Paul Pelosi attack video released.

Police "Drop the hammer" Crazy guy " Umm no"
Old Paul was not about to drop that drink in his hand either.

He got lucky this could have ended much worse for sure. Listen to the 911 tape, the operator is absolutely clueless, Paul makes it very clear he needs help now. Probably was eating and watching tv while taking the call.
Even seeing the video of him using a big hammer to get in the front door. I'm guessing it was all fake. NOT
Did ya ask Trump if it was a lie.
Only when the Bull$hit is passed around by simple minded folks.
Guess Trump needs more money please send more for his 2024 run. LOL
Getting clocked in the head with a hammer has got to suck.

But everything leading up to it, is "weird",
Karma, as in if you're a successful 80 year old guy you deserve a MAGAT smashing your skull with a hammer? if you and your wife cheating the stock market through insider trading and leaving everyone else holding the bag. I'm a firm believer that if you do shady sh!t, it WILL circle back around....this time in a shape of a hammer and a crazed lover.
If my wife was passing or not passing the laws that effect large businesses, I'd probably be able to make a substantial amount of money buying and selling stocks in those companies.

Nancy's net worth is $135 million, her salary is $210,000. I'm not good at math but that doesn't pencil out to me.
If by MAGAT you mean a left wing, dope selling, hippy living in a trailer in San Fran, then sure.
Do you actually believe DePape was left-wing? By his own words, and corroborated by his family, he was supporting "Mr. Trump" and DePape's ramblings are full of COVID vaccine conspiracies, election fraud lies, Mike Lindell posts, blame-Hillary-for-everything rants, etc...

Nobody is saying this guy is normal, or sane, or represents the average conservative, but he's in no way "left wing."
Do you actually believe DePape was left-wing? By his own words, and corroborated by his family, he was supporting "Mr. Trump" and DePape's ramblings are full of COVID vaccine conspiracies, election fraud lies, Mike Lindell posts, blame-Hillary-for-everything rants, etc...

Nobody is saying this guy is normal, or sane, or represents the average conservative, but he's in no way "left wing."

Do I believe
Do you actually believe DePape was left-wing? By his own words, and corroborated by his family, he was supporting "Mr. Trump" and DePape's ramblings are full of COVID vaccine conspiracies, election fraud lies, Mike Lindell posts, blame-Hillary-for-everything rants, etc...

Nobody is saying this guy is normal, or sane, or represents the average conservative, but he's in no way "left wing."
You realize his "profession" was a pro nudity activist, right? Nudist jewelery maker from Berkeley that dabbled as a male escort.

Yeah. Him and the dudes that beat Jussier are all red hat wearing maga folks?
Do I believe

You realize his "profession" was a pro nudity activist, right? Nudist jewelery maker from Berkeley that dabbled as a male escort.

Yeah. Him and the dudes that beat Jussier are all red hat wearing maga folks?
He's clearly not a normal individual, but he's also clearly MAGA. By his own words.

The fact that he's a nudist and makes jewelry doesn't make him politically liberal ?

He says he was there to help Trump and that he wanted to break Nancy's kneecaps so she has so go on to the House floor in a wheelchair to teach other democrats a lesson. Those are his words.
He's clearly not a normal individual, but he's also clearly MAGA. By his own words.

The fact that he's a nudist and makes jewelry doesn't make him politically liberal ?

He says he was there to help Trump and that he wanted to break Nancy's kneecaps so she has so go on to the House floor in a wheelchair to teach other democrats a lesson. Those are his words.

Well hell. The dude I saw in Maui riding his bike around with a huge cross claiming he was Jesus, must make him Jesus then.

And the homeless guy I saw with a sign saying he needed money to pay the ransom for his kids that were kidnapped by aliens, must really need ransom money.

Stop reading Wiki and get past the last couple years. Ole boy was pretty into BLM too. Red hat and black fist kinda clash, right?
Well hell. The dude I saw in Maui riding his bike around with a huge cross claiming he was Jesus, must make him Jesus then.

