than 4 points each. But if you're using sub 10% random tags as a drawing strategy going forward good luck!

I'm just glad I now live in WY and don't have to ever worry about good elk and deer tags again :D
You missed the point. We all put in and of course we all draw one sometime. My son drew unit 1 in AZ when he was 18, next year 34 in NM. I drew both Elk and a 231 deer tag in Nevada with less than 4 points each. But if you're using sub 10% random tags as a drawing strategy going forward good luck!

I'm just glad I now live in WY and don't have to ever worry about good elk and deer tags again :D
Sub 10% tags are going to be the new norm and we’ll all have to form our draw strategies around them in the future. I put in for just over 100 individual applications each year, anywhere from 100% chance to 1:5000 odds, but getting your name in as many jars as you can in the future is going to be the name of the game. Even in people’s home states it’s going to get harder and harder. It takes 4-8 years to draw a deer tag in my home state of ND anymore and just about everyone I know just throws their hands up and complains when they don’t “get to go hunting this year” if they don’t draw. It’s on our shoulders now if we wanna make sure we have hunts to go on every fall.
Me, I draw a random tag somewhere almost every year, sometimes two. All good tags single digit odds. This year 3 percent NM archery bull elk and yesterday the only NR archery bull tag in NV like 1/700 odds ( I did have 15 pts ). My hunting would have been terrible without single digit randoms, well lots of general tags I guess. I have filled the gaps helping with my cousins and my hunting partners tags. 12 single digit odds randoms in the last 8 years - when I started doing 9 states and not just points in a few of them. Gotta load the shotgun and get them out there. I will do random deer and pronghorn for WY. I only have 3 deer points because I drew unit 102 in 2020 with 8 pts in the random.
Me too. It's all I have left are chances at random draws. Unfortunately I've never drawn one single random tag on an LE or OIL species in 40 years I've been playing at this tag boondoggle :(

Still gotta love it when I do get to hunt though.

Cheers, Pete
With tags in such high demand, it is pretty sad that landowner tags are currently unlimited. As JM eluded to, tags are segmented into nonres and res landowner tags but are taken off the top of limited tags issued prior to any drawing. Every res and nonres landowner that qualifies is issued tags each and every year.

Unfortunately for nonres, there are 0 tags available in the public draw if the 1 or 2 tags available are taken off the top by nonres landowners. It's a flawed system, especially for nonresidents!

I'm sure Wyo res landowners are tickled to death with the current system! If I was a Wyo res that had problems drawing high demand limited tags in the public draw I would be complaining about having no set quotas for high demand landowner tags. How many Wyo residents are aware of how many res landowner tags are issued in unit 100 or 124 elk, 60 or 61 antelope, 128 or 89 deer? I think you would be surprised how many res landowner tags are issued each year in units like 19 elk! There currently is no quota on these tags!

For landowners to qualify, all they need to do is purchase a set number of acres of wildlife habitat in Wyo with the big game species spending so much time on their property and they have access to high demand limited tags each and every year without going through a draw. Once again, these tags are currently unlimited and issued to every landowner that qualifies.

My guess is there are wealthy nonres or groups of nonres that purchase Wyo land just so they can get around the draw system and can purchase nonres landowner tags every year instead of waiting years for 1 public draw tag. If I was wealthy I certainly would search, find, and invest in Wyo private land in limited units I enjoyed hunting so I didn't have to wait in line for tags. There used to be a realtor in Rawlins that advertised and sold chunks of property for this exact purpose. Back in the day, Red Desert dirt sold for pretty cheap!

I'm not saying that landowners shouldn't be allocated tags, I'm just saying there should be a quota or cap placed on landowner tags depending upon how many total tags are available in any given unit and year...especially for nonres! There possibly could be a waiting period, draw system, or some sort of restriction for nonres landowner tags in units where every tag issued is issued to nonres landowners. This likely doesn't matter to Wyo res but it certainly impacts every nonres that applies for high demand limited tags. The current nonres landowner tag system is a joke!
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Sub 10% tags are going to be the new norm and we’ll all have to form our draw strategies around them in the future. I put in for just over 100 individual applications each year, anywhere from 100% chance to 1:5000 odds, but getting your name in as many jars as you can in the future is going to be the name of the game. Even in people’s home states it’s going to get harder and harder. It takes 4-8 years to draw a deer tag in my home state of ND anymore and just about everyone I know just throws their hands up and complains when they don’t “get to go hunting this year” if they don’t draw. It’s on our shoulders now if we wanna make sure we have hunts to go on every fall.

Or move to state where res general tags are better than most other states LE tags. I don't see WY getting rid of general tags for residents. It's a way of life here. Probably not MT either, but would be before WY.

