home security system


Long Time Member
That’s one way for me to get divorced!!!
Wife HATES snakes.
Annual family camping trips I would put up my 12’x14’ canvas outfitters tent. Well, one year she saw a 12” bull snake about 50 yards from camp. Her screams woke up the dead. I picked up the poor now deaf snake, walked him a ways and let him swim down the river. When I got back to camp she was sitting in the truck. Had to break camp and move 1/2 mile up river. She was convinced we camped by a snake “trail”. I did not dare tell her snakes could be anywhere. After that trip she said she would not camp anymore in a tent without a floor. This from a woman who was ok with mice in our tent that chewed up her sleeping bag one year. So I just had to buy another tent. 8’x10’ Montana Canvas w/floor. 😎😎
This reminds me of the time my cousin and I went fishing on Don Pedro Reservoir, CA one cold Spring morning. We parked the boat on an island and fished from the bank. When we decided to leave there was a big rattlesnake wrapped around the shaft of the small outboard motor. We figured it was attracted to the warmth and we had trouble trying to get it unwrapped. We finally did though, and it wasn't aggressive at all.
Maybe just the angle, but looks like a viper head to me. Always learned to not handle any snake with a “V” head.
Maybe just the angle, but looks like a viper head to me. Always learned to not handle any snake with a “V” head.
It is a black rat snake, good to have around the house. Unless you like mice eating all your soy based wiring that they use now. They might put up a show when cornered but anything without tail rattles other than cottonmouth, coral snake or a copperhead is harmless in the US.
It is a black rat snake, good to have around the house. Unless you like mice eating all your soy based wiring that they use now. They might put up a show when cornered but anything without tail rattles other than cottonmouth, coral snake or a copperhead is harmless in the US.
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That picture does not make it look like a viper’s head.

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