And the homeless guy I saw with a sign saying he needed money to pay the ransom for his kids that were kidnapped by aliens, must really need ransom money.

Stop reading Wiki and get past the last couple years. Ole boy was pretty into BLM too. Red hat and black fist kinda clash, right?
Good heavens, man, I don't know what's more deranged, the imaginary people in your hypotheticals or your belief that you get to assign people their political beliefs based on their occupation and attire. SMH
He's clearly not a normal individual, but he's also clearly MAGA. By his own words.

The fact that he's a nudist and makes jewelry doesn't make him politically liberal ?

He says he was there to help Trump and that he wanted to break Nancy's kneecaps so she has so go on to the House floor in a wheelchair to teach other democrats a lesson. Those are his words.
So we are told.
We were also told Trump conspired with Russia, we were also told Trump had the nuclear codes at Mar-A-Lago, we were also told that a hate crime was committed against Jesse Smollett, we were also told it was a slamdunk that Trump led the insurrection on 1/6/202, we were also told the BLM and Antifa riots was just peaceful protests.
I don't believe much of anything that the FBI, Goverment says and even less what the media says.
Some are lying for personal gain others are lying because of ideology.
Good heavens, man, I don't know what's more deranged, the imaginary people in your hypotheticals or your belief that you get to assign people their political beliefs based on their occupation and attire. SMH

Good heavens, man, I don't know what's more deranged, the imaginary people in your hypotheticals or your belief that you get to assign people their political beliefs based on their occupation and attire. SMH

What's more deranged is someone so "smart" it took all of 30 sec to shut him up.

Notice the "literally" on his sign.
A nudist activists, illegal alien Canadian, married to a woman named Gypsy, who fried his brain on drugs, living in a garage, in a 85% non Republican city, who went to kneecap Nancy, "unless she told the truth", I guess could be a right winger.

But since the odds of all those things combined added up show a less than 1% chance, I think I'll stick with regular crazy burnout vs political operative.

Maybe we should ask that "pretend" Jesus you "know" was make believe?
You should get out of cache valley, there's a whole world for you to experience.

"Jesus" is pretty famous, even my 12 yr olds knew that
Your entire response is a combination of two logical fallacy arguments. The only reasonable response would be to quote Billy Madison's, "We're all dumber for hearing it" line. You're so convinced you made a valid point that you're actually posting screenshots of unrelated fallacy arguments thinking you're strengthening your point ?

Make an educated point that's on-target and we can talk. I'll check back later and see if you can come up with anything factual.
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Your entire response is a combination of two logical fallacy arguments. The only reasonable response would be to quote Billy Madison's, "We're all dumber for hearing it" line. You're so convinced you made a valid point that you're actually posting screenshots of unrelated fallacy arguments as evidence ?
I'm so convinced you thought calling me deranged for saying things then me providing the receipts made you look stupid, that everything else you read on Wikipedia isn't worth discussing.

Usually it not so easy to show how badly your TDS blues your vision. It's not real hard.

Btw, if you wanna keep digging, the local news interviewed both his neighbor and landlord, you should check you tube, then back out quietly.

General rule of thumb.

When a crazy burnout proclaims something, it's because he's a crazy burnout.?
But he'll, who knows.

Maybe Warren Jeff's is the prophet, and shooting Reagan will get Jodie foster to marry you.

But, since I saw a nut wearing a placard claiming "the end is near", we definitely should take heed and prepare to die
Did you miss the call he placed explaining his intentions to get the other "leaders of the democrats", Hunter Biden and Tom Hanks?
I know it's buzz cold in Cache valley tonight, your googler must be froze

"had wanted to kidnap others associated with Democrat leadership, including Tom Hanks, Hunter Biden, and California Governor Gavin Newsom."

I retract what I've said. The cornerstone of the MAGA movement is stopping Tom Hanks. So after reading that, it's obvious the dude isn't a whack job, he's 100% a MAGA hitman.
"can I just tie you up, then I want to take a nap"

And thank God. You dems barely escaped. Forest Gump was spared to continue his ruling of the country. But only because the MAGA hitman needed a nappy.