You're point is valid tho and one of the main reasons I moved to WY. The days of being able to draw a tag somewhere every year is coming to an end very fast. Guys banking on that will not be hunting every year.
I know several NR that applied for tags this year that normally would not have, in the special, to try and draw to get out of the point game and tag fee increase and the odds with the 90/10 split being talked about. I was one of them. I had 10 points going into the draw and decided to apply with a friend with lesser points in the regular general units to get out of the game and bad odds in the near future. But who know, I may be wrong. And yes, we drew the Western tag. Excited to see what happens and hope my ruptured patellar tendon is healed enough by september.
I know several NR that applied for tags this year that normally would not have, in the special, to try and draw to get out of the point game and tag fee increase and the odds with the 90/10 split being talked about. I was one of them. I had 10 points going into the draw and decided to apply with a friend with lesser points in the regular general units to get out of the game and bad odds in the near future. But who know, I may be wrong. And yes, we drew the Western tag. Excited to see what happens and hope my ruptured patellar tendon is healed enough by september.

My son also had 10. I went back and forth and whether or not to put him in with me with 1 NR point(I won't be an actual WY res for hunting until 2025) for the W general or roll the dice in the special for a unit that took 10.5 last year. I chose to put him in the special since we already have some ID tags right near me in WY. The WY LE unit went up above 11 in the special this year. He is only 21 and will likely only ever get one good WY LE tag so that was the deciding factor. If it were someone closer to my age I would have done what you did. Hunt now. You can have a great general hunt. The bull in my avitar is a WY general bull. 320+. They can be had if you put in the time and work, and truth is most guys won't kill 300+ bulls with their LE tags.
My preferred unit special

2023 8 pts 100%
2024 10 pts 67%

2+ point creep and a much more expensive tag.

I think this has a lot to with higher point holders/buyers worried about a change to 90/10 for elk thinking they better burn their points now. I think many that know this unit also saw 8 points as low for the quality of this hunt. With all the point 'buyers' sitting on the side lines likely to start burning points - point creep in Wyoming is going to get much worse. If they go to 90/10 there may be tags you can draw now that will be out of reach in a year or two. You may be building points to draw a lower quality tag in two years. I hope the 80% or so just buying points keeps buying points from the sideline.

I am not complaining it is just a strong possibility.
My preferred unit special

2023 8 pts 100%
2024 10 pts 67%

2+ point creep and a much more expensive tag.

I think this has a lot to with higher point holders/buyers worried about a change to 90/10 for elk thinking they better burn their points now. I think many that know this unit also saw 8 points as low for the quality of this hunt. With all the point 'buyers' sitting on the side lines likely to start burning points - point creep in Wyoming is going to get much worse. If they go to 90/10 there may be tags you can draw now that will be out of reach in a year or two. You may be building points to draw a lower quality tag in two years. I hope the 80% or so just buying points keeps buying points from the sideline.

I am not complaining it is just a strong possibility.
I drew a tag that has more or less taken max points for the last 18 years with one less then max. Not certain why it did that but I’ll take it. I honestly figured on those top end tags it would do like you figured and go up instead of down but I’ve been putting in for it for years in special so I just kept doing what I’ve been doing and it paid off
Just goes to show that it must not be too expensive yet
You are not wrong. I just took a look at the amount of deer preference points held by non-residents (I believe the amount of elk points are similar).
Those with 1 point - 35,163
2 points - 29,333
3- points - 23,546
4- points - 16,895
Max points - 1,167

One can complain but of those 100,000+ point holders, its likely that most of them continue buying points, regardless of the cost. Admittedly, I was a bit surprised at how many people (non-residents) hold points.

With max points for deer and elk, I am glad to keep buying points.

It is not a big deal to buy the points and I still believe that Wyoming is more than fair. I fill up my small commuter truck at least once a week for $60.00. Points are still cheap and although the Special tag is expensive, I would say it is still worth.

With that said, like Togowotee said, I was also surprised that odds were not a bit better.....
I got lucky. At 13 points, I'm in no man's land. I couldn't get the best hunts but have too many for general too. Figuring many in my point pool are feeling the stress of the looming 90/10 split, I gambled and thought many with 12-14 points would apply special so I tried regular. At least in the unit I drew, I was right...for once. Took 15 points special and 13 points regular. The $2k NR special tag is not a deterrence. If people are invested in hunting other states, they can afford the tag.

FWIW last year, the same tag I drew took 13 points regular. Very little creep this year but only because I think most applied special.
The big winner in all of this is the WG&F. An even larger chunk of revenue is gained by raising prices for nonres tags.