One red bull could have lead to the end of Woody, and probably his dog hooch, ending the evil plot of the dems.
I know it's buzz cold in Cache valley tonight, your googler must be froze

"had wanted to kidnap others associated with Democrat leadership, including Tom Hanks, Hunter Biden, and California Governor Gavin Newsom."

I retract what I've said. The cornerstone of the MAGA movement is stopping Tom Hanks. So after reading that, it's obvious the dude isn't a whack job, he's 100% a MAGA hitman.
Hey, you're getting closer and staying on point. Nice. Let's have a conversation.

Here's your post and my response...

Screenshot_20230129_224846_Samsung Internet.jpg

Notice that you said he's "left wing" and my entire response was that he's not left wing. I clearly said he's not sane or normal, or an average conservative... I didn't try and pretend he represented conservatives. But he's not left wing, he's clearly trying to promote conservative agendas.

Your response was hilariously to try and equivocate with street preachers and homeless people as if that had any impact on DePape's political leanings ?

It's apparent the first instinct of the right is to claim everything is a conspiracy or false flag or Deep State, but it's okay to acknowledge that not everybody on your team is a standup person. There are loons everywhere.

There are crazy people on the right, but that doesn't make everybody on the right a crazy person. The same goes for people on the left.
Hey, you're getting closer and staying on point. Nice. Let's have a conversation.

Here's your post and my response...

View attachment 101390

Notice that you said he's "left wing" and my entire response was that he's not left wing. I clearly said he's not sane or normal, or an average conservative... I didn't try and pretend he represented conservatives. But he's not left wing, he's clearly trying to promote conservative agendas.

Your response was hilariously to try and equivocate with street preachers and homeless people as if that had any impact on DePape's political leanings ?

It's apparent the first instinct of the right is to claim everything is a conspiracy or false flag or Deep State, but it's okay to acknowledge that not everybody on your team is a standup person. There are loons everywhere.

There are crazy people on the right, but that doesn't make everybody on the right a crazy person. The same goes for people on the left.

Occam's razor.

The easiest explanation is the burned out loon brain.

Especially if you read anything. Folks claim he was quiet, then burned out, THEN went down a rabbit hole.

Seems the burned out, came first.

That's the problem with TDS, it causes folks to jump to the shiny orange object instantly, and not actually read facts.

And, since you like to be "accurate",

He went to break Nancy's kneecaps UNLESS she told the truth.

That omission you made I'm sure was just an oversight.

I do enjoy it though when your being clowned, and you skip right on past.

Can you explain, now, as part of our conversation how taking out dem leaders like Tom Hanks show him to be a MAGA supporter?
The major problem today is the lack of true news from either side.
Cash money says Paul made several trips to Pedo Island with Epstein. Why are all these Dims complete freaks?
How can anybody expect "true news" when spreading completely baseless libel is common and accepted in so many circles?

Is there any evidence that Paul Pelosi is a pedophile? Any specific accusations? Any charges filed? Or is it okay to throw that out there because anybody who is a Democrat is a "complete freak?"

Where are the dozens of right-leaning folks on MM holding themselves and each other accountable for posts like above?
My daughter is proof that not ALL Dems are that's one that I know of. She's a smart kid with a good head on her shoulders. She, as many of the young ones, have their heads buried so deeply in their young lives that politics and "seeing" what is happening is an after thought. They don't care because its all they've known. Give them 15 years and then they'll be smart like their parents.
Soooo, she grew up in a Dem household. You've told us this before, without telling us.
Hell no...she grew up in a Republican household. Don't listen to SS!. He thinks everyone from Cali is Liberal. My daughter went to LMU and then UCLA where every single professor is a libtard. She was brainwashed but she is showing glimpses of realism.
Grizz you think Paul's stock market genius is all on the up and up?
Where are you getting that from?

I've never defended the Pelosi family once. I think they, like many politicians of both parties, play the game to their personal advantage... possibly to the level of illegal corruption. Put all of them in jail for all I care.