If 90/10 ever happens you can be guaranteed new applicants won’t start and old nonres will drop out of the current easy pref pt $ for the WG&F like flies. Yes they will sell every tag but why apply for pts when tags suddenly take 2 times the years to draw if nonres tags are sliced in 1/2?

Take a look at how many current elk antelope and deer units only offer 0 to 2 nonres tags. Can you imagine if those numbers are cut in 1/2? Similar to moose and sheep, a large chunk of Wyo units won’t even offer nonres tags!
Also in no man's land with 11 points. Put in for regular and was 2 points shy. Special would have been 100%. Guess I played that one wrong. I was definitely one that was put off by the substantial increase in the special price, thinking I was closer than I was to drawing in the regular draw. Back to the drawing board I suppose...
I got lucky. At 13 points, I'm in no man's land. I couldn't get the best hunts but have too many for general too. Figuring many in my point pool are feeling the stress of the looming 90/10 split, I gambled and thought many with 12-14 points would apply special so I tried regular. At least in the unit I drew, I was right...for once. Took 15 points special and 13 points regular. The $2k NR special tag is not a deterrence. If people are invested in hunting other states, they can afford the tag.
Also in no man's land with 11 points. Put in for regular and was 2 points shy. Special would have been 100%. Guess I played that one wrong.
These are not examples of "no man's land".
There are a lot of nonres hunters in "no mans land" in regard to drawing the top tier units with the current nonres tag allotments. Obviously, some of the lower tier units are a possibility but getting tougher to draw each year with current tag allotments.

If 90/10 ever happens it will take twice as long EVERY nonres to draw high demand tags. Also, top tier units that currently offer 0 to 1 nonres tags will no longer be available to nonres if cuts are made.
The big winner in all of this is the WG&F. An even larger chunk of revenue is gained by raising prices for nonres tags.

If 90/10 ever happens you can be guaranteed new applicants won’t start and old nonres will drop out of the current easy pref pt $ for the WG&F like flies. Yes they will sell every tag but why apply for pts when tags suddenly take 2 times the years to draw if nonres tags are sliced in 1/2?

Take a look at how many current elk antelope and deer units only offer 0 to 2 nonres tags. Can you imagine if those numbers are cut in 1/2? Similar to moose and sheep, a large chunk of Wyo units won’t even offer nonres tags!
Jim’s, this is simply fantasy. It was only a decade ago my buddies could come hunt region H every other year with me. Now it is a 5+ year wait. Did that stop any of them from applying? Nope in fact if anything it makes them want it and appreciate it more. The reasons the points are increasing so much is demand. It would take 20 years at current tags just to go through all the elk point holders. Sure some will be “one and done” or drop out. Those that do will not be missed with the onslaught of new point buyers. Won’t matter if there are 10000 tags available to NR or 1000 the line to get a chance at them is not going to drop. These “ the sky will fall” warnings to WG&F and residents have zero merit. When 90/10 happens and prices increase the line will just get longer. How many times do you have to see it before you just accept it?
I firmly believe 90/10 will never happen. We've been debating the stupidity of 90/10 for d/e/a for the past 15 years and it's never come even close to passing.

The WG&F would not be able to rectify slitting it's wrists by fruitlessly cutting their current budget that overwhelmingly is supported by nonres funds. Who in Wyo is going to pick up the slack if 1/2 of nonres limited d/e/a tags are cut and nonres drop out of the pref pt revenue game like flies? It would be a domino effect not only to the WG&F but also small town economies that thrive on nonres $ that isn't available if nonres no longer travel to Wyo to scout, hunt, and spend their cash.

The plain and simple truth is that nonres are flipping the bill to support the WG&F and wildlife management in Wyoming. There are also millions if not billions of $ provided by outside state supporters for grants that benefit Wyoming wildlife (MDF, Elk Fountation, etc). I can guarantee that outside nonresident interest and financial support for Wyo wildlife will plummet if 90/10 ever happens. I just don't see 90/10 happening!

Take a look at the bottom numbers in this chart. Nonres support 77% of the WG&F Commission license and pref pt revenue. This data was from 2020 prior to the current nonres license fee increases. My guess is that nonres support over 85% of the WG&F license and pref pt budget today.


What happens to the WG&F budget if nonres revenue is cut with 90/10?

I firmly believe 90/10 will never happen. We've been debating the stupidity of 90/10 for d/e/a for the past 15 years and it's never come even close to passing.

The WG&F would not be able to rectify slitting it's wrists by fruitlessly cutting their current budget that overwhelmingly is supported by nonres funds. Who in Wyo is going to pick up the slack if 1/2 of nonres limited d/e/a tags are cut and nonres drop out of the pref pt revenue game like flies? It would be a domino effect not only to the WG&F but also small town economies that thrive on nonres $ that isn't available if nonres no longer travel to Wyo to scout, hunt, and spend their cash.