All I said is that the Pelosi attacker was not "left wing" and that there's no evidence that Pelosi is a pedophile.

Both of those statements are VERY non-controversial... unless somebody is so biased that they believe everything good about Republicans and everything bad about Democrats.


It's sickening to watch otherwise good people get sucked into stupid thought processes by brainwashing and pure ideological ignorance.

I've showed several times here recently that people will attack even substantiated arguments from "the other side of the aisle" while spreading total lies and falsehoods or celebrating attacks from their side of the aisle.

These same people will stand there and blame "the other side" for the division in our country, not even realizing they're an equal part of the problem.

A fair person will judge each statement on it's own merit and call out lies when they happen, regardless of who's making them.

A little bit ago, a MM'er actually blamed the media for not corroborating Boebert's lies about her reelection as evidence of media bias. The funny thing is SHE was the one lying, not the media. She claimed her reelection gathered similar support as two years ago. I posted the actual poll results showing she'd lost 25% of her electorate in only two years.

So which person was the one showing bias? Clearly the person repeating Boebert's lies and not the media for asking fair and honest questions.

That same mindset will call a person a pedophile with ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE and he'll get a dozen ? from people here and nobody will ask where that very serious accusation is coming from.

It's sick.
I was actually having fun.

Grizz is smart, but like most smart guys, he doesn't recognize when he's being clowned.
I'll give you the credit of assuming you were drunk because you and I have too much history for me to think you were writing that stuff with a clear head.

That was maybe the weakest position you've ever taken. It didn't even warrant a full response which is why you got a meme reply. You know I'll stand and go the full 10 rounds if necessary, but you were all over the place and making no logical points so I didn't care to even respond. Feel free to try again if you'd like.
And....that quote is wrong. You changed the verbiage in my #52 post. WTF?? You gotta be a DEM pulling sh!t like that.
Grizz where are you
You call out the right for not standing up against the bullsitz but I never see you standing up against the left andvthevlies they tell.
Practice what you preach
Grizz where are you
You call out the right for not standing up against the bullsitz but I never see you standing up against the left andvthevlies they tell.
Practice what you preach
I don't get the reference of the post wiszard was quoting. I don't feel like wiszard has ever said he had a dem household so I figured it was an inside joke or something.

PS. I literally just said the Pelosi's may have risen to the level of illegal corruption and they could be locked up and I wouldn't care. I don't defend Dems, you just don't like that I'm not a shill for Repubs. I've also called out Buzz for the way he responds to people here and how much more disrespectful it is than on HT.

People love to assume because I don't shill for Repubs that means I'm a liberal.

Scroll up a few posts and you'll see somebody who assumed I said Paul Pelosi's investing was on the up and up. I literally never mentioned anything about his investing anywhere.

I should quote Snoops, "where do you come up with this sh*t?" line because it was entirely devoid of basis.

EDIT - maybe I misinterpreted the investing question and it wasn't loaded and was a straight question, but I don't want to assume he meant anything by it if he didn't.
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I'll give you the credit of assuming you were drunk because you and I have too much history for me to think you were writing that stuff with a clear head.

That was maybe the weakest position you've ever taken. It didn't even warrant a full response which is why you got a meme reply. You know I'll stand and go the full 10 rounds if necessary, but you were all over the place and making no logical points so I didn't care to even respond. Feel free to try again if you'd like.

Like I said, doesn't realize when he was being clowned, and when someone is making a legit point.

David Depape fried his brain doing all sorts of drugs along with his "wife", who is in prison.

Once someone destroys their brain, whatever they grab onto afterwards is less a reflection of the source, and more a reflection of the loss of mental capacity.

You cherry picked a pile trying to disprove the obvious.

Then skipped the rest.

If Maga means tying up Paul Pelosi so one can have a nap, while waiting for Nancy to chose a wheelchair or "the truth", then after getting caught apologizing for not doing enough to stop the dem leaders, Hunter, Gavin, and TomHanks, then I guess you can win.