The plain and simple truth is that nonres are flipping the bill to support the WG&F and wildlife management in Wyoming. There are also millions if not billions of $ provided by outside state supporters for grants that benefit Wyoming wildlife (MDF, Elk Fountation, etc). I can guarantee that outside nonresident interest and financial support for Wyo wildlife will plummet if 90/10 ever happens. I just don't see 90/10 happening!

Take a look at the bottom numbers in this chart. Nonres support 77% of the WG&F Commission license and pref pt revenue. This data was from 2020 prior to the current nonres license fee increases. My guess is that nonres support over 85% of the WG&F license and pref pt budget today.

View attachment 146994

What happens to the WG&F budget if nonres revenue is cut with 90/10?

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You also said it would never happen for moose, sheep, goat and bison.

How did that work out?
Nonres can thank the outfitters for screwing every nonres out of a hand full of m/s/g/b tags! It was total stupidity by the outfitters thinking they would get something else in exchange...which we all know never happened in the worthless task force meetings. D/E/A carry a lot more financial impact than a hand full of moose and sheep tags. It definitely is not worth spending $ on expensive nonres moose or sheep pref pt fees is it!
Nonres can thank the outfitters for screwing every nonres out of a hand full of m/s/g/b tags! It was total stupidity by the outfitters thinking they would get something else in exchange...which we all know never happened in the worthless task force meetings. D/E/A carry a lot more financial impact than a hand full of moose and sheep tags. It definitely is not worth spending $ on expensive nonres moose or sheep pref pt fees is it!
90/10 MSGB was going to happen with or without outfitters. Once legislators realized their constituents were gettin the short end it was over.

And the day will come when residents are getting the short end of DEA compared to other states and guess what will happen?
Good luck! It comes down to Wyo wildlife benefiting from the financial backing and support from big nonres $!

The residents of Colorado are well aware of the importance of nonres $ and support for wildlife management and the economic boost to small town business. Colorado nonres also have incredible opportunity with unlimited OTC elk tags and a good chunk of the limited e/d/a tag allotments. Keep bringing your $ to Colo nonres! We really appreciate your business and support of the wildlife!
Good luck! It comes down to Wyo wildlife benefiting from the financial backing and support from big nonres $!

The residents of Colorado are well aware of the importance of nonres $ and support for wildlife management and the economic boost to small town business. Colorado nonres also have incredible opportunity with unlimited OTC elk tags and a good chunk of the limited e/d/a tag allotments. Keep bringing your $ to Colo nonres! We really appreciate your business and support of the wildlife!
But, that chunk of tags available to NR's of CO has gotten smaller and that's going to continue to be the trend.

It's going to be the same way in Wyoming, if you don't believe that you're divorced from reality.
Whatever Buzz! Colo is full of great nonres hunting options! Come spend your hard earned cash in Colo to benefit small town economies and Colo wildlife!!!
I firmly believe 90/10 will never happen. We've been debating the stupidity of 90/10 for d/e/a for the past 15 years and it's never come even close to passing.

The WG&F would not be able to rectify slitting it's wrists by fruitlessly cutting their current budget that overwhelmingly is supported by nonres funds. Who in Wyo is going to pick up the slack if 1/2 of nonres limited d/e/a tags are cut and nonres drop out of the pref pt revenue game like flies? It would be a domino effect not only to the WG&F but also small town economies that thrive on nonres $ that isn't available if nonres no longer travel to Wyo to scout, hunt, and spend their cash.

The plain and simple truth is that nonres are flipping the bill to support the WG&F and wildlife management in Wyoming. There are also millions if not billions of $ provided by outside state supporters for grants that benefit Wyoming wildlife (MDF, Elk Fountation, etc). I can guarantee that outside nonresident interest and financial support for Wyo wildlife will plummet if 90/10 ever happens. I just don't see 90/10 happening!

Take a look at the bottom numbers in this chart. Nonres support 77% of the WG&F Commission license and pref pt revenue. This data was from 2020 prior to the current nonres license fee increases. My guess is that nonres support over 85% of the WG&F license and pref pt budget today.

View attachment 146994

What happens to the WG&F budget if nonres revenue is cut with 90/10?

View attachment 146995
You really need to stop smoking all that Colorado weed, it's making you dumb-er.
Whatever Buzz! Colo is full of great nonres hunting options! Come spend your hard earned cash in Colo to benefit small town economies and Colo wildlife!!!
Where is that in Colo that offers great nonresident opportunities. You can PM me if you don’t want to spot burn😀

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