MAGA actually means

Make America Great Again. Despite some lame ass attempt by Brandon to spin MAGA, MEGA MAGA, Extreme Maga, etc, it means what the guy who created it said it means.

It's beyond disgusting that a Bernie Bro, can shoot up the R congress softball team, and it wasn't because of Bernie's rhetoric, or because of extreme left wingerism, or because a percentage of Dems are dangerous. It was because the shooter was nuts.


Ya, I know, Grizz broke a finger trying to type "whataboutism".

That's that word the left loves to use. Doesn't make the statement untrue, they just don't like applying their own standards to themselves.

IF, the "MAGA" folks are responsible for wack job loons, so are the progressives.
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called comments from Republicans blaming the left’s rhetoric for Wednesday’s attack on a GOP congressional baseball practice in Virginia “outrageous.” The attack wounded five, including Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., who is in critical condition at a Washington hospital.

“I think the comments made by my Republican colleagues are outrageous, beneath the dignity of the jobs they hold, beneath the dignity of the respect that we would like Congress to command,” Pelosi said Thursday when asked by a reporter about the comments. “How dare they say such a thing? How dare they?”

The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories," Clinton said in a tweet. "It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result."
As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions that follow," Clinton added.


Whataboutism, I know
It's apparent the first instinct of the right is to claim everything is a conspiracy or false flag or Deep State
Come on man!

- Don't believe the election was stolen (but the results were a rip-off).
- I'm vaccinated (but I think boosters are worthless).
- Pretty sure I'm not on an ATF or IRS watchlist :eek:
- Trump's guilty of hoarding secret docs (so is Biden).
- Founder is most likely not a member of the Deep State (to be confirmed).

Conspiratorial Right Guy
Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. did she make more money Then trump did with all his please help me by giving me your donation to mutli fund raising. LOL
Even seeing the video of him using a big hammer to get in the front door. I'm guessing it was all fake. NOT
Did ya ask Trump if it was a lie.
It was the back door that he broke in. :ROFLMAO: NOT A JOKE. The police video is from the front door. The Capitol police provided the breakin video weeks ago. They have other cameras. Butt they were turned off.

Why does Paul think is was a good idea to hold off the hammer with only one hand? Why did he not let go of the drink. Grab the intruders arm with both hands? There was fresh ice cubes in the drink though. ??
Do I believe

You realize his "profession" was a pro nudity activist, right? Nudist jewelery maker from Berkeley that dabbled as a male escort.

Yeah. Him and the dudes that beat Jussier are all red hat wearing maga folks?
Male escort = Leftist
Bux is an adult. I feel no need to hold him accountable for his post. Like most things on the "innerweb," I take them with a grain of salt, especially on a hunting forum.
Accountable... :) I'm just taking what's been reported and reading between the lines. Old Man, wife is out of town, known acquaintance and gay "intruder", cameras off, half dressed, holding a liquor drink, no real fear for his life when the cops come to the door. It's not a reach to think it was a lovers quarrel, therefore, Epstein Island wouldn't be out of the realm since it involved people of political influence and status.

If lefties think that is some sort of "violation", to put the pattern together, then they are truly confused.

Or they could just release Epstein's list and put all the speculation at rest. I'm all for accountability and transparency.
Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. did she make more money Then trump did with all his please help me by giving me your donation to mutli fund raising. LOL
No answer Did Trump take more money from his MUTLI fund raising schemes then Nancy got.
LOL even a grade school kid can answer that one.
30 years, per Yahoo.

Paul Pelosi Attacker David DePape Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Violent 2022 Hammer Assault​

I wonder how long he will last?
Paul and Nancy Pelosi are nothing but crooks. She provided insider information to Paul and he bought or sold stock based on the information.
Nancy was privy to the information concerning the upcoming COVID crisis and steps that would be taken to combat it. As result Paul bought large shares of pharmaceutical stock with companies that was going to put out vaccines for the COVID and made a killing on the profit the stock shot up too.
I bet Martha Stewart does not like the idea Nancy and Paul got away with the same crime that sent Martha Stewart to prison.

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